The Old English Herbals Part 18

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All Souls College, Oxford.

_13th century._ De medicinis simplicibus sive de virtutibus Herbarum libellus.

Balliol College, Oxford.

_Late 13th century._ De simplicibus medicinis.

Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.


_13th-14th century._ Liber cogitanti michi de virtute simplicium medianarum.

Trinity College, Cambridge.

_13th-14th century._ Herbarium.

Addit. 22636 (XIII). British Museum.

_13th-15th century._ [Lines on the virtues of the scabious plant.]

Addit. 33381 (x.x.xVIII). British Museum.

_Late 13th century._ De collectione herbarum.

Arundel 369 (II). British Museum.

_13th century._ De Naturis Herbarum.

Royal 8c IX. (X). British Museum.

(From St. Mary's, Reading.)

_13th century._ De virtutibus herbarum rhythmice.

Sloane 146 (III). British Museum.

_13th century._ Praefatiuncula in totum praesens volumen.

_Inc._ In hoc continentur libri quattuor medicine Ypocrates Platonis Apoliensis urbis de diversis herbis.

Ashmole 1462 (I).

_Late 13th century._ Hic sunt virtutes scabiose distincte.

Digby 86 (Lx.x.xV). Bodleian.

_13th (?) century._ De proprietate herbarum.

Laud Latin 86 (XIII). Bodleian.

_13th-14th century._ Liber qui vocatur "Circa Instans."

Peterhouse College, Cambridge.

_13th-14th century._ Circa instans Platearii.

Trinity College, Cambridge.

_13th-14th century._ Versus de Ysope (Hyssop).

Harleian 524 (CLXI). British Museum.

_Circ. 1300._ De herba Basilisca seu Gentiana.

Harleian 2851 (XXIX). British Museum.

(Written in England.)

_13th century._ Beginning of a history of trees and plants which ends abruptly on page 3.

Harleian 4751. British Museum.

_Late 13th-14th century._ [Verses--including 19 lines on various herbs.]

Royal 12 c. VI. (VI). British Museum.

(Belonged to Bury St. Edmunds Abbey.)

_Circ. 1360-70._ Le liure de herberie en francais qui est apele "Circa Instans," translated from Johannes Platearius, _De simplici medicina_.

Bodley 76 I. Bodleian.

_14th century._ MS. on the virtues of herbs.

Library of Eton College.

_14th century._ Macri pma de Viribus herbarum; praemitt.i.tur tabula.

Harleian 2558 (XXIV). British Museum.

_14th century._ De viribus herbarum pma.

Sloane 420 (XL). British Museum.

_14th century._ De viribus herbarum.

Rawl. C. 630. British Museum.

_14th century._ Macer de virtutibus herbarum.

The Old English Herbals Part 18

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