Roget's Thesaurus Part 37

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#332. [Absence of friction. Prevention of friction.] Lubrication. -- N. smoothness &c. 255; unctuousness &c. 355.

lubrication, lubrification[obs3]; anointment; oiling &c. v.

synovia[Anat]; glycerine, oil, lubricating oil, grease &c. 356; saliva; lather.


V. lubricate, lubricitate ; oil, grease, lather, soap; wax.

Adj. lubricated &c. v.; lubricous.

-- 2. FLUID MATTER Fluids in General --

#333. Fluidity. -- N. fluidity, liquidity; liquidness &c. adj[obs3].; gaseity &c. 334[obs3].

fluid, inelastic fluid; liquid, liquor; lymph, humor, juice, sap, serum, blood, serosity[obs3], gravy, rheum, ichor[obs3], sanies[obs3]; chyle[Med].

solubility, solubleness[obs3].

[Science of liquids at rest] hydrology, hydrostatics, hydrodynamics.

V. be fluid &c. adj.; flow &c. (water in motion) 348; liquefy, melt, condense &c. 335.

Adj. liquid, fluid, serous, juicy, succulent, sappy; ichorous[obs3]; fluent &c. (flowing) 348.

liquefied &c. 335; uncongealed; soluble.

#334. Gaseity. -- N. gaseity[obs3]; vaporousness &c. adj.; flatulence, flatulency; volatility; aeration, aerification.

elastic fluid, gas, air, vapor, ether, steam, essence, fume, reek, effluvium, flatus; cloud &c. 353; ammonia, ammoniacal gas[obs3]; volatile alkali; vacuum, partial vacuum.

[Science of elastic fluids] pneumatics, pneumatostatics[obs3]; aerostatics[obs3], aerodynamics.

gasmeter[obs3], gasometer[obs3]; air bladder, swimming bladder, sound (of a fish).

V. vaporize, evaporate, evanesce, gasify, emit vapor &c. 336; diffuse.

Adj. gaseous, aeriform[obs3], ethereal, aerial, airy, vaporous, volatile, evaporable[obs3], flatulent.

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#335. Liquefaction. -- N. liquefaction; liquescence[obs3], liquescency[obs3]; melting &c. (heat) 384; colliquation , colliquefaction ; thaw; liquation , deliquation , deliquescence; lixiviation[obs3], dissolution.

solution, apozem[obs3], lixivium[obs3], infusion, flux.

solvent, menstruum, alkahest[obs3].

V. render liquid &c. 333; liquefy, run; deliquesce; melt &c. (heat) 384; solve; dissolve, resolve; liquate ; hold in solution; condense, precipitate, rain.

Adj. liquefied &c. v., liquescent, liquefiable; deliquescent, soluble, colliquative[obs3].

#336. Vaporization. -- N. vaporization, volatilization; gasification, evaporation, vaporation[obs3]; distillation, cupellation[Chem], cohobation, sublimination[obs3], exhalation; volatility.

vaporizer, still, retort; fumigation, steaming; bay salt, chloride of sodium !.

mister, spray.

bubble, effervescence.

V. render -gaseous &c. 334; vaporize, volatilize; distill, sublime; evaporate, exhale, smoke, transpire, emit vapor, fume, reek, steam, fumigate; cohobate[obs3]; finestill[obs3].

bubble, sparge, effervesce, boil.

Adj. volatilized &c. v.; reeking &c. v.; volatile; evaporable[obs3], vaporizable.

bubbly, effervescent, boiling.

-- Specific Fluids --

#337. Water. -- N. water; serum, serosity[obs3]; lymph; rheum; diluent; agua[Sp], aqua, pani[obs3].

dilution, maceration, lotion; was.h.i.+ng &c. v.; immersion , humectation[obs3], infiltration, spargefaction , affusion[obs3], irrigation, douche, balneation[obs3], bath.

deluge &c. (water in motion) 348; high water, flood tide.

V. be watery &c. adj.; reek.

add water, water, wet; moisten &c. 339; dilute, dip, immerse; merge; immerge, submerge; plunge, souse, duck, drown; soak, steep, macerate, pickle, wash, sprinkle, lave, bathe, affuse[obs3], splash, swash, douse, drench; dabble, slop, s...o...b..r, irrigate, inundate, deluge; syringe, inject, gargle.

Adj. watery, aqueous, aquatic, hydrous, lymphatic; balneal[obs3], diluent; drenching &c. v.; diluted &c. v.; weak; wet &c. (moist) 339.

Phr. the waters are out.

#338. Air. -- N. air &c. (gas) 334; common air, atmospheric air; atmosphere; aerosphere[obs3].

open air; sky, welkin; blue sky; cloud &c. 353.

weather, climate, rise and fall of the barometer, isobar.

[Science of air] aerology, aerometry[obs3], aeroscopy[obs3], aeroscopy[obs3], aerography[obs3]; meteorology, climatology; pneumatics; eudioscope[obs3], baroscope[obs3], aeroscope[obs3], eudiometer[obs3], barometer, aerometer[obs3]; aneroid, baroscope[obs3]; weather gauge, weather gla.s.s, weather c.o.c.k.

exposure to the air, exposure to the weather; ventilation; aerostation[obs3], aeronautics, aeronaut.

V. air, ventilate, fan &c. (wind) 349.

Adj. containing air, flatulent, effervescent; windy &c. 349.

atmospheric, airy; aerial, aeriform[obs3]; meteorological; weatherwise[obs3].

Adv. in the open air, a la belle etoile[Fr], al fresco; sub jove dio[Lat].

#339. Moisture. -- N. moisture; moistness &c. adj.; humidity, humectation[obs3]; madefaction , dew; serein[obs3]; marsh &c. 345; hygrometry, hygrometer.

V. moisten, wet; humect[obs3], humectate[obs3]; sponge, damp, bedew; imbue, imbrue, infiltrate, saturate; soak, drench &c. (water) 337.

be moist &c. adj.; not have a dry thread; perspire &c. (exude) 295.

Adj. moist, damp; watery &c. 337; madid[obs3], roric[obs3]; undried[obs3], humid, sultry, wet, dank, luggy[obs3], dewy; roral , rorid ; roscid[obs3]; juicy.

wringing wet, soaking wet; wet through to the skin; saturated &c. v.

swashy[obs3], soggy, dabbled; reeking, dripping, soaking, soft, sodden, sloppy, muddy; swampy &c. (marshy) 345; irriguous[obs3].

#340. Dryness. -- N. dryness &c. adj.; siccity[obs3], aridity, drought, ebb tide, low water.

exsiccation , desiccation; arefaction , dephlegmation , drainage; drier.

[CHEMSUB which renders dry] desiccative, dessicator.

[device to render dry] dessicator; hair drier, clothes drier, gas drier, electric drier; vacuum oven, drying oven, kiln; lyophilizer.


V. be dry &c. adj..

[transitive] render dry &c. adj.; dry; dry up, soak up; sponge, swab, wipe; drain.

desiccate, dehydrate, exsiccate[obs3]; parch.

kiln dry; vacuum dry, blow dry, oven dry; hang out to dry.


be fine, hold up.

Adj. dry, anhydrous, arid; adust[obs3], arescent ; dried &c. v.; undamped; juiceless[obs3], sapless; sear; husky; rainless, without rain, fine; dry as a bone, dry as dust, dry as a stick, dry as a mummy, dry as a biscuit.

water proof, water tight.

dehydrated, dessicated.

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#341. Ocean -- N. sea, ocean, main, deep, brine, salt water, waves, billows, high seas, offing, great waters, watery waste, "vasty deep"; wave, tide, &c. (water in motion) 348.

hydrography, hydrographer; Neptune, Poseidon, Thetis, Triton, Naiad, Nereid; sea nymph, Siren; trident, dolphin.

Adj. oceanic; marine, maritime; pelagic, pelagian; seagoing; hydrographic; bathybic[obs3], cotidal[obs3].

Adv. at sea, on sea; afloat.

#342. Land. -- N. land, earth, ground, dry land, terra firma.

continent, mainland, peninsula, chersonese[Fr], delta; tongue of land, neck of land; isthmus, oasis; promontory &c. (projection) 250; highland &c.

(height) 206.

coast, sh.o.r.e, scar, strand, beach; playa; bank, lea; seaboard, seaside, seabank[obs3], seacoast, seabeach[obs3]; ironbound coast; loom of the land; derelict; innings; alluvium, alluvion[obs3]; ancon.

riverbank, river bank, levee.

soil, glebe, clay, loam, marl, cledge[obs3], chalk, gravel, mold, subsoil, clod, clot; rock, crag.

acres; real estate &c. (property) 780; landsman[obs3].

V. land, come to land, set foot on the soil, set foot on dry land; come ash.o.r.e, go ash.o.r.e, debark.

Adj. earthy, continental, midland, coastal, littoral, riparian; alluvial; terrene &c. (world) 318; landed, predial[obs3], territorial; geophilous[obs3]; ripicolous.

Adv. ash.o.r.e; on sh.o.r.e, on land.

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