Lady Cadogan's Illustrated Games of Solitaire or Patience Part 14

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[Ill.u.s.tration: THE CARPET.]


Two Entire Packs of Cards


I. The foundations follow suit.

II. Cards on the carpet (_teppich_) are only available when _one of the narrow ends is free_ (_i.e._, the top or bottom of the card). No card is available when _both_ the narrow ends are blocked by other cards. On the tableau crosses are placed to show the available cards after the carpet has been dealt.

III. When a card from the carpet is played, it does not free the next one, because its removal cannot free either of the narrow ends of that card, yet it helps the game indirectly, and the inner cards become by degrees available.

IV. When the talon is formed, any available cards from the carpet can be placed in ascending or descending sequences upon the uppermost card of the talon, following suit.


Withdraw from the pack four aces and four kings of different suits.

These are the foundations, and ascend and descend in the usual sequences.

Next deal out sixty-four cards exactly in the order and pattern of those in the tableau. This is called the carpet (_teppich_). Play from the carpet all available cards (Rules I and II), and then deal out the remainder, playing suitable ones or placing the unsuitable cards as a talon. When the talon is formed, examine the carpet before you place each card of the talon, as you have the privilege of placing cards from the carpet on to the talon (Rules II and IV), and it is always advisable to do this when possible, for although at the moment the cards removed may not release others, it a.s.sists the development of the game by diminis.h.i.+ng the number of cards in the carpet. In dealing the cards, suitable ones need not be played on a foundation, if by placing them on the talon a greater number can be freed from the carpet. The success of the game mainly depends on detaching cards from the carpet. Great care must be taken to carry out strictly Rule II.

No card can possibly be used, either to play on a foundation or to be placed in sequence on the talon, unless one of the narrow ends is free; but as other cards are removed, those even in the centre become available by a clear lane having been opened out, either horizontal or perpendicular, leading up to one of the narrow ends of each card.

The talon may be taken up, shuffled, and re-dealt twice, but great care must be taken in the third deal as to the placing of sequences. If one foundation of any suit is finished, sequences from the carpet should not be formed on the talon except in _descending_ sequence; but, of course, if, in dealing the talon, cards should get placed in the wrong (_ascending_) sequence, there is no remedy, but in that case the game could not succeed.

There are two re-deals.

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE FISH-BONE.]


Two Entire Packs of Cards


I. The foundations follow suit.

II. Kings and queens cannot find their places on the tableau until the knaves to which they belong have been placed (_i.e._, each foundation knave should have a king and queen of the same suit on either side, see tableau). If, therefore, a king or queen should turn up in the deal, it must be consigned to the talon, unless one of the knaves of the same suit is already placed to receive it.


Deal out six cards on the left-hand side (see tableau). These are called the gridiron. Cards in the gridiron may marry in ascending sequence, but _only with cards from the pack or talon_, and not with each other. The foundation cards are the eight knaves, which descend in sequence to aces (Rule I), and are to be played as they appear in the deal, in a perpendicular line (see tableau). You next examine the gridiron, and if a knave is there, play it, as also any other suitable cards to continue the foundations, and as kings and queens appear, place them, in accordance with Rule II. You continue to deal out the entire pack, playing on the foundations, and marrying in ascending sequence on the gridiron, from which you play all suitable cards, refilling vacancies from the pack or talon. Never omit to place the kings and queens when it can be done (Rule II). The unsuitable cards form the talon.

If the game succeeds, the final tableau will show a line of aces, each having a king and a queen of the same suit on either side.

The talon may be taken up and re-dealt once, observing the same rules.

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE CONGRESS.]


Two Entire Packs of Cards


I. The foundations follow suit.

II. Cards from the rivers may marry in descending line with cards on the helps, but not _vice versa_.

III. Cards on the help packets may marry in descending line with cards of each other's packets, and also with cards _from_ the rivers.

IV. The uppermost cards of the help packets are alone available until their removal releases those beneath.

V. Each row of cards on the rivers blocks the preceding one, but on the removal of any card the one immediately above it is released, and becomes available.


Withdraw from the pack the eight aces, and place them in two columns on the right: these are the foundations, which ascend in sequence to kings (Rule I). Next deal four cards, and place them in a horizontal line below, leaving plenty of room for the tableau above: these are called the help cards. Next place at the upper end of the table a horizontal row of eight cards: this commences what is called the "rivers," and from the rivers you play any suitable cards on the foundations, or marry in descending line with the help cards (Rule II), immediately refilling the vacancies thus caused from the pack. From the helps you now play on to the foundations, and form marriages in accordance with Rule III. When all possible cards have been played, proceed to deal out successive rows of eight cards on the rivers, each row partly covering the preceding one, and temporarily blocking it (Rule V). In dealing, you may not play a card from any row until that row is complete. After dealing each row, pause and examine the tableau, playing and marrying all suitable cards, and refilling vacancies, both in the rivers and helps, with cards from the pack. In filling up vacancies in the rivers, those in the uppermost rows must first be refilled.

After the entire pack is exhausted, the skill of the player will be required. The four packets of help cards may now be increased to eight.

To effect this, any four available cards may be selected from the rivers to begin the new packets, which have all the privileges of the original ones, and should be placed in the same line. The player may use his own discretion concerning them. He is not obliged to place the four new helps at once, but only as they are required, and it is best to keep one or two of the s.p.a.ces free, so as to receive any card from the rivers which, in the progress of the game, is found to block a card much needed. If any of the packets of help cards are played off, the vacancy may be filled by another card from the rivers, but the packets must never exceed the number of eight.

There is no re-deal.

Lady Cadogan's Illustrated Games of Solitaire or Patience Part 14

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Lady Cadogan's Illustrated Games of Solitaire or Patience Part 14 summary

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