Birds of the Rockies Part 15

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327. =Swallow-tailed kite.= ELANOIDES FORFICATUS. Summer visitor; rare or accidental; bird of the plains, not regularly west of central Kansas.

329. =Mississippi kite.= ICTINIA MISSISSIPPIENSIS. Accidental; two records; a bird of eastern and southern United States, and southward.

331. =Marsh hawk.= CIRCUS HUDSONIUS. Common resident; most common in migration; a few remain throughout winter; breeds on plains, and in mountains to 10,000 feet; in fall may be seen at 14,000 feet.

332. =Sharp-s.h.i.+nned hawk.= ACCIPITER VELOX. Common resident; much more common in mountains than on plains; breeds up to 10,000 feet.

333. COOPER'S HAWK. ACCIPITER COOPERI. Common resident; breeds from plains to 9,000 feet.

334. =American goshawk.= ACCIPITER ATRICAPILLUS. Resident; not uncommon; breeds from 9,000 to 10,000 feet; more common in winter than summer.

334a. =Western goshawk.= ACCIPITER ATRICAPILLUS STRIATULUS. Winter visitor; rare, if not accidental; Pacific Coast form; comes regularly as far east as Idaho.

337a. =Krider's hawk.= BUTEO BOREALIS KRIDERII. Resident; not uncommon; nests on the plains; no certain record for the mountains.

337b. =Western red-tail.= BUTEO BOREALIS CALURUS. Abundant resident; this is the Rocky Mountain form, of which Krider's hawk is the eastern a.n.a.logue; the ranges of the two forms overlap on the Colorado plains; _calurus_ breeds from plains to 12,000 feet; not a few winter in the State.

337d. =Harlan's hawk.= BUTEO BOREALIS HARLANI. Rare winter visitor; one specimen; natural habitat, Gulf States and lower Mississippi Valley.

339b. =Red-bellied hawk.= BUTEO LINEATUS ELEGANS. Rare migrant; Pacific coast species.

342. =Swainson's hawk.= BUTEO SWAINSONI. Common resident; breeds everywhere below 11,000 feet.

347a. =American rough-legged hawk.= ARCHIBUTEO LAGOPUS SANCTI-JOHANNIS.

Somewhat common winter resident; arrives from the north in November and remains till March.

348. =Ferruginous rough-leg.= ARCHIBUTEO FERRUGINEUS. Rather common resident; breeds on plains and in mountains; winters mostly on plains and along lower streams.

349. =Golden eagle.= AQUILA CHRYSAETOS. Resident; common in favorable localities; breeds from foothills to 12,500 feet; in winter on plains and also in mountains, often at 11,000 feet.

352. =Bald eagle.= HALLaeETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS. Fairly common resident; mostly in mountains in summer; on plains in winter.

355. =Prairie falcon.= FALCO MEXICa.n.u.s. Not uncommon resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet; quite numerous in more open portions of western Colorado.

356. =Duck hawk.= FALCO PEREGRINUS ANATUM. Resident; not uncommon locally; breeds up to 10,000 feet.

357. =Pigeon hawk.= FALCO COLUMBARIUS. Summer resident; not common; usual breeding grounds 8,000 to 9,000 feet; some breed on the plains.

358. =Richardson's merlin.= FALCO RICHARDSONII. Rare summer resident; not uncommon in migration; naturalists not quite sure that it breeds in the State; has been taken in summer at an alt.i.tude of 11,000 feet.

360. =American sparrow hawk.= FALCO SPARVERIUS. Abundant resident; the most common hawk from the plains to 11,000 feet; some winter in State; breeds throughout its range.

360a. =Desert sparrow hawk.= FALCO SPARVERIUS DESERTICOLUS. Resident, though rare; taken in Middle and South Parks.

364. =American osprey.= PANDION HALIAeTUS CAROLINENSIS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; breeds as high as 9,000 feet; has been taken in fall at an alt.i.tude of 10,500 feet.

365. =American barn owl.= STRIX PRATINCOLA. Resident; quite rare; a southern species rarely coming so far north as Colorado.

366. =American long-eared owl.= ASIO WILSONIa.n.u.s. Common resident; winters from plains to 10,000 feet; breeds from plains to 11,000 feet; eggs laid early in April.

367. =Short-eared owl.= ASIO ACCIPITRINUS. Resident, but not common; highest record 9,500 feet.

368. =Barred owl.= SYRNIUM NEBULOSUM. Resident; few records; one breeding pair found in the northeastern part of the State.

369. =Spotted owl.= SYRNIUM OCCIDENTALE. Resident; not common; a little doubt as to its ident.i.ty; but Mr. Aiken vouches for its presence in the State.

371. =Richardson's owl.= NYCTALA TENGMALMI RICHARDSONI. Rare winter visitor; a northern species.

372. =Saw-whet owl.= NYCTALA ACADICA. Resident; not uncommon; occurs throughout the State below 8,000 feet.

373. =Screech owl.= MAGASCOPS ASIO. Rare resident; the eastern a.n.a.logue of the next.

373e. =Rocky Mountain screech owl.= MAGASCOPS ASIO MAXWELLIae. Common resident; found from plains and foothills to about 6,000 feet; rare visitant at nearly 9,000 feet.

373g. =Aiken's screech owl.= MEGASCOPS ASIO AIKENI. Resident; limited to from 5,000 to 9,000 feet.

374. =Flammulated screech owl.= MEGASCOPS FLAMMEOLA. Rare resident; rarest owl in Colorado, if not in the United States; ten instances of breeding, all in Colorado; twenty-three records in all for the State.

375a. =Western horned owl.= BUBO VIRGINIa.n.u.s PALLESCENS. Common resident; breeds on the plains and in the mountains.

375b. =Arctic horned owl.= BUBO VIRGINIa.n.u.s ARCTICUS. Winter visitor; not uncommon; breeds in arctic America.

376. =Snowy owl.= NYCTEA NYCTEA. Rare winter visitor; occurs on the plains and in the lower foothills; range in summer, extreme northern portions of northern hemisphere.

378. =Burrowing owl.= SPEOTYTO CUNICULARIA HYPOGaeA. Resident; abundant locally; breeds on plains and up to 9,000 feet.

379. =Pygmy owl.= GLAUCIDIUM GNOMA. Resident; rare; favorite home in the mountains; breeds as high as 10,000 feet.

382. =Carolina paroquet.= CONURUS CAROLINENSIS. Formerly resident; few records; general range, east and south; now almost exterminated.

385. =Road-runner.= GEOCOCCYX CALIFORNIa.n.u.s. Resident; not common; restricted to southern portion of the State; breeds throughout its range; rare above 5,000 feet, though one was found in the Wet Mountains at an alt.i.tude of 8,000 feet.

387. =Yellow-billed cuckoo.= COCCYZUS AMERICa.n.u.s. Rare summer visitor, on the authority of Major Bendire.

387a. =California cuckoo.= COCCYZUS AMERICa.n.u.s OCCIDENTALIS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; mostly found on the edge of the plains, but occasionally up to 8,000 feet in mountains.

388. =Black-billed cuckoo.= COCCYZUS ERYTHROPHTHALMUS. Rare migrant; only two records.

390. =Belted kingfisher.= CERYLE ALCYON. Common resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet; a few remain in winter.

393e. =Rocky Mountain hairy woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= DRYOBATES VILLOSUS MONTICOLA.

Common resident; breeds from plains to 11,000 feet; winter range almost the same.

394c. =Downy woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= DRYOBATES p.u.b.eSCENS MEDIa.n.u.s. Visitor; rare, if not accidental.

394b. =Batchelder's woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= DRYOBATES p.u.b.eSCENS h.o.m.oRUS. Common resident; breeding range from plains to 11,500 feet; winter range from plains to 10,000 feet.

396. =Texan woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= DRYOBATES SCALARIS BAIRDI. Resident; rare and local; southern range generally.

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