Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air Part 8

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It should seem that phlogiston is retained more obstinately by charcoal than it is by lead or tin; for when any given quant.i.ty of air is fully saturated with phlogiston from charcoal, no heat that I have yet applied has been able to produce any more effect upon it; whereas, in the same circ.u.mstances, lead and tin may still be calcined, at least be made to emit a copious fume, in which some part of the phlogiston may be set loose. The air indeed, can take no more; but the water receives it, and the sides of the phial also receive an addition of incrustation. This is a white powdery substance, and well deserves to be examined. I shall endeavour to do it at my leisure.

Lime-water never became turbid by the calcination of metals over it, the calx immediately seizing the precipitated fixed air, in preference to the lime in the water; but the colour, smell, and taste of the water was always changed and the surface of it became covered with a yellow pellicle, as before.

When this process was made in quicksilver, the air was diminished only one fifth; and upon water being admitted to it, no more was absorbed; which is an effect similar to that of a mixture of nitrous and common air, which was mentioned before.

The preceding experiments on the calcination of metals suggested to me a method of explaining the cause of the mischief which is known to arise from fresh _paint_, made with white-lead (which I suppose is an imperfect calx of lead) and oil.

To verify my hypothesis, I first put a small pot full of this kind of paint, and afterwards (which answered much better, by exposing a greater surface of the paint) I daubed several pieces of paper with it, and put them under a receiver, and observed, that in about twenty-four hours, the air was diminished between one fifth and one fourth, for I did not measure it very exactly. This air also was, as I expected to find, in the highest degree noxious; it did not effervesce with nitrous air, it was no farther diminished by a mixture of iron filings and brimstone, and was made wholesome by agitation in water deprived of all air.

I think it appears pretty evident, from the preceding experiments on the calcination of metals that air is, some way or other, diminished in consequence of being highly charged with phlogiston; and that agitation in water restores it, by imbibing a great part of the phlogistic matter.

That water has a considerable affinity with phlogiston, is evident from the strong impregnation which it receives from it. May not plants also restore air diminished by putrefaction by absorbing part of the phlogiston with which it is loaded? The greater part of a dry plant, as well as of a dry animal substance, consists of inflammable air, or something that is capable of being converted into inflammable air; and it seems to be as probable that this phlogistic matter may have been imbibed by the roots and leaves of plants, and afterwards incorporated into their substance, as that it is altogether produced by the power of vegetation. May not this phlogistic matter be even the most essential part of the food and support of both vegetable and animal bodies?

In the experiments with metals, the diminution of air seems to be the consequence of nothing but a saturation with phlogiston; and in all the other cases of the diminution of air, I do not see but that it may be effected by the same means. When a vegetable or animal substance is dissolved by putrefaction, the escape of the phlogistic matter (which, together with all its other const.i.tuent parts, is then let loose from it) may be the circ.u.mstance that produces the diminution of the air in which it putrefies. It is highly improbable that what remains after an animal body has been thoroughly dissolved by putrefaction, should yield so great a quant.i.ty of inflammable air, as the dried animal substance would have done. Of this I have not made an actual trial, though I have often thought of doing it, and still intend to do it; but I think there can be no doubt of the result.

Again, iron, by its fermentation with brimstone and water, is evidently reduced to a calx, so that phlogiston must have escaped from it.

Phlogiston also must evidently be set loose by the ignition of charcoal, and is not improbably the matter which flies off from paint, composed of white-lead and oil. Lastly, since spirit of nitre is known to have a very remarkable affinity with phlogiston, it is far from being improbable that nitrous air may also produce the same effect by the same means.

To this hypothesis it may be objected, that, if diminished air be air saturated with phlogiston, it ought to be inflammable. But this by no means follows; since its inflammability may depend upon some particular _mode of combination_, or degree of affinity, with which we are not acquainted. Besides, inflammable air seems to consist of some other principle, or to have some other const.i.tuent part, besides phlogiston and common air, as is probable from that remarkable deposit, which, as I have observed, is made by inflammable air, both from iron and zinc.

It is not improbable, however, but that a greater degree of heat may inflame that air which extinguishes a common candle, if it could be conveniently applied. Air that is inflammable, I observe, extinguishes red-hot wood; and indeed inflammable substances can only be those which, in a certain degree of heat, have a less affinity with the phlogiston they contain, than the air, or some other contiguous substance, has with it; so that the phlogiston only quits one substance, with which it was before combined, and enters another, with which it may be combined in a very different manner. This substance, however, whether it be air or any thing else, being now fully saturated with phlogiston, and not being able to take any more, in the same circ.u.mstances, must necessarily extinguish fire, and put a stop to the ignition of all other bodies, that is, to the farther escape of phlogiston from them.

That plants restore noxious air, by imbibing the phlogiston with which it is loaded, is very agreeable to the conjectures of Dr. Franklin, made many years ago, and expressed in the following extract from the last edition of his Letters, p. 346.

"I have been inclined to think that the fluid _fire_, as well as the fluid _air_, is attracted by plants in their growth, and becomes consolidated with the other materials of which they are formed, and makes a great part of their substance; that, when they come to be digested, and to suffer in the vessels a kind of fermentation, part of the fire, as well as part of the air, recovers its fluid active state again, and diffuses itself in the body, digesting and separating it; that the fire so re-produced, by digestion and separation, continually leaving the body, its place is supplied by fresh quant.i.ties, arising from the continual separation; that whatever quickens the motion of the fluids in an animal, quickens the separation, and re-produces more of the fire, as exercise; that all the fire emitted by wood, and other combustibles, when burning, existed in them before in a solid state, being only discovered when separating; that some fossils, as sulphur, sea-coal, &c. contain a great deal of solid fire; and that, in short, what escapes and is dissipated in the burning of bodies, besides water and earth, is generally the air and fire, that before made parts of the solid."


[8] I conclude from the experiments of M. Lavoisier, which were made with a much better burning lens than I had an opportunity of making use of, that there was no _real calcination_ of the metals, though they were made to _fume_ in inflammable or nitrous air; because he was not able to produce more than a slight degree of calcination in any given quant.i.ty of common air.



Being very much struck with the result of an experiment of the Hon. Mr.

Cavendish, related Phil. Trans. Vol. LVI. p. 157, by which, though, he says, he was not able to get any inflammable air from copper, by means of spirit of salt, he got a much more remarkable kind of air, viz. one that lost its elasticity by coming into contact with water, I was exceedingly desirous of making myself acquainted with it. On this account, I began with making the experiment in quicksilver, which I never failed to do in any case in which I suspected that air might either be absorbed by water, or be in any other manner affected by it; and by this means I presently got a much more distinct idea of the nature and effects of this curious solution.

Having put some copper filings into a small phial, with a quant.i.ty of spirit of salt; and making the air (which was generated in great plenty, on the application of heat) ascend into a tall gla.s.s vessel full of quicksilver, and standing in quicksilver, the whole produce continued a considerable time without any change of dimensions. I then introduced a small quant.i.ty of water to it; when about three fourths of it (the whole being about four ounce measures) presently, but gradually, disappeared, the quicksilver rising in the vessel. I then introduced a considerable quant.i.ty of water; but there was no farther diminution of the air, and the remainder I found to be inflammable.

Having frequently continued this process a long time after the admission of the water, I was much amused with observing the large bubbles of the newly generated air, which came through the quicksilver, the sudden diminution of them when they came to the water, and the very small bubbles which went through the water. They made, however, a continual, though slow, increase of inflammable air.

Fixed air, being admitted to the whole produce of this air from copper, had no sensible effect upon it. Upon the admission of water, a great part of the mixture presently disappeared; another part, which I suppose to have been the fixed air, was absorbed slowly; and in this particular case the very small permanent residuum did not take fire; but it is very possible that it might have done so, if the quant.i.ty had been greater.

The solution of _lead_ in the marine acid is attended with the very same phaenomena as the solution of copper in the same acid; about three fourths of the generated air disappearing on the admission of water; and the remainder being inflammable.

The solutions of iron, tin, and zinc, in the marine acid, were all attended with the same phaenomena as the solutions of copper and lead, but in a less degree; for in iron one eighth, in tin one sixth, and in zinc one tenth of the generated air disappeared on the admission of water. The remainder of the air from iron, in this case, burned with a green, or very light blue flame.

I had always thought it something extraordinary that a species of air should _lose its elasticity_ by the mere _contact_ of any thing, and from the first suspected that it must have been _imbibed_ by the water that was admitted to it; but so very great a quant.i.ty of this air disappeared upon the admission of a very small quant.i.ty of water, that at first I could not help concluding that appearances favoured the former hypothesis. I found, however, that when I admitted a much smaller quant.i.ty of water, confined in a narrow gla.s.s tube, a part only of the air disappeared, and that very slowly, and that more of it vanished upon the admission of more water. This observation put it beyond a doubt, that this air was properly _imbibed_ by the water, which, being once fully saturated with it, was not capable of receiving any more.

The water thus impregnated tasted very acid, even when it was much diluted with other water, through which the tube containing it was drawn. It even dissolved iron very fast, and generated inflammable air.

This last observation, together with another which immediately follows, led me to the discovery of the true nature of this remarkable kind of air.

Happening, at one time, to use a good deal of copper and a small quant.i.ty of spirit of salt, in the generation of this kind of air, I was surprized to find that air was produced long after, I could not but think that the acid must have been saturated with the metal; and I also found that the proportion of inflammable air to that which was absorbed by the water continually diminished, till, instead of being one fourth of the whole, as I had first observed, it was not so much as one twentieth. Upon this, I concluded that this subtle air did not arise from the copper, but from the spirit of salt; and presently making the experiment with the acid only, without any copper, or metal of any kind, this air was immediately produced in as great plenty as before; so that this remarkable kind of air is, in fact, nothing more than the vapour, or fumes of spirit of salt, which appear to be of such a nature, that they are not liable to be condensed by cold, like the vapour of water, and other fluids, and therefore may be very properly called an _acid air_, or more restrictively, the _marine acid air_.

This elastic acid vapour, or acid air, extinguishes flame, and is much heavier than common air; but how much heavier, will not be easy to ascertain. A cylindrical gla.s.s vessel, about three fourths of an inch in diameter, and four inches deep, being filled with it, and turned upside down, a lighted candle may be let down into it more than twenty times before it will burn at the bottom. It is pleasing to observe the colour of the flame in this experiment; for both before the candle goes out, and also when it is first lighted again, it burns with a beautiful green, or rather light-blue flame, such as is seen when common salt is thrown into the fire.

When this air is all expelled from any quant.i.ty of spirit of salt, which is easily perceived by the subsequent vapour being condensed by cold, the remainder is a very weak acid, barely capable of dissolving iron.

Being now in the possession of a new subject of experiments, viz. an elastic acid vapour, in the form of a permanent air, easily procured, and effectually confined by gla.s.s and quicksilver, with which it did not seem to have any affinity; I immediately began to introduce a variety of substances to it; in order to ascertain its peculiar properties and affinities, and also the properties of those other bodies with respect to it.

Beginning with _water_, which, from preceding observations, I knew would imbibe it, and become impregnated with it; I found that 2-1/2 grains of rain-water absorbed three ounce measures of this air, after which it was increased one third in its bulk, and weighed twice as much as before; so that this concentrated vapour seems to be twice as heavy as rain-water: Water impregnated with it makes the strongest spirit of salt that I have seen, dissolving iron with the most rapidity. Consequently, two thirds of the best spirit of salt is nothing more than mere phlegm or water.

Iron filings, being admitted to this air, were dissolved by it pretty fast, half of the air disappearing, and the other half becoming inflammable air, not absorbed by water. Putting chalk to it, fixed air was produced.

I had not introduced many substances to this air, before I discovered that it had an affinity with _phlogiston_, so that it would deprive other substances of it, and form with it such an union as const.i.tutes inflammable air; which seems to shew, that inflammable air universally consists of the union of some acid vapour with phlogiston.

Inflammable air was produced, when to this acid air I put spirit of wine, oil of olives, oil of turpentine, charcoal, phosphorus, bees-wax, and even sulphur. This last observation, I own, surprized me; for, the marine acid being reckoned the weakest of the three mineral acids, I did not think that it had been capable of dislodging the oil of vitriol from this substance; but I found that it had the very same effect both upon alum and nitre; the vitriolic acid in the former case, and the nitrous in the latter, giving place to the stronger vapour of spirit of salt.

The rust of iron, and the precipitate of nitrous air made from copper, also imbibed this air very fast, and the little that remained of it was inflammable air; which proves, that these calces contain phlogiston. It seems also to be pretty evident, from this experiment, that the precipitate above mentioned is a real calx of the metal, by the solution of which the nitrous air is generated.

As some remarkable circ.u.mstances attend the absorption of this acid air, by the substances above-mentioned, I shall briefly mention them.

Spirit of wine absorbs this air as readily as water itself, and is increased in bulk by that means. Also, when it is saturated, it dissolves iron with as much rapidity, and still continues inflammable.

Oil of olives absorbs this air very slowly, and at the same time, it turns almost black, and becomes glutinous. It is also less miscible with water, and acquires a very disagreeable smell. By continuing upon the surface of the water, it became white, and its offensive smell went off in a few days.

Oil of turpentine absorbed this air very fast, turning brown, and almost black. No inflammable air was formed, till I raised more of the acid air than the oil was able to absorb, and let it stand a considerable time; and still the air was but weakly inflammable. The same was the case with the oil of olives, in the last mentioned experiment; and it seems to be probable, that, the longer this acid air had continued in contact with the oil, the more phlogiston it would have extracted from it. It is not wholly improbable, but that, in the intermediate state, before it becomes inflammable air, it may be nearly of the nature of common air.

Bees-wax absorbed this air very slowly. About the bigness of a hazel-nut of the wax being put to three ounce measures of the acid air, the air was diminished one half in two days, and, upon the admission of water, half of the remainder also disappeared. This air was strongly inflammable.

Charcoal absorbed this air very fast. About one fourth of it was rendered immiscible in water, and was but weakly inflammable.

A small bit of _phosphorus_, perhaps about half a grain, smoked, and gave light in the acid air, just as it would have done in common air confined. It was not sensibly wasted after continuing about twelve hours in that state, and the bulk of the air was very little diminished.

Water being admitted to it absorbed it as before, except about one fifth of the whole. It was but weakly inflammable.

Putting several pieces of _sulphur_ to this air, it was absorbed but slowly. In about twenty-four hours about one fifth of the quant.i.ty had disappeared; and water being admitted to the remainder, very little more was absorbed. The remainder was inflammable, and burned with a blue flame.

Notwithstanding the affinity which this acid air appears to have with phlogiston, it is not capable of depriving all bodies of it. I found that dry wood, crusts of bread, and raw flesh, very readily imbibed this air, but did not part with any of their phlogiston to it. All these substances turned very brown, after they had been some time exposed to this air, and tasted very strongly of the acid when they were taken out; but the flesh, when washed in water, became very white, and the fibres easily separated from one another, even more than they would have done if it had been boiled or roasted[9].

When I put a piece of _saltpetre_ to this air it was presently surrounded with a white fume, which soon filled the whole vessel, exactly like the fume which bursts from the bubbles of nitrous air, when it is generated by a vigorous fermentation, and such as is seen when nitrous air is mixed with this acid air. In about a minute, the whole quant.i.ty of air was absorbed, except a very little, which might be the common air that had lodged upon the surface of the spirit of salt within the phial.

A piece of _alum_ exposed to this air turned yellow, absorbed it as fast as the saltpetre had done, and was reduced by it to the form of a powder. Common salt, as might be expected, had no effect whatever on this marine acid air.

I had also imagined, that if air diminished by the processes above-mentioned was affected in this manner, in consequence of its being saturated with phlogiston, a mixture of this acid air might imbibe that phlogiston, and render it wholesome again; but I put about one fourth of this air to a quant.i.ty of air in which metals had been calcined, without making any sensible alteration in it. I do not, however, infer from this, that air is not diminished by means of phlogiston, since the common air, like some other substances, may hold the phlogiston too fast, to be deprived of it by this acid air.

Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air Part 8

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