A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 15

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This same yere deyde kyng Philip of Fraunce, and John his eldest sone was crowned kyng of Fraunce. And the same yere kyng Edward seyled over the see and landed at Caleys, whiche with all his oost rood forth into Fraunce to mete with kyng John, that wykkedly hadde broken the pees.

And anon kyng John wyste of his comynge, cowardly he fledde: and he dede all his peple 'carie awey there vitailes and goodes, that kyng Edward and his peple'[62] in nothing schulde be refresshed. Also the same yere the Scottes token the town of Berewyk, but the castell was kepte stille be Englysshmen. Also the same yere was graunted to kyng Edward the custume of wolles; that is to say, l _s._ of the sakke for the terme of vj yere folwynge.

[Footnote 62: _Supplied from the Cotton MS._]


Herry Picard, m'. Ric' Notyngham. A^{o}. x.x.xj^{mo}.

Thomas Dolcell.

[Sidenote: Kyng of Scotlond gave upp the realme of Scotlond.]

[Sidenote: Kyng of Fraunce John was taken at the bataill of Peyters, and othere lordes with hym.]

This yere S^{r}. John Bailloil kyng of Scotlond yaf up the reaume of Scotlond and the crowne to kyng Edward at Rokesburgh. Also in this yere the town of Berewyk was yolden up to kyng Edward. And in this same yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l} ccclvj^{to}, the xix day of Septembre, kyng John of Fraunce was taken at the bataill of Peyters be the doughty prynce Edward the firste sone of kyng Edward. Also Sire Philip his sone was taken with hym; and the erle of Pountys, the erle of Ewe, the erle of Longeville, the erle of Tankervyle, with othere viij erles and thre bysshoppes: and there were sclayn the duke of Burbon, the duke of Daceus constable of France, and the bysshop of Chalons, and manye othere grete lordys of Fraunce; and the dolphyn fledde.

John Stodeye, m'. Steph'us Caundyssh. A^{o}. x.x.xij^{do}.

Barth'us Fretlyng.

[Sidenote: Prynce Edward with kyng John, with alle the p'soners, comen into Engelond.]

[Sidenote: Grete justes in Smythfelde, beynge there thre kynges.]

In this yere prynce Edward, with kyng John of Fraunce and with alle hise presoners, comen into Engelond the xxiiij day of May, aboughte iij of the belle at afternoon he rod over London brigge toward the kynges paleys at Westm'. Also the same yere were ryall justes in Smythfeld, there beynge present thre kynges, that is to say the kyng of Engelond, the kyng of Fraunce, the kyng of Scotlond; and manye othere grete lordys of diverses regyons.

John Lovekyn, fysshmong', m'. John Bures. A^{o}. x.x.xiij^{o}.

John Bernes.

This same yere the kyng helde ryally seynt George feste at Wyndesore, there beynge kyng John of Fraunce; the whiche kyng John seyde in scorn, that he sawe never so ryall a feste and so costelewe mad with tailles of tre, withoughte payeng of gold and sylvere.


Simon Dolcelle, m'. Simon Bedyngton. A^{o}. x.x.xiiij^{to}.

John Chichestre, goldsmythe.

This yere, in the xiiij kal' of Juyn, Sire John erle of Richmond, the kynges sone, wedded dame Blaunche.[63] Also in this yere kyng Edward seyled to Caleys, and rood up into Fraunce, because Charles regent of Fraunce thanne meved werre.

[Footnote 63: _See note_ N.]

John Wroth, m'. John Deynes. A^{o}. x.x.xv^{to}.

Walt' Berneye.

[Sidenote: Blak Monday.]

This same yere, that is for to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclx, the xiiij day of Aprill thanne beynge the morwe after Estre day, kyng Edward with hys oost lay aboughte Parys; whiche day was a foul derk day of myst and of hayl, and so bitter cold that manye men deyde for cold: wherfore unto this day manye men callen it the blake Moneday. This same yere were rovers on the see, undyr the governayle of the erle of Seynt Poule; whiche the xv day of March distroied the townes of Rye and Hastinge and othere be the see syde, and sclewen manye men. Also in this yere the pees was made betwen the kyng Edward and kyng John of Fraunce, the xv day of May: and kyng Edward sente hise amba.s.satours into Fraunce, and toke the othe of Charles regent of Fraunce, whiche othe was plight undir this forme: Charles dede lete solempnely a ma.s.se to be songen; and whanne _Agnus Dei_ was thries seyd, Charles leyde his right hand upon the patene, whereupon lay G.o.des body, and his lefte hond pressyng don upon the ma.s.se bok, seyenge, We swern upon the holy precious G.o.ddes body, and upon the Evaungelies, fermely to holden anentes us pees and concord fourmed betwen the too kynges of Fraunce and of Engelond, and in no manere to do the contrerie. Also in this yere mennes, bestes, trees, and housynge were alle to smyte with violent lyghtnynge, and sodeynly peresshyd; and the devell in mannes lyknes spak to men goynge be the weye.


John Pecche, m', Will' Holbeche. Anno x.x.xvj^{to}.

drap'. Jemes Tame.

[Sidenote: A blody reyne and a blody crosse.]

[Sidenote: s'c'da pestilencia.]

[Sidenote: John the erle of Richm' was made duke of Lankaster.]

Also in this yere, in the kal' of Juyn, fell a blody reyne in Burgoyn, and a blody crosse apered in the eire fro the morwe unto myd day at Boloyne, the whiche afterward moved hym and fel down into the see. And in this yere prynce Edward wedded the countesse of Kent. And in this yere was the seconde gret pestilence, in whiche good Herry of Lancastre deyde, and S^{r}. John erle of Richemond, the kynges sone, was mad duke of Lancastre. And in the same yere began the grete companye.

Steph'us Caundyssh, m'. John of Seynt Albons. A^{o}. xxyvij^{o}.

Jacob Andrewe.

[Sidenote: Magnus ventus.]

[Sidenote: Lyonell the k' son duke of Clarence.]

This same yere upon seynt Maurys day, the yere of our lord a m^{l}ccclxj, was the gret wynd whiche caste doun tres, houses, pynacles and steplees of chirches and manye places in Engelond. Also this yere S^{r}. Leonell the kynges sone was mad duke of Clarence, and S^{r}. Edmond of Wodestoke was made erle of Caumbregg.


John Notte, m'. Ric' Croydon. Anno x.x.xviij^{o}.

John Hyktost.

[Sidenote: Thre kynges comen into Engelond.]

In this yere comen thre kynges into Engelond to vysyte and to speke with kyng Edward; that is to seye, kyng John of Fraunce, the kyng of Scottes, and the kyng of Cipre.

Adam of Bery, maior, Simon Mordon. A^{o}. x.x.xix.

skynnere. John Medford.

[Sidenote: The bataill of Orrey.]

[Sidenote: John kyng of Fraunce deide at Saveye.]

[Sidenote: A gret frost that longe dured.]

This same yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccc^{mo}lxiiij was the batell of Orrey in Britayne, where S^{r}. Charles de Bloys chalanged to be duke of Bretayne was sclayn, and S^{r}. Bertram Claykyn was take with manye othere lordes and knyghtes. Also this same yere, at Saveye besyde Westm', deyde John kyng of Fraunce. And also in the same yere was a strong cold frost, whiche endured fro seynt Andrewes day unto the kal'

of Aprill.

Id'm maior usq' xxviiij John Brikelesworth. Anno xl^{mo}.

diem Januar', quo die John Irland.

p' p'ceptu' reg' illo amoto, Joh'es Lovekyn el'tus fuit in maiorem p' residuo a^{i}.

[Sidenote: E' p'mogenit' E' princip' nat' est.]

[Sidenote: Bataile of sparwes.]

[Sidenote: Men and bestes weren enfect with pokkes.]

This same yere, the vij kal' of Feverer, Edward the firste sone of prynce Edward was born; whiche in the age of vij yere endyd hys lyf.

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 15

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