Arbuthnotiana Part 3

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47 Bishop Sherlock's sermons, 3 v. 1754, &c.

48 Bailey's dictionary, 1759, Alvarado's Spanish and English dialogues 1719

49 Miller's gardener's kalender, 1760, Gibson's farrier's guide, 1754, and 1 more

50 Prideaux's connection of the Old and New Testament, 4 v. 1725

51 Lord Clarendon's life, 3 v. 1769

52 Rapin's history of England, by Tindal, 15 v. with maps, plans, &c 1731

53 Traite de la sphere, par Rivard, l'homme detrompe 3 t.

54 Psalms of David in verse, Dr. Young's works, 4 v.

55 La mere Chretienne, 2 t. la Sainte bible, negociation du paix, la vie d'Elizabeth Reine d'Angleterre

56 Abrege chronologique de l'histoire de France, traite du poeme epique par Bossu, 2 t. relation sur le quietism, par Bofluet, avec la reponse de Fenelon, Quinte Curce, 2 t. Lat. & Francois

57 Histoire du patriotisme Francois, par Rossel, 6 t.

58 De la conversation des enfans, par Raulin, le dictionaire Chretien, legis d'un ancien medicine a sa patrie, panegyrique de Louis XIV.

59 Le dictionaire apostolique, 4 t.

60 Histoire de Russie, par Voltaire, 2 t.

61 ---- ecclesiastique de Fleury, 3 t. les pseaumes de David

62 Histoire Sacrette de Neron, traite methodique de la goutte & de rhumatisme, par Ponsarte, memoires de la vie du president de Thou, la sagesse de Dieu par Ray

63 ---- du fanatisme par Bruyes, 3 t. de l'academic Francoise par Pelisson

64 Dictionaire neologique, l'homme depee ou le dictionaire du gentilhomme, sentimens des theologiens, pratique de l'humilite, par Lamotte, memoires de Mr. D'Aubery

65 Les Saturnales Francoises, 2 t. les lettres originales de M. la Comtesse du Barry


66 Wollaston's religion of nature, and 5 more

67 Morley collectanea chymica Leydensia, and 5 more

68 The scribleriad, an heroic poem, and 6 more

69 Hooke's Roman history, v. 1, 2, boards 1751

70 Ramsay's travels of Cyrus 1730

71 c.u.mberland's laws of nature, by Maxwell 1727

72 Waller's works by Fenton, boards 1729

73 Pemberton's view of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy, boards 1728

74 Bellamy's ethic amus.e.m.e.nts, 2 v. cuts, boards 1762

75 Addison's works, 4 v. boards 1768

76 Pope's works, 4 v. 1717 and 1737

77 ---- Homer's Iliad, 5 v. 1725

78 Milton's Paradise lost, by Newton, 2 v. 1749

79 Gay's poems, 2 v. 1720

80 Milton's Paradise lost, by Bentley 1732

81 Newton's chronology of ancient kingdoms 1728

82 Heurnii opera omnia, and 5 more

83 Morton opera medica, and 5 more

84 Dr. Arbuthnot's tables of ancient coins, weights, and measures, sewed

85 Newton's optics 1704

86 Smart's tables of interest 1726

87 De Moivre's doctrine of chances, 1718, Harris treatise of navigation 1718

88 Sutherland's s.h.i.+p builder's a.s.sistant, and 7 more

89 Ainsworth's Latin dictionary, 1736, Littleton's ditto, 1723

90 Dictionaire Italien & Francois, par Veneroni, 1707, and 4 more

91 Longinus de sublimitate, Gr. & Lat. per Pearce 1724

92 Terentius, per Hare, (semicomp) 1724

93 Cellarii geographia antiqua, 2 v. 1703

94 Frezier's voyage to the South Sea, cuts 1717

95 Parkinson's voyage to the South Seas, cuts, charts, &c. boards 1773

Arbuthnotiana Part 3

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Arbuthnotiana Part 3 summary

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