The Power Of The Popes Part 27

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224. Pius III. Peter Piccolomini, nephew of Pius II. cardinal of Sienna, elected pope the 22d Sept. 1603, crowned the 8th Oct. same year, died the 18th of same month. 1503

225. Julius II. Julian de la Rovere, born in 1441 near Savona, nephew of Sixtus IV. bishop of Carpentras, Albano, Ostia, Bologna, and Avignon, cardinal, elected pope 1st of Nov.

1503, and crowned the 19th, died the 21st Feb. 1513

League of Cambray.-Louis XII. excommunicated &c.

Fifth Council of the Lateran, 19th c.u.menical, in 1512, 1517.

226. Leo X. John de Medicis, son of Lorenzo, born at Florence in 1447, cardinal deacon, elected pope the 11th of March 1513, died 1st Dec. 1521

Excommunication of Luther.-Concordat with Francis the I. in 1516

227. Adrian VI. Adrian Florent, born in 1459, cardinal, bishop of Tortosa, elected pope the 9th of January, 1522 died Sept. 1523

228. Clement VII., natural and posthumous son of Julian de Medicis, born at Florence in 1478, archbishop of Florence, cardinal, elected pope 19th Nov. 1523, and crowned the 25th; died Sept 1534

Holy league against Charles V.-Excommunication of the king of England, Henry VIII.

229. Paul III. Alexander Famese, born at Rome in 1466, bishop of Ostia, dean of the sacred college, elected pope the 13th Octo. 1534, crowned the 7th of Nov. died 10th Nov. 1549

Bull "In cna Domini,"

Council of Trent, from 1545 to 4th Dec.

1563, and last c.u.menical.

230. Julius III. John Maria del Monte, born at Rome, the 10th Sept. 1487, bishop of Pales- trina, archbishop of Siponte, cardinal, elected pope the 8th of February 1550, and crowned the 20th; died the 23rd of March, 1555

Excommunication of the king of France, Henry II.

231. Marcellus II. Marcel Servin, born at Monte Pulciano, cardinal, elected pope 9th of April, crowned the 26th, and died the 30th same month 1555

232. Paul IV. John Peter Caraffa, a n.o.ble Venetian, born in 1476, cardinal, elected pope 25th May 1555, crowned the 26th; died 18th Aug. 1559

The enemy of Spain.-Excommunication of Elizabeth, Queen of England

233. Pius IV. John Angelo de Medicis, born at Milan in 1499, cardinal, elected pope the 26th Dec. 1559, and crowned the 6th of Jan.

1550; died the 9th Dec. 1565

Proscribes the nephews of his predecessors

234. Pius V. Michael Ghisleri, a Ligurian, born the 17th Jan. 1504, a Dominican, cardinal, elect- ed pope the 7th Jan. 1556, and crowned the 17th ; died the 1st of May, 1572

Canonized by Clement XI. in 1712 Pius renews the bull: "In cna Domini."

He bestows on Cosmo de Medecis the t.i.tle of Grand Duke of Tuscany

235. Gregory XIII. Hugues Buon-Compagno, born at Bologna in 1502, bishop of Vesti, cardinal, elected pope 13th of May 1572, and crowned the 25th; died 10th of April, 1585

Ma.s.sacre of St. Bartholomew's-day the 24th of Aug. 1572.-The league

236. Sixtus V. Felix Peretti, born at Montalto, in the Marche of Ancona, the 12th Dec.

1521, a herdsman, Cordelier, bishop of St.

Agatha, cardinal, elected pope the 24th of April, 1585, died 27th Aug. 1590

Anathemas against Elizabeth, against Henry IV. king of Navarre, &c.-Henry III. by James Clement.- The power of Philip II. king of Spain, detestable to Sixtus Quintus

237. Urban VII. John Baptist Castagna, born at Rome in 1521, son of a Genoese gentleman, archbishop of Rossano, cardinal, elected pope the 15th Sept. 1520, died the 27th of Sept. 1590

238. Gregory XIV. Nicholas Sfondrate, born at Cremona in 1535, bishop of Cremona, cardinal, elected pope the 3rd Dec. 1590, and crowned the 8th; died the 15th October 1591

239. Innocent IX. John Anthony Facchinetti, born at Bologna in 1519, bishop of Nicastro in Calabria, elected pope the 29th Oct. 1591, crowned the 3rd Nov. died the 30th Dec. 1591

240. Clement VIII. Hippolytus Aldobrandiri, born at Fano in 1536, cardinal, elected pope the 30th of Jan. 1593, crowned eight days after, died in the month of March 1605

Abjuration and absolution of Henry IV.

Pithou's Treatise on the Liberties of the Gallican Church, published in 1594


241. Leo XI. Alexander Octavian de Medicis, born at Florence in 1535, cardinal, elected pope 1st of April, and died 27th of April, 1605

242. Paul V. Camillus Borghese, born at Rome, cardinal, elected pope 16th May 1605, and crowned the 29th, died 28th January 1621

Excommunication of the Venetians.- Troubles excited in England.-Bull "In Cna Domini," &c.

243. Gregory XV. Alexander Ludovisi, born 9th Jan. 1554 at Bologna, archbishop of this city, cardinal, elected pope 9th Feb. 1621, died 1623

244. Urban VIII. Maffeus Barberini, of an ancient Florentine family, archbishop of Nazareth, cardinal, elected pope 6th Aug. 1623, and crowned the 29th Sept. died 29th July, 1644

Excommunication of the Duke of Parma

245. Innocent X. J. B. Pamphili, born at Rome 7th May 1574, cardinal in 1629, elected pope 15th Sept 1644, and crowned 29th, died 7th Jan. 1655

Destruction of Castro.-Refusal of bulls to the Portuguese bishops nominated by John of Braganza.-The Duke of Guise invited to Naples and betrayed.-Bull against the Peace of Munster

246. Alexander VII. Fabio Chigi, born at Sienna, the 15th of Feb. 1599, legate, nuncio, cardinal in 1652, elected pope the 7th of April, 1655, died the 22d of May 1667

Formulary.-The emba.s.sador of Louis XIV. insulted at Rome, See.

247. Clement IX. Julius Rospigliosi, born at Pistoi in 1600 cardinal in 1657, elected pope the 20th June, 1667 died the 9th Dec. 1669

248 Clement X. J. B. Emile Altieri, born at Rome in 1590, cardinal in 1669, elected pope the 27th April, 1670, died the 22d July, 1676

249. Innocent XI. Benedict Odescalchi, born at Como in 1611, cardinal in 1647, elected pope the 21st Sept. 1676, died 12th Aug. 1689

The Four Articles of 1682

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