Birds of the Rockies Part 16

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401b. =Alpine three-toed woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= PICOIDES AMERICa.n.u.s DORSALIS.

Resident; not common; a mountain bird; range, 8,000 to 12,000 feet; even in winter remains in the pine belt at about 10,000 feet.

402. =Yellow-bellied sapsucker.= SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS. Rare migrant; eastern form, scarcely reaching the base of the Rockies.

402a. =Red-naped sapsucker.= SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS NUCHALIS. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 12,000 feet, but partial to the mountains. Author saw one at Green Lake.

404. =Williamson's sapsucker.= SPHYRAPICUS THYROIDEUS. Common summer resident; breeds from 5,000 feet to upper limits of the pines; range higher in the southern part of the State than in the northern.

405a. =Northern pileated woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= CEOPHLOEUS PILEATUS ABIETICOLA.

Resident; very rare; only probably identified.

406. =Red-headed woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= MELANERPES ERYTHROCEPHALUS. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet; late spring arrival; same form in the East and West.

408. =Lewis's woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= MELANERPES TORQUATUS. Common resident; characteristic bird of the foothills; sometimes seen as high as 10,000 feet in southern Colorado; probably does not breed above 9,000 feet.

409. =Red-bellied woodp.e.c.k.e.r.= MELANERPES CAROLINUS. Summer visitor; rare, if not accidental; eastern and southern species, not occurring regularly west of central Kansas.

412a. =Northern flicker.= COLAPTES AURATUS LUTEUS. Rare migrant; range extends only to foothills; no record of its breeding.

413. =Red-shafted flicker.= COLAPTES CAFER. Abundant summer resident; breeds from plains to 12,000 feet; almost as plentiful at its highest range as on the plains; early spring arrival; a few winter in the State.

418. =Poor-will.= PHALaeNOPTILUS NUTTALLII. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet; has been noted up to 10,000 feet.

418a. =Frosted poor-will.= PHALaeNOPTILUS NUTTALLII NITIDUS. Rare summer resident; few typical _nitidus_ taken; a more southern variety.

420a. =Western nighthawk.= CHORDEILES VIRGINIa.n.u.s HENRYI. Abundant summer resident; breeds on the plains and up to about 11,000 feet; in fall ranges up to 12,000 feet; most common on plains and in foothills.

422. =Black swift.= CYPSELOIDES NIGER BOREALIS. Summer resident; abundant locally; southwestern part of the State; breeds from 10,000 to 12,000 feet, and ranges up to 13,000 feet.

425. =White-throated swift.= AERONAUTES MELANOLEUCUS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; breeds in inaccessible rocks from 6,000 to 12,000 feet, if not higher; most common in southern part of the State.

429. =Black-chinned humming-bird.= TROCHILUS ALEXANDRI. Summer resident; local; only in southwestern part of the State, and below 6,000 feet.

432. =Broad-tailed humming-bird.= SELASPHORUS PLATYCERCUS. Common summer resident; Colorado's most common hummer; breeds from foothills to 11,000 feet; ranges 2,000 feet above timber-line in summer.

433. =Rufous humming-bird.= SELASPHORUS RUFUS. Summer resident; local; a western species, coming into southwestern Colorado, where it breeds from 7,000 to 10,000 feet, and ranges in summer several thousand feet higher; a few records east of the range.

436. =Calliope humming-bird.= STELLULA CALLIOPE. Summer visitor; rare or accidental; but two records, one near Breckenridge at an alt.i.tude of 9,500 feet; western species.

443. =Scissor-tailed flycatcher.= MILVULUS FORFICATUS. Summer visitor; rare or accidental; but one record; southern range, and more eastern.

444. =Kingbird.= TYRANNUS TYRANNUS. Common summer resident; occurs only on plains and in foothills up to 6,000 feet; same form as the eastern kingbird.

447. =Arkansas kingbird.= TYRANNUS VERTICALIS. Common summer resident; more common in eastern than western part of the State; fond of the plains and foothills, yet breeds as high as 8,000 feet.

448. =Ca.s.sin's kingbird.= TYRANNUS VOCIFERANS. Common summer resident; breeds on plains and up to 9,000 feet in mountains; occurs throughout the State.

454. =Ash-throated flycatcher.= MYIARCHUS CINERASCENS. Rare summer resident; western species, coming east to western edge of plains.

455a. =Olivaceous flycatcher.= MYIARCHUS LAWRENCEI OLIVASCENS. Summer visitor, rare, if not accidental; a southern species; taken once in Colorado.

456. =Phoebe.= SAYORNIS PHOEBE. Rare summer visitor; comes west to eastern border of the State.

457. =Say's phoebe.= SAYORNIS SAYA. Common summer resident; most common on the plains; occurs on both sides of the range; the author found it a little above Malta, at Glenwood, and in South Park.

459. =Olive-sided flycatcher.= CONTOPUS BOREALIS. Common summer resident; breeds only in the mountains, from 7,000 to 12,000 feet.

462. =Western wood pewee.= CONTOPUS RICHARDSONII. Common summer resident; most common in breeding season from 7,000 to 11,000 feet.

464. =Western flycatcher.= EMPIDONAX DIFFICILIS. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet, but most common in upper part of its range.

466. =Traill's flycatcher.= EMPIDONAX TRAILLII. Fairly common summer resident; most common on the plains, but occurs in mountains up to 8,000 feet; breeds throughout its Colorado range.

467. =Least flycatcher.= EMPIDONAX MINIMUS. Rare migrant; west to eastern foothills; probably breeds, but no nests have been found.

468. =Hammond's flycatcher.= EMPIDONAX HAMMONDI. Common summer resident; comes east only to the western edge of the plains; breeds as high as 9,000 feet.

469. =Wright's flycatcher.= EMPIDONAX WRIGHTII. Abundant summer resident; breeds from 7,500 feet to 10,000.

474a. =Pallid horned lark.= OTOCORIS ALPESTRIS LEUCOLaeMA. Abundant winter resident; literature on this bird somewhat confused on account, no doubt, of its close resemblance to the next; winters on the plains abundantly, and spa.r.s.ely in the mountains.

474c. =Desert horned lark.= OTOCORIS ALPESTRIS ARENICOLA. Abundant resident; winters on plains and in mountains up to 9,000 feet; breeds from plains to 13,000 feet; raises two broods.

475. =American magpie.= PICA PICA HUDSONICA. Common resident; breeds commonly on the plains and in the foothills and lower mountains; a few breed as high as 11,000 feet.

478b. =Long-crested jay.= CYANOCITTA STELLERI DIADEMATA. Common resident; seldom strays far east of the foothills; breeds from base of foothills to timber-line; winter range from edge of plains almost to 10,000 feet.

480. =Woodhouse's jay.= APHELOCOMA WOODHOUSEI. Common resident; most common along the base of foothills and lower wooded mountains; sometimes breeds as high as 8,000 feet; in fall roams up to 9,500 in special instances.

484a. =Rocky Mountain jay.= PERISOREUS CANADENSIS CAPITALIS. Common resident; remains near timber-line throughout the year.

486. =American raven.= CORVUS CORAX SINUATUS. Resident; common locally; breeds; rather of western Colorado, but visitant among eastern mountains.

487. =White-necked raven.= CORVUS CRYPTOLEUCUS. Rare resident now; formerly abundant along eastern base of the front range and a hundred miles out on the plains; now driven out by advent of white man.

488. =American crow.= CORVUS AMERICa.n.u.s. Resident; common in northeastern Colorado; rare in the rest of the State.

491. =Clark's nutcracker.= NUCIFRAGA COLUMBIANA. Abundant resident; a mountain bird; breeds from 7,000 to 12,000 feet; sometimes in fall gathers in "enormous flocks"; at that season wanders up to at least 13,000 feet; most remain in the mountains through the winter, though a few descend to the plains.

492. =Pinon jay.= CYANOCEPHALUS CYANOCEPHALUS. Resident; abundant locally; breeds almost exclusively among the pinon pines; keeps in small parties during breeding season; then gathers in large flocks; wandering up to 10,000 feet.

494. =Bobolink.= DOLICHONYX ORYZIVORUS. Rare summer visitor.

495. =Cowbird.= MOLOTHRUS ATER. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to about 8,000 feet; author saw several in South Park.

497. =Yellow-headed blackbird.= XANTHOCEPHALUS XANTHOCEPHALUS. Common summer resident; breeds in suitable places on the plains and in mountain parks.

498. =Red-winged blackbird.= AGELAIUS PHOENICEUS. Common summer resident; breeds mostly below 7,500 feet, though occasionally ascends to 9,000.

Birds of the Rockies Part 16

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