A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 18

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Hugo Fastolf.

[Sidenote: The rysyng of the lordes.]

[Sidenote: Diverses knyghtes were hanged, and diverses justices were exiled for everemore.]

In this yere was the rysyng of lordes of Engelond; that is for to seye, S^{r}. Thomas of Wodstok duke of Gloucestre, S^{r}. Herry erle of Derby, S^{r}. Richard erle of Arundell, S^{r}. Thomas erle of Warrewyk, Moubray the erle marchall, and S^{r}. Thomas the erle of Notyngham, ayens othere certeyn lordes, that is to weten, S^{r}.

Robert de Veer erle of Oxenford, that was mad markys of Develyn and after duke of Irlond, whiche fledde into Loveyne in Braban, and there he deyde; Sire Mich' of Pole erle of Suffolk, whiche also fledde to the same place, and there deyde; Sire Alexander Nevyll erchebysshop of York, the whiche fledde to Scotlond, and there deyde; Robert Tresilian the kynges justice and Nicholl Brembre knyght were drawe to Tyborne and hanged. Also the same tyme Sire Johan Beauchamp, S^{r}. James Berners, and Sire Simond of Beuerle, knyghtes, were beheded at the Tour hill; but S^{r}. John of Salisbury was drawen and hanged; and also Robert Bealknap, John Holt, Robert Cary, William Burgh, Robert Fulthorp, and John Lokton, justices, weren exiled into Irlond, there for to dwelle alle there lyf tyme.


Nicholl Twyford, goldsmyth, Adam Karlyll,[70] groc'. A^{o}. xij^{o}.

maior. Th' Austyn, m'c'.

[Footnote 70: "Cachehill" _in the Cotton MS._]

[Sidenote: Justes in Smythfeld betwen the erle of Not' and the erle of More and othere.]

This yere, in the moneth of May, weren the justes in Smythfeld betwen the erle of Notyngham and the erle of More, Scott.; also betwen the lord Welles and S^{r}. David Lyndesey, Scott.; also betwen there Nicholl Bemenere and John Bron, Scott.

William Venor, groc', m'. John Loveye. A^{o}. xiij^{mo}.

John Walcote, drap'.

In this yere were justes betwen S^{r}. Piers Courtenay and S^{r}.

William Danyell, Scott. And in this yere John Northampton cam home and posseded his goodes.


Adam Bam, goldsmyth, Th' Vyvent. Anno xiiij^{mo}.

m'. John Fraunceys, goldsmyth.

[Sidenote: A gret scarcete of corn.]

This yere was scarcete of corn. Neverthelees the seide meire, be good counseill, sente his men over the see with gold into divers contres and broughte home corn, so that the prys was well amendyd.[71]

[Footnote 71: _See note_ R.]

John Hende, drap', m'. John Schadworth, m'c'. A^{o}. xv^{o}.

Herry Vaun'e, drap'.

[Sidenote: Edward Dalyngreg' and Baldewyn Radyngton were mad kepers of the citee of London.]

[Sidenote: The remevyng of the court to Yorke.]

[Sidenote: For an hors loof.]

whiche John Hende occupied the office of the meire into the morwe after the natyvyte of seynt John baptist, the whiche was put down be the kyng and his counseill at Notyngham, and ordeyned S^{r}. Edward Dalyngregy, knyght, kepere of the citee; and on the xxij day of Juyll the said Edward was discharged of his office, and S^{r}. Bawdewyn Radyngton at Wyndesore was mad kepere of the citee of London, and so stod in office into the feste of seynt Symond and Jude; at whiche day, be leve of the kyng, they chosen officers in the Yelde halle of London for the yere folwyng as it folwith. And in this yere the courtes were remeved, and withdrawe fro London to York fro the feste of the nativite of seynt John baptist unto Cristema.s.se folwynge; and all this disese above seyd was for this cause. In this yere Thomas Arundell erchebysshop of York was thanne chaunceler of Engelond, and Waltham bysshop of Salesbury was thanne tresorer of Engelond; the serwauntes of whiche tresorer arrered a grete debate in Fletestrete ayens men of the towne for an hors loof, for whiche the tresorer pleyned upon the citee to the kyng, and wykkedly enformed the kyng; thorugh whiche enformacion and procurment of the chaunceler, the kyng sesed the fraunchise and the liberte of London into hys hond: and the kyng hadde of London x m^{l} lib' or he wolde be plesyd.


Will'm Staundon, Gilb't Maunfeld. A^{o}. xvj^{mo}.

groc', maior. Th' Newenton.

In this yere was the pley of seynt Katerine.[72]

[Footnote 72: _See note_ S.]

John Hadley, groc', Ric' Whityngton, m'c'. A^{o}. xvij^{mo}.

m'. Grugo Barentyn, goldsmyth.

[Sidenote: Anna reg'^{na} Angl' obiit.]

In this yere, that is to seye in the xij day of Juyn the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccclx.x.xxiiij, the goode lady quene deyde at Shene, and lith entered worthyly at Westm'.

John Frossh, m'c', m'. Th' Knolles, groc'. A^{o}. xviij^{o}.

Will' Brampton, fysshmongre, with the longe berd.

In this yere kyng Richard wente first into Irlond.[73]

[Footnote 73: _See note_ T.]

Will's More, vynt', m'. Rog' Elys. A^{o}. xix^{o}.

Will' Scheryngham.

[Sidenote: Kyng Richard wedded the kynges doughtre of Fraunce, Isabell.]

In this yere, aboughte the feste of Al Halwen, Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce was spoused to kyng Richard at Caleys, whiche afterward, on the viij day of Januer, was crowned quene at Westm'; at whos comynge to London the priour of Typtre in Ess.e.x, with othere viij persones, upon London bregge in the gret prees weren crowsed to the deth.


Adam Bamme, goldsmyth, Th' Welford, drap'. A^{o}. xx^{mo}.

m'. Will' Parkere, m'c'.

[Sidenote: The makynge of lordes.]

[Sidenote: The erle of Arundell was condempned.]

The whiche Adam Bamme deyde the vj day of Juyn; and Richard Whityngton occupyed the office of the mairalte the remenaunt of the yere be patent of the kyng; and thanne after, on seynt Edwardes day, he was chose maire for the yere folwynge. Also in this yere the xxj day of Juyll, the regne of the kyng xxj^{ti} yere begynnynge, S^{r}. Thomas of Wodestoke duke of Gloucestre was arested at Paske;[74] and S^{r}.

Richard erle of Arundell, and S^{r}. Thomas erle of Warrewyk, the lord Cobham, and S^{r}. John Cheyne weren also arested. And in the monthe of Septembre nest folwynge the kyng helde hys parlement at Westm', at whiche parlement Edward erle of Roteland was made duke of Awmarle, Herry erle of Derby was mad duke of Hereford, Thomas earl Marchall was mad duke of Norfolk, S^{r}. John erle of Huntyngdon was mad duke of Excetre, the erle of Kent was mad duke of Surry, the erle of Somerset was mad marquys of Dorset, S^{r}. Thomas Percy was mad erle of Worcestre, the lord Spenser was made lord[75] of Gloucestre, the lord Nevyle was mad erle of Westmerland. Also the parlement was enyourned to Schrovesbury into the xv day of seynt Hillar. And in the forsaid parlement was mad a gret hale in the paleys of Westm', in whiche Richard the erle of Arundell was dampned to the deth, and he was beheded at the Tour hill.[76]

[Footnote 74: "Pla.s.s'he" _in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 75: "Earl" _in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 76: _See note_ U.]


Richard Whytyngton, Will' Askham, fysshmong'. A^{o}. xxj^{mo}.

m'c', m'. John Wodec.o.k, m'c'.

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 18

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