The Power Of The Popes Part 24

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142. John XVI. Philagathus, a Greek, installed by Cresentius in 997, put to death by order of Gregory V.

who died 9th Feb. 999, 998

143. Sylvester II. Gerbert, born in Auvergne, archbishop of Rheims, afterwards of Ravenna, installed Pope, 2d April, 999, died the 11th May, 1003


144. John XVII. Siccon or Secco, installed 9th Jan. 1003, died 1st Oct. 1003

145. John XVIII. Phasian, born at Rome of the priest Orso, installed 26th Dec. 1003, abdicated the end of May 1009, and died 18th July, 1009

146. Sergius IV. Petrus Bucca Porci, Peter Groin, installed in 1009, died in 1112

147. Benedict VIII. John of Tusculum, died in 1024 Coronation of Henry II. emperor in 1013.

148. John XIX. a Roman, of Tusculum, brother of the preceding, formerly consul, duke, senator: installed pope in Aug. 1024; banished by the Romans; restored by the emperor Conrade, died in 1033

149. Benedict IX. Theophylacte, of Tusculum, nephew of the two preceding, installed in 1033; banished and restored in 1038; banished again in 1044, and restored in 1047; retired in 1048

150. Sylvester III. John, bishop of Sabine, pope in 1044, 1045, 1046

151. Gregory VI. John Gratian, pope in 1044, 1045, 1046

Benedict IX. Sylvester III. and Gregory VI.

all three, popes at the same time, were deposed by the emperor Henry III.

152. Clement II. Suidger, a Saxon (bishop of Bamberg) installed pope the 35th Dec. 1046, died 9th Oct. 1047

Return of Benedict IX.

153. Damasius II. Poppon, bishop of Brixen, Installed pope the 17th July, 1048, at the moment of the retiring of Benedict, died 8th Aug. same year, 1048

154. St. Leo IX. Brunon, son of Hugues, count of Egesbeim in Alsace, born in 1002, installed pope in Feb. 1049 died the 10th April 1054 The Greek schism is completed under this pontificate.

155. Victor II. Gebehard, son of Hardulg, count of Calw in Swabia, installed the 13th April, 1055, died, in Tuscany, the 29th July, 1057

156. Stephen IX. Frederick, son of Gothelon, duke of, installed the 3d Aug. died March 1058

157. Benedict X. John, bishop of Veletri, elected pope 30th March, 1058, resigned the 18th Jan. 1060

158. Nicholas II. Gerard, born in Burgundy, installed the 18th Jan. 1059, died the 21st or 22d July, 1061 Election of the popes by the cardinals.

Quarrel respecting invest.i.tures.

159. Alexander II. Anselm Badage, a Milanese, installed the 30th Sept. 1061, died the 21st April, 1073 Cadaloo or Honorius II. antipope

160. Gregory VII. or Hildebrand, born near Soane in Tuscany, elected pope the 22d April, 1073, died 25th May 1085

Quarrels with all the sovereigns.-Excommunication and deposition of the Emperor Henry IV.

Donation of the Countess Matilda

Gaibert or Clement III. antipope.

Between Gregory VII. and Victor III. the Holy See is vacant one year.

161. Victor III. Didier, sprang from the house of the dukes of Capua, elected the 34th May, 1086, died Sept. 1087

162. Urban II. Otton or Odon, born at Rheims, bishop of Ostia, elected pope 12th March, 1088, died 1099 Excommunication of Philip king of France.

First crusade in 1095.

Death of the antipope Guihert 1100.


163. Pascal II. Rainier, born at Bleda, in the diocese of Viterbo, elected pope the 13th Aug. 1099, died June 1118 Degradation of the emperor Henry IV.- Quarrels's of the pope with Henry V.

Albert, Theodoric, Maginulfe, antipopes after Guibert.

164. Gelasius II. John of Gaote, elected pope the 25th Jan.

1118, died at Cloni 29th Jan. 1119 Bourdin or Gregory VIII. antipope

165. Calixtus II. Gui, born at Quingey, of a count of Burgundy, archbishop of Vienne, elected pope the 1. Feb. 1119, died Dec. 1194 End of quarrel about invest.i.tures.

First council of the Lateran, 9th c.u.menical, in 1123

166. Honorius II. Lambert, born at f.a.gnano, installed the 21st of Dec. 1124, died 14th Feb. 1130

167. Innocent II. Gregorie of the house of the Papi, elected 15th Feb. 1130, died the 24th Sept. 1143 Quarrells with the king of France, Louis the Young, &c.

Peter of Leon, antipope under the name of Anaclet, and after him, Gregory or Victor IV.

Second council of the Lateran, tenth c.u.menical, in 1139.

168. Celestine II. Gui, a Tuscan, elected 26th Sept. 1143, died 9th March 1144

169. Lucius II. Gerard, born at Bologna, installed the 12th March, 1144, died the 25th Feb. 1145 Arnauld of Brescia.

170. Eugenius III. Bernard, born at Pisa, elected 7th of Feb. 1145, died the 7th of July 1153 Crusade of 1147.

Decree of Gratian published in 1152.

171. Anastasius IV. Conrade, born at Rome, elected the 9th July 1153, died 2d December, 1154

172. Adrian IV. born at St. Albans in England, elected 3rd Dec. 1154, died 1st September 1159 Disputes with the emperor Frederick Barbarossa

173. Alexander III. Roland, of Sienna, of the house of Bandinclli, elected 7th of Sept. died 30th of Aug. 1181

Octavian or Victor III. Pascal III. Ca- lixtus III. and Innocent III. antipopes.

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