Roget's Thesaurus Part 36
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Adj. light, subtile, airy; imponderous[obs3], imponderable; astatic[obs3], weightless, ethereal, sublimated; gossamery; suberose[obs3], suberous[obs3]; uncompressed, volatile; buoyant, floating &c. v.; portable.
light as a feather, light as a thistle, light as air; lighter than air; rise like a balloon, float like a balloon.
-- Section II. INORGANIC MATTER 1. Solid Matter --
#321. Density.. -- N. density, solidity; solidness &c. adj.; impenetrability, impermeability; incompressibility; imporosity[obs3]; cohesion &c. 46; constipation, consistence, sp.i.s.situde .
specific gravity; hydrometer, areometer[obs3].
condensation; caseation[obs3]; solidation[obs3], solidification; consolidation; concretion, coagulation; petrification &c. (hardening) 323; crystallization, precipitation; deposit, precipitate; insp.i.s.sation[obs3]; gelation, thickening &c. v.
indivisibility, indiscerptibility[obs3], insolubility, indissolvableness.
solid body, ma.s.s, block, knot, lump; concretion, concrete, conglomerate; cake, clot, stone, curd, coagulum; bone, gristle, cartilage; casein, cra.s.samentum ; legumin[obs3].
superdense matter, condensed states of matter; dwarf star, neutron star.
V. be dense &c. adj.; become solid, render solid &c. adj.; solidify, solidate[obs3]; concrete, set, take a set, consolidate, congeal, coagulate; curd, curdle; lopper; fix, clot, cake, candy, precipitate, deposit, cohere, crystallize; petrify &c. (harden) 323.
condense, thicken, gel, insp.i.s.sate[obs3], incra.s.sate[obs3]; compress, squeeze, ram down, constipate.
Adj. dense, solid; solidified &c. v.; caseous; pukka[obs3]; coherent, cohesive &c. 46; compact, close, serried, thickset; substantial, ma.s.sive, lumpish[obs3]; impenetrable, impermeable, nonporous, imporous[obs3]; incompressible; constipated; concrete &c. (hard) 323; knotted, knotty; gnarled; crystalline, crystallizable; thick, grumous , stuffy.
undissolved, unmelted[obs3], unliquefied[obs3], unthawed[obs3].
indivisible, indiscerptible[obs3], infrangible[obs3], indissolvable[obs3], indissoluble, insoluble, infusible.
#322. Rarity. -- N. rarity, tenuity; absence of solidity &c. 321; subtility[obs3]; subtilty[obs3], subtlety; sponginess, compressibility.
rarefaction, expansion, dilatation, inflation, subtilization[obs3].
vaporization, evaporation, diffusion, ga.s.sification[obs3].
ether &c. (gas) 334.
V. rarefy, expand, dilate, subtilize[obs3].
Adj. rare, subtile, thin, fine, tenuous, compressible, flimsy, slight; light &c. 320; cavernous, spongy &c. (hollow) 252.
rarefied &c. v.; unsubstantial; uncompact[obs3], incompressed[obs3]; rarefiable[obs3].
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#323. Hardness. -- N. hardness &c. adj.; rigidity; renitence[obs3], renitency; inflexibility, temper, callosity, durity [obs3].
induration, petrifaction; lapidification[obs3], lapidescence[obs3]; vitrification, ossification; crystallization.
stone, pebble, flint, marble, rock, fossil, crag, crystal, quartz, granite, adamant; bone, cartilage; hardware; heart of oak, block, board, deal board; iron, steel; cast iron, decarbonized iron, wrought iron; nail; brick, concrete; cement.
V. render hard &c. adj.; harden, stiffen, indurate, petrify, temper, ossify, vitrify; accrust[obs3].
Adj. hard, rigid, stubborn, stiff, firm; starch, starched; stark, unbending, unlimber, unyielding; inflexible, tense; indurate, indurated; gritty, proof.
adamant, adamantine, adamantean[obs3]; concrete, stony, granitic, calculous, lithic[obs3], vitreous; h.o.r.n.y, corneous[obs3]; bony; osseous, ossific[obs3]; cartilaginous; hard as a rock &c. n.; stiff as buckram, stiff as a poker; stiff as starch, stiff as a board.
#324. Softness. -- N. softness, pliableness &c. adj.; flexibility; pliancy, pliability; sequacity[obs3], malleability; ductility, tractility[obs3]; extendibility, extensibility; plasticity; inelasticity, flaccidity, laxity.
clay, wax, b.u.t.ter, dough, pudding; alumina, argil; cus.h.i.+on, pillow, feather bed, down, padding, wadding; foam.
mollification; softening &c.v.
V. render -soft &c. adj.; soften, mollify, mellow, relax, temper; mash, knead, squash.
bend, yield, relent, relax, give.
Adj. soft, tender, supple; pliant, pliable; flexible, flexile; lithe, lithesome; lissom, limber, plastic; ductile; tractile[obs3], tractable; malleable, extensile, sequacious[obs3], inelastic; aluminous[obs3]; remollient[obs3].
yielding &c. v.; flabby, limp, flimsy.
doughy, spongy, penetrable, foamy, cus.h.i.+ony[obs3].
flaccid, flocculent, downy; edematous, oedematous[obs3], medullary[Anat], argillaceous, mellow.
soft as b.u.t.ter, soft as down, soft as silk; yielding as wax, tender as chicken.
#325. Elasticity. -- N. elasticity, springiness, spring, resilience, renitency, buoyancy.
rubber, India(n) rubber, latex, caoutchouc, whalebone, gum elastic, baleen, natural rubber; neoprene, synthetic rubber, Buna-S, plastic.
flexibility, Young's modulus.
V. stretch, flex, extend, distend, be elastic &c. adj.; bounce, spring back &c. (recoil) 277.
Adj. elastic, flexible, tensile, spring, resilient, renitent, buoyant; ductile, stretchable, extendable.
Phr. the stress is proportional to the strain.
#326. Inelasticity. -- N. want of elasticity, absence of elasticity &c. 325; inelasticity &c. (softness) 324, Adj. unyielding, inelastic, inflexible &c. (soft) 324; irresilient[obs3].
#327. Tenacity. -- N. {ant. 328} tenacity, toughness, strength; (cohesion) 46; grip, grasp, stickiness, (cohesion) 46; sequacity[obs3]; stubbornness &c. (obstinacy); glue, cement, glutinousness[obs3], sequaciousness[obs3], viscidity, (semiliquidity) 352.
leather; white leather, whitleather[obs3]; gristle, cartilage.
unbreakability, tensile strength.
V. be tenacious &c. adj.; resist fracture.
grip, grasp, stick (cohesion) 46.
Adj. tenacious, tough, strong, resisting, sequacious[obs3], stringy, gristly cartilaginous, leathery, coriaceous[obs3], tough as whitleather[obs3]; stubborn &c. (obstinate) 606.
unbreakable, indivisible; atomic.
#328. Brittleness. -- N. {ant. 327} brittleness &c. adj.; fragility, friability, frangibility, fissibility[obs3]; house of cards, house of gla.s.s.
V. be brittle &c. adj.; live in a gla.s.s house.
break, crack, snap, split, s.h.i.+ver, splinter, crumble, break short, burst, fly, give way; fall to pieces; crumble to, crumble into dust.
Adj. brittle, brash [U.S.], breakable, weak, frangible, fragile, frail, gimcrack , s.h.i.+very, fissile; splitting &c. v.; lacerable[obs3], splintery, crisp, crimp, short, brittle as gla.s.s.
#329. [Structure.] Texture. -- N. structure (form) 240, organization, anatomy, frame, mold, fabric, construction; framework, carca.s.s, architecture; stratification, cleavage.
substance, stuff, compages[obs3], parenchyma[Biol]; const.i.tution, staple, organism.
[Science of structures] organography[obs3], osteology, myology, splanchnology[obs3], neurology, angiography[obs3], adeology[obs3]; angiography[obs3], adenography[obs3].
texture, surface texture; intertexture[obs3], contexture[obs3]; tissue, grain, web, surface; warp and woof, warp and weft; tooth, nap &c.
(roughness) 256; flatness (smoothness) 255; fineness of grain; coa.r.s.eness of grain, dry goods.
silk, satin; muslin, burlap.
[Science of textures] histology.
Adj. structural, organic; anatomic, anatomical.
textural, textile; fine grained, coa.r.s.e grained; fine, delicate, subtile, gossamery, filmy, silky, satiny; coa.r.s.e; homespun.
rough, gritty; smooth.
smooth as silk, smooth as satin.
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#330. Pulverulence. -- N. powderiness[obs3][State of powder.], pulverulence[obs3]; sandiness &c. adj.; efflorescence; friability.
powder, dust, sand, s.h.i.+ngle; sawdust; grit; meal, bran, flour, farina, rice, paddy, spore, sporule[obs3]; crumb, seed, grain; particle &c.
(smallness) 32; limature , filings, debris, detritus, tailings, talus slope, scobs[obs3], magistery[obs3], fine powder; flocculi[Lat].
smoke; cloud of dust, cloud of sand, cloud of smoke; puff of smoke, volume of smoke; sand storm, dust storm.
[Reduction to powder] pulverization, comminution[obs3], attenuation, granulation, disintegration, subaction[obs3], contusion, trituration[Chem], levigation[obs3], abrasion, detrition, multure[obs3]; limitation; tripsis[obs3]; filing &c.v..
[Instruments for pulverization] mill, arrastra[obs3], gristmill, grater, rasp, file, mortar and pestle, nutmeg grater, teeth, grinder, grindstone, kern[obs3], quern[obs3], koniology[obs3].
V. come to dust; be disintegrated, be reduced to powder &c.
reduce to powder, grind to powder; pulverize, comminute, granulate, triturate, levigate[obs3];, file, abrade, rub down, grind, grate, rasp, pound, bray, bruise; contuse, contund[obs3]; beat, crush, cranch[obs3], craunch[obs3], crunch, scranch[obs3], crumble, disintegrate; attenuate &c. 195.
Adj. powdery, pulverulent[obs3], granular, mealy, floury, farinaceous, branny[obs3], furfuraceous[obs3], flocculent, dusty, sandy, sabulous[obs3], psammous[obs3]; arenose[obs3], arenarious[obs3], arenaceous[obs3]; gritty, efflorescent, impalpable; lentiginous[obs3], lepidote[obs3], sabuline[obs3]; sporaceous[obs3], sporous[obs3].
pulverizable; friable, crumbly, s.h.i.+very; pulverized &c. v.; attrite[obs3]; in pieces.
#331. Friction. -- N. friction, attrition; rubbing, abrasion, &c. v.; confrication , detrition, contrition , affriction[obs3], abrasion, arrosion , limature , frication[obs3], rub; elbow grease; rosin; ma.s.sage; roughness &c. 256.
rolling friction, sliding friction, starting friction.
V. rub, scratch,, scrub, slide, fray, rasp, graze, curry, scour, polish, rub out, wear down, gnaw; file, grind &c. (reduce to powder) 330.
set one's teeth on edge; rosin.
Adj. anatriptic[obs3]; attrite[obs3].
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