The Works of Lord Byron Volume VII Part 85

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Pp. 105 + Anmerkung, p. 106 + Anhang, pp. 107-112.

_Note_.--The English text is printed over against the German. The "Anhang" contains translations of "In the valley," etc., and "They say that hope," etc.


Hebraischer Gesange./ Aus d. Engl. ubers. von Heinr. Stadelmann.

Memmingen. 1866. Hartwig in Comm. [16.

[Kayser, 1871.]


Hebrew Melodies/ of/ Lord Byron/ Translated by/ Dr. S. Mandelkern./ Leipzig./ 1890./ [8.


Pp. 45 + Cont. (Hebrew character) (R. Advt. of Hebrew Poems (with vowel points) of Dr. S. Mandelkern), pp. [47], [48].

_Note_.--The Hebrew translation is over against the English text. The t.i.tle-page, which is in Hebrew and English, is enclosed in an arabesque border.



Melodie ebraiche/ di/ Lord G. Byron/ Versione/ di P.P. Parzanese/ Napoli/ dalla tipografia all' insegna di via Concezione a Toledo No. 3./ 1837/


Pp. 47.

_Note_.--Printed on green paper.


_Le Melodie ebree_, coll' aggiunta di alcuni altri poemetti. Ivrea, 1855. [16.

[Pagliaini, 1901.]


????????? ???????? ?. ???????. ?.-?????????? [Cyrillic: Evreiskiya merevod" P. Kozlova. S.-Peterburg"], 1860.


Hebreiska Melodier/ af/ Lord Byron./ ofversatta/ af/ Theodor Lind./ Helsingfors,/ Theodor Sederholms Forlag./ [1862.] [8.


Pp. 41 + Innehll, p. [43].

_Fugitive Pieces and Minor Poems_.

Fugitive Pieces By/ George Gordon Lord Byron/ A Facsimile Reprint of/ The Suppressed/ Edition of/ 1806/ [t.i.tle-vignette, Venus Anadyomene in sh.e.l.l with attendant Cupids.] London/ Printed for Private Circulation/ 1886/ [4.


Advt. of issue (No. 22 of 100 numbered copies) of--_Printers,/ Chiswick Press, Tooks Court,/ Chancery Lane, London_./ signed (MS.) "Charles Whittingham & Co.," pp. i., ii.; Half-t.i.tle (BYRON'S FUGITIVE PIECES), pp. iii., iv.; t.i.tle, one leaf, pp. v., vi.; Preface (editorial of facsimile), pp. vii.-x. + blank leaf + Half-t.i.tle (FUGITIVE PIECES), one leaf + Dedication--"To/ Those Friends,/ At/ Whose Request They were printed,/ For whose/ Amus.e.m.e.nt or Approbation/ They are/ Solely Intended;/ These TRIFLES are respectfully Dedicated,/ by the/ Author."/ (R. As these POEMS were never intended to meet the public eye, no apology is necessary for the form in which they now appear. They are printed merely for the perusal of a few friends to whom they are dedicated; who will look upon them with indulgence; and as most of them were composed between the age of 15 and 17, their defects will be pardoned or forgotten, in the youth and inexperience of the WRITER.) + Text, pp. [1]-66; (the Imprint (_Printed by S. and J. Ridge, Newark_.) is at the foot of p. 66) + p. [67] (emblem-heraldic lion with s.h.i.+eld and monogram, subscribed with the Imprint, _Chiswick Press:--C. Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court,/ Chancery Lane./_).


On Leaving p. [i]

To E. p. 3

On the Death of Young Lady, Cousin to the Author and very Dear p. 4 to him

To D. p. 5

To... p. 6

To Caroline p. 7

To Maria ---- p. 10

Fragment of School Exercises, From the Prometheus Vinctus of p. 11 Oeschylus(_sic_)

Lines in "Letters of an Italian Nun," etc. p. 12

Answer to the above, addresse'd to Miss ---- p. 13

On a change of Masters, At a Great Public School p. 14

Epitaph on a Beloved Friend p. 15

Adrian's Address to his Soul, when dying p. 16

Translation p. 16

To Mary p. 17

"When to their airy hall, my father's voice" p. 19

To ---- p. 20

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