The Grammar of English Grammars Part 275

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_Literary division_ of a work, common order of, downwards, and throughout; but all literary works not thus divided. _Literary blunders_, Crit. N.

concerning --_awkwardness_, do.

--_ignorance_, do.

--_silliness_, do.

_Little, lesser, less_, different uses and import of --_Little, much_, &c., preceded by _not, too_, or other such adv., how taken --_Less_, improp. used as an adj. of number; does not signify _fewer_; not to be used in the sense of do.

--_Less, least_, adv., to be pa.r.s.ed separately, in the comparison of adjectives and adverbs

LOVE, verb active-trans., CONJUGATED _affirmatively_ --BE LOVED, pa.s.s., do.

--LOVE, conjug. negatively --do., interrogatively --do., interrogatively and negatively

_Low_ and provincial expressions, use of, as opp. to purity, PREC. against

_Ly_, most common terminal of Eng. adverbs; added to nouns to form adjectives

(I,) u; 1055, b; 1053, L: --when adverbs ending in, are preferable to those of other forms.


M, its name and plur. numb., --of the cla.s.s _liquids_, --its sounds, --when silent, --as written for a number.

_Macron_, or _macrotone_, mark, its use.

_Make_, verb, whether _to_ should be suppressed, and _be_, inserted, after, ("MAKE _yourself_ BE _heard_," BLAIR,) --its construc. with infin. following.

_Man_ and _woman_, comp. nouns in, (_man-servant, woman-servant_, &c.,) how pluralized.

_Many a_, with noun sing. represented by a plur. p.r.o.noun.

_Marks_, or _points_, used in literary composition, the; occasional. See _Punctuation_.

_May_, verb, how varied, --derivation and uses of.

_Mean, means_, use and construc. of.

_Measure_, &c., see _Time. Measure, poetical_, see _Verse_.

_Melody_ or beauty of a sentence, words necessary to, rarely to be omitted.

_Member_, or _clause_, defined.

--_Memb_. and _clause_, generally used as synonymous, are discriminated by some, --_Clause_ and _phrase_, confounded by some, --_Members_, simple, of a sent., punct. of, --complex, do., do., --_Members_ of a sentence, arrangem. of, as affecting STRENGTH.

_Metaphor_, defined, --what commonly understood to be, --agreem. of p.r.o.n. with antecedent in cases of.

_Methinks_, explanation of; the lexicographers on the word.

_Metonymy_, defined, --_Meton._, on what founded, --agreem. of p.r.o.n. with its antecedent, in cases of.

_Metres_, more found in actual use, than those acknowledged in the ordinary schemes of prosody. _Metre_, see _Verse_.

_Milton_, MURR. proposed amendment of the "unintelligible" language of a certain pa.s.sage of, criticised, --double solec. in a pa.s.s, of, noticed, --his poem, _L'Allegro_, what its versificat.; what the management of the orders of its verse, --do., _Il Penseroso_, what its extent and construction.

_Miss_ or _Misses, Mr_. or _Messrs._, what the proper applicat. of, when _name and t.i.tle_ are to be used together, in a plur. sense.

_Mistaken, to be_, irregularity of the verb; its import as applied to persons, and as applied to things.

_Mimesis_, explained; droll examples of.

_Minus, plus, versus, via_, Lat., use of, in Eng., in partic.


_Mixing_ of synt. with etymol., the manner of INGERS., KIRKH., _et al._, censured. _Mixture_ of the _forms_ of style, inelegance of.

_Modifications_, defined, --sense of the term as employed by BROWN.

_Moloss_, defined.

_Monometer_, scarcely const.i.tutes a line, yet is sometimes so placed.

--_Monometer_ line, _iambic_, examples of, --_trochaic_, do., --_anapestic_, do., --_dactylic_, an examp. of.

_Monopersonal_ verbs, see _Impersonal Verbs_.

_Monotone_, what, and how produced in elocution.

_Months and days_, names of, appar. proper names, and require capitals, --how best expressed in literary compositions.

_Moods_ of a verb, term defined, --the five, named and defined, --_Mood_, or MODE, the name. See _Infinitive Mood, Indic. Mood_, &c.

_More_ and _most_, in ambiguous construction, ("_Some people_ MORE _than them_," MURR.,) --how pa.r.s.ed in comparisons of adjectives and adverbs.

_Moses_, in what characters, is supposed to have written.

_Most_, for _almost_, by vulgarism.

_Motion_, verbs of, with _hither_, &c., in stead of _here_.

_Much, little, all_, &c., as nouns, --preceded by _not, too_, or other such adv., --_This much_, in stead of _thus much_, DR. BLAIR.

_Mulkey, W._, strictures on his system of orthoepy.

_Multiplication_, subject of the verb in, see _Abstract Numbers_.

_Multiplicative_ numerals, as running on in a series; how written above decuple or tenfold.

_Mult.i.tude_, noun of, see _Collective Noun_.

_Mute_ or _silent_, epithet applied to what letters.

--_Mutes_, what so reckoned; of these, which imperfect.

The Grammar of English Grammars Part 275

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