Arbuthnotiana Part 4

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96 Opere di Machiavelli, 2 t. Lond. 1747

97 OEuvres diverses de Rousseau, 2 t. Lond. 1723

98 ---- Boileau, 2 t. fig. Amst. 1718

99 Jugemens des savans, par Baillet, 7 t. Par. 1722

100 Histoire Romaine, par Catrou and Rouille, avec fig. 20 t. Paris 1725



101 Skinner etymologicon linguae Anglicanae 1671

102 Lhuyd archoeologia Britannica 1707

103 Wood's inst.i.tutes, 1722, and 3 more

104 Cay's abridgement of the statutes, 2 v. 1739

105 Domat's civil law, 2 v. 1722

106 Prior's poems, l. p. 1718

107 Machiavel's works, 1675, Sydney on government, 1704

108 Selden's t.i.tles of honor 1672

109 Gadbury's doctrine of nativities, with his portrait, 1658

110 Chaucer's works, by Urry 1721

111 Blome's cosmography damag'd, and 5 more

112 Mariana's general history of Spain, by Stevens 1699

113 Malpighii opera omnia, figuris elegantissimis 1686

114 Willughbeii ornithologiae, descriptiones iconibus elegantissimis, per Ray. 1706

115 Eustachii tabulae anatomicae Romae 1714

116 Mayernii opera medica, 1700, and 5 more

117 Etmulleri opera omnia, 2 v. 1659

118 Medicae artis principes, post Hippocratem & Galenum, 3 v. maculat.

apud Hen. Stepha.n.u.s 1567

119 Suidae lexicon, Gr. & Lat. opera & studio Porti, 2 v. Genevae, 1619, and 1 more

120 Dictionaire universel de commerce, par Savary, 2 t. 1723

121 Corps universel diplomatique du droit des gens, par Dumont, 6 t.

Amst. 1726

122 Le grand dictionaire historique, par Morery, 2 t. 1702

123 Bayle's historical and critical dictionary, 4 v. 1710

124 Dionysii Halicarnas. Gr. & Lat. Sylburgii, Franc. 1586

125 Platonis opera omnia, Gr. & Lat. Ficino, Franc. 1602

126 Aristotelis opera omnia, per Du Val, 2 v. Gr. & Lat. maculat.

Lutet. Par. 1629

127 Eusebii, Sozomeni, &c. historiae ecclesiasticae, Gr. & Lat. per Reading, 3 v. Cantab. 1710

128 Mattaire corpus poetarum Latinorum, 2 v. 1713

129 Poetae Graeci veteres carminis heroici qui extant omnes Gr. & Lat. 2 v. Aur. Allob. 1606

130 Parker de antiquitate Britannicae, ecclesiasticae, per Drake Lond.


131 L'antiquite explique, et representee en figures, par Montfaucon, 10 t. boards and uncut, Paris 1719

End of the First Day's Sale.


Second Day's Sale,



132 Histoire comique de Francion, and 28 more

133 Voyage de Cyrus, par Ramsay, 2 t, and 19 more

134 Les vies des hommes ill.u.s.tres de Plutarque, par Dacier, 10 t. Amst.

Arbuthnotiana Part 4

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