A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 17
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Nicoll Twyford.
[Footnote 67: _See note_ P.]
In this yere was graunted to the kyng of every persone, man and woman, above the age of xiiij yere, iiij _d_; and of every man of holy chirche avaunced xij _d_; and of every man nought avaunced iiij _d._ freres only except. And this same yere the cardynall of Engelond was smyten with the palsye and loste his speche, and upon Marie Magdaleyne day he dyde. Also in this yere, the xij day of Aprill, S^{r}. John Mynstreworth knyght was beheded. Also in this yere, in the xij kal' of Jull, that is for to seye on seynt Albones even, at Schene, deyde the moost excellent and doughted prynce Edward the thridde: the whiche Richard, the sone of goode prynce Edward the sone of the sayde kyng Edward, at the age of xj yere began to reigne: the whiche forsaid kyng Edward lyth ryally entered at Westm'.
John Philpot, wolman, m'. John Boseham. A^{o}. s'c'do.
Th' Cornwayle.
In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccc^{mo}lxxviij, in the morwe after seynt Laurence day, was Robert Hawle sclayn in the chirche of Westm'
be S^{r}. Aleyn Boxley, S^{r}. Rauf Fereres and Markle, whiche was sithen a sergeaunt of armes. Also the same yere was ordeyned that every persone undirgrowe schulde pay iiij _d._ to the kyng; and this cause was most cause of the rysyng after, for in Kent they began to serche first maydens and othere.
John Hadley, groc', m'. John Heyleston. A^{o}. t'cio.
Will' Baret.
This yere the parlement was at Northt'; and there was Kirkeby drawe and hanged for the deth of a marchaunt of Jene, and a whit frere was punysshed for wordes that they hadde seyde be the duke of Lancastre.
And in this yere were galeys in Thamyse, and brende Gravesende and Tilbury; for which cause S^{r}. Rauf Ferrers was apeched. And in this yere was the bataill betwen S^{r}. John of Audeslay knyght, and Thomas Kat'ynge esquyer.
Will Walworth, m'. Walt' c.o.ket. A^{o}. iiij^{to}.
fysshmong'. Will' Knyghtcote.
[Sidenote: The rysyng of the co'es of Ess.e.x and Kent.]
[Sidenote: They brende Saveye.]
[Sidenote: Jake Strawe was sclayn.]
This yere was the rysyng of the co'es of Ess.e.x and of Kent, for a talaye ordeyned that every man and woman betwen the age of lx and xvj yere schulde paye to the kyng xij _d._; the whiche comones brenden the chirche and the houses of seynt Jones at Clerkenwelle, and at the Tour hill they beheded maistre Simond Sudbury, than erchebysshop of Caunterbury and chaunceller of Engelond; and frere Robert Hales priour of seynt Jones hous, thanne tresorer of Engelond; and frere William Appulton a grey frere, because he was phisicion to the duke of Lancastre, and Roger Leche sergeaunt of armes; and Richard Lyons was beheded at the standard in Chepe; and Richard Somere was beheded at the Milende; and Legat of Holbourn was beheded at Goterlane ende in Chepe; and manye questmongers, jorours, men of lawe, Flemynges, and othere aliens as they comen to honde they were beheded in diverses places. And thise said arrysers brenden the dukes place of Lancastre called Saveye, and wolde fayn an had the duke of Lancastre, but as grace was he myghte not be founden: and this was don on Corpus Cristi day, thanne beynge on the xj day of Juyn the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclx.x.xj. And on the morwe after, that is to saye Fryday, and thanne on the Satirday after Corpus Cristi day, the kyng anon after rood into Smythfeld, and William Walworth thanne beynge maire of London, S^{r}. Robert Knolles and also aldermen and othere citezeins of London with hym: and there they metten with Jake Strawe ledere of the uprysers. And this Jake Strawe spak to the kyng heded as it hadde be to his felawe: and John Blyton that bar the maires swerd of London bad hym don of his hode while he spak to the kyng; wherfore Jake Strawe wax an angred, and mynte to caste his daggere to Blyton. And thanne William Walworth, maire of London, drewe his baselard and smot Jake Strawe on the hed: and with that, Rauf Standyssh, that bar the kynges swerd, roof Jake Strawe thorugh the body with a swerd; and there he fyll doun ded. And anon his hede was smeten of and sett on a pole. And there the kyng made knyghtes, that is to seye, William Walworth maire of London, Rauf Standyssh, Robert Launde, Nicholl Brembre, Nicholl Twyford, and John Philpot. And anoon they wenten into seynt Jones feld, and there they founden alle the arrysers. And anon they were besett aboughte with the peple of London, so that they might non of them escape away: and thanne the kyng dede crye that no man schulde don them bodyly harme; and they were fayne to escape awey with there lyfves, and left there wepenys behynde them. Nevertheles afterward manye of them weren arrested, and be the lawe don to the deth in diverses schires of Englond, some drawen and hanged, and some hanged, and some beheded.
John Northampton, John Hende, drap'. A^{o}. v^{to}.
draper, maior. John Roote.
[Sidenote: Kyng Richard wedded the emperours dought' of Almayne, Anne.]
[Sidenote: T're mot'.]
This yere kyng Richard wedded quene Anne the emperours doughter of Almaygne, that was a gracious lady. And in this yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclx.x.xij, in the xxj day of May upon Wednesday anon after noon, was a gret erthequake in Engelond.
Id'm maior. Adam Bamme, goldsmyth. A^{o}. vj^{to}.
John Cely.
[Sidenote: The bysshop of Norwych wente into Flaundres.]
This yere sire Herry Spenser bysshop of Norwich seyled into Flaundres with a croceryd to werre on the Flemynges. In that vyage wente S^{r}.
William Elmham, S^{r}. William Faryndon, S^{r}. Thomas Trevet, and othere; and on seynt Urbanes day the pope, there were sclayn besyde Dunkirke xj m^{l} and v hundred Flemynges. Also in this yere fill debate in London betwen John Northampton, William Ess.e.x, John Moore, and Richard Norbury on that on partye, and the fysshmongers on the othere partye.
Nicholl Brembre, m'. John Moore, m'c'. A^{o}. vij^{mo}.
drap'. Simon Wynchecombe.
In this yere John Northampton, John More and Richard Norbury were dampned into the tour of London, to be drawe and honged for certeyn congregacion mad ayeyns the pees in the citee of London. And in this yere S^{r}. Nicholl Brembre was chosene maire of London be stronge hand of certeyne craftes of London.
Id'm maior. Nicholl Exton. Anno viij^{o}.
John Frossh', m'c'.
[Sidenote: S^{r}. Edmunde Langeley erle of Cambrygge made duke of Yorke.]
[Sidenote: S^{r}. Mychel Pole was made erle of Suff'.]
[Sidenote: A gret bataill in the palys of Westm'.]
In this yere were called ayeyne to there ansuere John Northampton, John More, and Richard Norbury in the tour of London, before S^{r}.
Robert Tresylyan justice, and before S^{r}. John Deverose thanne styward of the kynges houshold, and before S^{r}. Nicholl Brembre thanne maire of London. In this yere the kyng at parlement be a.s.sent of the comounes made S^{r}. Edmond Langeley, thanne erle of Caumbregge, duke of Yorke; Sire Thomas Wodestoke, thanne erle of Notyngham, duke of Gloucestre; S^{r}. Robert le Veer, thanne erle of Oxenford, duke of Irlond; and sitthe he made hym marqwys of Develyn, and yaf hym alle the comodites of Irlond, terme of hys lyf, to mayntene the werres of Irlond: also S^{r}. Migh.e.l.l of Pole was mad erle of Suffolke, and S^{r}. John Urmonde was mad erle of Urmond. In this yere kyng Richard, the duke of Lancastre, with a grete powere redyn into the north, and distroied into the Scottes see. And in this yere was the bataille in the palys at Westm', betwen Martigo Novyle of Naverne apeler, and John Walssh defender; the whiche Martigo apeled the said John that he schulde have p'posyd and sold the castell of Chirburgh: the whiche John there hadde the victorye and was mad knyght, and the said Martigo was drawen and hanged. Also in this yere S^{r}. Nicholl Brembre was chosen maire ayeyne, be the said craftes and be men of the contre at Harowe and the contre there aboughte, and not be fre eleccion of the citee of London as it owith to be: and the oolde halle was stuffed with men of armes overe even, be ordinaunce and a.s.sente of S^{r}. Nicholl Brembre for to chese hym maire on the morwe; and so he was.
Id'm maior. John Oghgon. A^{o}. ix^{o}.
John Chircheman.
[Sidenote: Lordes ledde ladies be the bridell.]
In this yere was a gret rydynge fro the tour of London to Westm'; and evere a lord ledde a ladyes bridell. And on the morwe began the justes in Smythefeld, whiche lasted too dayes. There bar hym well S^{r}.
Herry of Derby, the dukes sone of Lancastre, that othere was the lord Beaumond, the thridde S^{r}. Simond of Beuerley, the ferthe S^{r}.
Piers Courteneye.[68]
[Footnote 68: _See note_ Q.]
Nicholl Exton, maior, Will' More, vynt'. A^{o}. x^{mo}.
fysshmong'. Will' Staundon, groc'.
[Sidenote: A bataill on the see betwen the erle of Arundell and the Flemynges.]
This yere the erle of Arundell admirall of Engelond faught on the see with the Flemynges, upon oure lady day in lenten, and scomfyted them, and tok manye schippes lade with Roch.e.l.l wyn; among whiche schippes was oo schipp called Mewes Colman,[69] and that schipp was the admyrall of Flaundres, the whiche was taken and manye othere prisoners. The some of schippes grete and smale, at that tyme take, were lx.x.xvj schippes, in whiche were accompted xvij^{m} tounes of wyne. Also the duke of Lancastre in this yere, with his d.u.c.h.esse dame Constance, sayled over the see into Spayne with a gret peple, to clayme his wyfves right: and he tok with hym John Northt', for doughte elles he myghte have be sclayn whiles he hadde ben oughte of the reaume.
[Footnote 69: "Mons^{r} Colman" _in the Cotton MS._]
Id'm maior. Will' Venor, groc'. Anno xj^{mo}.
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