Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air Part 7
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Neither nitrous air, nor common air saturated with nitrous air, differ in specific gravity from common air. At least, the difference is so small, that I could not be sure there was any; sometimes about three pints of it seeming to be about half a grain heavier, and at other times as much lighter than common air.
Having, among other kinds of air, exposed a quant.i.ty of nitrous air to water out of which the air had been well boiled, in the experiment to which I have more than once referred (as having been the occasion of several new and important observations) I found that 19/20 of the whole was absorbed. Perceiving, to my great surprize, that so very great a proportion of this kind of air was miscible with water, I immediately began to agitate a considerable quant.i.ty of it, in a jar standing in a trough of the same kind of water; and, with about four times as much agitation as fixed air requires, it was so far absorbed by the water, that only about one fifth remained. This remainder extinguished flame, and was noxious to animals.
Afterwards I diminished a pretty large quant.i.ty of nitrous air to one eighth of its original bulk, and the remainder still retained much of its peculiar smell, and diminished common air a little. A mouse also died in it, but not so suddenly as it would have done in pure nitrous air. In this operation the peculiar smell of nitrous air is very manifest, the water being first impregnated with the air, and then transmitting it to the common atmosphere.
This experiment gave me the hint of impregnating water with nitrous air, in the manner in which I had before done it with fixed air; and I presently found that distilled water would imbibe about one tenth of its bulk of this kind of air, and that it acquired a remarkably acid and astringent taste from it. The smell of water thus impregnated is at first peculiarly pungent. I did not chuse to swallow any of it, though, for any thing that I know, it may be perfectly innocent, and perhaps, in some cases, salutary.
This kind of air is retained very obstinately by water. In an exhausted receiver a quant.i.ty of water thus saturated emitted a whitish fume, such as sometimes issues from bubbles of this air when it is first generated, and also some air-bubbles; but though it was suffered to stand a long time in this situation, it still retained its peculiar taste; but when it had stood all night pretty near the fire, the water was become quite vapid, and had deposited a filmy kind of matter, of which I had often collected a considerable quant.i.ty from the trough in which jars containing this air had stood. This I suppose to be a precipitate of the metal, by the solution of which the nitrous air was generated. I have not given so much attention to it as to know, with certainty, in what circ.u.mstances this _deposit_ is made, any more than I do the matter deposited from inflammable air above-mentioned; for I cannot get it, at least in any considerable quant.i.ty, when I please; whereas I have often found abundance of it, when I did not expect it at all.
The nitrous air with which I made the first impregnation of water was extracted from copper; but when I made the impregnation with air from quicksilver, the water had the very same taste, though the matter deposited from it seemed to be of a different kind; for it was whitish, whereas the other had a yellowish tinge. Except the first quant.i.ty of this impregnated water, I could never deprive any more that I made of its peculiar taste. I have even let some of it stand more than a week, in phials with their mouths open, and sometimes very near the fire, without producing any alteration in it[6].
Whether any of the spirit of nitre contained in the nitrous air be mixed with the water in this operation, I have not yet endeavoured to determine. This, however, may probably be the case, as the spirit of nitre is, in a considerable degree, volatile[7].
It will perhaps be thought, that the most _useful_, if not the most remarkable, of all the properties of this extraordinary kind of air, is its power of preserving animal substances from putrefaction, and of restoring those that are already putrid, which it possesses in a far greater degree than fixed air. My first observation of this was altogether casual. Having found nitrous air to suffer so great a diminution as I have already mentioned by a mixture of iron filings and brimstone, I was willing to try whether it would be equally diminished by other causes of the diminution of common air, especially by putrefaction; and for this purpose I put a dead mouse into a quant.i.ty of it, and placed it near the fire, where the tendency to putrefaction was very great. In this case there was a considerable diminution, viz. from 5-1/4 to 3-1/4; but not so great as I had expected, the antiseptic power of the nitrous air having checked the tendency to putrefaction; for when, after a week, I took the mouse out, I perceived, to my very great surprize, that it had no offensive smell.
Upon this I took two other mice, one of them just killed, and the other soft and putrid, and put them both into the same jar of nitrous air, standing in the usual temperature of the weather, in the months of July and August of 1772; and after twenty-five days, having observed that there was little or no change in the quant.i.ty of the air, I took the mice out; and, examining them, found them both perfectly sweet, even when cut through in several places. That which had been put into the air when just dead was quite firm; and the flesh of the other, which had been putrid and soft, was still soft, but perfectly sweet.
In order to compare the antiseptic power of this kind of air with that of fixed air, I examined a mouse which I had inclosed in a phial full of fixed air, as pure as I could make it, and which I had corked very close; but upon opening this phial in water about a month after, I perceived that a large quant.i.ty of putrid effluvium had been generated; for it rushed with violence out of the phial; and the smell that came from it, the moment the cork was taken out, was insufferably offensive.
Indeed Dr. Macbride says, that he could only restore very thin pieces of putrid flesh by means of fixed air. Perhaps the antiseptic power of these kinds of air may be in proportion to their acidity.
If a little pains were taken with this subject, this remarkable antiseptic power of nitrous air might possibly be applied to various uses, perhaps to the preservation of the more delicate birds, fishes, fruits, &c. mixing it in different proportions with common or fixed air.
Of this property of nitrous air anatomists may perhaps avail themselves, as animal substances may by this means be preserved in their natural soft state; but how long it will answer for this purpose, experience only can shew.
I calcined lead and tin in the manner hereafter described in a quant.i.ty of nitrous air, but with very little sensible effect; which rather surprized me; as, from the result of the experiment with the iron filings and brimstone, I had expected a very great diminution of the nitrous air by this process; the mixture of iron filings and brimstone, and the calcination of metals, having the same effect upon common air, both of them diminis.h.i.+ng it in nearly the same proportion. But though I made the metals _fume_ copiously in nitrous air, there might be no real _calcination_, the phlogiston not being separated, and the proper calcination prevented by there being no _fixed_ _air_, which is necessary to the formation of the calx, to unite with it.
Nitrous air is procured from all the proper metals by spirit of nitre, except lead, and from all the semi-metals that I have tried, except zinc. For this purpose I have used bis.m.u.th and nickel, with spirit of nitre only, and regulus of antimony and platina, with _aqua regia_.
I got little or no air from lead by spirit of nitre, and have not yet made any experiments to ascertain the nature of this solution. With zinc I have taken a little pains.
Four penny-weights and seventeen grains of zinc dissolved in spirit of nitre, to which as much water was added, yielded about twelve ounce measures of air, which had, in some degree, the properties of nitrous air, making a slight effervescence with common air, and diminis.h.i.+ng it about as much as nitrous air, which had been itself diminished one half by was.h.i.+ng in water. The smell of them both was also the same; so that I concluded it to be the same thing, that part of the nitrous air, which is imbibed by water, being retained in this solution.
In order to discover whether this was the case, I made the solution boil in a sand-heat. Some air came from it in this state, which seemed to be the same thing, with nitrous air diminished about one sixth, or one eighth, by was.h.i.+ng in water. When the fluid part was evaporated, there remained a brown fixed substance, which was observed by Mr. h.e.l.lot, who describes it, Ac. Par. 1735, M. p. 35. A part of this I threw into a small red-hot crucible; and covering it immediately with a receiver, standing in water, I observed that very dense red fumes rose from it, and filled the receiver. This redness continued about as long as that which is occasioned by a mixture of nitrous and common air; the air was also considerably diminished within the receiver. This substance, therefore, must certainly have contained within it the very same thing, or principle, on which the peculiar properties of nitrous air depend.
It is remarkable, however, that though the air within the receiver was diminished about one fifth by this process, it was itself as much affected with a mixture of nitrous air, as common air is, and a candle burned in it very well. This may perhaps be attributed to some effect of the spirit of nitre, in the composition of that brown substance.
Nitrous air, I find, will be considerably diminished in its bulk by standing a long time in water, about as much as inflammable air is diminished in the same circ.u.mstances. For this purpose I kept for some months a quart-bottle full of each of these kinds of air; but as different quant.i.ties of inflammable air vary very much in this respect, it is not improbable but that nitrous air may vary also.
From one trial that I made, I conclude that nitrous air may be kept in a bladder much better than most other kinds of air. The air to which I refer was kept about a fortnight in a bladder, through which the peculiar smell of the nitrous air was very sensible for several days. In a day or two the bladder became red, and was much contracted in its dimensions. The air within it had lost very little of its peculiar property of diminis.h.i.+ng common air.
I did not endeavour to ascertain the exact quant.i.ty of nitrous air produced from given quant.i.ties, of all the metals which yield it; but the few observations which I did make for this purpose I shall recite in this place:
dwt. gr.
6 0 of silver yielded 17-1/2 ounce measures.
5 19 of quicksilver 4-1/2 1 2-1/2 of copper 14-1/2 2 0 of bra.s.s 21 0 20 of iron 16 1 5 of bis.m.u.th 6 0 12 of nickel 4
[6] I have since found, that nitrous air has never failed to escape from the water, which has been impregnated with it, by long exposure to the open air.
[7] This suspicion has been confirmed by the ingenious Mr. Bewley, of Great Ma.s.singham in Norfolk, who has discovered that the acid taste of this water is not the necessary consequence of its impregnation with nitrous air, but is the effect of the _acid vapour_, into which part of this air is resolved, when it is decomposed by a mixture with common air. This, it will be seen, exactly agrees with my own observation on the const.i.tution of nitrous air, in the second part of this work. A more particular account of Mr. Bewley's observation will be given in the _Appendix_.
_Of AIR infected with the FUMES of BURNING CHARCOAL._
Air infected with the fumes of burning charcoal is well known to be noxious; and the Honourable Mr. Cavendish favoured me with an account of some experiments of his, in which a quant.i.ty of common air was reduced from 180 to 162 ounce measures, by pa.s.sing through a red-hot iron tube filled with the dust of charcoal. This diminution he ascribed to such a _destruction_ of common air as Dr. Hales imagined to be the consequence of burning. Mr. Cavendish also observed, that there had been a generation of fixed air in this process, but that it was absorbed by sope leys. This experiment I also repeated, with a small variation of circ.u.mstances, and with nearly the same result.
Afterwards, I endeavoured to ascertain, by what appears to me to be an easier and more certain method, in what manner air is affected with the fumes of charcoal, viz. by suspending bits of charcoal within gla.s.s vessels, filled to a certain height with water, and standing inverted in another vessel of water, while I threw the focus of a burning mirror, or lens, upon them. In this manner I diminished a given quant.i.ty of air one fifth, which is nearly in the same proportion with other diminutions of air.
If, instead of pure water, I used _lime-water_ in this process, it never failed to become turbid by the precipitation of the lime, which could only be occasioned by fixed air, either discharged from the charcoal, or deposited by the common air. At first I concluded that it came from the charcoal; but considering that it is not probable that fixed air, confined in any substance, can bear so great a degree of heat as is necessary to make charcoal, without being wholly expelled; and that in other diminutions of common air, by phlogiston only, there appears to be a deposition of fixed air, I have now no doubt but that, in this case also, it is supplied from the same source.
This opinion is the more probable, from there being the same precipitation of lime, in this process, with whatever degree of heat the charcoal had been made. If, however, the charcoal had not been made with a very considerable degree of heat, there never failed to be a permanent addition of inflammable air produced; which agrees with what I observed before, that, in converting dry wood into charcoal, the greatest part is changed into inflammable air.
I have sometimes found, that charcoal which was made with the most intense heat of a smith's fire, which vitrified part of a common crucible in which the charcoal was confined, and which had been continued above half an hour, did not diminish the air in which the focus of a burning mirror was thrown upon it; a quant.i.ty of inflammable air equal to the diminution of the common air being generated in the process: whereas, at other times, I have not perceived that there was any generation of inflammable air, but a simple diminution of common air, when the charcoal had been made with a much less degree of heat.
This subject deserves to be farther investigated.
To make the preceding experiment with still more accuracy, I repeated it in quicksilver; when I perceived that there was a small increase of the quant.i.ty of air, probably from a generation of inflammable air. Thus it stood without any alteration a whole night, and part of the following day; when lime-water, being admitted to it, it presently became turbid, and, after some time, the whole quant.i.ty of air, which was about four ounce measures, was diminished one fifth, as before. In this case, I carefully weighed the piece of charcoal, which was exactly two grains, and could not find that it was sensibly diminished in weight by the operation.
Air thus diminished by the fumes of burning charcoal not only extinguishes flame, but is in the highest degree noxious to animals; it makes no effervescence with nitrous air, and is incapable of being diminished any farther by the fumes of more charcoal, by a mixture of iron filings and brimstone, or by any other cause of the diminution of air that I am acquainted with.
This observation, which respects all other kinds of diminished air, proves that Dr. Hales was mistaken in his notion of the _absorption_ of air in those circ.u.mstances in which he observed it. For he supposed that the remainder was, in all cases, of the same nature with that which had been absorbed, and that the operation of the same cause would not have failed to produce a farther diminution; whereas all my observations shew that air, which has once been fully diminished by any cause whatever, is not only incapable of any farther diminution, either from the same or from any other cause, but that it has likewise acquired _new properties_, most remarkably different from those which it had before, and that they are, in a great measure, the same in all the cases. These circ.u.mstances give reason to suspect, that the cause of diminution is, in reality, the same in all the cases. What this cause is, may, perhaps, appear in the next course of observations.
_Of the effect of the CALCINATION of METALS, and of the EFFLUVIA of PAINT made with WHITE-LEAD and OIL, on AIR._
Having been led to suspect, from the experiments which I had made with charcoal, that the diminution of air in that case, and perhaps in other cases also, was, in some way or other the consequence of its having more than its usual quant.i.ty of phlogiston, it occurred to me, that the calcination of metals, which are generally supposed to consist of nothing but a metallic earth united to phlogiston, would tend to ascertain the fact, and be a kind of _experimentum crucis_ in the case.
Accordingly, I suspended pieces of lead and tin in given quant.i.ties of air, in the same manner as I had before treated the charcoal; and throwing the focus of a burning mirror or lens upon them, so as to make them fume copiously. I presently perceived a diminution of the air. In the first trial that I made, I reduced four ounce measures of air to three, which is the greatest diminution of common air that I had ever observed before, and which I account for, by supposing that, in other cases, there was not only a cause of diminution, but causes of addition also, either of fixed or inflammable air, or some other permanently elastic matter, but that the effect of the calcination of metals being simply the escape of phlogiston, the cause of diminution was alone and uncontrouled.
The air, which I had thus diminished by calcination of lead, I transferred into another clean phial, but found that the calcination of more lead in it (or at least the attempt to make a farther calcination) had no farther effect upon it. This air also, like that which had been infected with the fumes of charcoal, was in the highest degree noxious, made no effervescence with nitrous air, was no farther diminished by the mixture of iron filings and brimstone, and was not only rendered innoxious, but also recovered, in a great measure, the other properties of common air, by was.h.i.+ng in water.
It might be suspected that the noxious quality of air in which _lead_ was calcined, might be owing to some fumes peculiar to that metal; but I found no sensible difference between the properties of this air, and that in which _tin_ was calcined.
The _water_ over which metals are calcined acquires a yellowish tinge, and an exceedingly pungent smell and taste, pretty much (as near as I can recollect, for I did not compare them together) like that over which brimstone has been frequently burned. Also a thin and whitish pellicle covered both the surface of the water, and likewise the sides of the phial in which the calcination was made; insomuch that, without frequently agitating the water, it grew so opaque by this constantly acc.u.mulating incrustation, that the sun-beams could not be transmitted through it in a quant.i.ty sufficient to produce the calcination.
I imagined, however, that, even when this air was transferred into a clean phial, the metals were not so easily melted or calcined as they were in fresh air; for the air being once fully saturated with phlogiston, may not so readily admit any more, though it be only to transmit it to the water. I also suspected that metals were not easily melted or calcined in inflammable, fixed, or nitrous air, or any kind of diminished air.[8] None of these kinds of air suffered any change by this operation; nor was there any precipitation of lime, when charcoal was heated in any of these kinds of air standing in lime-water. This furnishes another, and I think a pretty decisive proof, that, in the precipitation of lime by charcoal, the fixed air does not come from the charcoal, but from the common air. Otherwise it is hard to a.s.sign a reason, why the same degree of heat (or at least a much greater) should not expel the fixed air from this substance, though surrounded by these different kinds of air, and why the fixed air might not be transmitted through them to the lime-water.
Query. May not water impregnated with phlogiston from calcined metals, or by any other method, be of some use in medicine? The effect of this impregnation is exceedingly remarkable; but the principle with which it is impregnated is volatile, and intirely escapes in a day or two, if the surface of the water be exposed to the common atmosphere.
Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air Part 7
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