The Trial of Jesus from a Lawyer's Standpoint Volume II Part 26

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GRAETZ. History of the Jews, by Heinrich Graetz. Six volumes.

The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia, 1891.

GREENLEAF. The Testimony of the Evangelists, by Simon Greenleaf.

Soney & Sage, Newark, N. J., 1903.

GREENIDGE. The Legal Procedure of Cicero's Time, by A. H. J.

Greenidge. Stevens & Sons, London, 1901.

HARNACK. Reden und Aufsatze, von Adolf Harnack. J. Ricker'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Giessen, 1904.

HIGGINS. Anacalypsis: An Enquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions, by G.o.dfrey Higgins. Longman, Brown & Longman, London, 1827.

HODGE. Systematic Theology, by Charles Hodge. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1892.

INNES. The Trial of Jesus Christ, by A. Taylor Innes. T. & T.

Clark, Edinburgh, 1905.

JOSEPHUS. The Works of Flavius Josephus, Whiston's Translation.

JOST. Geschichte des Judenthums, von I. M. Jost. Dorffling und Francke, Leipzig, 1857.

JUVENAL. The Satires of Juvenal. George Bell & Sons, London, 1904.

KEIM. Jesus of Nazara, by Theodor Keim. Six volumes. Williams & Norgate, London, 1883.

LARDNER. Works of Nathaniel Lardner. Ten volumes. William Ball, London, 1838.

LeMANN. Valeur de l'a.s.semblee qui p.r.o.nonca la peine de mort contre Jesus-Christ, par MM. Lemann. Translated from the French into English under the t.i.tle "Jesus Before the Sanhedrin," by Prof. Julius Magath, of Oxford, Ga., in 1899.

LIVY. The History of Rome, by t.i.tus Livius. George Bell & Sons, London, 1906.

LOISY. Les evangiles Synoptiques, par Alfred Loisy. Librairie Fishbacher, Paris, 1907.

MENDELSOHN. The Criminal Jurisprudence of the Ancient Hebrews, by S. Mendelsohn. M. Curlander, Baltimore, 1891.

MOMMSEN. The Provinces of the Roman Empire, by Theodor Mommsen.

Two volumes. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1899.

MONTESQUIEU. De l'Esprit Des Lois, par Montesquieu. Garnier Freres, Paris, 1905.

PALEY. Evidences of Christianity, by William Paley. The Religious Tract Society, London, 1794.

RABBINOWICZ. Legislation Criminelle du Talmud, par I. J. M.

Rabbinowicz. Chez l'auteur, Paris, 1876.

RENAN. Histoire des origines du christianisme, par Joseph Ernest Renan. Paris, 1863. Livres 1-6: 1. Vie de Jesus.

2. Les apotres. 3. Saint Paul. 4. L'Antichrist. 5. Les evangiles et la seconde generation chretienne.

6. L'eglise chretienne.

ROSADI. The Trial of Jesus by Giovanni Rosadi.

Dodd, Mead & Company, New York, 1905.

SALVADOR. Histoire des Inst.i.tutions de Mose, par J. Salvador.

Michel Levy-Freres, Paris, 1862.

SCHuRER. The Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, by Emil Schurer. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1906.

STEPHEN. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, by James Fitzjames Stephen. Henry Holt & Company, New York, 1873.

SUETONIUS. The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, by C. Suetonius Tranquillus. George Bell & Sons, London, 1906.

TACITUS. The Works of Tacitus. American Book Company, New York, 1904.

WISE. The Martyrdom of Jesus, by Isaac M. Wise. The Bloch Publis.h.i.+ng and Printing Company, Cincinnati & Chicago, 1888.

In addition to the above, many other authorities have been consulted in the preparation of the two volumes of this work. Quotations from them are frequently found in the text, and citations are given in the notes.

The author, in closing the article, ent.i.tled "Bibliography," wishes to express his sense of great indebtedness and appreciation to the numerous very valuable encyclopedias that adorn the shelves of the various libraries of New York City; and especially to The Jewish Encyclopedia, published by Funk & Wagnalls, New York and London, 1901.

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