The Works of Lord Byron Volume VII Part 40

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Lord Byron's Werke./ Uebersetz/ von/ Otto Gildemeister./ In sechs Banden./ Erster Band./ Vierte Auflage./ Berlin./ Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer./ 1888./ [8.

_Note_.--A First Edition appeared in 1864, a second in 1866, and a third in 1877. [Kayser, 1865, 1871, 1883.]


Byron's/ sammtliche Werke./ Von/ Adolf Bottger./ Achte Auflage./ Erster Band./ Leipzig,/ Verlag von Otto Wigand./ 1901./ [8 Bde.] [8.

_Modern Greek_.

?a ?pa?ta / t?? / ??????? / ???? ???t?? / ?? ????a?? / ?? t?? t?p???afe??? t?? ?atast?at?? / ??est? ???stat???d??

[Greek: Ta Apanta / tou / Byronos / Tomos Protos / En Athenais / Ek tou typographeiou ton katastematon / Aneste konstatinidou]

1895/ [Three Vols.] [8.

_Note_.--This translation includes _Mazeppa_, _Parisina_, _Childe Harold_, _The Siege of Corinth_, _The Bride of Abydos_, _The Corsair_, _The Curse of Minerva_, _Don Juan_, _The Giaour_.

The paper wrapper and the t.i.tle-page are embellished with a lithograph of the portrait by T. Phillips, R.A.



Opere complete/ di/ Lord Byron/ voltate dall' originale inglese in prosa italiana/ Da/ Carlo Rusconi/ Con note ed ill.u.s.trazioni del volgarizzatore/ nonche dei signori/ Moore (and 33 others = 6 lines)/ a cui si aggiungono/ I dialoghi di Lord Byron compilati da M. Medwin/ Un saggio sul di lui genio--una prefazione--E un' appendice/ parte desunti da altri scritti, parte tradotti,/ parte originali./ Padova/ coi tipi della Minerva/ 1842/ [8.

_Note_.--This edition, which forms one volume, pp. x.x.xix. + 1561, was issued in two parts. A dedication ("A Sua Eccellenza/ Lord Holland/ Ministro Plenipotenziario D'Inghilterra/ alla Corte di Toscana"/) is prefixed to Part I., pp. [ix.]-[xi.].


Opere/ di/ Giorgio Lord Byron/ Precedute/ da alcune avvertenze critiche/ Sulle stesse/ e da un discorso/ di/ Cesare Cantu/ prima edizione napolitana adorna di figure incise/ Napoli/ Francesco Rossi-Romano editore/ Trinita Maggiore, 6/ 1853/ [8.

_Note_.--The Front. is a lithograph of "Lord Byron nell' eta di 17 anni," after the portrait by G. Sanders.

The several translators were Giuseppe Gazzino, Giuseppe Nicolini, Pietro Isola, Pellegrino Rossi, Andrea Maffei, Marcello Mazzoni, and P.G.B.


The translation includes _Childe Harold_, eight tales, and four dramas.


_Opere di Lord Byron_ tradotte ed annotate da Gabr. De Stefano. Napoli, 1857. [8.

[Pagliaini, 1901.]


Pp. 625.


Opere/ di/ Lord Giorgio Byron/ Precedute/ da un saggio intorno al genio e al carattere/ Del medesimo/ Volume unico/ Napoli/ Presso Pasquale Perrone libraio-/Editore/ via Costantinopoli, 107./ 1886/ [8.

_Note_.--The translations include _Childe Harold_, _Don Juan_, eight tales, and seven dramas. A reissue with a portrait, and, apparently, wanting pp. 669-[711] of the appendix, appeared in 1891 (Ferdinando Bideri, editore/ Via Costantinopoli, 89).



Poezye/ Lorda Byrona/ w tlumaczeniu Polskiem. Wydane staraniem/ Boleslawa Maurycego Wolffa./ Tom. I./ W[e,]drowki Czajlda-Harolda./ Petersburg./ Nakadem i Drukiem B.M. Wolffa./ 1857./ [12.

_Note_.--No more published.


Poezye Lorda Byrona w przekladzie polskich poetow. Zbiorowe wydanie, pod red. Piotra Chmielowskiego. ("Biblioteka Najcelnijszych Utworow.") [8.

_Warszawa, 1885, etc._



[Cyrillic: Sochinenaiya Lorda Bairona V" perevodakh" russkikh"

Poztov" izdainykhie pol" redaktsieyu N.V. Gerbelya]

5 TOM. ?.-?????????? [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"] 1864-66 [16.

Second edition of Gerbel. ?.-?????????? [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1874-77.

In 4 vols.

Third edition. ?.-?????????? [Cyrillic: S.-Peterburg"], 1883-84. In 3 vols.


[Cyrillic: Bairon". Evropeieskie Kla.s.siki V" russkom" perevodie P. Veinberga S.-Peterburg"] 1876.

_Note_.--The translations include _Hebrew Melodies_, _Sardanapalus_, _Manfred_, _Childe Harold's, etc._, and _Don Juan_.


Biblioteca Universal./ Coleccion/ de los/ Mejores autores/ Antiguos y modernos,/ Nationales y extranjeros./ Tomo LXIII./ Lord Byron/ Madrid./ Direccion y administracion/ calle de Leganitos, 18, 2.0/ 1880./ [16.

This translation includes _The Corsair_, _Lara_, _Darkness_, and _Hebrew Melodies_ (6), _The Lament of Ta.s.so_. The _Prologo_ is by Rafael Ginard de La Rosa.

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