The Power Of The Popes Part 26

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Excommunication of the emperor Louis of Bavaria.

Peter de Corbieres, a Franciscan, anti- pope under the name of Nicholas V.

Treasures of John XXII.-His 4 extravagants.

200. Benedict XII. James Fournier, born at Laver- dun, in the county of Foix, cardinal, elected pope 20th Dec. 1334, crowned at Avignon 8th January 1335, died 25th Apr. 1342

Pragmatic Sanction of the Germans

201. Clement VI. Peter Roger, born in the diocese of Limoges, a monk of the Chaiae-Dieu, archbishop of Rouen, cardinal, elected pope 7th May, 1342 and crowned the 19th, died at Villeneuve, near Avignon, 6th Dec. 1352

Anathemas against Louis of Bavaria.- Joan II. queen of Naples, sells Avignon to the pope, &c.

202. Innocent VI. Stephen d'Albert, born in the diocese of Limoges, bishop of Noyou, in Clermont, cardinal, bishop of Ostia, elected pope, 18th Dec. 1352, and crowned the 30th died at Avignon the 12th Sept. 1362

Cessions of the emperor Charles IV. and beginning of the sovereignty of the popes in 1355.

203. Urban V. William, son of Orimond, lord of Grisac in Gevaudan, a Benedictine, elect- ed pope in Sept. 1362, and crowned the 6th of November, died 19th December, 1570

He was compelled to return from Rome to Avignon

204. Gregory XI. Peter Roger, born in the diocese of Limoges, nephew of Clement VI. cardi- nal, elected pope the 30th Dec. 1370, crowned the 5th Jan. 1371, died at Rome the 27th March, 1378

After the death of Gregory XI. in 1278, the schism of Avignon; and, of the West.

205. Urban VI. Bartholomew Piegnano, a Neapo- litan, elected pope at Rome the 9th of April 1378, crowned the 18th, died the 18th Oct. 1389

206. Clement VII. Robert, of the house of the counts of Geneva, canon of Paris, bishop of Therouane and Cambray, cardinal legate, elected pope at Fondi the 21st Sept. 1358, acknowledged in France, England, died 16th Sept. 1394

207. Boniface IX. Peter or Perrin Tomacelli, called the cardinal of Naples, elected by fourteen cardinals the 2d Nov. 1289, to suc- ceed Urban VI.; died 1404

208. Benedict XIII. Peter de Lune, a Spaniard, born in 1325, cardinal deacon, elected the 28th Sept. 1394, to succeed Clement VII.

died at Rimini the 18th Oct. 1417

France withdrew from obedience to either pontiff


209. Innocent VII. Cosma de Megliorati, born at Sulmone, cardinal, elected the 17th October, 1404, to succeed Boniface IX. crowned in November the same year, died 6th of Nov. 1406

210. Gregory XII. Ange Corrario, Venetian, car- dinal, elected the 30th Nov. 1406, to suc- ceed Innocent VII. ; abdicated the 4th July 1415, died at the age of ninety- two the 18th Oct. at Rimini, 1417

Council of Pisa in 1409; it deposes Gre- gory XII. and Benedict XIII.; it elects Alexander V.

211. Alexander V. Peter Philarge, born in the Isle of Candia, bishop of Vicenza and Novara, archbishop of Milan, cardinal, elected pope, in the Council of Pisa, the 26th June, 1409, crowned 7th July, the same year, died at Bologna, May, 1410

212. John XXIII. Balthasar. Cossa, bora at Naples, of a n.o.ble family, cardinal deacon, elected at Bologna by sixteen cardinals, the 17th May; 1410, to succeed Alexander V.

is deposed by the Council of Constance, 29th May, 1415, died 22d of Nov. 1419

Council of Constance, from the 5th Nov.

1414, to the 22d April, 1418; 16th cu- menical

213. Martin V. Otho Colonna, a Roman, cardinal deacon, elected pope at the Council of Con- stance, the 11th Nov. 1417, crowned the 2l3th: he entered Rome the 22d Sept. 1420, died the 21st Feb. 1431

214. Clement VIII. Gilles de Mugnos, canon of Bar- celona, elected by two cardinals in 1424, to succeed Benedict XIII. or Peter de Lune, abdicates the 26th July, 1429

216. Eugene IV. Gabriel Condolmere, a Venetian, cardinal, bishop of Sienna, elected in the month of March 1431, to succeed Martin V.

crowned the 11th of the same month; declares for the Orsini against the Colon- lias; is deposed by the Council of Basle, 22d of June, 1439, died the 23d of Feb. 1440

Council of Basle, from the 23d of July,

1431, to the month of May 1043, the 17th c.u.menical Council of Florence, from the 26th Feb.

1439, to the 26th April, 1442, 18th cu- menical

Pragmatic Sanction of Charles VIII. in 1439

216. Felix V. Amadeus VIII. duke of Savoy, elected pope by the Council of Basle, the 6th of Nov.

1439, crowned the 24th of July, 1440, renounced the pontificate the 9th April, 1449

217. Nicholas V. Thomas de Sarzane, a Tuscan, cardinal, bishop of Bologna, elected 6th Nov. 1447, to succeed Eugene IV. and crowned pope the 18th of the same month, died the 24th March, 1455

End of the schism in the West in 1449.

Taking of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453

218. Calixtus, III. Alphonso Borgia, born in 1377 at Valencia in Spain, cardinal, archbishop of Valencia, elected pope the 8th April, 1455, and crowned the 20th, died 8th Aug. 1458

219. Plus II. Piccolomini, born in 1405 near Sienna, an author under the name of Eneae Sylvias, cardinal, bishop of. Sienna, elected pope in 1468, died at Ancona, in July, 1464

Bull 'Execrabiiis.'-Abrogation of the Pragmatic of Louis XI.-Letter of Pius II.

to Mahomet II.

220. Paul II. Peter Barbo, born at Venice in 1417, cardinal of St. Mark, elected pope the 31st Aug. 1464, crowned the 16th of Sept. the same year, died the 28th July, 1471

221. Sixtes IV. Francisco d'Albeacola de la Rovere, born in 1413 at Celles near Savona, a Franciscan, cardinal, elected pope 9th Aug.

1471; died the 13th Aug. 1484

Conspiracy of the Pazzi against the Me- dici at Florence in 1478

222. Innocent VIII. John Baptist Cibo, a n.o.ble Genoese, of Greek extraction, born in 1432, cardinal, elected pope the 29th Aug. 1484, crowned 12th Sept. same year, died the 26th July, 1492

222. Alexander VI. Rodrigo Borgia, born at Valencia in Spain in 1431, cardinal, archbishop of Valencia, elected pope llth Aug. 1492, crowned the 26th: died the 18th Aug. 1503

He betrayed Charles VIII. Louis XII.

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