The Grammar of English Grammars Part 273

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_Have_, verb, how varied --derivation of; with perf. part., import of the tense --_Had_, with _better, rather_, &c., before the infin.

_He_ and _she_, sometimes used as nouns --as prefixed to nouns to denote gend.

--whether to be connected by a hyphen to the nouns to which prefixed

_Hear_, with objective, and an infin. without _to_ --with infin. alone, perhaps ellipt, ("_I_ HAVE HEARD TELL") --_Heard_, verb, why irregular --its p.r.o.nunc.

_Hebrew_ letters, some account of; names, characters, and significations of --whether they are, or are not, all consonants, long a subject of dispute --The

_Hebrew_ names for the months, were prop. nouns --_Hebrew_, what pointing adopted in

_Hence, thence, whence_, with _from_ prefixed. "_I'll_ HENCE," see _Adverbs_

_Heptameter_ line, _iambic_, examples of --_trochaic_, do --_dactylic_, do.

_Here, there, where_, force of, when compounded with prepositions --with verb of motion, perh. allowable for _hither, thither, whither_.

_Hereof, thereof, whereof_, placed after nouns, what to be called.

_Herein, therein_, &c., their cla.s.s and nature

_Heroic verse_, see _Pentameter_

_Heterogeneous terms_, in general, two such not to be connected by a conjunc.

_Hexameter_ line, _iambic_, examples of --_trochaic_, do --_dactylic_, do.

_Hissing_ sounds, concurrence of, in forming the poss. case, how avoided

_Hold_, noun, after _lay, take_, &c., whether preferably construed with _of, on_, or _upon_

_Hoping_, &c., verbs of, see _Commanding_

_How_, after nouns of manner, its nature --not to be used before _that_, or in stead of it --derivation of, from Anglo-Sax.

_Hyperbaton_, explained --its frequency in poetry; how should be used --is diff. from synchysis

_Hyperbole_, defined --_Hyperboles_, by what commonly expressed

_Hypermeter_, meaning of, in scansion

_Hyphen_, its uses --present use in compound names --Rules for the insertion of, in compounds --signif. of the name --_Hyphen_, abuse of --CHURCH, on the use of, in comp. words --in the _figure_ of an adj., with a change of the synt. and sense --necessary with a verbal noun and an adjunct --do. with comp. participles, converted

_Hypobacchy_, or _antibacchy_, defined


I, lett., self-naming; its plur.

--its usual sounds --diphthongs beginning with; triphth. do., _I_, p.r.o.n. with cap. lett., _I_, as written for a number. _I_, adv., see _Ay_

_Iambic verse_, treated --_Iamb. verse_, stress where laid in; effect of a short syll. added to a line of --shown in its eight measures --is seldom pure through a long succession of lines --some of its diversifications shown. See also _Dimeter, Trimeter_, &c.

_Iambus_, or _iamb_, defined

_Idea of unity_, and of _plurality_, how formed

_Ident.i.ty of words_, the principle of, considered --_Ident.i.ty, proper_, RULE for, ("Same Cases.") _Identification_, false, N. concerning

_Idioms_ or peculiarities of expression, when to be approved or valued

_If_, the Biblical use of, to express an emphat. negation --its derivation from Sax.

_Ignorance, literary_, Crit. N. concerning

_Imagery_, or _Vision_, explained

_Imperative mood_, defined --_Imperat. mood_, why so called; in what manner applied --its one tense, and the import of do --its inflection shown in the verb LOVE, conjugated --what nominatives only it takes --use of, in the Gr. lang.; do., in Lat., Ital., Fr., and Span --may have all the persons and numbers --poet.

_Imperfect tense_, defined --_Imperf. tense_, the _form_, how far applicable to the Eng. tense so called --in its simple form is the _preterit_ --in the pot. and subj. moods, an aorist --of the indic. and the subj., how distinguished --of the sub., to express a mere supposition, with indef. time

_Imperfect participle_, or _first part._, defined --its form --The _first part._, has been variously called --why rightly termed _imperfect participle_ --for what forms of the Lat. gram., stands --is applicable to time pres., past, or fut.; is not always active, even when derived from an act. verb --may be turned to a multiplicity of uses --appar. put absolute, (_Admitting, --Allowing_, &c.) --distinguished, with respect to governm., from a particip. noun --as equivalent to infin. mood; heads of regular equivalence --how compares with the Lat. gerund --its nature and construc.

_Impersonal verbs_, so called, their peculiarity of use --called _monopersonal_ by some

_Impropriety_ of language, what embraces

_In_ and _into_, difference between; nature of the relation expressed by each; derivation of, from Sax.

_Inclusive_ and _exclusive_ terms of a comparison

_Incorrigible errors_, Crit. N. concerning

_Indefinite article_, see _An, A_ _Indefinite p.r.o.nouns_, of the cla.s.s _p.r.o.nom. adjectives_

_Independent_, see _Absolute_

_Index_, or _hand_, use of

_Indicative mood_, defined --_Indic. mood_, why so called; its nature and use --use of its pres. tense --do. of its form of the pluperf. in lieu of the pot. pluperf.

--wherein differs characteristically from the subj.; the two moods continually confounded by writers --_Indic. mood_, format, and inflec. of its tenses shown in the verb LOVE, conjug.

--employed to express a conditional circ.u.mstance a.s.sumed as a fact

_Inelegance_ of language, see _Awkwardness_.

_Infinitive mood_, defined --_Infin. mood_, so called in oppos. to the other moods --usually distinguished by the prep. _to_ before it --its _pres._, the ROOT, or radical verb; what _time_ it expresses --archaic form in _en_ --its two tenses shown in the verb LOVE, conjug.

--Synt. of --_Infin. mood_, by what governed; (see _To_:) --true construc. of, explained by the 18th Rule of the Synt.

--why simple of solution in Eng.; whether ever governed by a prep, in Fr., Span., or Ital.

--whimsical account of, given by NIX.

--how expressed in the Anglo-Sax. of the 11th century --why may not, as some grammarians teach, be | considered a noun --DR. WILS. on the charac. and import of --to what other terms may be connected --what in its nature, and for what things chiefly may stand --taken abstractly, as subject of finite verb --Loose _infinitives_, improp. in precise language --_Infin. mood_, position of --misplacement of, to be avoided --distinction of voice in, often disregarded, ("_You are to_ BLAME;") hypercrit. teachings of SANB. and BLAIR hereon --_Infin._, after _bid, dare_, &c., without TO --whether used with TO after _have, help_, and _find_ --_Infin._, BY WHAT _governed_, often imposs. to say, according to the instructions of MURR.

--_Infinitives_ connected, governed by one preposition --_Infinitive_, ellipsis of, after _to_, whether to be approved --sometimes doubtful whether transitive or intransitive --in pause, or in remote dependence, punct. of --poet. placing of --Greek construc. of, in poetic use

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 273

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