Arbuthnotiana Part 2

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1 A Large parcel of pamphlets

2 Boerhaave praxis de medica, 5 v. and 58 more


3 Taylor's holy living and dying, and 49 more

4 Gradus ad Parna.s.sum, and 19 more

5 Vidae de arte poetica, and 49 more

6 Livsii opera omnia, 8 v. fig. 1675

7 Livii historia, 6 v. Oxonii 1708

8 Virgilius in usum Delphini, and 7 more

9 Petroni Arbitri satyricon, and 13 more

10 Histoire philosophique et politique des etabliss.e.m.e.ns & du commerce des Europees dans les deux Indes, 7 tom. Haye 1774

11 Pope's Homer's Iliad, 6 v. 1770

12 Gother's spiritual works, 13 v. 1718

13 Houstoun's history of ruptures, and 14 more

14 Dr. Arbuthnot's miscellaneous works, 2 v. 1751, and 2 more

15 Tour through Great Britain, v. 1, 2, 4, and 11 more

16 Dryden's Virgil, v. 2, 3, 8vo. and 23 more

17 Abridgment of the statutes, 6 v. law French dictionary, 1718, and 13 more

18 Riverii praxis medica, 2 v. and 14 more

19 Blackmore's essays, Glover's Leonidas, and 10 more

20 OEuvres de Scarron, 10 t. Amst. 1737

21 ---- Moliere, 4 t. and 8 more

22 ---- Spirituelles de Fenelon, 4 t. 1740

23 ---- D'Horace, par Dacier, 10 t. 1709

24 A Spanish common-prayer book 1707

25 Vida y Hechos del Don Quixote, 2 t. fig. 1763

26 Lettres de Ciceron a Atticus, par Mongault, 6 t. Paris 1738

27 Avantures de Telemaque, 2 t. fig. Par. 1720, fables choisies, par Fontaine, fig. 3 t. and 3 more

28 Abrege de l'histoire de France, par Daniel, 8 t. Paris, 1764, and 6 more

29 OEuvres de Racine, 2 t. Amst. 1709, and 10 more

30 Littlebury's history of Herodotus, 2 v. 1709

31 Hobbes's history of Thucydides, 2 v. 1723

32 Malcolm's treatise of music, sewed 1721

33 Shere's history of Polybius, 2 v. l. p. 1693

34 Ulloa's voyage to South America, 2 v. cuts 1758

35 Grose's voyage to the East Indies, 2 v. sewed, and 2 more

36 Drake's anatomy, 2 v. cuts, 1707, Allen's practice of physic, 2 v.


37 Hale's vegetable statics, 2 v. cuts 1731

38 Mitch.e.l.l's poems, 2 v. l. p. 1729

39 Innes's essay on the ancient inhabitants of the northern parts of Britain, or Scotland, 2 v. 1729

40 Bolingbroke's letters on the study and use of history, 2 v. sewed 1752

41 Tournefort's history of plants, 2 v. 1732

42 Friend's history of physic, 2 v. 1725, and 4 more

43 Sherwin's mathematical tables 1706

44 Jones's introduction to the mathematics, 1706, and 5 more

45 Swift's life of Swift, Orrery remarks on the life and writings of Swift

46 Jarvis' Don Quixote, 2 v. cuts 1749

Arbuthnotiana Part 2

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