A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 14

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John Aylesham.

This same yere the n.o.ble kyng Edward held his parlement at London, in whiche parlement he made Edward his oldest sone prynce of Walys.

Id'm maior. Geffrey Whityngham. A^{o}. xix^{o}.

Thomas Legge.

[Sidenote: Knyghtes of the Garter.]

In this yere the kyng began the rounde table at Wyndesore, that is to seye, the ordre of Knyghtes of the Garter.


Ric' Lacere, m'. Edmond Hampenale. A^{o}. xx^{mo}.

John Gloucestr'.

This yere the kyng sailed over the see into Bretayne and into Guyen, and come ageyn this same yere.

Geffrey Whityngham, m'. Will's Clopton. A^{o}. xxj^{mo}.

John Croydon.

[Sidenote: The bataile of Cressy.]

[Sidenote: Sege of Caleys.]

This same yere kyng Edward seyled into Normandye; and in the xij day of Juyll he arryved at Hogges; and the xvj[59] day of Juyll the kyng faught with the Normaundes at the brigge of Cadoun, where there were taken the erle of Ewe, the lord Tankervyle, and an hundred knyghtes, and of men of armes vij[60] c; and moche peple of Normandye were sclayn. Also in this same yere in the xxvj day of August, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxlvj, was the bataile of Cressy, in whiche bataill were sclayn the kyng of Beame, the duke of Loreyne, the erle of Alaunson, the erle of Flaundres, the erle of Bloys, the lord of Harecourt, the lord of Awmarle, the erle of Navers, and manye othere knyghtes and barons to the noumbre of xv^{c} xlij; and kyng Phillip fledde. And the thridde day of Septembre folwynge the kyng began the sege of Caleys, whiche sege he contynued unto the thridde day of August next folwynge. Also the same yere, durynge the forsaid sege, David kyng of Scotlond was taken at the bataille of Derham, the xvj kal' of Novembre, whiche kyng was raunsoned at an hundred m^{l} marcs, to be payed in x yere, that is to sey every yere x m^{l} mark.

[Footnote 59: "xxvj"--_in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 60: "vj c."--_Ibid._]


Thomas Legge, m'. Adam Brakson. A^{o}. xxij^{do}.

Ric' Basyngstoke.

[Sidenote: Caleys was yolden.]

This yere durynge the segee of Caleys the kyng Phillip of Fraunce, purposynge to remeve the sege, cam the xxvij day of Juyll, and proposed bataille to kyng Edward, and a.s.signed day and place; and kyng Edward accepted it with a glad chere: and kyng Philipp undirstondynge of this thinge, the nyghte folowynge he brende the tentes and cowardly fledde awey: and so the peple withinne the town, seynge no comfort of rescues, yolden the town to the kyng with the castell the ix^{e} day of August. And aboughte the feste of seynt Migh.e.l.l kyng Edward, which dede a glorious tryumphe, retorned ayene into Engelond.

John Lovekyn, m'. Herry Picard. A^{o}. xxiij^{cio}.

Simon Dolcelle.

[Sidenote: A gret reyn.]

In this yere began the grete pestilence among the Sarazynes, that unethes it lefte the x man alyve. And this same yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l} ccc^{mo} xlviij^{o}, it reyned contynuelly for the moste partye fro the Nativite of seynt John baptist unto Cristema.s.se next folwynge.

Walt' Turk, maior. Adam of Bery. A^{o}. xxiiij^{to}.

Rauf Lynne.

[Sidenote: Gret pestylence.]

This same yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxlviij^{o}[61] was the grete pestylence at London, which endured fro the feste of Myghelmesse unto the monthe of August sewyng.

[Footnote 61: "m^{l}, iij^{c} xlix" _in the Cotton MS._]


Ric' Kylsyngby, m'. John Notte. Anno xxv^{to}.

Will's Worcetr'.

[Sidenote: Bellu' sup' mare int' regem E. et les Spaynardes.]

In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccl the kyng faughte with the Spaynardes on the see, besyde Wynchelse and Romeneye: and thankyd be G.o.d the kyng hadde the victorye, and wan there manye a faire vessell.

Andr' Aubrey, m'. John Wroth. A^{o}. xxvj^{to}.

Gilb't Steynethorp, goldsmythe.

[Sidenote: New moneye of grotes and half grots and pens.]

In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclj the kyng made newe moneye; that is to seye grotes, and half grotes, and penyes: natheless the weyte was la.s.se be v _s._ in the pound than the olde starlyng. Also in this yere two fysshmongers were beheded at the standard in Chepe.

Adam Fraunceys, m'. John Pecche. A^{o}. xxvij^{o}.

John Stodeye.

[Sidenote: The dere Somer.]

In this yere was a gret derthe of vitailes in somer tyme. In this yere was a gret droughte, whiche endured fro the begynnyng of March unto the laste ende of Juyll.

Id'm maior. Will' Welde. Anno xxviij^{o}.

John Lytele.

[Sidenote: The first duk of Lancastre.]

The same yere after Estre the kyng held his parlement at Westm', in whiche parlement Herry erle of Lancastre was mad duke of Lancastre, whiche was the firste duke of Lancastre.


Thomas Legge, m'. Will' Totenham. A^{o}. xxix^{o}.

Ric' Smelte.

[Sidenote: The staple of wolles were ordeyned.]

In this yere kyng Edward and kyng Phillip of Fraunce were sworne to kepe pees; and kyng Edward schulde have in pees, withoute homage doyng, alle the londes of Guyon, Angeoy, and Normandye, and othere that longen to hym be heritage of olde tyme. Also this yere the kyng revoked the staple of wolles out of Flaundres, and ordeyned it to be in diverses places of Engelond; that is to seye, at Westm', Caunterbury, Chichestre, Bristoll, Lincoln, and at Hull.

Simon Fraunceys, m'. Th' Forst'. A^{o}. x.x.x^{o}.

Walt' Brandon.

[Sidenote: The custume of wollys was graunted to king E.]

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 14

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