The Grammar of English Grammars Part 274

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_Inflections_, defined --rising and falling, explained; do., as applied to questions --_notation_ of, in writing and printing --the rising more numerous than the falling; predominance of the rising in oral lang.; the falling, for what used, COMST.

--what kind of rules for, have been given by writers --the rising and the falling, to be used with prop. discrimination; what should determine the direction of --_Inflection_, what const.i.tutes the _circ.u.mflex_

_Innovation_ extravagant, into the system of synt. or gram., a particular instance of, noticed

_Inscriptions_ appear best in full capitals

_Instead_, what reckoned, and how best written

_Intending_, &c., verbs of, see _Commanding_.

_Intensive_ nature of comparatives and superlatives, A. MURR.

_Interrogative p.r.o.nouns_, defined --what they severally demand --their use and construc.

--in what differ from relatives --are always of the third pers.

--declined --their place in a sentence --their construc. of cases, to what similar

_Interrogative_ sentences, agreem. of verbs in

INTERJECTIONS, Etymol. of --_Interjection_, defined --derivation and signif. of the term; LOWTH'S error in describing the _interjections_ --_Interjections_, numb. of, in common use --List of --_Interjections_, the frequent use of, an indication of thoughtlessness; expressiveness of some _interjections_ in earnest utterance, &c.

--should be discriminatively used --chief characteristics of; referred to the cla.s.s of _adverbs_ by the Gr. grammarians --significant words uttered as, ("_Out! out!_") --appar. taken substantively --Synt. of --absolute construc. of --have no construc. with cases, as in Lat. and Gr.

--appar., sometimes connected to other words by a prep., or by _that_ --place of --punct. of --ellips. of, shown --derivation of --frequency of, in poet. lang.

_Inversion_ of terms, sometimes of advantage, in respect to strength and vivacity of expression.

_Irony_, figure explained

_Is being_, with a perf. part., or the subject of the UNCO-Pa.s.sIVE _form of verbs_, canva.s.sed

_Ise_ or _ize_, which of these terminations to be taken in forming derivatives under Deriv. of Verbs

_Ish_, termination, whether it may be accounted a degree of comparison

_It_. its chief use --declined --to what creatures may be applied --put for the distance, ("_How far do you call_ IT?" &c., PRIESTL.,) --without definite reference to an anteced.

--as explet., and referring to something expressed afterwards; faulty omission of, before verb, in such construc.

--had formerly no variation of cases --its poss. form ITS, for _of it_, of recent origin, and not found in the text of the common Bible --wrongly excluded by some from the list of pers. p.r.o.nouns: --its derivation from Sax., traced

_Italic letters, Italics_, some account of --for what purpose used --how denoted in preparing ma.n.u.scripts


J, its name and plur. numb.

--why never doubled --why never ends a word in Eng.

--impropriety of dividing on the letter, in syllabication --sounds of,

_Johnson, Dr. S._, his authority in Eng. orthography

_Joint nominatives_, agreem. of verb with --whether words connected by _with_ can be used as. _Joint antecedents_, agreem. of p.r.o.n. with --of different persons, agreem. of verb or p.r.o.n. with, in ellipt.


_Jumbling_ together of the active voice and the pa.s.sive, the manner of some --_Jumbling_, senseless, Crit. N. censuring


K, its name and plur.

--in general, not needed in words derived from the learned languages --its sounds --when silent --Two Kays standing together

_Kind, sort_, with _these_ or _those_ improp. preceding


L, its name and plur. numb.

--of the cla.s.s _liquids_ --final, monosyllables ending in --final double, to what words peculiar --its sound; in what words silent --where doubled --written for a number

_l.a.b.i.al_ letters, how articulated

_Language_, the primitive sense of the term, what embraced; signif. of do., as now used --in opposition to some grammarians, BROWN confines the term to speech and writing --loose explanations of the word by certain slack thinkers; WEBST.

notion of --SHERID. idea of; KIRKH. wild and contradictory teachings concerning --_Language_, PROPRIETY of, in what consists; IMPROPRIETY of, what embraces --PRECISION of, in what consists; Precepts concerning its opposites --_Language_, Eng., (see _English Language_) --_Languages_, uniform SERIES OF GRAMMARS for teaching the Eng., Lat., and Gr., that of DR. BULL., noticed

_Lay, pay_, and _say_, how written in the pret. and the perf. part.

_Leading principles_ in the construc. of sentences, in what embraced in the Grammar

_Least parts_ of language, as written, as spoken, &c., what const.i.tuents so called

_Legal_ phraseology, in contrast with that of common life

_Less_, improper use of, for _fewer_, ("_No_ LESS _than three dictionaries_," DR. WEBST.)

_Lest_, use of, for THAT, without due regard to its import, ("_I feared_ LEST," &c.) --derivation of, from Sax.

_Let_, verb, its construc, with an infin. following

LETTERS, in the Eng. alphabet, numb. of, and numb. of sounds which they represent --a knowledge of, in what consists --infinite variety in, yet the letters always THE SAME --different sorts of types, or styles of, used in Eng.

--names of, in Eng.; do., sing, and plur. of, named and defined --_powers_ of --the JUST POWERS of, (see _Power_) --Forms of, and their distinctions, in the Eng. lang.

--different sorts of, to be kept distinct --slanting strokes of the Roman, described --_Italic_, chief use of --_capital_, employment of --_small_, do.

--_Letters_, history of --the names of, are words of a peculiar kind --the names and powers of, not always identical --general neglect of learning to write the names of, in Eng.

--importance of learning to write do.

--erron. teaching with respect to certain names of --_Letters_ of the Heb. alphabet given, with their names, and the significations of do.

--of the Gr. alphabet, with their names --of the Lat. alphab., their names nearly lost --of do., as now printed --_Letters_, the twenty-six, possible combinations and mutations of --of the alphab., _read by their names_, how taken --do., written _for numbers_, what their nature; omission of _period_ after such letters --DAY'S account of do.

--_Letters_, the SOUNDS of, treated --_Letters_, the small, period of their adoption --used for references --_Letter_, definition of --_Letter_, the sound of, called its POWER; yet its _power_ not necessarily identified with its _sound_ --A _letter_, in what consists _Like, near, nigh_, appar., prepositions; why _not placed_ by BROWN with the prep. _Lily, W._, grammarian, his arrangement of Lat. syntax

_Lines, poetic_, technical denominations of

_Liquids_, what letters so called

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 274

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