The Works of Lord Byron Volume VII Part 39

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2 ff. (faux-t.i.tre et litre); et 400 pp. Texte imprime sur deux colonnes.

[_Manuel de l'Amateur_, etc., 1894. Fasc. 3 (I'e Partie), p. 990.]


Oeuvres/ de/ Lord Byron/ Traduction nouvelle/ Precedee d'un/ Essai sur Lord Byron/ Par/ Daniel Le Sueur/ Heures d'oisivete--Childe Harold/ Paris/ Alphonse Lemerre, editeur/ 23-31, pa.s.sage Choiseul, 23-31./ 1891./ [12.

_Note_.--The Front., "Lord Byron," is engr. by Frederic after the portrait by G. Sanders. The t.i.tle-vignette bears a motto, _Fac et Spera_, and the initials A.L. A second volume (unnumbered), containing _Le Giaour_; _La Fiancee, etc._; _Le Corsair_; _Lara_, etc., was issued in 1892. This translation, advertised as _Oeuvres Completes_, and described by Lorenz as "Traduction couronnee par l'Academie francaise,"

has not been continued.



_Lord Byron's Poesien_. In 31 volumes. Brothers Schumann, Zwickau.

1821-1828. [16.

_Note_.--Among the several translators were Julius Korner, Wilhelm Reinhold, Heinrich Doering, August Schumann, Christian Karl Meissner, etc. Vols. I.-VI. appeared in 1821; Vols. VII.-XII. in 1822; Vols.

XIII., XIV. in 1824; Vols. XV.-XX. in 1825; Vol. XXI. in 1826; Vols.

XXII.-XXVIII. in 1827; and Vols. XXIX.-x.x.xI. in 1828.

[_Lord Byron in Deutschland_, von Dr. Casar Flaischlen, _Centralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen_, 1890, vii. 462-464.]


Lord Byron's/ sammtliche Werke./ Herausgegeben/ von/ Dr. Adrian,/ ordentlichem offentlichem Professor der neueren Litteratur an der/ Universitat zu Giessen./ Erster Theil./ Lord Byron's Leben./ Mit dem Bildniss, einem Facsimile der Handschrift und der/ Abbildung des Stammsitzes Lord Byron's./ Frankfurt am Main./ Gedruckt und verlegt von Johann David Sauerlander./ 1830./ [12.

_Note_.--Vols. X. and XII. were issued in 1831. The several translators were G.H. Barmann, O.L.B. Wolff, K.L. Kannegiesser, A. Hungari, P. von Haugwitz, Ph. A.G. von Meyer (the author of _Byron's Leben_, i. 3-326), and The Editor. This edition was reissued in twelve vols. (12) in 1837.

[Kayser, 1841.]


_Dichtungen von Lord Byron_. Deutsch v. Gustav Pfizer. 4 Sammlungen.

Stuttgart, Liesching. 1836-1839. [8.

_Note_.--There was a reissue of this work in 1851.

[_Centralblatt, etc._, 1890, vii. 468, 469.]


_Lord Byron's sammtliche Werke_. Deutsch v. Adolf Bottger [1 vol., with life and portrait.] Leipzig, Otto Wigand. 1839-40. [8.

[Kayser, 1841.].

_Note_.--This edition was reissued at Leipzig by Otto Wigand in 1 vol.

8 in 1841, 1844, 1845; in 12 vols. 16 in 1841, 1842, and 1847; in diamond edition, in 12 vols. 16 in 1850, 1852, 1856, 1860, 1861; and in 8 vols. 8 in 1854, 1863, 1864. For the latest edition, _vide post_, No.

xiii. [Kayser, 1848, 1853, 1860, 1865. See, too, _Centralblatt, etc._, 1890, vii. 457.]


Lord Byron's/ sammtliche Werke./ Nach den/ Anforderungen unserer Zeit/ neu ubersetzt von/ Mehreren./ Zweite unveranderte Ausgabe./ Erster Band./ Pforzheim./ Verlag von Dennig Finck & Co./ [Ten Vols.] 1842./ [16. _Note_ (1).--The several translators were E. Ortlepp, Dr.

Kottenkamp, H. Kurtz, Professor Duttenhofer, Bardili, Bernd von Guseck.

_Note_ (2).--This edition was first issued in small octavo by Hoffmann at Stutgard, in 1839, and reissued (16) by Scheible, Rieger, and Sattler, 1845, 1846; and in 12 vols. (16) by Rieger at Stutgard, in 1856. [_Centralblatt, etc._, 1890, vii. 466.]


_Lord Byron's sammtliche Werke_. [8 Bde.] Deutsch von A. Neidhardt.

Berlin, Hofmann. 1865. [8.

[Kayser, 1871.]


Dichtungen/ von/ Lord Byron./ Deutsch/ von/ Wilhelm Schaffer./ Die Belagerung von Korinth./ Der Gefangene von Chillon. Die Insel./ Hildburghausen./ Verlag des Bibliographischen Inst.i.tuts. 1865. [8.

_Note_.--This collected edition of translations forms part of the _Bibliothek auslandischer Kla.s.siker, etc._

_Don Juan_, Cantos I.-VI., transl. by W. Schaffer, was issued in two vols. in 1867; _Childe Harold's, etc._, transl. by A.H. Janert, in 1868; _Corsair_, _Mazeppa_, _Beppo_, by W. Schaffer, in 1870; _Manfred_, _Cain_, _Heaven and Earth_, _Sardanapalus_, by W. Gruzmacher, in 1872; Lyrical Pieces, by Heinrich Stadelmann, in 1872; _The Giaour_, _Bride of Abydos_, _Lara_, _Parisina_, by Adolf Strodtmann, in 1872.


_Lord Byron's ausgewahlte Werke_, uebersetzt von Mehreren [4 bde.], herausg. von A. Strodtmann. Leipzig, Bibl. Inst. 1865-1872. [8.

[_Centralblatt, etc._, 1890, vii. 466.]


Lord Byron's/ sammtliche Werke/ in drei Banden./ Frei uberzetzt/ von/ Adolf Seubert./ Erster Band./ Leipzig./ Druck und Verlag von Philipp Reclam jun./ [1874.] [8.


_Lord Byron's Werke_. Deutsch v. Dr. Adalbert Schroeter. [6 Bde.]

Uebersetzt, mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen. Stuttgart. In; Coll. Spemann. 1885-1890. [8.

[_Centralblatt, etc._, 1890, vii, 470.]


_Lord Byron's poetische Werke_. In alteren Uebertragungen; eingeleitet durch e. Studie v. Henry T. Tuckermann. Stuttgart. Cotta'sche Bibl. der Weltlitteratur, 1886. [In eight vols.] [8.

[Kayser, 1887.]


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