The Light of Divine Guidance Volume Ii Part 25

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7 May 1952

The Baha'i Community of Heidelberg.

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your letter of April 26th reached the beloved Guardian, and he appreciated very much the kind sentiments you expressed. I also appreciated them very deeply.

He will pray in the Holy Shrines that your work in Heidelberg may be blessed, and that you will be able to promulgate the Faith in that area, especially amongst the student body....

[From the Guardian:]

a.s.suring you of my deep appreciation of the sentiments you expressed, and of my loving prayers for your success in the service of our beloved Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi


23 May 1952

To the Baha'is gathered in Frankfurt for Ridvan, 1952

Dear Baha'i Friends:

The beloved Guardian has received your loving greeting of April 27th, which he deeply appreciates, and which he has instructed me to acknowledge on his behalf.

He trusts that from this Convention the friends have carried back to their homes a renewed spirit of dedication, in order to enable them to carry forward the teaching work, now in their own land, and later on, beyond its borders.

In the Intercontinental Teaching Conference to be held in Stockholm in the summer of 1953, the German believers will have their part to play, and will have their goal allotted to them for the ten-year period beginning in 1953. Therefore, they must endeavor to realize the great importance of this Conference, and bend every effort towards its most complete success....

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless abundantly your n.o.ble endeavours, guide and sustain you always, remove every obstacle from your path, and enable you to win great and memorable victories in the service of His glorious Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi


25 May 1952

He is happy to hear you are in ?ihran, and determined to help the friends directly with their teaching work, as this is the most important field of all.

You should follow their advice, and consult with them in all matters, as the situation there is very precarious, and any indiscretion could have serious repercussions on the affairs of the friends.


30 August 1952

To the Baha'i Youth who attended the first and second week of the Annual Youth Summer School at Heppenheim.

He was happy to see you are so active, because very great things lie ahead of the Baha'i Youth, in particular during the next ten years; when you see what the task of Germany must be, (the details of which he will be revealing at the time of the Stockholm Conference), you will understand how great is the need for your services during the next decade.

The future has always belonged to youth, and now more than ever before, in order to ensure the fulfilment of Baha'u'llah's plans for this planet, the youth must labour and pioneer.

Now is the time, therefore, to consecrate yourselves and prepare yourselves for the work that lies ahead of you, and of all the young Baha'is the world-over. You must study both the teaching and the Administration, in order to be ready and qualified-qualified with both knowledge and s.h.i.+ning personal characters...

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty guide your steps, aid and sustain you always, and enable you to contribute effectively to the progress of our beloved Faith and the consolidation of its nascent inst.i.tutions.

Your true brother, Shoghi


29 November 1952

To the Baha'i Youth gathered at Heilbronn-Neckar, on October 26th.

The Guardian is made very happy by the spirit of the friends in Germany, as this spirit will attract to you the help of Baha'u'llah, as you go forward together to accomplish the tremendous goals set for Germany in your own country and in other lands, during the coming World Crusade.


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