A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 23

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[Sidenote: A parlement at Westm', and a xv^{me} and a dyme graunted.]

[Sidenote: The birthe of kyng Herry the vj^{te}.]

[Sidenote: Mewes in Bry' was yolden.]

[Sidenote: The newe wederc.o.c.k of Poules was set up.]

This yere, on the thridde day of December, began the parlement at Westm', whiche was holden be the duke of Bedforde, thanne lyftenaunte of Engelond; in whiche parlement was graunted a quynzyme and a dyme, the kyng hymself thanne lyenge at the sege of Mieux in Bry', in Fraunce, the half of whiche xv^{e} and x^{me} to be payd at the purification of oure lady nest folwynge, and that the kynges deputes schulde resceyve in payement swyche gold as wente; that is to seye, zif a n.o.ble were worth v _s._ viij _d._, the kyng schulde taken it to the value of vj _s._ viij _d._; and if it were lesse than v _s._ viij _d._, thanne the persone so payenge that money schulde make good the surplus to the value of v _s._ viij _d._ to the kyng, in contentyng the kyng of the hol n.o.ble of vj _s._ viij _d._; and in cas the n.o.ble so paied were better of value thanne v _s._ viij _d._, it was accorded that the kyng schulde paye to the awnere therof the overplus above v _s._ viij _d._: also thanne was gret scarcete of whit moneye in Engelond, that is to seye of sylver, for every man, because of the said newe eschange, outred gold and kept sylver in as moche as they myghte. Also in the forseid monthe of Decembre, on seynt Nicholl day, the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccccxxj, Herry the kynges sone was born at Wyndesore, whos goodfadres at the font were Herry bysshop of Wynchestre, sithe Cardynall, and John duke of Bedford, and Jacomyn d.u.c.h.esse of Holand was hys goodmodyr; and his goodfadir at his confirmacion was Herry Chicheley erchebysshop of Caunterbury. Also in the monthe of May,[106] the yere of oure lord a m^{l}ccccxxij, and of the kyng the x yere, the citee of Mewes in Bry', whiche longe tyme hadde be seged, was yolde to the kyng. Also the same yere, the xiij day of August, the newe wedirc.o.c.k was set upon Seynt Poules stepill of London: and the laste day of the same monthe of August deyde the most excellent, and most graciouse, and most doutyd prynce of Cristen chivalrye, Herry of Engelond the fyfthe, after the conquest the x^{e}, whos boones, in the begynnyng of Novembre folwynge, were brought into Engelond, and after to London; and on the vij day of Novembre he was ryally entered at Westm'.

[Footnote 106: _See note_ MM.]


REX HENRICUS s.e.xTUS. [1422-1423.]

Will's Waldern, Will' Estfeld, m'c'. A^{o}. p^{o}.

m'c', maior. Rob't Tatersale, drap'.

[Sidenote: A parlement at Westm'.]

[Sidenote: The governaunce of the K. was ordeyned by parlemente.]

[Sidenote: W^{m}. Tailor an heretyk was brent.]

This same yere upon a Wednesday the xxj day of Octobre, on the morwe be vj[107] and vij on the belle, deyde kyng Charles kyng of Fraunce the kynges aiel of Engelond, in his ostell of seynt Poule withinne Parys, whos body was worthyly entered in seynt Denys. Also the vij daye of Novembre the same yere, oure kyng Herry the fyfthe n.o.bely was entered at Westm'. Also in this yere the kynges parlement was holden at Westm', which parlement began the Moneday nest before the feste of seynt Martyn, that is to seye the ix day of Novembre, in whiche parlement was ordeyned the governaunce of the kyng, how and in what manere he schulde be governed in his tender age.[108] Also in this yere on the firste day of March Maistr' William Taillor prest, was disgraded of his ordre of presthood; and in the morwe after he was brent in Smythefeld for certeyn poyntes of heresye.

[Footnote 107: "in the morning between," &c. _in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 108: _See note_ NN.]

REX HENRICUS s.e.xTUS. [1423-1424.]

Will's Crowm'e, Th' Wandesford, m'c'. A^{o}. s'c'do.

drap', maior. Nicholl Jamys, groc'.

[Sidenote: The weddyng of the kyng of Scottes.]

[Sidenote: The bataill of Vermill.]

This yere upon Satyrday, that is to sey the xiij day of Novembre, the kyng and the quene his modir remeved from Wyndesore toward the parlement at London, the whiche began at Westm' on the xxj day of Octobre before; and on the forsaid xiij day of Novembre at nyght, the kyng and the quene were logged at Stanes; and upon the morwe thanne beynge Soneday the kyng was born toward his modir chare, and he schriked and cryed and sprang, and wolde nought be caryed forthere; wherefore he was born ayeyne into the inne, and there he bood the Soneday al day; and on the Moneday he was born to the chare, and he beynge thanne gladde and merye chered; and at even come to Kyngeston, and there rested the nyght; and on the Tuesday he come to Kenyngton; and upon Wednesday he cam to London[109] with a glad sembland and mery chere, in his modyr barm in the chare rood thorugh London to Westm'; and on the morwe brought into the parlement. Also this same yere in the monthe of Feverer, Sire Jamys Styward kyng of Scottes spoused dame Johanne the d.u.c.h.esses doughter of Clarence, of hir first housbonde the erle of Somerset, at seynt Mary Overe. And this same yere the xvij day of August was the bataill of Vermill in Perche, betuen the duke of Bedford regent of Fraunce, and the Armynakes, with the Scottes: but thankyd be G.o.d the victorye fell to the Englyssh partye; for there were sclayn of oure adversaryes the erle of Bougham, the erle Douglas, the erle of Almar, the erle of Tonnar, the erle of Vauntedore, and the viscount Nerbon that traytourly sclewe the duke of Burgoyne knelyng before the dolphyn at Moterell, and manye mo to the noumbre of x m^{l} and mo: but the moste vengeaunce fell upon the proude Scottes; for there wente to schep wa.s.sh of them the same day mo thanne xvij^{c} of cote armes be a countynge of herowdes.

[Footnote 109: _See note_ OO.]

REX HENRICUS s.e.xTUS. [1424-1425.]

John Mich.e.l.l, fysshmong', Simon Seman, vynt'. A^{o}. t'cio.

maior. John be the Wat', goldsmyth.

[Sidenote: The duk of Glouc' and his wyf the d.u.c.h.esse of Holond wente over the see for take possesscion in hise landes.]

[Sidenote: The sege of Mauns.]

This same yere[110] the duke of Gloucestre with his wyf the d.u.c.h.esse of Holand wenten over the see into Henauude, for to taken possession of hys wyfves herytage, where he was worschipfully receyved and taken for chif lord of the lond: but not longe after it happed so that he was fayn to retorne hom ageyn, and lefte hys lady behynde hym with all the tresour that he broughte thedyr, in a town that men callen Mouns in Henauude, the whiche was swore to hym to ben good and trewe, and to kepe the lady in sauf warde tyl he come ageyn: but at the laste they that weren in the forseid town becomen fals, and delyvered that worthy lady to the duke of Burgoyn; and he sent here to Gaunt there to ben kept, but as G.o.d wolde for here, withinne a schort tyme thens sche ascaped awey in a mannes wede, and com to a town of hire owne in Seland that is clepyd Sirixe, and fro thens into Holand that is called Tirgowe, where with helpe of here frendes that were there, sche withstood the duke of Burgoyne and al his malyce. Also the same yere the erle of Salysbury, the erle of Suffolk, the lord of Wylughby, and the lord Scales, with there meyne leyden a sege to the citee of Mauns, the whiche citee was yolden up to them withinne schort tyme, with manye othere stronge townes and castells to the nowmbre of x.x.xvj^{ti}.

[Footnote 110: _See note_ PP.]

REX HENRICUS s.e.xTUS. [1425-1426.]

John Coventr', m'c', Will'm Milred, m'c'. A^{o}. iiij^{to}.

maior. John Brokle, drap'.

[Sidenote: An hevynesse roos betuen the bysshop of Wynchestre and the duke of Gloucestre.]

[Sidenote: The kyng was mad knyght.]

[Sidenote: Kyng Herry made manye knyghtes with his owne handes.]

[Sidenote: Segewyk was hanged [_in another hand_.]]

This same yere, that is for to seye the morwe after seynt Symon day and Jude, the meire rood to Westm', and took his charge as the custume is of the meires of London. And the same day at even and alle the nyght folwynge was strong and grete wacche: and the morwe nest folwynge moche peple of the citee of London in savynge and kepynge the kynges pees, arraied in sufficient harnes to stonde with the duke of Gloucestre protector of Engelond, and be the maire of London, and in defens of the citee ageyn the bysshop of Wynchestre;[111] and the peple that to hym was withholden of the countes of Lancastre and Chestre, and of othere c.u.n.tres; but thankyd be G.o.d there was non harme don on neythir partye. Also the same yere John duke of Bedford made kyng Herry the vj^{te}, his goodsone, knyght at Leyc', upon Witsoneday. And anoon forthwith the kyng Herry dobbed alle the knyghtes whos names here folwen, that is for to sey, first, the duke of York, the sone and heire of the duke of Norfolk, the erle of Oxenford, the erle of Westmerland, the sone and heire of the erle of Northumberland, the sone and heire of the erle of Ormond, the lord Roos, Sire James Boteller, the lord Mautravers, S^{r}. Herry Gray of Tankervyle, S^{r}. William Nevyle lord of Faucomberge, S^{r}. George Nevyle lord of Latymer, the lord of Welles, the lord of Berkeley, the sone and heir of the lord Talbot, Sire Raf Grey of Werke, Sire Robert Veer, Sire Richard de Gray, Sire Edmond of Hungerford, Sire Robert of Wyngefeld, Sire John Botiller, Sire Reynald Cobham, Sire John Pa.s.shelewe, Sire Thomas Tunstall, Sire John Chidiok, Sire Rauf Langeford, Sire William Drury, Sire William ap Thomas, Sire Richard Carbonell, Sire Richard Wodevyll, Sire John Shardelowe, Sire Nicholl Blouket, Sire Rauf Radclyff, Sire Edmond Trafford, Sire William Cheyne, Sire William Babyngton, Sire John Juyn, and Sire Gilbert Beauchamp.

[Footnote 111: _See note_ QQ.]

REX HENRICUS s.e.xTUS. [1426-1427.]

John[112] Reynwell. Rob't Arnold, haburdash'. A^{o}. v^{to}.

John Heigham, drap'.

[Footnote 112: "William" _in the Cotton MS._]

[Sidenote: The bysshop of Wynchestre was mad cardynall.]

[Sidenote: The cardynall haat.]

[Sidenote: Wille Wawe was hanged: the hedes of b.u.t.tes of suete wyn were smeton out [_in another hand_.]]

[Sidenote: How the hat was seet on his heed.]

This same yere aboughte Schroftyd the duke of Bedford wyth his lady pa.s.sed the see to Caleys: and a litel before pa.s.syd the see to Caleys Herry bysshop of Wynchestre; and upon oure lady day the Annunciacion anno d'n'i mill'mo cccc^{mo} xxvij, the bysshop of Wynchestre was made cardynall in seynt Marye chirche of Caleys ful solempnely, where were the same time the duke of Bedford regent of Fraunce and his d.u.c.h.esse; and before or the ma.s.se was begonne whiche the bysshop schulde don, the popes cosyn broughte the cardinall hat and with gret reverence sette it upon the heyghe auter, and there it stood alle the ma.s.se tyme; and whanne the bysshop hadde don the ma.s.se and was unreversed, thanne was don on hym an abyte in manere of a freres cope of fyn scarlet furred with pured; and thanne he there knelynge upon his knees before the heighe auter the popes bulles were reed to hym; and the firste bulle was his charge; and the seconde bulle was that he schulde have and reioyssen alle the benefices sp'uelx ant temperellx that he hath in Engelond; and whanne this was don the regent of Fraunce duke of Bedford, wente up to the heighe auter and tok the cardinall haat and sette it upon the bysshopes heed of Wynchestre, and bowed and obbeyed to the bysshop and tok hym before hym.

John Gedeney, drap', Rob't Ottele, groc'. A^{o}. vj^{to}.

maior. Herr' Frowyk, m'c'.

[Sidenote: A gret reyn and a long duryng.]

This same yere[113] fro the begynnyng of April into Halwema.s.se was so gret abundance of reyn, where thorugh nought only hey was distroied, but also moche corn, for it reyned almost every other day more or la.s.se.

A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 23

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