Principles of Mining Part 11

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There is no type of mechanical engineering which presents such complexities in determination of the best equipment as does that of mining. Not only does the economic side dominate over pure mechanics, but machines must be installed and operated under difficulties which arise from the most exceptional and conflicting conditions, none of which can be entirely satisfied. Compromise between capital outlay, operating efficiency, and conflicting demands is the key-note of the work.

These compromises are brought about by influences which lie outside the questions of mechanics of individual machines, and are mainly as follows:--

1. Continuous change in horizon of operations.

2. Uncertain life of the enterprise.

3. Care and preservation of human life.

4. Unequal adaptability of power transmission mediums.

5. Origin of power.

_First._--The depth to be served and the volume of ore and water to be handled, are not only unknown at the initial equipment, but they are bound to change continuously in quant.i.ty, location, and horizon with the extension of the workings.

_Second._--From the mine manager's point of view, which must embrace that of the mechanical engineer, further difficulty presents itself because the life of the enterprise is usually unknown, and therefore a manifest necessity arises for an economic balance of capital outlay and of operating efficiency commensurate with the prospects of the mine. Moreover, the initial capital is often limited, and makes.h.i.+fts for this reason alone must be provided. In net result, no mineral deposit of speculative ultimate volume of ore warrants an initial equipment of the sort that will meet every eventuality, or of the kind that will give even the maximum efficiency which a free choice of mining machinery could obtain.

_Third._--In the design and selection of mining machines, the safety of human life, the preservation of the health of workmen under conditions of limited s.p.a.ce and ventilation, together with reliability and convenience in installing and working large mechanical tools, all dominate mechanical efficiency. For example, compressed-air transmission of power best meets the requirements of drilling, yet the mechanical losses in the generation, the transmission, and the application of compressed air probably total, from first to last, 70 to 85%.

_Fourth._--All machines, except those for shaft haulage, must be operated by power transmitted from the surface, as obviously power generation underground is impossible. The conversion of power into a transmission medium and its transmission are, at the outset, bound to be the occasions of loss. Not only are the various forms of transmission by steam, electricity, compressed air, or rods, of different efficiency, but no one system lends itself to universal or economical application to all kinds of mining machines. Therefore it is not uncommon to find three or four different media of power transmission employed on the same mine. To ill.u.s.trate: from the point of view of safety, reliability, control, and in most cases economy as well, we may say that direct steam is the best motive force for winding-engines; that for mechanical efficiency and reliability, rods const.i.tute the best media of power transmission to pumps; that, considering ventilation and convenience, compressed air affords the best medium for drills. Yet there are other conditions as to character of the work, volume of water or ore, and the origin of power which must in special instances modify each and every one of these generalizations. For example, although pumping water with compressed air is mechanically the most inefficient of devices, it often becomes the most advantageous, because compressed air may be of necessity laid on for other purposes, and the extra power required to operate a small pump may be thus most cheaply provided.

_Fifth._--Further limitations and modifications arise out of the origin of power, for the sources of power have an intimate bearing on the type of machine and media of transmission. This very circ.u.mstance often compels giving away efficiency and convenience in some machines to gain more in others. This is evident enough if the origins of power generation be examined. They are in the main as follows:--

_a_. Water-power available at the mine.

_b_. Water-power available at a less distance than three or four miles.

_c_. Water-power available some miles away, thus necessitating electrical transmission (or purchased electrical power).

_d_. Steam-power to be generated at the mine.

_e_. Gas-power to be generated at the mine.

_a_. With water-power at the mine, winding engines can be operated by direct hydraulic application with a gain in economy over direct steam, although with the sacrifice of control and reliability. Rods for pumps can be driven directly with water, but this superiority in working economy means, as discussed later, a loss of flexibility and increased total outlay over other forms of transmission to pumps.

As compressed air must be transmitted for drills, the compressor would be operated direct from water-wheels, but with less control in regularity of pressure delivery.

_b_. With water-power a short distance from the mine, it would normally be transmitted either by compressed air or by electricity.

Compressed-air transmission would better satisfy winding and drilling requirements, but would show a great comparative loss in efficiency over electricity when applied to pumping. Despite the latter drawback, air transmission is a method growing in favor, especially in view of the advance made in effecting compression by falling water.

_c_. In the situation of transmission too far for using compressed air, there is no alternative but electricity. In these cases, direct electric winding is done, but under such disadvantages that it requires a comparatively very cheap power to take precedence over a subsidiary steam plant for this purpose. Electric air-compressors work under the material disadvantage of constant speed on a variable load, but this installation is also a question of economics. The pumping service is well performed by direct electrical pumps.

_d_. In this instance, winding and air-compression are well accomplished by direct steam applications; but pumping is beset with wholly undesirable alternatives, among which it is difficult to choose.

_e_. With internal combustion engines, gasoline (petrol) motors have more of a position in experimental than in systematic mining, for their application to winding and pumping and drilling is fraught with many losses. The engine must be under constant motion, and that, too, with variable loads. Where power from producer gas is used, there is a greater possibility of installing large equipments, and it is generally applied to the winding and lesser units by conversion into compressed air or electricity as an intermediate stage.

One thing becomes certain from these examples cited, that the right installation for any particular portion of the mine's equipment cannot be determined without reference to all the others. The whole system of power generation for surface work, as well as the transmission underground, must be formulated with regard to furnis.h.i.+ng the best total result from all the complicated primary and secondary motors, even at the sacrifice of some members.

Each mine is a unique problem, and while it would be easy to sketch an ideal plant, there is no mine within the writer's knowledge upon which the ideal would, under the many variable conditions, be the most economical of installation or the most efficient of operation. The dominant feature of the task is an endeavor to find a compromise between efficiency and capital outlay. The result is a series of choices between unsatisfying alternatives, a number of which are usually found to have been wrong upon further extension of the mine in depth.

In a general way, it may be stated that where power is generated on the mine, economy in labor of handling fuel, driving engines, generation and condensing steam where steam is used, demand a consolidated power plant for the whole mine equipment. The motors should be driven direct by steam or gas, with power distribution by electricity to all outlying surface motors and sometimes to underground motors, and also to some underground motors by compressed air.

Much progress has been made in the past few years in the perfection of larger mining tools. Inherently many of our devices are of a wasteful character, not only on account of the need of special forms of transmission, but because they are required to operate under greatly varying loads. As an outcome of transmission losses and of providing capacity to cope with heavy peak loads, their efficiency on the basis of actual foot-pounds of work accomplished is very low.

The adoption of electric transmission in mine work, while in certain phases beneficial, has not decreased the perplexity which arises from many added alternatives, none of which are as yet a complete or desirable answer to any mine problem. When a satisfactory electric drill is invented, and a method is evolved of applying electricity to winding-engines that will not involve such abnormal losses due to high peak load then we will have a solution to our most difficult mechanical problems, and electricity will deserve the universal blessing which it has received in other branches of mechanical engineering.

It is not intended to discuss mine equipment problems from the machinery standpoint,--there are thousands of different devices,--but from the point of view of the mine administrator who finds in the manufactory the various machines which are applicable, and whose work then becomes that of choosing, arranging, and operating these tools.

The mechanical questions of a mine may be examined under the following heads:--

1. Shaft haulage.

2. Lateral underground transport.

3. Drainage.

4. Rock drilling.

5. Workshops.

6. Improvements in equipment.


WINDING APPLIANCES.--No device has yet been found to displace the single load pulled up the shaft by winding a rope on a drum. Of driving mechanisms for drum motors the alternatives are the steam-engine, the electrical motor, and infrequently water-power or gas engines.

All these have to cope with one condition which, on the basis of work accomplished, gives them a very low mechanical efficiency.

This difficulty is that the load is intermittent, and it must be started and accelerated at the point of maximum weight, and from that moment the power required diminishes to less than nothing at the end of the haul. A large number of devices are in use to equalize partially the inequalities of the load at different stages of the lift. The main lines of progress in this direction have been:--

_a_. The handling of two cages or skips with one engine or motor, the descending skip partially balancing the ascending one.

_b_. The use of tail-ropes or balance weights to compensate the increasing weight of the descending rope.

_c_. The use of skips instead of cages, thus permitting of a greater percentage of paying load.

_d_. The direct coupling of the motor to the drum shaft.

_e_. The cone-shaped construction of drums,--this latter being now largely displaced by the use of the tail-rope.

The first and third of these are absolutely essential for anything like economy and speed; the others are refinements depending on the work to be accomplished and the capital available.

Steam winding-engines require large cylinders to start the load, but when once started the requisite power is much reduced and the load is too small for steam economy. The throttling of the engine for controlling speed and reversing the engine at periodic stoppages militates against the maximum expansion and condensation of the steam and further increases the steam consumption. In result, the best of direct compound condensing engines consume from 60 to 100 pounds of steam per horse-power hour, against a possible efficiency of such an engine working under constant load of less than 16 pounds of steam per horse-power hour.

It is only within very recent years that electrical motors have been applied to winding. Even yet, all things considered, this application is of doubtful value except in localities of extremely cheap electrical power. The constant speed of alternating current motors at once places them at a disadvantage for this work of high peak and intermittent loads. While continuous-current motors can be made to partially overcome this drawback, such a current, where power is purchased or transmitted a long distance, is available only by conversion, which further increases the losses. However, schemes of electrical winding are in course of development which bid fair, by a sort of storage of power in heavy fly-wheels or storage batteries after the peak load, to reduce the total power consumption; but the very high first cost so far prevents their very general adoption for metal mining.

Winding-engines driven by direct water- or gas-power are of too rare application to warrant much discussion. Gasoline driven hoists have a distinct place in prospecting and early-stage mining, especially in desert countries where transport and fuel conditions are onerous, for both the machines and their fuel are easy of transport. As direct gas-engines entail constant motion of the engine at the power demand of the peak load, they are hopeless in mechanical efficiency.

Like all other motors in mining, the size and arrangement of the motor and drum are dependent upon the duty which they will be called upon to perform. This is primarily dependent upon the depth to be hoisted from, the volume of the ore, and the size of the load.

For shallow depths and tonnages up to, say, 200 tons daily, geared engines have a place on account of their low capital cost. Where great rope speed is not essential they are fully as economical as direct-coupled engines. With great depths and greater capacities, speed becomes a momentous factor, and direct-coupled engines are necessary. Where the depth exceeds 3,000 feet, another element enters which has given rise to much debate and experiment; that is, the great increase of starting load due to the increased length and size of ropes and the drum s.p.a.ce required to hold it. So far the most advantageous device seems to be the Whiting hoist, a combination of double drums and tail rope.

On mines worked from near the surface, where depth is gained by the gradual exhaustion of the ore, the only prudent course is to put in a new hoist periodically, when the demand for increased winding speed and power warrants. The lack of economy in winding machines is greatly augmented if they are much over-sized for the duty. An engine installed to handle a given tonnage to a depth of 3,000 feet will have operated with more loss during the years the mine is progressing from the surface to that depth than several intermediate-sized engines would have cost. On most mines the uncertainty of extension in depth would hardly warrant such a preliminary equipment. More mines are equipped with over-sized than with under-sized engines. For shafts on going metal mines where the future is speculative, an engine will suffice whose size provides for an extension in depth of 1,000 feet beyond that reached at the time of its installation. The cost of the engine will depend more largely upon the winding speed desired than upon any other one factor. The proper speed to be arranged is obviously dependent upon the depth of the haulage, for it is useless to have an engine able to wind 3,000 feet a minute on a shaft 500 feet deep, since it could never even get under way; and besides, the relative operating loss, as said, would be enormous.

HAULAGE EQUIPMENT IN THE SHAFT.--Originally, material was hoisted through shafts in buckets. Then came the cage for transporting mine cars, and in more recent years the "skip" has been developed. The aggrandized bucket or "kibble" of the Cornishman has practically disappeared, but the cage still remains in many mines. The advantages of the skip over the cage are many. Some of them are:--

_a_. It permits 25 to 40% greater load of material in proportion to the dead weight of the vehicle.

_b_. The load can be confined within a smaller horizontal s.p.a.ce, thus the area of the shaft need not be so great for large tonnages.

_c_. Loading and discharging are more rapid, and the latter is automatic, thus permitting more trips per hour and requiring less labor.

_d_. Skips must be loaded from bins underground, and by providing in the bins storage capacity, shaft haulage is rendered independent of the lateral transport in the mine, and there are no delays to the engine awaiting loads. The result is that ore-winding can be concentrated into fewer hours, and indirect economies in labor and power are thus effected.

_e_. Skips save the time of the men engaged in the lateral haulage, as they have no delay waiting for the winding engine.

Loads equivalent to those from skips are obtained in some mines by double-decked cages; but, aside from waste weight of the cage, this arrangement necessitates either stopping the engine to load the lower deck, or a double-deck loading station. Double-deck loading stations are as costly to install and more expensive to work than skip-loading station ore-bins. Cages are also constructed large enough to take as many as four trucks on one deck. This entails a shaft compartment double the size required for skips of the same capacity, and thus enormously increases shaft cost without gaining anything.

Altogether the advantages of the skip are so certain and so important that it is difficult to see the justification for the cage under but a few conditions. These conditions are those which surround mines of small output where rapidity of haulage is no object, where the cost of station-bins can thus be evaded, and the convenience of the cage for the men can still be preserved. The easy change of the skip to the cage for hauling men removes the last objection on larger mines. There occurs also the situation in which ore is broken under contract at so much per truck, and where it is desirable to inspect the contents of the truck when discharging it, but even this objection to the skip can be obviated by contracting on a cubic-foot basis.

Skips are constructed to carry loads of from two to seven tons, the general tendency being toward larger loads every year. One of the most feasible lines of improvement in winding is in the direction of larger loads and less speed, for in this way the sum total of dead weight of the vehicle and rope to the tonnage of ore hauled will be decreased, and the efficiency of the engine will be increased by a less high peak demand, because of this less proportion of dead weight and the less need of high acceleration.

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