The Power Of The Popes Part 25

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Lombard-league against Frederick Barba- rossa.-Alexandria; Thomas a Becket &c.-3rd Council of the Lateran, 11th oec.u.menical, in 1179.

174. Lucius III. Ubalde, born at Lucca, elected the 1st September 1181, died the 24th Nov. 1185

175. Urbanlll. Hubert Crivelli, elected 25th of Nov. 1185, died at Ferrara, 19th October. 1187

176. Gregory VIII. Albert, born at Beneventum, elected 20th Oct. 1187, died 17th December 1187

177. Clement III. Paul or Paulin Scolaro, born at Rome, elected 19th December 1187, died 27th March, 1191 Crusade in 1189.

178. Celestine III. Hyacinth Bobocard, born in 1108, elected pope 30th March 1191, died 8th of Jan. 1198


179. Innocent III. Lothaire, of the house of the counts of Segni, born in i 160, elected pope 8th Jan. 1198, consecrated 23d Feb. following, died 16th July, 1216

Disputes with the Venetians, with the king of France Philip Augustus, with John king of England, with the emperor Otho IV. &c.

Crusade of 1203; taking of Constantinople by the crusaders.

Crusade against the Albigeoses; Inquisition; Twelfth Council of Lateran, twelfth c.u.menical, in 1215.

180. Honorius III. Cencio Savelli, a Roman, elected at Perugia, 18th July 1216, consecrated 24th of same month, died 18th March, 1227

181. Gregory IX. Ugolin, of the family of the counts of Segni, a native of Anagni, bishop of Ostia, elected and installed pope the 19th March, 1227, died when nearly one hundred years old, 21st Aug. 1224 The emperor Frederick II. four times ex- communicated.

Body of decretals compiled by Raymond de Pennafort.

182. Celestine IV. Geoflrey de Castiglione, a n.o.ble Milanese, a Cistertian monk, bishop of Sabine, elected pope at the end of Oct. 1241, died Nov. 1241

Between Celestine IV. and Innocent IV.

the Holy See is vacant for 19 months.

183. Innocent IV. Sinibald de Fiesqne, a n.o.ble Genoese, elected pope at Anagni, 25th Jane, 1243, consecrated 29th of the same, died at Naples, 7th Dec. 1254 Council of Lyons, 13th c.u.menical, in 1245.

The emperor Frederick II. deposed:- Conferences of Louis IX. and Innocent at Clusi: Crusade against Conrade IV.

and Manfred the son of Frederick.

184. Alexander IV. Reinald, of the family of the counts of Segni, bishop of Ostia, elected pope the 12th Dec. 1254, died at Viterbo, 25th May, 1261

Excommunication of Manfred: Negociation with Louis IX. and Charles of Anjou, respecting the kingdom of Naples

185. Urban IV. Jacques-Pantaleon Court-Palais, born at Troyes in Champagne, archdeacon of Liege, bishop of Verdan, patriarch of Je- rusalem, elected pope at Viterbo, 29th Aug.

1261, consecrated 4th Sept. following, died 2d Aug. 1264

186. Clement IV. Gui de Foulques, born at Saint- Gilles-le-Rhone, bishop of Puy, archbi- shop of Narbonne, cardinal, bishop of Sabine, elected pope at Perguia, the 5th Feb. 1265, crowned 26th of same month at Viterbo, where he died the 29th Nov. 1268

Charles of Anjou called to the throne of Naples: Death of Concradine the 28th Oct. 1268: Pragmatic Sanction of Saint Louis

The Holy See remains vacant from the 29th Nov. 1268 to the 1st Sept. 1271.

187. Gregory X. Thealde or Thibaud, of the family of the Visconti of Placentia, canon of Lyons, archbishop of Liege, elected pope 1st Sept.

1271 consecrated 27th Nov. of same year, died at Arezzo, the 10th Jan. 1276

Coronation and excommunication of the emperors Rhodolph of Hapsburg, &c.

Second Council of Lyons, 14th oc.u.menical in 1274.

188. Innocent V. Peter de Tarantaise, a Dominican, cardinal, bishop of Ostia, elected pope at Arezzo, 21st Feb. 1276, crowned at Rome, 23d of the same, died 22d June, 1276

189. Adrian V. Ottoboni, a Genoese, cardinal deacon, elected pope 11th July, 1276, died 1276

190. John XXI. Pierre, a Portuguese, cardinal, bishop of Tusculum, elected pope at Viterbo 13th Sept. 1276, crowned 20th of the same; died 16th or 17th May, 1277

191. Nicholas III. John Gaetan, a Roman, of the Orsini family, cardinal deacon, elected pope at Viterbo, 25th Nov. 1277, after a vacancy of six months, crowned at Rome 36th Dec.

the same year, died 22d Aug. 1280

192. Martin IV. Simon de Brion, cardinal priest, elected pope at Viterbo, 22d Feb. 1281, crowned at Orvicto, 23d March, same year, died the 28th March, 1285

Sicilian vespers in 1282

193. Honorius IV. James Savelli, a n.o.ble Roman, cardinal deacon, elected pope at Perugia, 2d April, 1285, consecrated at Rome, 4th of May following, died 3d April, 1287

194. Nicholas IV. Jerome, a native of Ascoli, brother minor, cardinal, bishop of Palestrina, elected pope in 1288, died 4th April, 1292

Vacancy of two years.

195. St. Celestine V. Peter Mouron, a native of Isernia in the kingdom of Naples, elected pope at Perugia, 5th July 1294, consecrated 24th Aug. following, abdicated 13th Dec.

of the same year, and died 19th May, 1296

196. Boniface VIII. Cajatan, a native of Anagni, cardinal legate, elected pope 24th December 1294, consecrated 2d January, 1295, died October 1303 Proscription of the family of Colonna.

Quarrels with the king of France, Philip the Fair.


197. Benedict XI. Nicholas Bocasin, of Treviso, the son of a shepherd; ninth general of the Dominicans, cardinal bishop of Ostia, elected pope 22d Oct. 1303, and crowned the 37th, died at Perugia the 6th or 7th of July, 1304

A vacancy of eleven months

198. Clement V. Bertrand de Gotte, born at Villandran in the diocese of Bourdeaux, bishop of Comminges, elected pope at Perngia the 5th of June, 1305, crowned at Lyons the 14th Nov. of same year, died at Roquemaur near Avignon, the 20th April, 1314

The Holy See transferred to Avignon, suppression of the Templars.-Excommunication of the Venetians.-Clementines,

Council of Vienna, 15th c.u.menical, in 1311.

From Clement V. to John XXII. an in- terregnum of two years.

199. John XX, James d'Euse, born at Cahors, cardinal, bishop of Porto, elected pope at Lyons the 7th of Aug. 1316, died 4th Dec. 1334

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