Principles of Mining Part 12

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Inasmuch as the majority of metal mines dip at considerable angles, the useful life of a roadway in a metal mine is very short because particular horizons of ore are soon exhausted. Therefore any method of transport has to be calculated upon a very quick redemption of the capital laid out. Furthermore, a roadway is limited in its daily traffic to the product of the stopes which it serves.

MEN AND ANIMALS.--Some means of transport must be provided, and the basic equipment is light tracks with push-cars, in capacity from half a ton to a ton. The latter load is, however, too heavy to be pushed by one man. As but one car can be pushed at a time, hand-trucking is both slow and expensive. At average American or Australian wages, the cost works out between 25 and 35 cents a ton per mile. An improvement of growing import where hand-trucking is necessary is the overhead mono-rail instead of the track.

If the supply to any particular roadway is such as to fully employ horses or mules, the number of cars per trip can be increased up to seven or eight. In this case the expense, including wages of the men and wear, tear, and care of mules, will work out roughly at from 7 to 10 cents per ton mile. Manifestly, if the ore-supply to a particular roadway is insufficient to keep a mule busy, the economy soon runs off.

MECHANICAL HAULAGE.--Mechanical haulage is seldom applicable to metal mines, for most metal deposits dip at considerable angles, and therefore, unlike most coal-mines, the horizon of haulage must frequently change, and there are no main arteries along which haulage continues through the life of the mine. Any mechanical system entails a good deal of expense for installation, and the useful life of any particular roadway, as above said, is very short. Moreover, the crooked roadways of most metal mines present difficulties of negotiation not to be overlooked. In order to use such systems it is necessary to condense the haulage to as few roadways as possible.

Where the tonnage on one level is not sufficient to warrant other than men or animals, it sometimes pays (if the dip is steep enough) to dump everything through winzes from one to two levels to a main road below where mechanical equipment can be advantageously provided.

The cost of shaft-winding the extra depth is inconsiderable compared to other factors, for the extra vertical distance of haulage can be done at a cost of one or two cents per ton mile. Moreover, from such an arrangement follows the concentration of shaft-bins, and of shaft labor, and winding is accomplished without so much s.h.i.+fting as to horizon, all of which economies equalize the extra distance of the lift.

There are three methods of mechanical transport in use:--

1. Cable-ways.

2. Compressed-air locomotives.

3. Electrical haulage.

Cable-ways or endless ropes are expensive to install, and to work to the best advantage require double tracks and fairly straight roads. While they are economical in operation and work with little danger to operatives, the limitations mentioned preclude them from adoption in metal mines, except in very special circ.u.mstances such as main crosscuts or adit tunnels, where the haulage is straight and concentrated from many sources of supply.

Compressed-air locomotives are somewhat heavy and c.u.mbersome, and therefore require well-built tracks with heavy rails, but they have very great advantages for metal mine work. They need but a single track and are of low initial cost where compressed air is already a requirement of the mine. No subsidiary line equipment is needed, and thus they are free to traverse any road in the mine and can be readily s.h.i.+fted from one level to another. Their mechanical efficiency is not so low in the long run as might appear from the low efficiency of pneumatic machines generally, for by storage of compressed air at the charging station a more even rate of energy consumption is possible than in the constant cable and electrical power supply which must be equal to the maximum demand, while the air-plant consumes but the average demand.

Electrical haulage has the advantage of a much more compact locomotive and the drawback of more expensive track equipment, due to the necessity of transmission wire, etc. It has the further disadvantages of uselessness outside the equipped haulage way and of the dangers of the live wire in low and often wet tunnels.

In general, compressed-air locomotives possess many attractions for metal mine work, where air is in use in any event and where any mechanical system is at all justified. Any of the mechanical systems where tonnage is sufficient in quant.i.ty to justify their employment will handle material for from 1.5 to 4 cents per ton mile.

TRACKS.--Tracks for hand, mule, or rope haulage are usually built with from 12- to 16-pound rails, but when compressed-air or electrical locomotives are to be used, less than 24-pound rails are impossible.

As to tracks in general, it may be said that careful laying out with even grades and gentle curves repays itself many times over in their subsequent operation. Further care in repair and lubrication of cars will often make a difference of 75% in the track resistance.

TRANSPORT IN STOPES.--Owing to the even shorter life of individual stopes than levels, the actual transport of ore or waste in them is often a function of the aboriginal shovel plus gravity. As shoveling is the most costly system of transport known, any means of stoping that decreases the need for it has merit. Shrinkage-stoping eliminates it altogether. In the other methods, gravity helps in proportion to the steepness of the dip. When the underlie becomes too flat for the ore to "run," transport can sometimes be helped by pitching the at a steeper angle than the dip (Fig. 36). In some cases of flat deposits, crosscuts into the walls, or even levels under the ore-body, are justifiable. The more numerous the, the less the lateral shoveling, but as cost money for construction and for repair, there is a nice economic balance in their frequency.

Mechanical haulage in stopes has been tried and finds a field under some conditions. In dips under 25 and possessing fairly sound hanging-wall, where long-wall or flat-back cuts are employed, temporary tracks can often be laid in the stopes and the ore run in cars to the main In such cases, the tracks are pushed up close to the face after each cut. Further self-acting inclines to lower cars to the levels can sometimes be installed to advantage. This arrangement also permits greater intervals between levels and less number of For dips between 25 and 50 where the mine is worked without stope support or with occasional pillars, a very useful contrivance is the sheet-iron trough--about eighteen inches wide and six inches deep--made in sections ten or twelve feet long and readily bolted together. In dips 35 to 50 this trough, laid on the foot-wall, gives a sufficiently smooth surface for the ore to run upon. When the dip is flat, the trough, if hung from plugs in the hanging-wall, may be swung backward and forward. The use of this "b.u.mping-trough" saves much shoveling. For handling filling or ore in flat runs it deserves wider adoption. It is, of course, inapplicable in as a "b.u.mping-trough," but can be fixed to give smooth surface. In flat mines it permits a wider interval between levels and therefore saves development work. The life of this contrivance is short when used in open stopes, owing to the dangers of bombardment from blasting.

In dips steeper than 50 much of the shoveling into can be saved by rill-stoping, as described on page 100. Where flat-backed stopes are used in wide ore-bodies with filling, temporary tracks laid on the filling to the are useful, for they permit wider intervals between

In that underground engineer's paradise, the Wit.w.a.tersrand, where the stopes require neither timber nor filling, the long, moderately pitched openings lend themselves particularly to the swinging iron troughs, and even endless wire ropes have been found advantageous in certain cases.

Where the roof is heavy and close support is required, and where the deposits are very irregular in shape and dip, there is little hope of mechanical a.s.sistance in stope transport.


Mechanical Equipment. (_Continued_).



With the exception of drainage tunnels--more fully described in Chapter VIII--all drainage must be mechanical. As the bulk of mine water usually lies near the surface, saving in pumping can sometimes be effected by leaving a complete pillar of ore under some of the upper levels. In many deposits, however, the ore has too many channels to render this of much avail.

There are six factors which enter into a determination of mechanical drainage systems for metal mines:--

1. Volume and head of water.

2. Flexibility to fluctuation in volume and head.

3. Reliability.

4. Capital cost.

5. The general power conditions.

6. Mechanical efficiency.

In the drainage appliances, more than in any other feature of the equipment, must mechanical efficiency be subordinated to the other issues.

FLEXIBILITY.--Flexibility in plant is necessary because volume and head of water are fluctuating factors. In wet regions the volume of water usually increases for a certain distance with the extension of openings in depth. In dry climates it generally decreases with the downward extension of the workings after a certain depth. Moreover, as depth progresses, the water follows the openings more or less and must be pumped against an ever greater head. In most cases the volume varies with the seasons. What increase will occur, from what horizon it must be lifted, and what the fluctuations in volume are likely to be, are all unknown at the time of installation. If a pumping system were to be laid out for a new mine, which would peradventure meet every possible contingency, the capital outlay would be enormous, and the operating efficiency would be very low during the long period in which it would be working below its capacity. The question of flexibility does not arise so prominently in coal-mines, for the more or less flat deposits give a fixed factor of depth.

The flow is also more steady, and the volume can be in a measure approximated from general experience.

RELIABILITY.--The factor of reliability was at one time of more importance than in these days of high-cla.s.s manufacture of many different pumping systems. Practically speaking, the only insurance from flooding in any event lies in the provision of a relief system of some sort,--duplicate pumps, or the simplest and most usual thing, bailing tanks. Only Cornish and compressed-air pumps will work with any security when drowned, and electrical pumps are easily ruined.

GENERAL POWER CONDITIONS.--The question of pumping installation is much dependent upon the power installation and other power requirements of the mine. For instance, where electrical power is purchased or generated by water-power, then electrical pumps have every advantage. Or where a large number of subsidiary motors can be economically driven from one central steam- or gas-driven electrical generation plant, they again have a strong call,--especially if the amount of water to be handled is moderate. Where the water is of limited volume and compressed-air plant a necessity for the mine, then air-driven pumps may be the most advantageous, etc.

MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY.--The mechanical efficiency of drainage machinery is very largely a question of method of power application. The actual pump can be built to almost the same efficiency for any power application, and with the exception of the limited field of bailing with tanks, mechanical drainage is a matter of pumps.

All pumps must be set below their load, barring a few possible feet of suction lift, and they are therefore perforce underground, and in consequence all power must be transmitted from the surface.

Transmission itself means loss of power varying from 10 to 60%, depending upon the medium used. It is therefore the choice of transmission medium that largely governs the mechanical efficiency.

SYSTEMS OF DRAINAGE.--The ideal pumping system for metal mines would be one which could be built in units and could be expanded or contracted unit by unit with the fluctuation in volume; which could also be easily moved to meet the differences of lifts; and in which each independent unit could be of the highest mechanical efficiency and would require but little s.p.a.ce for erection. Such an ideal is un.o.btainable among any of the appliances with which the writer is familiar.

The wide variations in the origin of power, in the form of transmission, and in the method of final application, and the many combinations of these factors, meet the demands for flexibility, efficiency, capital cost, and reliability in various degrees depending upon the environment of the mine. Power nowadays is generated primarily with steam, water, and gas. These origins admit the transmission of power to the pumps by direct steam, compressed air, electricity, rods, or hydraulic columns.

DIRECT STEAM-PUMPS.--Direct steam has the disadvantage of radiated heat in the workings, of loss by the radiation, and, worse still, of the impracticability of placing and operating a highly efficient steam-engine underground. It is all but impossible to derive benefit from the vacuum, as any form of surface condenser here is impossible, and there can be no return of the hot soft water to the boilers.

Steam-pumps fall into two, rotary and direct-acting; the former have the great advantage of permitting the use of steam expansively and affording some field for effective use of condensation, but they are more costly, require much room, and are not fool-proof.

The direct-acting pumps have all the advantage of compactness and the disadvantage of being the most inefficient of pumping machines used in mining. Taking the steam consumption of a good surface steam plant at 15 pounds per horse-power hour, the efficiency of rotary pumps with well-insulated pipes is probably not over 50%, and of direct-acting pumps from 40% down to 10%.

The advantage of all steam-pumps lies in the low capital outlay,--hence their convenient application to experimental mining and temporary pumping requirements. For final equipment they afford a great deal of flexibility, for if properly constructed they can be, with slight alteration, moved from one horizon to another without loss of relative efficiency. Thus the system can be rearranged for an increased volume of water, by decreasing the lift and increasing the number of pumps from different horizons.

COMPRESSED-AIR PUMPS.--Compressed-air transmission has an application similar to direct steam, but it is of still lower mechanical efficiency, because of the great loss in compression. It has the superiority of not heating the workings, and there is no difficulty as to the disposal of the exhaust, as with steam. Moreover, such pumps will work when drowned. Compressed air has a distinct place for minor pumping units, especially those removed from the shaft, for they can be run as an adjunct to the air-drill system of the mine, and by this arrangement much capital outlay may be saved. The cost of the extra power consumed by such an arrangement is less than the average cost of compressed-air power, because many of the compressor charges have to be paid anyway. When compressed air is water-generated, they have a field for permanent installations. The efficiency of even rotary air-driven pumps, based on power delivered into a good compressor, is probably not over 25%.

ELECTRICAL PUMPS.--Electrical pumps have somewhat less flexibility than steam- or air-driven apparatus, in that the speed of the pumps can be varied only within small limits. They have the same great advantage in the easy reorganization of the system to altered conditions of water-flow. Electricity, when steam-generated, has the handicap of the losses of two conversions, the actual pump efficiency being about 60% in well-constructed plants; the efficiency is therefore greater than direct steam or compressed air. Where the mine is operated with water-power, purchased electric current, or where there is an installation of electrical generating plant by steam or gas for other purposes, electrically driven pumps take precedence over all others on account of their combined moderate capital outlay, great flexibility, and reasonable efficiency.

In late years, direct-coupled, electric-driven centrifugal pumps have entered the mining field, but their efficiency, despite makers'

claims, is low. While they show comparatively good results on low lifts the slip increases with the lift. In heads over 200 feet their efficiency is probably not 30% of the power delivered to the electrical generator. Their chief attractions are small capital cost and the compact size which admits of easy installation.

ROD-DRIVEN PUMPS.--Pumps of the Cornish type in vertical shafts, if operated to full load and if driven by modern engines, have an efficiency much higher than any other sort of installation, and records of 85 to 90% are not unusual. The highest efficiency in these pumps yet obtained has been by driving the pump with rope transmission from a high-speed triple expansion engine, and in this plant an actual consumption of only 17 pounds of steam per horse-power hour for actual water lifted has been accomplished.

To provide, however, for increase of flow and change of horizon, rod-driven pumps must be so overpowered at the earlier stage of the mine that they operate with great loss. Of all pumping systems they are the most expensive to provide. They have no place in crooked openings and only work in inclines with many disadvantages.

In general their lack of flexibility is fast putting them out of the metal miner's purview. Where the pumping depth and volume of water are approximately known, as is often the case in coal mines, this, the father of all pumps, still holds its own.

HYDRAULIC PUMPS.--Hydraulic pumps, in which a column of water is used as the transmission fluid from a surface pump to a corresponding pump underground has had some adoption in coal mines, but little in metal mines. They have a certain amount of flexibility but low efficiency, and are not likely to have much field against electrical pumps.

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