Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz Part 21

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Suddenly, a strange glow came over everyone -- a sort of alternating blue and orange light. A voice said, "Welcome to UFOland." The light expanded to reveal a man in a glistening white garment molded to the contour of his body. His eyes were large and luminous and seemed to reflect a great depth of understanding. He spoke again.

"Greetings in the light, my beloved friends. I am Oxal of Arcturas.

UFOland is a base for our s.h.i.+ps."

"I've heard of many sightings of UFOs" said Dorothy. "But, until now, I didn't know for sure if they were real."

"Many sightings seen by earth's inhabitants are not real," replied Oxal.

"But many /are/ real, and the time is approaching when we shall reveal this. Our present mission is to prepare the mortal mind to accept this truth. Otherwise, great confusion would result, and that is not our intent."

"What is your intent, sir?" asked the Tin Woodman, rather nervously.

"The answer to that, my metallic friend, is quite simple," replied Oxal.

"It is to a.s.sist those of planet earth to a greater understanding of their place in the universe. In earth's galaxy alone, there are more than one hundred billion stars or suns just like earth's own sun. One out of every two of these suns have solar systems with one inhabitable planet on which intelligent life exists. And since there are hundreds of billions of other galaxies in the universe, life in its many forms has manifested in great abundance.

"Many of these are advanced civilizations. Some far more advanced than those of earth, while many are not as advanced. We here in UFOland are representatives from advanced planets of every galaxy. We have a permanent base here, from which we observe earth and discuss ways to help her people to advance.

"Many earth scientists are being helped by us. They are generally unaware that this help is being given, for we work with them during sleep or when they are in a very relaxed state. We convey many ideas to them.

"We communicate with your world leaders and offer our help, but it is often rejected. We cannot interfere with their free will, you see. We can only offer our suggestions. It has to be their choice.

"Our main purpose, Dorothy, in coming to the vicinity of earth is to make the inhabitants aware of a truth, a new understanding that goes beyond their present concept. We have not an easy task. Our teaching would not be accepted at this time -- even if we manifested ourselves physically. But soon, as more people come to accept our reality, we shall manifest and reveal our purpose. We come only to do good.

"There are many schoolrooms and many cla.s.srooms throughout the universe.

Earth is only a schoolroom in which you learn. All things are governed by material law."

"The great creator of the universe does not punish anyone. He does not punish mankind to bring him into line. Man creates; he is an extension of the great creator. He is a co-creator in his own right. Each thought that from the mind of man is a creation. So, guard these thoughts, for they are most important. They bring about results - creation. You are what you think you are. Think well on this, for it is important. Wrong thoughts bring about wrong conditions into your life -- thus you bring about your own punishment. In the eyes of the great creator, there is only good. You create your own world -- an illusionary world. The great creator wishes only to bring you back into the beautiful world of reality from whence you came. We are here to help mankind to correct his thinking.

"You see, my beloved friend, it has not been taught in your civilization that the great creator and His creation are one, and that you possess the same powers as your creator. The fact that mankind does not understand these laws does not alter the function of the law -- the law works whether or not man understands it. So, you see, you are continually creating, although you do not realize it. You are creating situations, conditions, and many other forms of creation, because, as I have said before, you are only what you think you are.

"Earthman has instilled within his superself many concepts. These concepts, thoughts, and what many refer to as the subconscious mind are bringing about results that are not understood. This inner consciousness must be cleared out. The misconceptions must be weeded out. This done by injecting new concepts. The old must be directed to go!

"Know that you are all-powerful -- continually tell yourself these things because, unless the old is replaced with the new, the old shall remain.

Know that you are a creator. Know that you and this creation are one, that you are a part of the creative spirit that dwells in all things, in all beings. Therefore, you should be master of your creation. You must take charge of it. You must command it. It will respond to your command.

When you command that your hand move, it does move. You are in complete command of the movement of your body. You are also in command of every organ, every nerve, every cell. You can command it to do as you wish, but you must do it with authority, as it was given you by the great creator.

"These things are difficult to accept because of your teaching, your customs, which have been handed down from generation to generation through your civilization. They are real to you, but they are only real because you see them as such.

"The negative thoughts and deeds among earth people have created a negative aura around your planet, which has caused a great deal of unhappiness and chaos. That unhappiness and chaos is very real to you, for it has become part of the consciousness of man. But each individual can rise above it, must rise above it. As more and more people do this, the picture will change. Stay clear of that which tends to pull you down. The physical structure that you now occupy, your body, is a very intricate piece of mechanism. It is affected by many things. That which you think has a great effect upon the movement of the electrons of this structure. Anger, hate, greed -- any of these things tend to disrupt and unbalance the electrons, causing the cells to become out of balance, and many things result. Learn relaxation. Be conscious of what you do, but do not be anxious. Anxiety and tension also bring about weakness in this structure. Hold your head high and declare your rightful place in the universe. The great creator of the universe does not condemn you or criticize you for your mistakes. He has only love for you. Think long and deeply about this. He has only love for you. Many truths have been taught among your religions. In our opinion, each of your religions, your sects, has some truth, but there is not one upon your planet that has a corner on truth. Truth is never ending; it moves onward before us.

We can only receive the truth that we are capable of receiving at our present level of understanding. Truth is based upon law -- we live by the law of the universe. These laws are universal; they apply not only to your planet, but to all other forms of life throughout the many galaxies in s.p.a.ce. And what is the greatest law of all, my friends? Love! We must learn to love our creator. That is the first law. If we love our creator, we cannot help but love ourselves, for we are that creator.

That is why we are all one. We are all part of the whole, therefore, we must love one another. Take the time to make friends with all those you come in contact -- all will enrich your life. Take time for other people, feel warmth and love extending out to them, and that same warmth and love will return to you. Give of yourself and reap the rewards. For to hate another is to hate yourself. All dislikes for races, groups, and individuals must be conquered. We are making progress with the your planet. A new age is dawning for you. The are slowly awakening.

Through our influence, we are bringing about many things. Many things are happening to spark a desire in man for knowledge, to step farther and farther into the unknown. In general, earth man has had a great fear of the unknown. This must change, and this fear must be replaced with a desire to know. For, when man desires to know, and seeks in love, he shall know the truth, and this truth shall set him free from the chains which bind him, chains forged by his own mind and the minds of those around him, and which hold him back from the full and glorious creative expression that is his natural self. Earthlings have forgotten what the great master told them. His words were these, and they have great meaning: '/Let/ /not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, for lo, I AM with you always.'/ It would be well to meditate on these words occasionally and let their meaning sink deep into your consciousness, for therein lies a great Truth. Know, my friends, with all your being, that this great 'I am' is with you at all times and is your guidance and protection -- your all. It is the most important part of your being, and it will carry you over the roughest path, over the wildest seas. It is yours to use and is within all. That 'I AM' within you will do the works. Man is great. He is great within himself. Man in his true reality knows no boundaries. Earth people have strayed far from this reality. So many are caught up in Self, totally unaware that they have spun a suffocating web about themselves that holds them in bondage.

That web must be broken. Concern with Self must be enlarged to encompa.s.s others equally. And, as a feeling of love and understanding for others is developed, so will the greed subside and the desire to share be expanded! When sharing and caring is a way of life for all, then shall you see great changes take place. Earth will reach a new height in its climb. This civilization that you are now in will reach its greatest height. The advancements that are in the future for earth people, both scientifically and spiritually, shall bring about a change that the at this time cannot conceive of. The darkness is lifting.

Suffering, disease, all of these things shall vanish, vanish from the face of the earth. In their place there shall be radiant health, peace of mind, well-being, a brotherhood of man that has never been known before.

"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. The time is coming rapidly, and earth men shall not know fear. In this new age, it shall vanish and be no more. Fear has been man's worst enemy. There is really nothing to fear but fear itself. The time has come when the people of earth must learn and understand universal law. Those who have not the ears to hear nor the eyes to see shall not move with this planet into the new age, but shall be sent to evolve elsewhere. Yes, Dorothy, these are times of great change for the planet earth. The great nation of the Eagle, in which you live, must take the lead in bringing about the new age upon the planet. And great concentration, both from those of us who are working without and those of us who are working within, is being placed upon your nation to prepare for this .

"I have spoken long to you, but the matter is important. However, I do not wish to tire you."

"Not at all!" exclaimed Dorothy. "What you have said is very interesting to me. Most fascinating. Wait 'til Aunt Em and Uncle Henry hear about it!"

"Do not be disappointed if you are not believed, my child," replied Oxal. "Now, would you all like to know something of our s.p.a.ces.h.i.+ps?"

Just then, two other figures approached. "This is Odin," said Oxal, turning to the one on the right, "and this is Arcturas." The two majestic beings nodded while bowing ever so slightly. They indicated their pleasure at meeting with Dorothy and her friends by saying how pleased they were to meet such an advanced young earthling and the beautiful souls who were her friends.

Odin said to Dorothy, "I have been observing you, my dear. You have taken on a most difficult mission. The witch is wicked because that is the path she has chosen. She finds a certain pleasure in her wickedness, but it is an empty pleasure. Deep down she longs for love and companions.h.i.+p, but she is unable to express her feelings. She is to be pitied more than hated."

"Oh, I don't hate her," replied Dorothy. "I want to find a way to help her."

"I know," answered Odin. "You are going to be surprised how much you can do. Not only in this respect, but in all aspects of your life. Think back to the time when you first met your friends here -- Mr. Scarecrow, Mr. Chopper, and Mr. Lion. Each felt inadequate in his own way, but later found that for which he searched was within himself all the time.

But certain experiences were needed to reveal this to them. You must all constantly strive to raise your sights, realize your potentiality, know than within you lies the power of the universe. You see, beloved friends, it is much easier for you to doubt your abilities, your powers, than it is to try to realize the potentials that lie within you. Accept your challenges of today. Cope with them and be not concerned for the future. You can only live one moment at a time. Live that moment to the very best that is in you. Realize that there is only the now. Know, each moment of the day, that that which you are doing is the right thing for you. If you do this, each moment, each hour, each day shall fall in place. Take each task as it comes to you and be conscious of what you are doing. For, you see, no experience is beneficial unless you are conscious of it at the moment it takes place. Each of you has tasks before you that you will perform and, if you will allow yourself to flow with the tide, you shall find that these things will come to you in proper sequence. There is a constant flow of energy around your planet.

The entire cosmos is energy. We, too, are energy. Swim in it! Feel yourself as a pulsating, living part of the universal energy; feel yourself to be in tune with this energy -- to be flowing along with it, in harmony with it. If you become disturbed or distressed, you have stepped out of the flow. If you go against your conscience, you will go against the flow and be pushed out of it. Keep your thought harmonious.

Do not allow little things to upset you. Check yourself several times a day to insure that you are still within the flow -- you will know by the feeling of inner peace and tranquillity. Eventually you will not need to check; being in the flow will be the most natural thing in the world for you.

"As each one on earth learns these things, the forces of darkness will perish; they must be banished from your planet for all time. And out of this must come a new age of love, harmony, and understanding, an age where each shall live to benefit his brother and not himself -- wherein all problems, the answer sought shall not be 'What is best for me?' but rather 'What is best for all concerned?'

"How often in these times is a problem attacked in this manner? Let us visualize today, in the disputes that arise between your industries and your workers; for example, just a.s.sume that they would sit around the table, everyone concerned only with that which would benefit all. What solution could we arrive at that would be most beneficial to all concerned? What would be the results if love and harmony existed around this table, and around all your conference tables? Can you visualize how different your world would be?

"Where there is love, peace, and harmony, even the very atmosphere about you changes. All creation about you becomes harmonious; nature becomes less violent --

nature reacts directly with the vibrations sent out by its people.

Dorothy, if your and your leaders could realize this, I wonder what their reaction would be?

"Why do you suppose nature is gradually becoming more violent around your planet? Earthquakes are becoming more prevalent, tornadoes, windstorms -- all of these things are gradually becoming more violent.

And, around your planet, the vibrations have become more and more negative, and nature reacts accordingly. The catastrophe that comes to your planet does not come from your creator; it is the result of the wrong thinking and the wrong doing of your people. Your creator does not judge you; you judge yourself by nature's own laws. That is why we have continually said that if enough love and light could be established among the of your people, that much, very much of the future disasters could be avoided. If only the teeming could catch a glimpse of the gloriously beautiful life that is their rightful heritage, they would not do the things they do. Why they choose to live in a state of confusion and negativity when it is within their power to create a heavenly kingdom is beyond our understanding. But that is why we are here. We come only to do good -- to offer a helping hand to those who will accept and believe. To you, beloved friends, who are attempting to offer yourselves in service, your efforts are not going unnoticed.

You are being given aid, more than you realize. Sharpen your awareness, that you might be better able to use the help we are sending you. Enter into that oneness and love that is being offered you; become aware of it. Use the power and wisdom that is being given to you.

"Do you realize, my friends, the power that is contained in that love that is being offered you? Do you realize the power that it will place in your hands once you are established in it? It means, beloved friends, that all things are yours. Once the true love center is opened within you, all else is yours. Think, beloved ones. Think what this means. It means a great overcoming, a whole new concept opening before you. But it all must start, and the beginning is love: for your creator, for your fellow man, in all that you do -- express only love, and love returns to you. Give yourself in selfless service with that great love and desire to serve your creator and your fellow man, and infinite light and love and understanding shall engulf you. Let not your heart be angered from any cause whatsoever. Let it sing only forgiveness, joy, praise, for, in this state, you are receptive to the light that shall make all things known to you. These are the things you must develop, beloved ones.

Recognize only the good, for those that persecute you know not what they do. So, pray for them, and forgive them, with malice toward none. This sounds like a big order, does it not? But it is the only way. It is His way, and so it must be yours; there is no other.

"The awakening of the people of earth will take place, but there must be a gradual process. People, concepts cannot be changed too rapidly, for it would be detrimental to them. This, each of you know by your own experiences. More and more of our craft are being sighted around the earth. Not that there are more of us now; we just had not displayed ourselves so much before. It is becoming more and more difficult for the powers that be to discount our presence. Yes, Dorothy, many more people are aware of the presence of our craft and our people in your skies than you realize. Many hesitate to talk about it, but within their hearts they know it is so.

"We who have come from other systems and other galaxies have come at the request of others in your system. This service we are happy and proud to give; we are only happy that we have the opportunity to serve. But there is much to be accomplished among your people in order that we might bring about conditions of betterment upon your planet; more and more of your people must think for themselves. If you think with the, believe with the, then you have lost your individuality. Then you become one with the, one with the ma.s.s consciousness.

"We wanted to communicate with your heads of government, with your world leaders, to bring great offers to them. But our offers are the offers that would improve the, improve your scientific achievements, allow you to live a new life -- one of grandeur and beauty. But, due to your customs, your economic structure, your monetary system, they who have the power in their hands are not willing to sacrifice their power to benefit the mult.i.tudes. We turn, then, to you, the people; the future of your planet is in your hands and in the hands of those few heads of government and world leaders who are unselfishly striving to benefit the By making the choice to serve in everlasting love and light and through these methods, you can bring about the conditions you desire.

"My friends, you have no idea of your own thought power. This thought power, when concentrated by the mult.i.tudes, by the, can bring about anything. There is much power in thought, much power. Our problems are all solved by thought; we have no need for war or violence. When we have a problem, our people attack in thought, in unison, and the problem dissolves itself. Think about this, my children. There is much here to ponder on. This is only a slight glimpse of what can be accomplished once you understand and know life as it really exists. More and more people, Dorothy, are becoming aware of the changing times on your planet. Some are awakened to action, and others find themselves rather unconcerned. To use one of your expressions, they take on a /'So what?/'

att.i.tude. These, my friends, are mentally lazy individuals. They are not ambitious enough to put forth the effort that is necessary for their own enlightenment, or they are wors.h.i.+pping a false master, which they are not willing to forgo for the higher learning.

"Materialism has become a G.o.d for the mult.i.tudes of earth people. It saddens our hearts to know that these people will soon lose their G.o.d, and they will have nothing to cling to. They shall find themselves in great despair, and they shall sink deep, for there will be nothing for them to hold on to. Build your foundation, my friends, on the spiritual rock, and you need have no fear for the future.

"There is such a great amount of work to be done for your planet, Dorothy. The response of the is very, very slow. With all the help that is being sent out at this time, if your people were only slightly receptive, a great deal could be avoided; a great deal of pollution could be cleared from the earth's area. But the response has been so very, very slow, and the efforts have been so great. We are hoping this situation will shortly change. There has been some improvement in the results of our influences among some of your leaders, or perhaps I should say there appears to be. The results are not yet evident, but our prayers are going out hourly to these people.

"But it is up to the people to demand and bring about their own salvation. 'Tis through those who, through their convictions, are willing to come forth, to come out from among the mult.i.tudes and stand forth for what is right and good. Great changes which have come about upon your planet have not been brought forth by the, but by individuals who have been strong in their faith and willing to stand forth regardless of the ma.s.s consciousness, for what they believe and know to be a right. One man, a few years ago, was responsible for one of the greatest changes that has taken place in your civilization. One man, beloved friends, who was not afraid to come forth from the As I have said before, if you think with the, believe with the, then you have lost your individuality. Then you become one with the Seek the truth and stand by it, my children. Use your intelligence. That is why your creator gave it to you.

"Place no limitation upon yourself, but realize that you are this great power and intelligence that rules the universe. Therefore, locked within you are the powers that shall manifest all that you need. You need only to unlock them through the love and understanding you are seeking.

Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz Part 21

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