The Light of Divine Guidance Volume Ii Part 26

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13 March 1953

...this will be just a brief note to thank you for your loving message to him of March 6th, which was received through the kindness of dear Ben Levy.

He a.s.sures the Esslingen friends of his prayers in the holy Shrine, for the abundant success of their teaching efforts, and particularly for the anniversary of the visit of 'Abdu'l-Baha to Esslingen.

The Guardian feels sure Ben will inspire you all with the account of his pilgrimage, on his return.


13 May 1953

The Baha'i Youth of Germany who were gathered in t.i.tisee, January 1, for Winterschool Session.

He urges each one of you, when the details covering the Ten Year Crusade are released, to give this subject careful study, so that you may, during the entire period of this World Crusade, serve the Cause efficiently and devotedly in the place and in the manner in which you are best fitted to do so.

LETTER OF 16 MARCH 1953(38)

16 March 1953

Mr. Ben Levy has safely delivered the Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Baha which you forwarded to the Holy Land, and the Guardian has read them, and will place them in the International Archives. It is indeed a miracle that you were able to protect these precious things during the long and dangerous years of the war, and the German Baha'is must be very grateful to you for doing so. The Guardian was happy to hear that photographs have been made of them and kept in Germany.

He also remembers your visit to Haifa; and your long and faithful services to our beloved Cause are most deeply appreciated. He feels sure that you and your family will continue to a.s.sist in spreading the Message in Germany, and in consolidating the foundations of the Faith, and will pray for the success of your efforts.

LETTER OF 16 MARCH 1953(39)

16 March 1953

The Guardian does not feel that now is the time for the Hands to give up their normal sphere of activity, and prepare themselves to be free to travel and teach all the time. In most cases, this would be quite impossible financially, especially for people who, like yourself, have the responsibility of families to look after. No doubt, as the Cause grows in numbers, and has greater resources, it will be possible to a.s.sist the Hands to carry out definite teaching missions; but for the present, we must stretch our limited resources, and accomplish the most essential tasks first. He was very pleased to hear that you will be present at the Stockholm Conference.

The tasks of the Auxiliary Boards will be under the direction of the Hands in their area, and in cooperation with the administrative bodies existing, to strengthen the teaching work. They will not have administrative functions, but will no doubt be able to help stimulate weak centers, groups and a.s.semblies through their visits.

A Covenant-breaker, as you know, is one who disobeys and turns away from the Center of the Covenant. Until such time as they repent of this sincerely, and express their willingness to work under the Center of the Covenant, their status must be considered the same. However, such matters should be discussed and decided upon within the National Spiritual a.s.sembly itself.


19 April 1953

Regarding your question, on Page 40 of "Prayers and Meditations", where it says: "Methinks He", this "He" refers to the Bab. The last paragraph on Page 40 and the continuation of it on Page 41 right down to the end of the quotation marks on Page 42, is all the Spirit of the Bab addressing Baha'u'llah; therefore, the words: "Thou art, in very truth, the Self-Subsisting" refers to Baha'u'llah, and is addressed by the Bab's Spirit to Him in the mystical sense of this prayer.

Regarding the words on Page 39 beginning with: "He it is, O my Lord," up to: "Thou didst weep continually", these are addressed by Baha'u'llah to the Bab.


7 May 1953

Baha'is of Esslingen.

Dear Baha'i Friends:

Your loving letter of April 5th has been received by the beloved Guardian, and he has asked me to acknowledge it on his behalf.

He is delighted to learn of the activity of the friends in Esslingen, and of their unity and devotion.

The visit of 'Abdu'l-Baha to Esslingen on April 4, 1913, was a historic occasion, and the friends certainly are correct in holding a memorial meeting each year.

Now that the Ten-Year World Crusade has been launched, the Guardian sincerely hopes that all of the friends in Germany will treble their efforts, and arise to accomplish the great goals which the German Baha'is have set themselves to achieve.

You may be sure the Guardian will pray for you at the holy Shrines. He sends his warm love to each and every one of you....

[From the Guardian:]

May the Almighty bless, guide and sustain you, and aid you to promote the vital interests of His Faith,

Your true brother, Shoghi


16 May 1953

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