The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Standpoint Volume II Part 24

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[147] Mabillon, "Iter. Ital." p. 77.

[148] Pausanias, ix. 17. 1.

[149] De Superst. 6.

[150] M. Dic, quaeso, num te illa terrent? Triceps apud inferos Cerberus?

Cocyti fremitus? travectio Acherontis?

"Mento summam aquam attingens enectus siti, Tantalus, tum illud quod, Sisiphus versat Saxum sudans nitendo neque proficit hilum," etiam inexorabiles judices Minor et Rhadamanthus? apud quos nec te L. Cra.s.sus defendet, nec M. Antonius; nec, quoniam apud Graecos judices res agetur, poteris adhibere Demosthenen; tibi ipsi pro te erit maxima corona causa dicenda. Haec metuis, et idcirco mortem censes esse sempiternum malum. A. Adeone me delirare censes, ut ista esse credam? M. An tu haec non credis? A. Minime vero. M. Male hercule narras. A. Cur, quaeso. M. Quia disertus esse possem, si contra ista dicerem.

[151] Sall.u.s.t, "Bellum Catilinarium, 50."

[152] Renan, "Les Apotres."

[153] "Hamlet," Act III, Scene i.

[154] Dollinger, vol. ii. pp. 175-79.

[155] Dion. ii. 25.

[156] Dollinger, vol. ii. pp. 267-69.

[157] Suetonius, "Julius Caesar," l-li.

[158] Xen. de Rep. Lac. i. 8.

[159] "Polyb. Fragm." in Scr. Vet. Nov. Coll. ed. Mav. ii. 384.

[160] Dollinger, vol. ii. p. 249.

[161] "Xen. Mem. Socr." iii. 13.

[162] Plutarch, "Life of Lucullus."

[163] Fisher, "The Beginnings of Christianity," p. 205.

[164] "Encyc. Brit." vol. iii. p. 436.

[165] Plutarch, "Life of Cato."

[166] Cicero, "Pro Cluent." 66.

[167] Tacitus, "Annals," 42-44.

[168] De Pressense, "The Religions Before Christ," p. 158.

[169] Milman's "Gibbon's Rome," vol. i. p. 51.

[170] Suetonius, "Caligula," Chap. V.

[171] Fisher, "The Beginnings of Christianity," p. 213.

[172] Pliny, Ep. X. 38.

[173] Suetonius, "Julius Caesar," Chap. XLIX.

[174] Dollinger, vol. ii. pp. 253, 254.

[175] Dollinger, vol. ii. pp. 205, 206.

[176] Dollinger, vol. ii. p. 207.

[177] Dollinger, vol. ii. p. 208.

[178] Livy, b. x.x.xix. Chaps. VII.-XX.

[179] "----non possum ferre, Quirites, Graecam urbem." (Sat. III.)

[180] Romans i. 29-31.

[181] Dollinger, vol ii. pp. 155, 156.

[182] Matthew Arnold's Poems--"Obermann Once More."

[183] Cicero, "De Fin." v. pp. 24, 69.

[184] Eclogue IV.

[185] Matt. ii. 4; xxi. 15; xxvi. 3, 47, 59; Mark xi. 18; xv. 11; Luke xix. 47; xx. 1; John xi. 47; xii. 20.

[186] Derembourg, "Essai sur l'histoire et la geographie de la Palestine," p. 231, note 1.

[187] Josephus, "Ant.," Book XX. Chap. X. 1; XV. III. 1.

[188] Josephus, "Ant." Book XV. Chap. III. 1.

[189] Josephus, "Ant.," Book XVIII. Chap. II. 3; Book XX. Chap. IX, 1, 4.

[190] See "Talmud," "Yoma," or "the Day of Atonement," fol. 35, recto; also Derembourg, work above quoted, p. 230, note 2.

[191] "Essai sur l'histoire et la geographie de la Palestine," p. 232.

[192] Jos., "Ant.," XX. VIII. 8.

[193] "Talmud," "Pesachim," or "of the Pa.s.sover," fol. 57, verso.

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