Concerning Children Part 19

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isolation of the private, injurious to the child, 132.

Nursemaids, difficulty of getting suitable, 212.

Obedience, 27.

the use of, 28.

in animals, 29.


in human education, 29.

the reason for, 31.

our reverence for, easily traced, 32.

in child training, 36.

of the Jesuits, 34.

is demanded from the child, reasons why, 37.

effect of, on the growing mind, 37.

the injurious reaction from, 39.

consideration of others not identical with, 40.

effect of, on the brain, 41.

qualities developed by, 45.

Observation of children, method of, 206.

Old, the advantage of the young over the, 158.

Over-indulgence of children, the, 75.

Parent, continued life of the, 6.

Parentage, traits acquired before, transmissible, 14.

all possible improvement in the individual should be made before, 21.

not a profession, 165.

selfishness of human, 178.

Parental knowledge, result of the child's deed made dependent upon, 82.

duty the gift of nature, 164.

instinct, 177.

love, the law of, 177.

Parenthood, prolonged human, 8.

the work of, 37.

Parents, want of publicity and community in the action of, 75.

the punishment of children by, 75.

duty of, to children, 161.

demands of, on their children, 162.

Parents' Congress, the, 70.

social responsibility to the child, 280.

Penology, the advance in, 73.

People, need for a better kind of, 251.

Perception, delicacy of a child's, weakened by false impressions, 111.

Personal example, social duty shown by, 112.

Personal rights of the child, the, 174.

Personality, the place for a mother's, 286.

Philadelphia water supply, the, 289.

Playgrounds, childrens', beginning to appear, 120.

Plaything, a baby considered a, 175.

Precept, example better than, 51.

Prepared Food a.s.sociation, the, 254.

Presence of mind, 54.

the child trained to constant, 55.

Printing press, main value of the, 5.

Profession, parentage not a, 165.

Progress born into the race, 7.

Protestant Reformation, the, 35.

Public nursery, a, suggested, 123.

baby garden, a, 124.

duty of mothers, 288.

Punishment, retributive, 73.

of children, the, 74.

by parents, 75.

arbitrary, effect of, on the moral sense, 84.

Qualities developed by obedience, 45.

house-service, 243.

Question of discipline, the, 71.

Questions of children, the, 191.

Concerning Children Part 19

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