Practical Exercises in English Part 18

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34. The lotus-eaters watched the gleaming river as it--seaward.

35. It had--through the same channel hundreds of years.

36. The terrified savages--to the mountains.

37. They shall--from the wrath to come.

38. The plantations along the Mississippi are over--.


39. Once Sydney Smith, being asked his name by a servant, found to his dismay that he had--his own name.

40. Maude is late; she must have--the time.


41. I thought my ears were--.

42. He would have--to death if he had not been found by the St. Bernard dogs.


43. They have--home.

44. Whenever any milk was wanted it could be--from the magic pitcher.

45. Grace has--three seats for to-night.

46. Franklin asked the boy where he had--the bread.


47. The price of coal has--up since last year.

48. He would have--with us if he had been invited.


49. Judas, overwhelmed with remorse, went and,--himself.

50. In olden times in England a man was--for stealing a sheep.


51. Two men--under the hay-stack all yesterday morning. They must have--there all night.

52.--down and rest.

53. He came in and--his books on his desk.

54. After he--down he remembered that he had left his pocket-book--ing by the open window.

55. He played until he was so tired that he had to--down.

56. He has--himself at full length on the gra.s.s.

57. You had better--down for a while after dinner.

58. I have--down, and I feel rested.

59. I--down an hour ago to take a nap.

60. The scene of "The Lady of the Lake" is--in the lake region of Scotland.

61. The tired lambs--down to rest.

62. Darkness settled down while the soldiers--behind the breast-works.

63. Had you not better--down a while?

64. After they had been--ing silent for an hour, the command was given to prepare for a march; afterward the men ---- down again and waited for the next order.

65. When Romeo saw Juliet ---- ing in the casket, he ---- down by her side and drank the poison. When Juliet awoke, seeing Romeo ---- ing beside her dead, she took a sword which ---- near and killed herself.


66. He ---- tearfully to be set free, but his captors were firm.

67. Yesterday he ---- "not guilty."


68. It cannot be ---- that Mars is inhabited.

69. He thinks that the prisoner's innocence has been ----.


70. We had ---- only a short distance when rain began to fall.

71. Have you ever ---- on a bicycle?


72. She could not get her bread to ----.

73. The price of corn has ----.

74. I ---- so that I might look around.

75. The students ---- him upon their shoulders.


76. You look as if you had ---- all the way home.

77. He ---- up to me and asked what time it was.

78. He said some thief had taken his coat and had ---- away with it.


79. Charlie, who has just come in, says he ---- two suspicious looking men near the barn.

80. Yes, I ---- him an hour ago.

81. That is the best dog I ever ----.


82. Please ---- still while I try to find her.

83. The old man was ----ting in his easy-chair.

84. He ---- out for Boston day before yesterday.

85. ---- down and talk awhile.

86. The sun ----s at six o'clock twice a year.

87. I ---- the basket on a rock while I went to the spring.

88. We ---- with our friends at the table for over an hour.

89. In which seat did you ----?

90. I am--ting in my study by the window.

91. The children are dreadfully sunburnt; yesterday they--in the sun on the beach all the morning.

92. Just--down, till I call her.

93. Annie, I have--the pitcher on the table.

94. He has--there all the evening.

95. We were all--ting round the fire.

96. I had to--up all night.

97. The farmer after felling the tree found that it had fell (fallen) on a--ting hen that had laid (lain) her eggs under its branches.


98. All the restraints of home had been--off long before.

99. John--the tree; Lida picked up the nuts.

100. After they had--off the dust, they entered the house.


101. Go, ask Mr. N. whether he has--the horses yet.

102. He says he--them an hour ago.

Practical Exercises in English Part 18

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