A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 22

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[Sidenote: The removyng of the emperor.]

[Sidenote: The kyng wente to Caleys for trete with adversaries of Fraunce.]

[Sidenote: The galy halfpence were stroyd.]

[Sidenote: Bellu' sup' mare int' I. ducem Bed' et adv'sar' reg'.]

In this yere began the generall counseill at Constaunce. Also in this yere, that is to say the xxviij day of Octobre, the kyng com to his town of Caleys, and was there til the xvj day of Novembre: and that same day the kyng schipped fro his town of Caleys toward Engelond, and he landed the same day at nyght at Dovorr, and com forth alle the woke after toward London: and the Fryday at nyght the kyng come to Eltham, and there he lay al that nyght; and on the morwe was Satyrday, the xxiij day of Novembre, the maire of London and alle the aldermen, with alle the craftes of London, reden every man in reed, with hodes reed and white, and mette with the kyng on the Blakeheth comyng from Elthamward toward his citee of London; and ayens his comynge was ordeyned moche ryalte in London, that is to weten at London bregge, at the conduyt in Cornhill, at the gret conduyt in Chepe, and at the crosse in Chepe was mad a ryall castell, with angels and virgynes syngynge therinne; and so the kyng and hise presoners of Frensshmen reden thorugh London unto Westm' to mete, and there the kyng abod stille. And on the morwe after, it was Soneday and the xxiiij day of Novembre, the maire and alle the aldermen, with too hundred of the beste comoners of London, wente to Westm' to the kyng, and present hym with a m^{l} pound, in too basynes of gold worth v^{c} li. And in this tyme the emperor of Almayne com into Engelond with viij^{c} hors to seynt George feste; that is to wete, the firste day of Maij, at nyght, he landed at Dovorr; and on the Satyrday, the seconde day of Maij, he cam to Caunterbury and bod stylle there unto the v day of Maij: and the Thorsday, the vij day of May,[99] the maire and alle the aldermen, with alle the craftes of the citee, reden alle in rede gownes, and hodes white and reed, and mette with the emperor on the Blakehethe; and the kyng and alle hise lordes mette with hym at seynt Thomas Wateryng, and there the kyng put hym on the right hond, and the erchebysshop on the left hond, and so they come rydynge thorugh the citee of London and forth to Westm': and the xxix day of Maij the duke of Holand come to London, and he lay at the bysshopes place of Ely in Holbourne; and he abod stylle there unto the xxj day of Juyn.

And the xxvj day of Juyn the emperor remeved fro Westm' toward the castell of Ledes in Kanc', and from the castell of Ledes unto Eltham, and from Eltham forth to Caunterbury; and he schipped out of Engelond the xvj day of August. And the same yere the kyng wente to Caleys for to trete wyth his adversarije of Fraunce: and the same yere the duke of Bedford, the kynges brother, was mad capitayn of the see for a quarter of a yere; and the same tyme he and his retenue took iij carykes and drowned the forthe, and a gret hulke was drowned also: and anon after, in the same yere, was taken a gret carryke at Dertemouth.

And in this same yere, that is to weton on the Mighelmesse day, was Benet Wolman drawen and hanged, and his heed smyten of and set on London bregge for tretory: and in the same yere, the viij day of Octobre, was a p'chemyn' of Trille melle strete drawen and hanged, and his heed smyten of and set upon London brigge for tretory: and in the same yere weren alle the Galy half pens fordon at a parlement holden at Westm', the whiche parlement began the xv day of March. Also in the same yere, that is for to seye in the begynnyng of the forthe yere of the reigne of kyng Herry the fyfthe, the duke of Bedford and the erle of March, with othere certeyne lordes and there retenue, foughton with vij carykes of Jene, and with aboughte l othere vesselles, some hulkes, some barges, some galys, and some galyottes; of whom, blessyd be G.o.d, he toke iij carykes with there patrons, and drowned a gret hulke that was called the Blake hulke of Flaundres, and the remenant fledden there wey: and this was don upon oure lady day the a.s.sumpcion, the iiij yere above seid.

[Footnote 99: _See note_ FF.]


Herry Barton, skynn', Rob't Wydyngton, groc'. A^{o}. iiij^{o}.

maior. John Coventr', drap'.

[Sidenote: A parlement at Westm'.]

[Sidenote: A begger was drawen for disfiguryng of children.]

[Sidenote: Thomas Pedwardyn kepere of Sprottes keye was sclayn on Estreday.]

[Sidenote: The bataill on the see betuen the erl of Hunt' and the kynges adversaries.]

[Sidenote: The castell of Touk with the toun was yolden.]

[Sidenote: Cane was goten and manye othere townes and castelles.]

And in this same yere was a parlement at Westm' holden, and it began the xix day of Octobre; and at that parlement was the erle of Dorset mad duke of Excestre: and in this same yere, on seynt Katerine even, was a begger drawen and hanged for dysmembrynge of yonge children, and he was drawen in his owne carre from the Leden halle unto Tyborne: and in this same yere was a theff sclayn, withoughte seynt Marie Spytell, that highte Robert Somerford: and the same yere held his Cristema.s.se at Wyndesore: and the same yere were too women hanged at Tybourne; that oon was a spycer wyf of Seynt Albons, and that other was the baillyf wyf of Vynesbury; and the same yere was the same bally hanged: and the same yere was Thomas Petwardyn, kepere of Sprottes keye, sclayn in seynt Dunston chirche in the Est, in the hyghe chancell, on the Esterday at evesong tyme, with the lord Straunge and his men, and there was S^{r}. John Trussell and hise sone, and othere men of his, sore wounded; and that fray began betwen the lord Strange wyf and Sire John Trussell wyf: and the same yere, upon seynt Petyr day and Poule, the erle of Huntyngdon, with othere certeyn lordes and there retenue, foughten with ix carykes of Jene, the grettest that evere were seyn in this coostes, and scomfited them; of whiche, thanked be G.o.d, he toke iiij grete with there patrons, and the admirall of them alle was called the b.a.s.t.a.r.d of Burbon, with alle the tresoure that they alle schulde aben waged with for a quarter of a yere; and the othere carykes fledden awey. Also the same yere, the x.x.x day of Juyll, the kyng with alle his oost seyled into Fraunce, and londed in Normandye, upon Lammes day, a litell besyde the castell of Touke; the whiche castell he toke first after he was landed, and yaf it to his brother the duke of Clarence, with alle that longith thertoo.[100] Also the same yere, that is to say anno quinto, the kyng gat Cane Beyeux, and manye othere townes and castelles and riche abbeys, longe before seynt Edward day.

[Footnote 100: _See note_ GG.]


Ric' Merlawe, irmong', Herry Rede, armerer. A^{o}. v^{to}.

maior. John Gedeney, drap'.

[Sidenote: S^{r}. John Oldcastell was taken in Walys.]

In this yere the generall counseill was ended at Constaunce, and an unyte mad in Holy Chirche; and a pope chosen on seynt Martyn day, be fre eleccion and comowne a.s.sent of alle the generall counseill cristen, whiche pope was called Martinus quintus. Also in this yere, on the feste of seynt Lucie the virgyne, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccccxvij, S^{r}. John Oldcastell lord of Cobbeham was taken in the march of Walys, and brought to Westm', where he was forjugged; and he was drawe thorugh the citee of London, which in his dayes was heed of heretykes and Lollers; and he was hanged be a cheyne of iren, and was brent up the galawes and alle.[101]

[Footnote 101: _See note_ HH.]


Will's Sevenok, groc', John Bryan. A^{o}. vj^{to}.

maior. Rauf Barton, skynn'.

[Sidenote: The sege of Roen.]

[Sidenote: Sacr'm ducis de Burgoyne.]

[Sidenote: The duk of Burgoyn was sclayn.]

[Sidenote: Frere Randolf.]

The whiche John Bryan, schirreve of London,[102] fell in the water of Thamyse, the whiche was cause of his deth, and dyed on the x day of Octobre; and in his stede John Perneys was chosen for the remenaunt of the yere. Also the same yere the kyng of Engelond with his lordes beseged the citee of Roen,[103] the whiche sege dured half a yere and more; but at the laste, thorugh the grace of G.o.d, it was yolden to hym upon the day of seynt Wolstan, alle ayens there will, G.o.d wot, for nede compelled them therto for defaute of vitaill; for as it was seid there deyde withinne the town for defaute of vitaille, mo thanne x.x.x m^{l} durynge the same sege. Also in the same yere the dolphyn of Fraunce sente after the duke of Burgoyn, to whom, as men seyn, nought fully vij nyght before he was sworn un on G.o.des body sacred to ben good and trewe for to come and speke with hym be syde Parys, at the town of Monstreux, with certeyn persones undir sauf conduyt; and whanne he cam thedir, notwithstondyng the gret othe that was mad betuen them bothe, nother his sauf conduyt, the viscount of Burbon, as the duke kneled before the dolphyn, smot hym with an ax in the heed; and so that the forseid dolphyn and hise complices falsly and untrewly, and ayens alle manere lawe of armes, morthered the forseid duke and made an ende of hym. Also this same yere frere Randolf, a mayster of dyvynyte, that sumtyme was the quene Johanne confessor, at the excitynge of the forseid quene, be sorcerye and be nygramancie wrought for to astroyd the kyng: but, as G.o.d wolde, his falsnesse at the laste was aspyed; wherefore be comown parlement the quene forfetyd here landes.

[Footnote 102: "was mischevously drowned at Seint Katerines mille as he went to eas hym" _in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 103: _See note_ II.]


Ric' Whytyngton, John Boteler, m'c'. A^{o}. vij.

m'cer, maior. Rob't Whytyngton, drap'.

[Sidenote: The weddyng of the kyng and quene Kateryne in Fraunce.]

[Sidenote: The sege of Melau and of manye mo citees, townes and castell.]

This same yere was the kyng Herry the fyfthe mad heir and regent of Fraunce, and wedded to dame Katerine the kynges doughter of Fraunce, at Troys[104] in Champayn, upon Trynyte Soneday; and anoon after he hymselfe and hise lordes, with the duke of Burgoyne and manye othere ryalles of Fraunce, wenten and leyd sege to manye diverses citees, townes and castellys, whiche weren holden with the dolphyns men and Armenakes, and wan them; but Melau sur Seyne was on of the werste that evere he leyde sege to, for ther was inne a schrewd meyne of rebelles.

[Footnote 104: _See note_ KK.]

Will's Cambregge, John Boteller, drap'. A^{o}. viij^{o}.

groc', maior. John Welles, groc'.

[Sidenote: The coronacion of the quene at Westm'.]

[Sidenote: A parlement at Westm'.]

[Sidenote: The kyng ordeyned certeyn weyghtes for gold.]

[Sidenote: The deth of the duke of Clarence.]

[Sidenote: The town of Mileu was yolden.]

This yere on Candelma.s.se day be the morwe the kyng come into Engelond with hys quene, and landed at Dovorr; and on the xiiij day of Fever, upon seynt Valentynes day, the kyng come to London; and the xxj day of the same monthe the quene come to London; and on the xxiij day of the same monthe sche was crowned at Westm'.[105] Also this same yere, anoon after Estren, the kyng helde his parlement at Westm'; in whiche parlement was ordeyned, that no man after Cristema.s.se thanne nest folwynge schulde putten forth no proffre no gold in payment but yf it held the weyte, wherfore the most part of the peple ordeyned them balaunces and weytes. And anoon after Pentecost the kyng seiled over the see to Caleys, and pa.s.syd forth into Fraunce. This same yere upon Estre even afore noon, that is for to say the xxij day of March, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccccxxj, the duke of Clarence with manye other lordes were sclayn beyounde the water of Leyre in Fraunce; and manye lordes were taken prisoners the same tyme, of the whiche the erle of Hunt', and the erle of Somerset with hys brother, were princ.i.p.ales. Also the same yere, betuen Cristema.s.se and Candelma.s.se, the town of Mileu' was yolden to the kyng, and alle cheveteyns with the sowdyours were ledd to Parys in the croke of the mone they myght seyn, for of them there skaped thens but fewe on lyve.

[Footnote 105: _See note_ LL.]


Rob't Chycheley, John Weston, drap'. Anno ix^{o}.

groc', maior. Ric' Gosselyn, irmong'.

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