Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz Part 23

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"We are most anxious that this civilization does not fail, that it does not, through its ego, greed and hate, bring about again its destruction.

This is still possible in your civilization, and unless man will come forth and exercise his rights, he shall again fail. This realization is coming to many of your people but, as yet, few of them are doing anything about it or, if they be, it is very little. The time is rapidly drawing nearer when earth must stand forth and be counted -- who would stand forth with what they know to be true. Soon the lead must be broken, and we hope and pray that it shall come from this great continent upon which you live, Dorothy, for yours is the logical nation to take the lead in bringing about the Brotherhood of Man upon planet earth. We are doing all in our power to get your nation to stand forth upon the principles upon which it was founded. Your nation professes to be a Christian nation, to follow the principles of this Great Teacher, but as yet this has not occurred. We wonder why it is so difficult for a culture such as yours to lack this foresight. If these principles could be followed by your nation, could be established among its, it should spread and engulf the planet, for the light that it should emanate would be so bright that all would be attracted to it, and those who could not be -- would fade into nothingness, for where that much light exists, darkness cannot exist.

"Earth people have been told many times to establish love, harmony and understanding between each other. Yet, they desire to make great accomplishments, to demonstrate their powers. But I say unto you, beloved ones, that these things cannot be established, cannot be demonstrated without first establis.h.i.+ng the love and understanding among all; for without this you have no power. This is the power. In love and understanding all things are possible; without it you accomplish nothing. It is the lack of this that has brought about the conditions that exist on planet earth today. How can you establish this among your people? It can be established only through your own efforts, through becoming masters of yourselves. Be ye perfect ... How shall we become perfect? Perfection is not an easy thing to accomplish, but we must aspire to this perfection at all times. Self-discipline is very necessary, very necessary. The desires of the physical must not be allowed to master us. Emotions must be controlled. How can we establish love and understanding among us if these things are not mastered? As you progress in your understanding, you have much in store for you. Give yourself in love and understanding. It is necessary for you, each of you, to develop a clear understanding of yourself and your fellows, for only through understanding will you be able to accomplish your mission.

"How can this understanding be accomplished among your people? It can be established only through their own efforts, through becoming master of themselves. The rules they should know well. They were given to them long ago --/'Turn the other cheek, go the extra mile; give, love./' All should see only good in all that they come in contact with. They should refuse to see anything but good. But they have been taught fear. They fear the results if they turn the other cheek, or go the extra mile.

There is nothing to fear, my friends, nothing to fear. Let that love emanate from you so strongly that all negativity shall melt into nothingness before you. /'He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.'/ I quote from your Scriptures. These things are not new to the people of the earth. Your Great Teacher gave you all the rules. They are all there; you need only apply them. Why, oh why, make it difficult?

"You would be amazed at what a few of your people, a very few, could accomplish if only they could establish between them complete love and understanding. Their accomplishments would amaze them. Each of you has within you the ability to establish this. You need only put forth the effort, to make the decision and to apply the discipline necessary. Know within yourself that you are completely dedicated to the service of your creator. This shall help you in establis.h.i.+ng more love within you.

Eliminate all self, holding only that desire to serve, for through your services administered sincerely and selflessly shall you gain new knowledge, new understanding and new growth. /Come unto me all ye who are burdened, who are heavy laden, and I shall give you peace, love, and understanding./ Live always in the now. Now is the only important time.

The past is pa.s.sed, and you can do nothing about it. This very moment is the only thing that counts. Live the truth, and the truth will set you free. The time is now. Now is the time. Realize at this moment your at-oneness with your creator. We do not bow our head when we wors.h.i.+p. We look up and out. Realize that Christ-like quality within you; realize that you are G.o.d: that you are a part of that One, and that you are expressing Him; He is expressing through you; you are His expression.

"Once these realizations have come into your mind, once you know who you are, then, my friends, truth shall unveil itself to you, and all shall become clear.

"Great wisdom must be used -- recognize wisdom when you hear it and see it. Do not become steeped in your beliefs, as many of them will need to be changed in order to understand and apply the Law. Much has been given to you in the past; we brothers who are working with your planet, Dorothy, for your people, have brought you much truth, but it has been brought to you in such a manner that you must put forth some effort to understand and apply it, and that is as it should be. We could give you many of these things in so many words and say to you, /'This is the way it is /--/ you must believe this,/' but this is not our way, for you must choose; it is your choice that you shall prove yourself. I shall repeat something that has been said many times: We cannot make this choice for you, this /you/ must do. Think well upon what I have just said.

"There is great work to be done among your people, Dorothy; you can be of great service, but the requirements are very stiff. In is not easy in the environment in which you have received your training, many things must be overcome -- the ego must not become inflated. You must be the least among them in order to be the greatest, for I, of myself, can do nothing. It is the Father within me that doeth the works. I, of myself, am nothing, but I and the Father are all things -- there is no limit to what I and the Father can do.

"The I AM; that word has been much misinterpreted in your Holy Scriptures. Your great Avatar often spoke of the I AM, but how has it been interpreted by your people? They have taken it to mean the man himself, but the I AM that he spoke of was not the man, it was the I AM that you all possess. The Father within -- the higher part of you that is the Creator. He spoke not of himself as the man. You see, much of the true meaning of His teachings have been lost by misinterpretations. I say unto you again, love one another, for you are all one in this great creation. Try to understand the true meaning of love, for it reaches far, much farther than you can possibly realize in your present level of understanding. Learn together, help one another; receive from one another in love and understanding, for by so doing your growth shall be much more rapid; for all on earth have so much to give to each other.

The veil needs only to be lifted ever so slightly for each to see that this is so.

"A great deal has been written in your Scriptures; there is a great deal to be interpreted. There are many keys for interpreting the writings; many of these have not been available to your people. In searching the Scriptures, your people have found many things that seemed to be contradictory. This has been pointed out by many of your people, but this is only due to lack of understanding, the lack of being able to interpret. To go into the interpretation of many of these things would take great lengths of time. This, at this moment of your growth, is not of importance. Before understanding of all these writings shall be made completely clear, there must be brought about among all a higher consciousness of love, of understanding, between you. When these things have been established, these vibrations -- your understanding shall become much clearer. Those things shall all become clearer, understandable to all.

"Your Master Teacher stated that the greatest of all the commandments was to love. If this one great commandment, Dorothy, were to be universally adopted, your planet would truly become a Heavenly body, radiating a beauty and harmony that has never been known on earth before. Social want and poverty and sickness would vanish from your planet forever.

"A Brotherhood of Man would come into being, where each would take his rightful place, where everyone would do his part for the benefit of the whole. No man is ent.i.tled to more than he earns and, in Universal Law, no man receives more than he earns. When man has understanding and love in his heart, he is willing to earn his advancement; he is willing to work for his understanding, for nothing, my friends, comes without effort.

"It is time that earthman realized his true existence. It is time that he stops living for himself and starts living for the whole. There is no other way, my friends, for any other way must go against the Laws of your Creator. Therefore man, to exist for long, must learn to love. You see, the great difficulty for earthman is that he does not understand, he thinks of love as emotion, but true love, my friends, is understanding. Therefore we must learn to understand ourselves, then we begin to understand our brothers, and when we understand Man as Man is, then we begin to love. We know man is what he is because he is man, and we realize that man is only expressing to gain experience so that he might know Truth, and when we have this understanding, we lose hate, greed, jealousy, resentment and all these things that go to make up the conditions that are found upon planet earth today. Beloved friends, we realize that this has been repeated. But what else is there to say?

Because, before man can have anything of value spiritually, he must have understanding, and the first step in understanding is to know one's self. As you meditate upon this sincerely, you shall find many answers coming to you, many realizations, or revelations, as they are sometimes called by earth people.

"Now, why is man on earth? The only reason man finds himself in this physical world is that long ago, eons of time back, he chose to experience in the unknown. Much caution was given, great efforts were made by those of higher understanding and love as to the results of these experiences, but still this path was chosen. And so from higher and more pleasant planes of existence, many millions descended for an unknown experience, and that is why we find in existence today, worlds and worlds of life as you now see it. These things did not come about in moments or hours of time. Neither will man return to his original state of existence in a short time as you know it. Yet time is eternal. Time does not pa.s.s, you are merely moving through time. And so, as the descension took place, so must the ascension, and man is climbing back on the ladder of evolvement rung by rung. If this picture could be seen and understood by each, it would make quite an amazing story. Some have climbed the ladder of progress more rapidly than others, yet each in his own body is progressing step by step.

"The decisions that we make as we gradually climb back towards our goal are a determining factor in the speed of our progress. Nevertheless, each individual is climbing ever onward and upward, sometimes falling back for a time and then again proceeding. As we find ourselves attempting to make progress upon the wheel of incarnation, we must learn to face all situations honestly, fairly, and squarely. Take each decision deep within our consciousness, and there we shall find a true answer if we are sincere and honest in our seeking.

"You see, beloved friends, when the Creator breathed us forth, He endowed us with this G.o.d-like ability to take all things into the core of our being, of our /at-oneness/, of our allness with His creation and, when this point has been reached, all things come into balance and we see clearly. And as we see clearly, our decisions are made and things begin to happen that bring us into harmony with Creation and that, dear friends, is most important. For all Creation must function in harmony if we are to have well-being, peace of mind, and harmony within ourselves.

"Man has allowed himself to become out of tune with Creation -- or Nature -- and when man is out of tune with Creation, he is out of balance and he does not function as he should. The precarious situation the people of planet earth find themselves in at this time exists only because they have allowed to come into their hearts greed, hate, jealousy, self-pity, ego, and so on. Man has had these things so implanted in his consciousness that they have become a part of him, so to speak. It is difficult for some of us who live in an environment of love and understanding to see how men of planet earth can be so oblivious of the things that are bringing about his downfall. Over the centuries man has had the opportunity to learn of these Laws. Master after Master has come to your planet, bringing a message of Truth and Love, telling earth man of the Universal Laws and asking him to go with their Laws. Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad, and many others have brought this message to earth people. Great mult.i.tudes of earth people profess to follow the teachings of one or another of these Masters.

"In your hemisphere, those who call themselves Christians are more familiar to you. They profess to follow the teaching of the Great Master you call Jesus of Nazareth. Yet how few, even to a small degree, attempt to follow the teachings? How many do you know, would go the extra mile, would turn the other cheek, would do many of the things necessary in order to be a true follower of the teachings of this Great Master?

"Many of your so-called Christian churches have removed part of the teachings from the writings that have been handed down to your people.

They have decided who shall be given the teachings and what part of these teachings shall be given to their people. This, my friends, follows down to the individual, who decides for himself the certain portions of these teachings he will follow; other portions which do not suit his purpose, he will ignore. This does not work. This does not blend with Universal Law, for if man is to reap the benefits of Universal Law, he must go all the way, not a quarter or a half. I cannot love the neighbor on my right and hate the neighbor on my left, for I am not fulfilling the Law if I do this. I cannot extend to one man the hand of fellows.h.i.+p, of love, because he is conforming to my truth or my understanding, then refuse another, because he doesn't. These are the conditions that exist among the on planet earth; this const.i.tutes the race consciousness that exists. Each of you who are able to rise above this consciousness, to go all the way, to master Universal Law -- these, my friends, will be the ones that will bring this race consciousness to a point where man of earth will move into a completely new consciousness. There are today upon your planet, many people who are on the verge of accomplis.h.i.+ng this. They need only to put forth effort and determination to do so.

"I do not imply that they are in the majority, but rather in the minority. But a minority group can do a great deal in furthering the evolvement of earthman. Once this has started; and it has been started, it shall gain momentum, for the light emanated by these enlightened ones shall bring unto them many more, for all man is seeking to some degree, and any light that s.h.i.+nes bright enough is bound to attract unto it others. So I say unto all of you, love one another. See in each a perfection that ye know exists. Ah, how beautiful is the true you. Of all of us. Let us see this beauty. Let us see ourselves and our brothers and sisters for what they are.

"Beloved children, let the Peace of the Great One sink into your hearts.

Be ever grateful to this Great One for the blessings that you have, for through this grat.i.tude shall come great peace and great knowing, for if we are grateful for the small things in life, the greater things are inevitable. Ah yes -- so shall it ever be and ever has been for all ye who are faithful in the smaller things shall also find the greater things. Let this great Peace and Love of the Infinite One fill your hearts so full that there is no room for resentment, jealousy, hatred, or anything that is negative, for where dwells this love and peace these things cannot exist. Build for yourselves, build for yourselves, not in the material for the now, but for the future, build for the future, this spiritual knowledge and enlightenment, increase your Light, that it may s.h.i.+ne forth and lighten that dark world called earth. Great is the need in this hour. You can be of no greater service to your fellow man than to build your own Light and use it to lighten the lives of those about you. It is not necessary to preach your truth in the temple or to shout it from the rooftop -- nay -- not so, for he who lives the Law attracts unto him that, and those who are seeking to know. Cast not your pearls before swine, no -- but let your light so s.h.i.+ne as to fill the lives of those with whom you come in contact. These will be the temples that shall bring the truth to earth man; not the temples built by those who would bring to man that which they would have him know. Man of earth has had the truth withheld from him long enough. Now he shall have the opportunity to know the truth, and woe unto those who have falsely taught in His Name. Great temples of stone are not necessary in the eyes of the Great One. His Truth is revealed in the hearts of men.

"Many have been the Great Masters who have trod the earth. Each has brought great teachings of truth, but the darkness has hidden these truths. Therefore, let he who has eyes to see -- and he who has ears, let him hear and know the truth. It shall not be found in the great temples, but in the heart of man.

"Know ye not that ye are the Temple of Creation? I give a message to those of earth: Open your hearts and receive this Great Light which is being given to you at this time. Yea, I say unto you. Man needs but to open his heart and receive the glory of the One Great Being. He need only be touched by this Light to awaken in him great revelation; to bring about a degree of understanding that will put him in a path of great magnitude, great learning, great wisdom and understanding. Beloved children of the Light, open your hearts that this River of Light might flow to you and raise you to heights far, far beyond that you can now conceive of. Your love should so radiate that those about you feel you love and light whenever they are near you. This creates more desire in those with whom you come in contact, more desire to know this Truth than anything you do. That is what is meant by the statement in your Holy works which states, /'Do not hide your Light under a bushel, but let your Light s.h.i.+ne forth that others might see it.'/ This Light radiates from you when you are able to demonstrate it in your own life, because your life is a happy and glorious one and it radiates all about you for all to see.

"Now; let me tell you a little more about ourselves and about our mission. I shall refer to our solar system as Arturas, since our sun is known to your astronomers by that name. Our craft is located outside your solar vortice. We came by request, by request of members of the Confederation within your system. We came to help your system and especially your planet at a time of crisis. We are not alone. There are many, many craft at this time surrounding your planet. These have come from planets from your system and from many many systems. We have all come to serve, to serve your system and your planet. Each has a mission to perform; each was chosen for his mission because of his particular capabilities. Our main craft, which we call the mother craft, is one hundred twenty miles in length and thirty-six miles in diameter; it carries upward of twenty-five million and approximately fifty thousand smaller craft. It is difficult for you to conceive of a craft of this size, but we do not do things on a small scale. We serve only to our fullest capacity.

"Your people, Dorothy, through all generations of time, have had the right to choose; they have not chosen wisely, so in your time you face a great crisis. We, as have many others, have come to help you. We are awakening your people in great numbers; not to any great knowledge, but to the fact that they must make a choice, that there are two paths that they can follow. To those who make the choice to serve their humanity in every way and to follow the path of service, of love, of light and understanding we pledge our help. To all who make the choice, we shall move in with protection, with love, light and truth. We shall guide them into opportunities for service. They shall find themselves going about a new way, not knowing why they do this. We pledge our protection; no harm shall come to those that make the choice in full faith and understanding. All of this we shall do and more. The powers of my people are such that any one of them could stand upon the face of your planet and perform any of the '/miracles/' described in your religious history.

We do not mean to brag of our achievements, for we are servants, servants to a Cause, and we are grateful and humble for the opportunity to serve you.

"There are many, many brothers and sisters working for your planet and your people at this time; some of those are able to come among you and are among you. They are seen daily in your skies; many of them are living among you and are serving quietly. If they were to be known, their work would be greatly hampered, so they work quietly among you, as one of you, and thereby accomplish these missions. Those brothers who are working among you were brought by craft which landed upon your planet and became absorbed into your humanity. Others voluntarily came through the normal route, and live among you as one of you, many not even aware of their true ident.i.ty. But at the proper time they shall be awakened, and will go about their Father's work.

"Do you realize that these brothers and the Masters who are working on behalf of earth today have made great sacrifices; they have given up great peace and comfort. They have left their homes and their friends and are pa.s.sing through what is to them great discomfort and sacrifice, but they complain not. Neither do they think of their sacrifices as sacrifices, but they are spurred on by the great love they have for mankind, for their desire to see man of earth raised up out of the stench in which he lives. Little does earthman realize the sacrifices that are being made. How many earth people would be willing to leave their comfortable homes and work in your slums, to go there and live in the filth that exists? Once you have known life on the higher planes and return to conditions that exist on planet earth, you are doing just that. These individuals come entirely by their own choice as volunteers.

They are not asked to come; they are not told to come. It is their choice through their great love for mankind.

"Much more help is awaiting earth people if only they will gain understanding. When earthman has attained understanding, even to a small degree, peace will reign on planet earth, for with only a slight amount of understanding, man will see the utter futility of war, of hate and greed. So, my dear friends, take advantage of every opportunity to raise your consciousness. Encourage your friends to do likewise for, as you raise your consciousness, you have improved the ma.s.s consciousness to a degree, and this is the one thing that will eventually turn the tide.

The time is now. Time has run out for your planet, Dorothy. The prophecies are being fulfilled, therefore your people have no choice.

The only choice man has is whether he will go with his planet into the New Age, or leave his planet for one that is of a like vibration, where he must begin the evolutionary cycle all over again. For in the New Age, planet earth will have a new and higher vibration, and in order to live upon it, spiritual understanding will be necessary.

"Nothing comes to you or anyone without effort. The seeking of Truth, Dorothy, requires effort, /stick-to-itiveness/, to use your terms, for in your persistence, in your search, is the thing that will bring you results. Many of your people start the search for Truth, but they find that it takes effort, patience, and above all great sincerity. Many of them fall by the wayside when they discover that Truth must be earned.

They desire it provided they do not have to work for it. Many times, great sacrifices are necessary to gain the truth and the experiences that will bring a higher understanding. This is as it should be, for things gained without effort, without sacrifice, are not held dear, are not appreciated and are soon lost. It is the things we gain through hard, sincere efforts and suffering that really benefit us, that bring sound growth that is permanent.

"Works without faith are valueless. We could give you many demonstrations that would convince you of the many things of which we speak, but this would be only temporary. For only the things that you gain through your own efforts, your own searching, your own suffering, can establish the faith in you that is necessary to reach the heights to which you aspire.

"To he, or she, that sees and witnesses, it is no problem to believe.

But he who sees not, and believes through faith, faith in his creator and in his fellow men, to him shall come great awakenings, great experiences. Prove these truths to yourself by demonstrating, by putting them to work for you. You are not asked to accept a truth without first trying it. To see it demonstrated by another does not qualify you. You, yourself, each as an individual, must take these results and let them manifest in your own life, building your glorious Light for all to see.

We are still putting forth every possible effort to influence your leaders in their decisions, but we can only influence or attempt to influence. We cannot interfere physically; we cannot interfere with the free will of man, only to the point that is necessary to save your planet. Man must evolve upon his own as much as possible. To interfere with the evolvement of another only brings Karma upon the one who is interfering. But according to Universal Law, we shall interfere at the point of total destruction; that is our right.

"Now, what is this they called Man who was given dominion over all things by his Creator? How do you define this thing called man? In your existence of your plane of existence, we see man in a physical chemical body, so to speak. He functions through this chemical body, controlling it and its actions through what you call a brain. But on yet another plane of existence, after the death of this physical body, man continues to exist. Here he functions in what, to use your terms, you call an astral sh.e.l.l. In this astral body, he moves, he thinks, he carries on life much as he did when on the physical plane, yet he does not function with a chemical body, nor does he control or manipulate his astral sh.e.l.l through a brain as before. He finds that thought is much more effective upon this plane. He finds that he brings into being that which he desires by merely creating a thought, and promptly this thought comes into being for him. He builds his own surroundings with very little effort on his part and these surroundings and action depend entirely upon his ability to think. But he is limited in many ways, for he has been lost for so long in a physical existence, through desires that were created within him many years back in time. He finds this desire which he has, continually pus.h.i.+ng him, so to speak, to express in the physical or the chemical, and offtimes not realizing exactly where he is, he does not take advantage of the situation that he finds himself in, but rather tries to pull himself back into the physical, chemical plane of existence before his time. Offtimes this becomes quite confusing to the individual -- and for those with whom he may make contact, who are still in the physical realm. You see, he is neither functioning on the physical chemical plane of existence, nor on the astral plane, but in a twilight world of his own creation. He has, in effect, become earthbound. Now, to those who have somewhat of a higher understanding; they are able to live a happy fruitful existence in what your occultists refer to as the astral planes of existence. These higher planes are very beautiful.

"As we move farther out, we find other planes of existence, other levels of life. As we pause here, we find beings of greater understanding; we find beings with greater knowledge of the universe and its functions. We find that these individuals also function in a world of thought but they have a higher knowledge of this power. They also have greater knowledge of many other powers. They have an understanding of matter to a greater degree. We find that these beings are able through their power of thought to control and manipulate this matter. They are able to change it to different forms, to bring into being that which they desire and to mold it into whatever suits their purpose at the time. They are able to transport themselves from place to place without the aid of a vehicle if they so desire. Yet if they desire a vehicle in which to travel -- this can also be created by thought and the manipulation of matter. Also we find that many of them can bring themselves into your plane of existence and create for themselves a chemical body to be used temporarily as they move among you and then again to be returned to the nothingness from whence they came.

"How do we define this man? Shall we go higher? Shall we move from this realm where man lives, in a world of thought, yet he lives a life somewhat as yours in that he lives with his fellow man ... they work together, they have their homes and their families, but yet so different.

"As we move on, we find ourselves surrounded by beings of such great intelligence, of such great Light that our understanding of them is naught. We see nothing but Light. These beings have such great knowledge and control of matter, of intelligence, of consciousness, that it is beyond our understanding. They have such great knowledge of the universe; they know of its creation. They understand consciousness. They are able to divide and subdivide their consciousness, sending it out into many spheres and many planes and there expressing it, helping to raise the consciousness of these beings on other planes that they too might someday move into their plane of consciousness. These beings, I can only state, are pure consciousness.

"You ask, /'is this the ultimate in man?/' I must answer, /'I do not believe so, for I understand that man reaches even beyond this.'/ So, beloved friends, how should you define man? I have no definition for man, for man, shall we say, is inconceivable. At my level of understanding, I believe I would have to state it so. But man on earth has all these potentialities and man of earth sooner or later shall return to the high states of consciousness from whence he came. We are gradually climbing step by step. As time is never ending, so is our climb to the ultimate. A man grows and moves ever outward and upward on the spiral of evolution; he will become more and more aware of his consciousness; his consciousness will widen, and will grow ever wider.

It will take in more and more of this universal knowledge and wisdom, and consequently man's understanding of how to use this consciousness will become greater and greater. Man will be able to extend his consciousness over vast areas of s.p.a.ce and encounter experiences that would otherwise be impossible. The important thing at this time, beloved friends, is to use that which you have to the greatest possible extent.

Use your wisdom and knowledge today, and use it in a reverent and holy way, with ever a high motive in mind. By so doing, your consciousness shall widen, shall extend out and take in more of this universal knowledge and wisdom.

"Once man has truly taken this step in sincerity, placed it above all else, above all other things, then he will begin to move rapidly on his course. This will not be done without effort and sacrifice. Many comforts will have to be sacrificed to gain this knowledge. The great Masters did not accomplish this without making these sacrifices, and they continue to sacrifice.

"The great Master who walked your earth two thousand years ago walks still today, unseen, but serving that struggling humanity he loves so dearly. Other great Masters walk with him. Tears fill their eyes as they observe the horrors of men, the needless suffering, the domination of mankind, and all the evil that does prevail.

"The evildoers are ignorant of the vast repercussions of their actions.

They think that if they escape man-made laws they are in the clear. But they are totally unaware that each action taken of an adverse nature toward their fellow man; whether of physical violence, or destruction of freedom, or acquisition of material property through force or beguilement, must be accounted for. Any action that be hurtful in any way shape or form is a violation of Universal Law and must be accounted for, eventually.

"Each hurtful act towards another accomplishes naught but to form a chain of bondage around the one taking such action. But alas, little can be done for these people at this time, for they have for so long been victims of their own material thoughts that they are no longer in command. They are ruled entirely by their own mortal self. That mortal-devil self has been allowed to feed for so long on negative destructive thoughts, that it has become the total ent.i.ty. The higher spiritual self -- not having been given any expression -- lies dormant deep within.

"But the forces of darkness must perish; they must be banished from your earth for all time. And out of this must come a new age of love, harmony, and understanding; an age where each shall live to benefit his brother, and not himself -- here in all problems, the answers sought shall not be /'What is best for me?/' but /'What is best for all concerned?'/

"During the transition, many changes will take place upon the surface of your planet, as have taken place before in other transitions, for, you see, systems, planets, and individuals are ever evolving, onward and upward. Man does not digress; he is ever progressing. And so, we move on, ever looking outward and upward, to a new and higher understanding.

Dorothy's Mystical Adventures in Oz Part 23

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