Early English Meals and Manners Part 50

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_Names of Fish from Yarrell's History of British Fish, 1841, 2nd ed._

English Names Latin Names. Yar., vol., page

Ba.s.se _Perca labrax_ i 8 Bleak _Luciscus_, or i 419 _Cyprinus alburnus_ Bream or Carp-Bream _Abramis_, or _Cyprinus brama_ i 382 the common Sea- _Pagellus centrodontus_ i 123 Brill, or Pearl, Kite, _Rhombus vulgaris_, or BRETT, Bonnet-Fleuk _Pleuronectes rhombus_ ii 231 b.u.t.t, Flook, or Flounder _Pleuronectes flesus_, or ii 303 _Platessa flesus_ Common Cod, or Keeling _Morrhua vulgaris_, or ii 221 _Gadus morrhua_ (Jenyns) Green Cod _Merlangus virens_ (Cuvier) ii 256 _Gadus virens_ (Linnaeus) Conger _Conger vulgaris_, or ii 402 _Muraena conger_ Dace, Dare, or Dait _Leuciscus vulgaris_, or i 404 _Cyprinus leuciscus_ Dog Fish (the common), _Spinax acanthias_, or ii 524 The Picked Dog-Fish, _Squalus acanthias_ or Bone Dog (Suss.e.x), Hoe (Orkney) Small Spotted Dog Fish _Scyllium canicula_, or ii 487 or Morgay (Scotl.), _Squalus canicula_ Robin Huss (Suss.e.x Coast) Large Spotted Dog Fish, _Scyllium stellaris_ ii 493 or Bounce (Scotl. & Devon) Black-mouthed Dog-Fish, _Scyllium melanostomum_ ii 495 or Eyed Dog-Fish (Cornwall) The Smooth Hound or _Squalus mustelus_, ii 512 Shate-toothed Shark, or _Mustelus laevis_ Ray-mouthed Dog (Cornwall) Dory, or Doree _Zeus faber_ i 183 Sharp-nosed Eel _Anguilla acutirostris_, ii 381 or _vulgaris_ Broad-nosed Eel _Anguilla latirostris_ ii 396 Flounder, or Flook _Platessa flesus_ ii 303 (Merret). Mayock, Fluke (Edinb.), b.u.t.t.

Grayling _Thymallus vulgaris_, ii 136 or _Salmo thymallus_ Gudgeon _Gobio fluviatilis_, i 371 or _Cyprinus gobio_ Red Gurnard _Trigla cuculus_, or i 38-63 _lineata_ Haddock _Morrhua aeglefinus_, ii 233 or _Gadus aeglefinus_ Hake _Merlucius vulgaris_, ii 253 or _Gadus merlucius_ Herring _Clupea harengus_ ii 183 Holibut _Hippoglossus vulgaris_, ii 321 or _Pleuronectes hippoglossus_ Hornfish, GARFISH, _Belone vulgaris_, or i 442 Sea-pike, Long Nose, &c. _Esox belone_ Keeling. See Common Cod ii 221 Lampern, or River _Petromyzon fluviatilis_ ii 604 Lamprey[*]

Lamprey _Petromyzon marinus_ ii 598 Ling _Lota molva_ (Cuvier), ii 264 or _Gadus molva_ (Linnaeus) Luce, or PIKE _Esox lucius_ i 434 Lump-fish ii 365 Mackarel _s...o...b..r s...o...b..us_, i 137 or _vulgaris_ Merling, or Whiting _Merlangus vulgaris_ (Cuvier), ii 244 or _Gadus merlangus_ (Linnaeus) Minnow _Leuciscus_, i 423 or _Cyprinus phoxinus_ Mullet, grey, or Common _Mugil capito_, or _cephalus_ i 234 Muraena _Muraena Helena_ ii 406 Perch _Perca fluviatilis_ i 1 Pike _Esox lucius_ i 434 Plaice _Platessa vulgaris_ ii 297 Roach _Cyprinus rutilis_ i 399 Salmon _Salmo Salar_ ii 1 Smelt. _Spirling_ and _Salmo Sperla.n.u.s_, or ii 75 & 129 _Sparling_ in _Osmerus Sperla.n.u.s_ Scotland Sturgeon, the Common _Acipenser Sturio_ ii 475 the Broad-nosed _Acipenser latirostris_ ii 479 Swordfish _Xiphias gladius_ i 164 Tench _Tinca vulgaris_, or i 375 _Cyprinus tinca_ Thornback _Raia clavata_ ii 583 Trout, Common _Salmo fario_ ii 85 Turbot, or Rawn Fleuk _Rhombus maximus_, or ii 324 and Bannock Fluck _Pleuronectes maximus_ (Scotl.) Vendace or Vendis _Coregonus Willughbii_, or ii 146 (? Venprides, l. 820, _Coregonus Maraenula_ Russell) (Jenyns) Whiting, or Merling _Merlangus vulgaris_ (Cuvier) ii 244 _Gadus merlangus_ (Linnaeus)

[Footnote *: The Lamperns have been taken in the Thames at Teddington this autumn (1866) in extraordinary quant.i.ties.]

Errata (noted by transcriber):

Main text:

l. 1061 Alle the vndirIustice? [_text unchanged_]

l. 1166 e honour{e} and wors.h.i.+pp{e} [_extra blank s.p.a.ce at beginning of line_]


114: ... _H. Ord._ p. 462. [_"p." missing_]

162: ... _Sea Dog / Fish [_close quote missing_]

236: ... Cules a _Cod Fish_ argent [_text unchanged_]

263: ... AS. _daeges eage_. [dges eage]

265: ... _Hleomoce_ ['_Hleomoce_]

268: ... of Edw. IV.' [_close quote missing_]


ll. 109ff. (Notes on wines): 5. _Raspice._ [_"5." added by transcriber_]

... mox tamen exolescente, p. 31-2, &c." [_close quote missing_]

8. _b.a.s.t.a.r.d._ ... sweetish quality." [_close quote missing_]

l. 548: ... see note on Torrentyne, l. 835 below [_l. 828_]

l. 577: ... See note to l. 839 here, p. 108.

[_l. 840_]

l. 799: ... The oxce is ["The oxce]

l. 915: (See _n._ p. 131, below.) [_Andrew Borde, "Sleep, Rising and Dress", footnote 5_]

Table of fish names:

Venprides l. 820 [821]

[Transcriber's Note:

Andrewe on Fish, listed in the Contents as part of the linenotes to the Boke of Nurture, is a separate text.

Boldface initials are marked with a double ++ before the letter.

Further details about the transcription are at the beginning of the Preface.]

Extracts about Fish from "The n.o.ble lyfe & natures of man, Of bestes / serpentys / fowles & fisshes y^t be moste knowen."

A very rare black-letter book, without date, and hitherto undescribed, except perhaps incorrectly by Ames (vol. 1, p. 412, and vol. 3, p. 1531), has been lent to me by Mr Algernon Swinburne. Its t.i.tle is given above: "The n.o.ble lyfe and natures of man" is in large red letters, and the rest in smaller black ones, all surrounded by woodcuts of the wonderful animals, mermaids, serpents, birds, quadrupeds with men's and women's heads, a stork with its neck tied in a knot, and other beasts "y^t be most knowen." The ill.u.s.trations to each chapter are wonderfully quaint. The author of it says in his Prologus "In the name of ower sauiour criste Iesu, maker & redemour of al ma{n}kynd / I Lawre{n}s A{n}drewe of {th}e towne of Calis haue translated for Joh{an}nes doesborrowe, booke prenter in the cite of Andwarpe, this p{re}sent volume deuyded in thre partes, which were neuer before in no maternall langage prentyd tyl now /" As it is doubtful whether another copy of the book is known, I extract from the Third Part of this incomplete one such notices of the fish mentioned by Russell or Wynkyn de Worde, as it contains, with a few others for curiosity's sake:--

here after followeth of the natures of the fisshes of the See whiche be right profitable to be vndersta{n}de / Wherof I wyll wryte be {th}e helpe and grace of almighty G.o.d, to whose laude & prayse this mater ensueth.


[Sidenote: _Abremon_, ? not _Bream_ (see Cap. xiii; p. 115 here)]

A Bremon[*] is a fruteful fisshe that hathe moche sede / but it is nat through mouynge of the he / but only of the owne proper nature / and than she rubbeth her belly upon the grou{n}de or sande / and is sharpe in handelinge / & salt of sauour / and this fisshe saueth her yonges in her bely whan it is tempestius weder / & when the weder is ouerpast, than she vomyteth them out agayne.

[Footnote *: ??a??, a fish found in the sea and the Nile, perhaps the _bream_, Opp. Hal. i. 244. Liddell & Scott.]

Cap. ij.

[Sidenote: _Eel_ (Russell, l. 719). Is of no s.e.x; is best roasted.]

++Anguilla / the Ele is lyke a serpe{n}t of fascyon, & may leue eight yere, & without water vi. dayes whan the wind is in the northe / in the wint{er} they wyll haue moche water, & that clere / amo{n}ge them is nouther male nor female / for they become fisshes of {th}e slyme of other fisshes / they must be flayne / they suffer a longe dethe / they be best rosted, but it is longe or they be ynouge / the droppi{n}ge of it is G.o.de for paines in the eares.

Cap. iij.

[Sidenote: _Herring_ (Russell, l. 722). Is delicious when fresh, (Russell, l. 748) or salted. Dies when it feels the air.]

++Alec, the heringe, is a Fisshe of the see / & very many be taken betweene bretayn & germaia / & also i{n} denmarke aboute a place named schonen / And he is best from thebegi{n}nynge of August to december / and when he is fresshe take{n} / he is a very delicious to be eten. And also wha{n} he hath ben salted he is a specyall fode vnto man / He can nat leue w{i}t{h}out wat{er}, for as sone as he feleth the ayre he is dede / & they be taken in gret hepis togeder / & specially where they se light, there wyll they be, than so they be taken with nettis / which commeth be the diuyne Prouydens of almighty G.o.d.

Cap. v.

[Sidenote: _Whale?_ (Russell, l. 582). s.h.i.+pmen cast anchor on him, and make a fire on him. He swims away, and drowns them.]

+A+ Spidochelo{n} / as Phisiolog{us} saith, it is a mo{n}strous thinge in the see, it is a gret whale fisshe, & hath an ouer-growe{n} rowgh ski{n}ne / & he is moste parte w{i}t{h} his bake on hye aboue the water in such maner that some shypmen {tha}t see him, wene that it is a lytell ylande / & whan they come be it, they cast their ankers upo{n} him / & go out of theyr s.h.i.+ppes & make a fyre upon hym to dresse theyr metys / and as sone as he feleth the hete of the fyre / tha{n}ne he swy{m}meth fro the place, & drowneth them, & draweth the s.h.i.+ppe to the grounde / And his proper nature is, whan he hath yonges, {tha}t he openeth his mouthe wyde open / & out of it fleeth a swete ayre / to {the} which the fisshes resorte, and tha{n} he eteth them.

[Sidenote: _Goldenpoll?_]

++Aauratais a fysshe in the see {tha}t hathe a hede s.h.i.+nynge lyke golde.

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