Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz Part 22

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"What, my friends, do you think is the greatest power in the universe?"

"Love is the greatest power," replied Dorothy.

"You have spoken truly, my sister: Love can accomplish anything. It is the force that permeates the universe. I say to you, Beloved, love one another, for through this love shall you rise to great heights in understanding -- love one another. Once this is established, the rest shall follow easily. Understanding shall come in abundance; on the waves of love shall follow understanding. Can you see, my friends, why this is? You see, when you have a great love in your consciousness, it opens wide the door for understanding, for wisdom. Without love the door is locked. This is the power that permeates the universe. There is a great need for this upon the planet you call earth, for the lack of it has set up vibrations about your planet, encircling it. These vibrations are bringing about chaos, disturbances of nature itself, for so you think, so you are, whether it be as an individual, as a nation, or as a planet.

Do you have a slight understanding of what would happen to your planet if suddenly all would start emanating positive thoughts? Can you visualize the results? Even your atmospheric conditions would change; you would not have the terrific eruptions of nature you now have. The greater portion of these things are brought about by the negative vibrations that exist around your planet. If your people could only realize the power of this thought.

"We have for some time been photographing conditions upon your planet, recording conditions; these are being relayed back to our people and at the proper time when our plans are laid, we shall concentrate our power and thought to help you, but there must be concentrated help coming from your planet. We are also trying to establish enough people upon the planet to do this. In this manner we have to ease the situation greatly.

Many of the brothers of the Confederation have volunteered to come to your planet to serve at this time. They are working among you quietly, trying to establish more love and understanding among the people of earth. Truth must grow and grow rapidly. There are millions of beings at this time who have come to your aid. We have come from other planets within your system, from other systems and other galaxies. They have all come with one purpose in mind, and that is to aid your system and especially your planet. Your people have reached a critical stage in their evolution; they have not progressed spiritually as they should have. Scientifically, they have advanced much further and therefore do not have a balance. Due to this lack of balance they are in great danger of destroying themselves. Your people have acquired the use of great powers, energies, some of which should not be used at all, and some should only be in the hands of those who are developed spiritually to the point where these powers should only be used for good.

"Such powers as your scientists are tampering with today, in the hands of the wrong people, could destroy your civilization. This has happened before upon your planet. Does this surprise you? We do not want to see this happen again. We are trying to help you avert such a disaster. Also your planet and your system are entering a new cycle. Your people as a whole, due to the lack of spiritual growth, are not yet ready to enter the new cycle, the new age. But this will take place; nothing can stop it, and those who are not ready to enter the new age will not be able to remain on this planet when you are well into the cycle. Therefore, it is doubly important that your people raise their consciousness to new heights, that they acquire new understanding, new truths that will enable them to enter the new age which is upon them.

"We love your people, Dorothy, far above your highest concept, your highest understanding. We will force no one to do anything. We will only suggest. No man can force another to do that which he does not wish to do.

"It is difficult for your people to understand the actions of the more advanced planes. But let me a.s.sure you that each of you by following your guidance, that inner urge within you, will come into your own, will fall into your path and will fulfill your destiny.

"There are many scientific things that we would like to share with people of earth. For one thing, we are controlled by Universal Law; and another, we could not, as yet, give to earth the powers that will one day be hers. Her people and especially those who are in power have not yet reached a stage where they are capable of coping with the powers, of using them to the advantage of their people rather than to the advantage of selfish interest. And to bring you an example of what I am speaking.

Already the powers that control planet earth are using powers wrongly.

Already, your military powers are using sacred gifts of certain individuals to gain information. They have learned that they can apply these powers to their advantage. If certain other energies and scientific knowledge were made known to them at this time, they would be used in the same manner. Your science is advancing regardless, and is discovering more and more universal powers and what you term as psychic powers. These should be used with reverence and used to the advantage of mankind. Until spiritual understanding becomes predominant among earth people, these powers are in dangerous hands. We shall do all that we can to prevent these powers from being used as a destructive force. We are not at this moment as concerned that these energies, these powers, be known by earth man as we are with the development of mankind in trying to bring into this realization a desire for spiritual knowledge, and this can only come from within.

"All mankind has somewhere within him this desire. The problem is to spark it, to ignite the flame, so that it might burn within him and spur him onward. However, earth man has much to overcome. He has allowed himself to become attached, and many times our attachment can be a tremendous block in our path. Emotion can also bring about great blocks.

These things we must recognize and deal with. Each in his own way must deal with his problem. But above all we must recognize our problems for, unless we recognize them, we have great difficulty in dealing with something we do not recognize. We must face ourselves openly and squarely.

"There is among earth mankind, generally speaking, a great question as to why man is here, as to what man might be. Some give great thought to this question, while others pa.s.s it off lightly. But man, sooner or later, must come to the realization of what he is and why he is here; the reason for life. Man must come to the realization that he is but an extension of the consciousness of the One Great Being, whom you call G.o.d. That this extension has taken on individuality and is expressing, experiencing and following a path that will take him through experience after experience and eventually return him to his source. He must realize that this path can be short, or it can be long, depending on man as the individual. When man does not face his responsibilities, the weight of them becomes heavier and heavier and sinks deeper and deeper until he comes to the realization that he must face life. Earth man is at such a point. He must face his responsibilities; he must learn to go with life. He has a responsibility to his creator and to his fellow man.

He must learn that he does not live for himself alone. His brother is his responsibility. When this realization is reached by enough people, conditions will begin to change. Man's load will be lightened; he shall find within him a great peace which he has not known before. All of life shall take on a new look to him. Man does not find peace within himself until he reaches this realization and then does something about it.

"It is a pitiful sight to see how little understanding exists among the of planet earth. A great majority do not have the slightest idea of what was before, or what will be after the existence they are now in.

Few will recognize the fact that the physical, as they know it, is only a conveyance for the experiences which they are now encountering. Life is a series of experiences, and it does not end with this one, nor does it begin with this one, for it requires thousands of lifetimes on various planes to become a well rounded being. Man learns by experience, and you, my friends, each of you, and all man, chooses his own experiences, for only he knows the experiences he needs to become this well rounded being. I know that it is difficult in this present expression for many people to conceive of the idea that they have chosen the experiences that they are now pa.s.sing through. But they know when they choose to have that experience that they need it. It is needed for their development. We, who are shall we say, the opposite of life existence to yours, perhaps even that is a poor expression. You know, beloved friends, it can become quite difficult for us to convey to you in words of your language, a complete understanding of what we are attempting to convey. We do not feel we are above you. It is merely that on some things, let us say, we have a little better understanding.

Therefore we are anxious to help those of you who are seeking higher understanding. This we try to do in many ways. We are limited in the help we can give you by Universal Law. We dare not and will not invade your own free will, your pattern; for each of you does have a pattern of growth that is to be followed by you, but often individuals are behind schedule, so to speak, and we attempt to help them in every way possible.

"You see, earth man is often mislead by his group consciousness. He knows deep within that this or that is what he should be doing, but he does not go along with those inner feelings because he is afraid of criticism by his peers. He feels he must conform to established customs.

People of earth have long been victims of customs. These have become a part of the race consciousness. Many of these customs must be broken.

"Imagine for a moment this scene in your junior high schools: It is the beginning of the school year, and all the eighth and ninth graders seem to be walking around with a slight swagger. After all, when they were in the lower grades last year the bigger boys used to bother them. Now the new seventh graders look up to them. They emulate their walk, their manner of dress, their hair styles, and their tough way of talking.

Among the new seventh graders are a sprinkling of quiet -- even shy boys, nicely dressed, excellent students, full of eagerness to learn and advance themselves. These children, strangely enough, are not emulated or looked up to, but are ridiculed, called names, and sometimes physically abused. Often they are not physically big children compared to some of the tougher boys, and most are not fighters. Many are so sensitive that they cannot bear the thought of hurting another person.

These children are often teased and pushed and shoved around in an attempt to make them get angry and fight. Sad, isn't it.

"Unfortunately, as I look to the years ahead, hurting others, using bully tactics, both emotionally and physically, could become a way of life for a number of children. Unfortunately, when these same children grow up they will not teach their children the importance of love and understanding and gentleness, and so it will go on and on: The savage violence that will be presented as entertainment will not exactly help, and every day acts of real violence will be recorded in your newspapers.

Gangs will become a problem in your big cities -- the use of weapons a way of life for them. What a pitiful world they will make for yourselves; and yet they will wonder why there are wars between nations.

"Your babies must be shown love and kindness from the day they are born and taught these things every day by their parents, and later by their schools and reflected in their entertainment's. And gradually the items which reflect violence must be eliminated. Then, as these children grow up, they must come together and take their places among society. They will at some point agree to destroy all weapons of war. They must come to a new understanding of honesty and trust. A new evolved economic system must eventually be formulated where all who are physically able will want to work and contribute to the good of all. There can be no room for fraudulence or dishonesty. Free enterprise must reign, and those that are strongly ambitious and enterprising, and who use their own initiative to build a successful business honestly must not be penalized and held back by heavy tax systems, but must be encouraged to utilize their talents and initiative to expand their businesses, thereby creating many jobs for all.

"They must also be encouraged to utilize their wealth creatively for the ultimate good of all. Greed must be eliminated from your society.

Evolvement of individuals depends greatly upon the determination and desires of each individual. Man must learn that the greater evolvement will come as each individual learns to use the Universal Laws. Man is first obligated to himself. There is nothing that is more important to each of us than our own individual development, for in order to serve and to benefit those about us, we must first be able to radiate the love and understanding that goes with evolvement. As each of us becomes conscious of our oneness with all creation, as each realizes he is part of this one great power, a tiny part, in essence, of this supreme intelligence. Each will come to realize that there is no limit to what can be achieved. The only thing that holds man back from this understanding is his own mortal mind. This mortal outlook greatly distorts the true picture for mankind. It limits him in every way and causes him to place obstacle after obstacle in his path. It requires a very determined mind to lift oneself out of this ignorance into the glorious truth that has eluded one because of the determination to follow the mortal will.

"But, I must repeat: In order to rise above these levels, that first step is Love, and to try to see the perfection of creation in everything that we see. Truly, truly, beloved ones. Ye are G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses; it is only a matter of time.

"Let each who hears my words start right where you are, from this day forward, with what you have at hand to begin your work, and upon this let us build. Let us meet every situation with love and understanding.

Let us know that nothing is by chance, that each experience that comes our way, regardless of how minute, is an experience brought to us whereby we can learn. For we learn by experience, no other way.

"There is so much for all of us to learn. We do not make any claim of having the ultimate in truth. Even my own perceptions of things may be incorrect. We must realize that truth is moving ever onward before us, and the ultimate we know not. But this I know: that every step forward I have taken has brought the greater happiness, greater understanding, and each step has been much more glorious than the last. Therefore, I shall attempt to climb ever higher on the spiral of knowledge, for I find the more I have learned of science, of nature, the more understanding I have of my creator. For you see, my friends, we do not separate one from the other. Earth man has always attempted to separate. You have your philosophies, your sciences, and what-not and each must be both or all if we are to have truth. All things that exist come from the one and only Source; no matter what it might be it is all a part of the whole, therefore we cannot separate. The sooner man of earth can realize this, the sooner he will begin to understand creation.

"Many of us, when presented with new philosophical concepts, immediately close our minds off. But the man who carries a closed mind has little chance of becoming wise. He has little chance of raising his consciousness. To have an open mind does not require you to accept anything that does not seem right to you, but there is a great difference, my friends, in accepting an idea as truth, or being able, if it does not appeal to you, to lay it aside until such time as you can filter it into your consciousness. For we find that many times an experience does not appeal to us, or something that comes to us by word of mouth or by writings, does not fit in with what we presently know as truth. But oft-times we find that these things, if laid aside, can be picked up later and put into the picture perfectly. You see, my friends, there is where a closed mind prevents us from learning. If we have rejected an idea completely, we have lost it for a great time to come.

This is a mistake we should not make, for often it is costly.

"Beloved friends, you are living in times of great change; much greater than you think or realize. Each of you is here because you are seeking.

You are seeking to know the truth. Therefore you can expect to know the truth. Knowing the truth shall bring great changes within you, for every step on the path to truth brings change. Therefore let us be open and receptive, that we may learn. I do not imply by this that you must accept everything as truth. But if we are to gain knowledge, wisdom, and truth, we must forever have an open mind. When one closes the mind and decides within himself that he has all truth, he is dead, so to speak.

For truth moves ever onward and forward. I know not where it ends; I know not what the ultimate truth is.

"As I speak, Dorothy, please keep in mind that I am also addressing your fellow earthlings who in time may read my words. But to continue ... I have traveled great areas of s.p.a.ce, have found life in every corner, but I have not found the ultimate. You see, we too are searching, are seeking, for higher truth. We are no different from you. We do, however, believe that we are a step or two in advance. And we are reaching back, attempting to help our brothers, as are those that are ahead of us, reaching back to help us. For, you see, my friends, this is the way we serve. All creation moves in this manner, each attempting to serve his brother, for when I have served my brother, I too have been served.

This, my friends, is a good thing to remember. In order to receive, we must give, and this law applies in everything we do, for if we have great truth and understanding, and use it only for ourselves, it shall gain us naught.

"This, my friends, is happening day by day upon planet earth, and it is things of this nature that bring the chaos that you find among your people. As those of you who are seeking to know Truth reach higher and higher, you must be ready to have brought to you many things that may be contrary to some of the things that you have known to be Truth.

"Planet earth must pa.s.s through some great changes in order to be cleansed, to be balanced when she into the next dimension in s.p.a.ce. We are going to see to it that this great planet is not lost as was another a few years past. We shall not interfere in the evolution of the earth unless it is necessary. But if it becomes necessary, we shall and will, for we have at this moment four million craft standing by for emergency. So you see, my friends, we are prepared.

"And now, I should like to take a few moments to talk to you in regard to your growth, your understanding, and what it might mean to you in the time you are about to encounter. There is not one among you who has, shall we say, more than a small degree of knowledge concerning your abilities. Or should I say an understanding of who and what you really are. You see, my friends, each of you, if you could but realize the fact, are potential G.o.ds in yourselves. As man aspires to higher knowledge, he begins to get a realization as to what he is. Is it possible, my friends, that each of us someday might reach a stage of growth where we have the understanding, knowledge, and wisdom that we think of as being held by the G.o.ds? Does this sound inconceivable to you, my friends, or can you conceive of this?

"Man can be anything that he can conceive of as being. Created within man was a desire, or rather an ability to desire. When man exercises this ability, the Law reacts. So you see, my friends, there might be two ways of looking at this. If you are to desire something, it would be wise for you to be sure that that which you desire is for your own good -- will bring you good. Man does not always weigh that which he desires; he does not put in balance. This we should do if we are to have wisdom and understanding. View it from both sides, my friends, before you let your desires reach forth.

"Within the heart of man burns a desire that drives him ever onward, seeking and searching. Man does not always know or realize what this desire is, what this urge within him is seeking, and this urge is turned in many directions by various individuals. Some direct it in search of wealth, others in search of pleasure, others for knowledge, but this -- direct it as you may -- is the same spark that burns within each of you.

It is that inner urge to know the truth, to know more of the meaning of life.

"Man does not recognize this spark that drives him onward for what it is. It is something that he must release, but he does not always direct it wisely. In order for man to grow, he must he must release these energies and use them wisely to bring him knowledge and wisdom and spiritual understanding, must have understanding and knowledge of many things. Spirituality is not denoted by one who claims to have great knowledge of a great being that rules and controls all things. A truly evolved spiritual being will have great knowledge of all things, for all things are spiritual in nature.

"The great scientist of the universe must be a spiritual man. He must have great knowledge of the universe about him. He must have an understanding of what causes Nature to function as she does. To overcome a true spiritual being requires eons of time spent in studying and searching for the true answers to Nature's function. Earth man has become so engrossed in his own small circle of function that he does not see; he does not see the things that are taking place before his eyes.

"While earth man is endangering the population of his planet, poisoning its people, bringing to them great miseries, there lie within his reach great powers, great resources, that could eliminate all of these things and supply for man an abundance of power, of energy, to be used for the good of all mankind at a cost of almost nothing. Earth science today realizes and knows the dangers of the powers with which they are working. Still they insist that these powers must be used. They have been told that there are alternative powers, energies, that are completely safe, but they heed not. Why is this, my friends? Could it be for selfish reasons? Could it be that certain interests see their power crumbling through the introduction of certain improvements upon planet earth? Could this be, my friends? I leave this to your decision.

"If people of earth were to be told the things that have been rejected from us by the powers that be upon your planet, I wonder, would they believe? I fear they would not. We have tried to share both our scientific and spiritual knowledge, but in every case we have been rejected. You see, your profit system would not function well under the stipulations which we presented, for what we offer is for all and not for a few; it is for the benefit of all mankind.

"Earth people have been lulled into a deep sleep of contentment. They have been content to let someone else think for them, guide them, and as they believed, protect them. Only now are they beginning to slowly wake up. Our contacts are now with the people. A great change shall come about through people like yourselves. When enough of your people have established in yourselves enough love and understanding, the changes will be inevitable.

"As time, you shall see many changes come about. Changes in individuals; great mental changes, shall occur with many. It is necessary that each person who wishes to grow in understanding spend much time in developing his understanding. How do you do this? By being aware, becoming conscious of that higher consciousness which leads you into experiences, into paths that shall bring you understanding.

"Proper meditation is of the utmost importance, and I should like to dwell for a moment on this subject, for proper meditation is most important to your growth.

"First of all, place yourself in a position that is proper for meditation. The best meditation can be had in a sitting position. Sit the body comfortably but erect, with both feet placed firmly before you.

Keep the body and head erect and straight. Place the hands open and upward in the lap. Allow those racing thoughts to race. Do not try to force them to stop, but bring yourself into a relaxed feeling. Let your mind relax; do not try to control it, and you shall find these racing thoughts in time will slow, will become slower and slower until they eventually stop. And with practice, my friends, this time shall become shorter and shorter, and in due time you shall reach that state of stillness quickly and in that state of stillness you can become one with creation, and life begins to speak to you. In this stillness you can bring yourself in attunement with whatsoever you wish. In this still, very still quietness, all things can flow to you, for your mind is open and receptive to the higher knowledge.

"In this great stillness within, you become one with your creator, and He to you many things that will enlarge your understanding. Now, to some of you it may seem that it is impossible for you to relax in this position, but I say to you, my friends, that it is the only true relaxation. For when the body is in positions for which it is not intended, true relaxation does not come, you cannot be receptive. Much of the Universal Energies come to you through the spine when you are in the physical and, unless the spine is erect, they do not flow. You would be amazed when this art is mastered, at what you can do; how quickly you can attune yourself in this state to anything that you desire. It is possible to attune yourself in this state to anything in nature and to draw from that the information you seek. Any spiritual or enlightening experience that you may have during meditation, that brings you truth and understanding, should be held in great reverence. So often valuable experiences are dissipated and lost, so easily through speaking of them to any great extent. An experience that carries great impact for you should never be discussed except with one whom you feel or know has great understanding, for as you spread these pearls, they are lost, perhaps not to be regained in this lifetime. Your great master once said, /'Seek the Truth and the Truth shall make you free.'/ This is stated in your book of religious histories, but there is one thing which was omitted, for he added to this, /'Seek the/ /Truth first which is within your understanding, which you can grasp and use, for only in this way will you prepare yourself for higher Truths.'/ In other words, one step at a time. Master what you have and then proceed to master more, for Truth is of no value unless you can use it in your life. Unless it benefits you, it means nothing.

"People of earth, I'm afraid, have some terrific shocks coming to them.

They are going to find that a great many of the concepts which they have been taught and which they have accepted as truth, are not truth at all; this is going to come as a great shock to some ... yes, to a great many earth people, and especially to some of your religious leaders, but sooner or later man must know the truth, for only by his knowing the truth can he be freed, and earth man has been held in bondage long enough.

"Upon planet earth are many, many teachings: religions, metaphysical teachings, occult teachings, and what have you. Among each of these you find divisions. Each of your religions, your teachings, has truth. Each contains a segment of the whole, yet none that we have found has the complete truth, but each is found to be a stepping stone for those who are seeking. For as all men are at a different level of understanding, each must seek according to his understanding; to his capabilities to understand. Many people have found great help in each of them; yet, he who is a true seeker, sooner or later moves on to a higher truth. He seeks new experiences that will bring him new knowing, and thus does life move ever onward, but man must go a step further in his search for truth, he must also search and have a desire to serve. For though man gains all knowledge, and serve not, his knowledge will avail him but little, and man shall find as he seeks and serves that he shall move ever onward and upward on the spiral of understanding. Where the spiral ends, I know not. It is of such magnitude that our conception of it is only slight. Man reaches ever forward and onward, attempting to gain these experiences and, as he moves on through the process of evolution, he through many periods of experience. This life or existence which you are now pa.s.sing through upon the planet you call earth, is a most important experience upon this path. Many have pa.s.sed through many lifetimes upon this planet, expressing and experiencing. Yet in their present state they have no recollection whatsoever of what has pa.s.sed, and this, beloved ones, is as it should be, for if many of the people were to look back into their lifetimes upon earth, they would shrink in horror. Yet these experiences were very necessary for the evolution of the individual, for when all these experiences are gathered together in a state of consciousness where the ent.i.ty is able to evaluate them properly, he will have a great knowing. The soul growth of any person cannot be determined by their present expression upon this plane. Seek your experiences, beloved friends, where your inner consciousness guides you, for there you will find the experience that you need.

"As man travels the corridors of time and gathers unto him experiences that bring him growth and understanding, he develops a wisdom, a knowledge an understanding, but how often man must repeat his experiences over and over and over again, before he really becomes aware of his learning. Unless your awareness keeps you conscious at all times, many lessons are missed. Man only comes into the physical existence for experiences that can be learned in no other way. But how often in the past generations has man experienced great things that should have brought him great wisdom, great understanding, but still he failed?

Civilization upon civilization has risen and fallen upon your planet due to the lack of man's understanding, and many of these beings have pa.s.sed through and shared the responsibility of these failures and yet have not learned.

Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz Part 22

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