The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Part 47
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=Loyalist Corps.= =Hd= Formed, 253. =Dr= Practice of purchase of commissions prevented in, 217; six disbanded and settled in Nova Scotia, 218.
=Loyalists, United Empire=. Name applied to the inhabitants of the Thirteen Colonies who remained loyal to Great Britain, and rather than submit to the new republic, migrated to Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. No adequate provision having been made for them by the mother country, in the treaty of Paris (1783), the Loyalists were compelled in most cases to abandon all their worldly possessions, and start life anew in the pioneer settlements of the north. May 18, 1783, one great section of the refugees landed at the mouth of the St. John River, and built a town, first named Parrtown, later St. John. Other settlements were made, about the same time, at various points on the coasts of Nova Scotia, as well as on St. John's Island (Prince Edward Island). The bulk of the migration to what was then Quebec (now Ontario and Quebec) took place in 1784, the eastern Loyalists going north by way of Lake Champlain and the Richelieu, and settling in the Eastern Towns.h.i.+ps; those of the West crossing the boundary at Niagara and other points, and spreading throughout the backbone of the future province of Upper Canada. =Index=: =B= Land grants to their children fall into hands of speculators, 53. =S= Settlement of Upper Canada by, 1; Carleton's interest in, 51; their sufferings, 52, 54; claims for losses paid to, 55; settlements of, during and after war, 56; pretenders among, 57; those from England not generally good settlers, 58; a.s.sisted by government, 60; their hards.h.i.+ps, 61; their mode of life, 62-69; names of those who had joined British side before treaty of 1783, registered, 70; clauses of treaty of Paris respecting, not carried out by United States, 118; consequently further emigration of to Canada, 119. =Sy= Const.i.tutional Act an attempt to placate, 68. =Bk= Rations issued to, from Fort Niagara, 58; Brock (1804) observes and reports on comfortable condition of many of them, 65. =Dr= Emigration of, 64; commended to Carleton's special care, 194; their pitiable condition, 196; twenty regiments of, in Carleton's command, 202; their consternation on learning of proposed terms of peace, 206; left unprotected by treaty of peace, 213; large number of, embark for Nova Scotia, 214; Carleton continues occupation of New York till all have left the country, 215, 216; their emigration to different British provinces, 218; widows of, apply for pensions, 218, 219; effect of their settlement in Canada, 221, 244, 248; increase of their numbers in western Canada, 224; two distinct waves of emigration, 236; settlements of at Niagara, and Sorel, 236, 237; claim representative inst.i.tutions, 237; those in Kingston district pet.i.tion for church establishments, 238; their dest.i.tute condition, 238; their political weight underestimated by Dorchester, 248; the Seigniorial Tenure system unsuited to, 256; Dorchester's suggestion for conferring distinction on, 260. =E= Extravagant land grants to, 144; Durham on, 144-145; settled along Niagara River, 194. =MS= In the wilderness, 11. =R= Methodist preachers in Upper Canada of Loyalist stock, 38; included many of the influential families, 62; Ryerson's history of, 270, 274, 279. =H= Emigrate to the loyal western colonies, 13, 17. =BL= Come to Maritime Provinces and Canada, 4-5; their numbers and character, 5; in Lower Canada, 17; support Common School Bill, 105; =Md= Dread possibility of revolution, 20. =T= Severe treatment of, 3; they settle in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, 3-4, 35. =Hd= Come to Canada, 125; houses built for, 138, 182; military service of, 136, 137; at Niagara, 152; employed on fortifications of Quebec, 183; in Vermont negotiations, 200, 202, 206; at Cataraqui, 236, 265; Was.h.i.+ngton's severity towards, 249, 250; arrangements for their reception in Canada, 250, 254; not less patriotic than the opposite party, 251; brutal treatment of, 252; compared with Jacobites, 253; Haldimand's care of, 254; lands allotted to, 255; surveys made for, 263; flock into Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, 263; their advent viewed with alarm by French Canadians, 264; fed and clothed by government for three years, 265; not fully appreciative of a.s.sistance given, 266; difficulty of dealing with, 267-271, 348; some impostors among, 268, 306. =Mc= Hards.h.i.+ps suffered by, on account of naturalization laws, 140-141; bills for their relief, 142-143. =Bib.=: Sabine, _Loyalists of the American Revolution_; Ryerson, _Loyalists of America_; Campbell, _Travels in North America_; Canniff, _The Settlement of Upper Canada_; Ca.s.selman, _United Empire Loyalists of the County of Dundas, Ontario_; Haight, _Country Life in Canada Fifty Years Ago_; Bourinot, _Builders of Nova Scotia_; Frousac, _Rise of the Loyalists_; _Loyalists of New York in the American Revolution_ in _Columbia University Studies_; Curwen, _Journal and Letters_; Myers, _The Tories or Loyalists in America_; Eardley-Wilmot, _Loyalists' Centennial Souvenir_; St. John, _The Centennial of the Settlement of Upper Canada by the United Empire Loyalists_; Denison, _United Empire Loyalists_; (R.
S. C., 1904); Van Tyne, _Loyalists in the American Revolution_; Shortt and Doughty, _Const.i.tutional Doc.u.ments of Canada_.
=Ludovica.= =Ch= Name proposed by Champlain for Quebec; 124.
=Lumagne.= =Ch= Merchant, compensation awarded to, for goods seized, 221.
=Lumber Trade.= =Bk= Canadian, great increase of, 125.
=Lundy's Lane, Battle of= (1814). British troops, including Canadian militia, numbered 1600 at the beginning of the battle, later increased to 2800, under the command of Sir Gordon Drummond; United States troops about 4000, under General Jacob Brown. The engagement opened in the evening, and continued late into the night; the Americans finally withdrew from the field. =Bib.=: Lucas, _Canadian War of 1812_. _See also_ War of 1812.
=Lusignan, Paul Louis Dazemard de.= Commanded Fort St. Frederic (Crown Point) in 1749, when the Swedish naturalist, Peter Kalm, visited the place; and remained there for several years. Served under Montcalm at the siege of Quebec. =Index=: =WM= Relieves Montcalm, 120.
=Luth, De.= =L= Royal engineer, directs erection of fortifications, 214.
=Lymburner, Adam= (1746-1836). Born in Kilmarnock, Scotland. Came to Canada about 1776, and settled at Quebec, where he succeeded to the business of his brother John, who had been lost at sea in 1775. For many years a member of the Executive Council, and took an active part in public affairs. Died in London at the age of ninety. =Index=: =Dr= Proceeds to England with pet.i.tion for political changes, 243; arrives in England, 251; opposes division of province, 257. =S= Recommends system of representation adapted to strengthen English-speaking minority, 2; heard at bar of House of Commons, 6. =Bk= Sent to England to oppose division of Canada into two provinces, 49. =Bib.=: Lucas, _History of Canada_; Bradley, _Making of Canada_; Shortt and Doughty, _Const.i.tutional Doc.u.ments of Canada_.
=Lynch, John Joseph= (1816-1888). Born near Clones, Ireland. Studied in Dublin, and entered the Lazarist order. Came to America in 1847; laboured as a missionary in Texas, 1847-1848; became president of the Lazarist College of St. Mary, Missouri, 1848; coadjutor to the bishop of Toronto, 1859; and bishop, 1860. In 1870, consecrated archbishop of Toronto and metropolitan of Ontario. His jubilee celebrated in 1884.
=Index=: =R= His policy as to separate schools, 235-236; proposed as member of Council of Public Instruction of Upper Canada, 236. =Bib.=: Dent, _Can. Por._; _Cyc. Am. Biog._
=Lyndhurst, John Singleton Copley, Baron= (1772-1863). British statesman. =Index=: =Md= Denounces Rebellion Losses Bill, 241. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._
=Lyonne, De.= =Ch= Jesuit, founder of missions at Nipisiguit and Chedabucto, 235.
=Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, Earl= (1817-1887). British diplomatist. =Index=: =B= British amba.s.sador at Was.h.i.+ngton--suggested that he confer with Canadian agent on reciprocity, 192. =Bib.=: _Dict.
Nat. Biog._
=Lyons.= =S= Teaches school at Hay Bay, 167.
=Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer, Baron= (1803-1873). Novelist and statesman. =Index=: =E= Colonial secretary,--his views on the duties of colonial governors, 4. =D= His series of despatches, 1858, on government of British Columbia, 231-235. =T= On the Confederation question, 63. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat. Biog._; Escott, _Edward Bulwer, First Baron Lytton of Knebworth_.
=Lyveden, Robert Vernon, Baron= (1800-1873). British statesman. =Index=: =B= Dwells upon defencelessness of Canada, 184. =Bib.=: _Dict. Nat.
=Mabane, Adam= (1734-1792). Born in Scotland. Studied medicine at Edinburgh University; came to Canada, and practised his profession in Quebec. In 1764 appointed a judge, and presided over the first civil court held in Quebec. Member of the provincial Council; and in 1766 surgeon of the garrison of Quebec. =Index=: =Dr= Member of Council, protests against position taken by Carleton, 34; dismissed from Council, 39; appointed judge, 183. =Hd= Head of military hospital, 178; intimate friend of Haldimand, 300, 304; made judge and member of Legislative Council, 305; not in favour under Dorchester regime, 314, 315; his headstrong temper, 332; his letter to Haldimand, 340; receives bequest from Haldimand, 342. =Bib.=: Bradley, _Making of Canada_; Shortt and Doughty, _Const.i.tutional Doc.u.ments of Canada_.
=M'Afee, Samuel.= =Mc= Aids Mackenzie's escape, 400.
=Macallum, A.= =R= In charge of union school at Hamilton, 195.
=McBride, Richard= (1870- ). Born in New Westminster, British Columbia.
Educated at the public and high schools, New Westminster. Elected to the British Columbia a.s.sembly, 1898; minister of mines in Dunsmuir administration; premier of British Columbia, 1903. =Bib.=: _Canadian Who's Who_.
=McCarthy, Charles Justin.= =R= Martyr of early Canadian Methodism, 41.
=McCarthy, D'Alton= (1836-1898). Born in Dublin, Ireland. Came to Canada with his parents, 1847. In 1858 called to the bar; in 1871 a bencher of the Law society; and in 1872 made a Q. C. In 1876 elected to Parliament for Cardwell, as a Conservative, but in 1889 severed his connection with the party on the question of the Jesuits' Estates Act. In 1896 member of Parliament for North Simcoe. Index: =Md= Opposes commercial union, 295.
=Bib.=: Morgan, _Can. Men_; Hopkins, _D'Alton McCarthy_ in _Men of the Day_.
=Macartney, Captain.= =WM= Rescues French soldiers from floating ice, 251.
=Macaulay, Sir James Buchan= (1793-1859). Born at Niagara, Ontario.
Served in the Glengarry Fencibles during the War of 1812. In 1822 called to the bar and rose rapidly in his profession. A strong opponent of William Lyon Mackenzie, and in 1826 appeared as counsel against him. In 1829 became judge of the King's Bench; chief justice of the Court of Common Pleas, 1849-1856; and subsequently of the Court of Error and Appeal. Chairman of the commission to revise and consolidate the statutes of Canada and Upper Canada. Knighted, 1859. =Index=: =Mc= Defends destroyers of _Colonial Advocate_, 115; offers compensation, 117; Mackenzie's opinion of, 118; violates secrecy of private letters, 121; taunts Mackenzie, 123; Mackenzie retaliates, 124; writes venomous pamphlet, 125; Mackenzie's reply, 126. =Bib.=: Read, _Lives of the Judges_; Dent, _Upper Canadian Rebellion_.
=Macauley, John.= =BL= Inspector-general, retires and succeeded by Hincks, 119.
=McClelan, Abner Reid= (1831- ). Born in Hopewell, New Brunswick.
Educated at Mount Allison Academy. Engaged in mercantile life.
Represented Albert County in the a.s.sembly, 1854-1867; chief commissioner of public works, 1866-1867; appointed to the Senate, 1867; lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick, 1896-1902. =Index=: =T= Elected as Confederation candidate in Albert, New Brunswick, 89; chief commissioner of public works in Mitch.e.l.l government, 105; elected for Albert, 107.
=Bib.=: Morgan, _Can. Men_; _Canadian Who's Who_.
=McCulloch, Dr.= =BL= Defeats La Fontaine in Terrebonne; affiliated with Draper, 82.
=McCulloch, J. R.= =Sy= Political economist, 13.
=McCully, Jonathan= (1809-1877). Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In 1837 called to the bar, and practised in Halifax, 1849. In 1860 appointed solicitor-general; from 1847 to 1867 member of the Legislative Council; and served as chairman of the Board of Railways; delegate to the Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences, 1864; appointed to the Dominion Senate, 1867; and in 1870 judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia.
=Index=: =H= Leader of Liberal party in Nova Scotia, 1864, 177; delegate to Charlottetown Conference, 177; edits _Morning Chronicle_, 186; firm advocate of Confederation, 186. =Bib.=: Campbell, _History of Nova Scotia_; Saunders, _Three Premiers of Nova Scotia_.
=Macdonald, Andrew Archibald= (1829- ). Born in Brudenell, Prince Edward Island. Engaged in business as a general merchant. Sat in Prince Edward Island a.s.sembly, 1853-1860; represented Kings South in Legislative Council, 1863-1873; member of Executive Council, 1867-1871 and 1872-1873; lieutenant-governor of Prince Edward Island, 1884-1889.
Called to the Senate, 1891. =Index=: =T= Delegate to Quebec Conference, 77. =Bib.=: Morgan, _Can. Men_; _Canadian Who's Who_.
=Macdonald, Archibald.= =MS= His account of the voyage of the third party of Red River settlers in 1813, 162-163; in charge at Red River, 173; colonists demand that he hand over field pieces, 173-174. =Bib.=: Bryce, _The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists_.
=Macdonald, Donald Alexander= (1816-1896). Born in St. Raphael's, Quebec. Engaged in business as railway contractor. Represented Glengarry in the a.s.sembly of Canada, 1857-1867, and after Confederation in the House of Commons, 1867-1875. Postmaster-general in the Mackenzie administration, 1873-1878; lieutenant-governor of Ontario, 1875-1880. After his retirement lived at Montreal. =Bib.=: Read, _Lieutenant-Governors of Upper Canada_.
=MacDonald, Hugh.= Born in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, 1827. Studied law and called to the bar, 1855; made a Q. C., 1872. In 1859 elected member for Inverness to the provincial Legislature. Member of a delegation, including Joseph Howe, that visited England in 1861 to represent the views of those opposing the Confederation of the British North American provinces. In 1867-1873 a member of the Dominion Parliament, and in 1873 president of the Privy Council. On Nov. 5, 1873, appointed judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia; retired 1893. =Index=: =H= Delegate of Anti-Confederation party, goes to England with Howe and Annand to oppose Confederation, 192; expenses paid by subscription, 219. =Bib.=: Campbell, _History of Nova Scotia_; Saunders, _Three Premiers of Nova Scotia_.
=Macdonald, Hugh.= =Md= Father of Sir John A. Macdonald, native of Sutherlands.h.i.+re, removes to Glasgow, and in 1820 emigrates to Canada, 1; settles at Kingston, 2; moves to Hay Bay, thence to Stone Mills, on Bay of Quinte, 2; unsuccessful in business, he returns to Kingston, 1836, and secures position in Commercial Bank, 2; his death, 1841, 2; his character, 2.
=Macdonald, Hugh John= (1850- ). Born in Kingston, Ontario; second son of Sir John A. Macdonald. Educated at Queen's and Toronto Universities; called to the bar, 1872; and practised for some years with his father and James Patton. In 1882 removed to Winnipeg, and entered into partners.h.i.+p with J. S. Tupper. In 1890-1891 represented Winnipeg in the House of Commons; in 1896 minister of the interior in the Tupper administration; in 1897 leader of the Conservatives in Manitoba; and from Jan. 8 to Oct. 29, 1900, premier of the province. =Index=: =Md= Second son of Sir John A. Macdonald--represents Winnipeg in Dominion Parliament, 10; premier of Manitoba, 10. =Bib.=: Morgan, _Can. Men_; _Canadian Who's Who_.
=Macdonald, John Alexander.= =Md= Eldest son of Sir John A.
Macdonald--accidentally killed when quite young, 10.
=Macdonald, Sir John Alexander= (1815-1891). =H= Attends Charlottetown Conference, 1864, and proposes union of all the provinces, 178; premier of first Dominion Cabinet, 198; Tupper writes him as to Howe's political plans, 207; Tilley and Tupper urge him to visit Nova Scotia, 209; visits Halifax with Sir Georges Cartier, Peter Mitch.e.l.l, and William Macdougall, 210; _Acadian Recorder_ suggests violence, 210; Howe denounces the suggestion, 210-212; arrives in Halifax, and guest of Sir Hastings Doyle, 213; meets Howe, 213; appears before committee of Legislature, 213-214; urges Howe to put an end to the agitation for repeal of the union, 215-218; persuades Howe to enter Dominion Cabinet, 225; his public letters, 257; contrasted with Howe, 287; correspondence with Howe on Pacific Railway policy, 299-300. =R= His University Bill, 1847--its terms, 155-157; withdrawn, 156; referred to, 161; amends Separate School Bill, 231; supports Ryerson's stand as to separate schools, 233. =D= And the Pacific Scandal, 321. =C= His alliance with Cartier, 31, 33; his first appearance in Parliament as an uncompromising Tory, 31; opposed to La Fontaine, 32; votes against settlement of Seigniorial Tenure, 32; opposes Indemnity Bill, 32; and the Pacific Scandal, 53; his resignation, 53; at Quebec Conference--favours legislative union of provinces, 57; defends proposed const.i.tution, 59-60; forms first Dominion administration, 67; resists demand for disallowance of New Brunswick Act abolis.h.i.+ng separate schools, 74; sympathizes with Roman Catholic minority, 76; presents Militia Bill, 1862, 87; helps Cartier to establish political union, 100; freedom from racial or religious prejudice, 100; his qualities, 101-102; strained relations with Cartier, 102-103; Cartier's knowledge of service to, 111; receives knighthood, 124, 129; explains Wolseley's quarrel with Cartier, 130. =E= Becomes receiver-general in Sherwood ministry, 43; his statesmanlike qualities, 43-44; re-elected, 1848, 50; his political sagacity, 110; rivalry with George Brown, 114; on provincial representation, 118; on the dissolution of Parliament in 1853, 127; on the Representation Bill, 132, 133; Liberal-Conservative party owed its birth to his inspiration, 137; persuades Sir Allan MacNab to agree to coalition government, 139, 141; attorney-general in MacNab-Morin ministry, 140; his views on Clergy Reserves, 163; takes charge of bill for secularization of the Clergy Reserves, 168; Hincks enters his ministry, 223; one of the builders of the British Empire--honours conferred upon him, 225; monuments erected to his memory, 226. =B= Relations with George Brown, x; leads his party, 42; frames bill for settlement of Clergy Reserves, 60; reveals political sagacity, 69; on the character of the union, 82; bitter relations with George Brown, 87-91; offers seat in Cabinet to John Sandfield Macdonald, 100; the "Double Shuffle," 107-108; moves want of confidence in Sandfield Macdonald government, 1863, 146; Brown's motion for const.i.tutional changes, 1864, takes him by surprise, 150; his account of negotiations between George Brown and government as to Confederation, 151, 154-156; his connection with, 152,. 154-155; announces agreement, 153, 160; favours nominative Senate, 164; describes new const.i.tution, in Confederation debate, 170-171; announces in Parliament decision of government to carry Confederation at once and send mission to England, 182; explains intentions of government, 183; on defence of Canada, 183, 184-185; goes to England, 186; relations with George Brown, 189-192; asked to form government, 1865, 189; interview with Brown, 189-191; his proposal that Belleau be premier accepted by Brown, 191; virtual leader of government, 191; charged with using Brown as a stepping-stone to his own political ambition, 199; benefits by Brown's entry into ministry, 199, 200; Holton describes his path as "studded all along by the gravestones of his slaughtered colleagues," 201; on friendly terms with Holton, 202; his essential conservatism, 202; relations with Macdougall and Howland, 202, 209; with Joseph Howe, 203-206, 210; his ideal of a legislative union, 207; anomalous position of his Liberal colleagues, 209-210; his government overthrown, 210, 235. =BL= Co-operates in founding United Empire a.s.sociation, 228; elected in 1844, 252; enters ministry as receiver-general, 276; re-elected, 279; offers Baldwin chief-justices.h.i.+p of Common Pleas, 357; Hincks in his Cabinet, 359.
=Md= a.s.signed foremost place among Canadian statesmen, i; national recognition of his services after his death by creation of peerage for his widow, i; memorial tablet in St. Paul's Cathedral, and statues in Canadian cities, i; his personal popularity, i-ii; his personality made Confederation possible, ii; Canada's debt to him, iii-iv; his birth and ancestry, 1; brought to Canada in 1820, 1; boyhood days at Kingston and on the Bay of Quinte, 2; his debt to his mother, her strong personality, 2; educated at Kingston Grammar School, 3; Mowat's tribute, 3; studies law, 4-5; called to the bar, 1836, 5; begins practice at age of twenty-one, 5; Oliver Mowat and Alexander Campbell students in his office, 6; called out as a volunteer in Rebellion of 1837, 7; defends Schoultz and Ashley, 8-9; his first visit to England, 1842, 9; takes Alexander Campbell into partners.h.i.+p, 9; elected alderman for Kingston, 10; marries his cousin, Miss Isabella Clark, Sept. 1, 1843, 10; their children, 10; enters public life, 1854, as member for Kingston, 11-12; his firm belief from the beginning that Canada's prosperity depended on permanent connection with the mother country, 12; impelling motives of his long public career, 13; unsettled problems in 1844, 13-14; Confederation movement, 14; difficulties of his position, 15-16; his election address, 23; takes little part in discussions during his first session, 25; Draper recommends him for position of commissioner of crown lands, 26; had no sympathy with political creed of Family Compact, 27; becomes receiver-general, 27; his views on university endowment, 28-29; Alexander Campbell's letter to, 31; opposes Rebellion Losses Bill, 36; refuses to join the annexation movement, 40; strong supporter of British American League, 40; acts as moderating force in conflict over Rebellion Losses Bill, 42, 43; his character contrasted with George Brown's, 53, 54; conceives idea of Liberal-Conservative party, 62, 63; appointed attorney-general for Upper Canada, 63; introduces bill for secularization of Clergy Reserves, 65; Pope's pen-portrait of his appearance and character, 73; supports measure proposing to make Legislative Council elective, 75; has no desire and makes no effort to hasten Sir Allan MacNab's resignation, though circ.u.mstances force him into leaders.h.i.+p, 76-77; resigns from the MacNab-Tache ministry, 78; reasons for resignation, 79, 80; forms an administration with Tache, May 24, 1856, 80; his quarrel with George Brown, 80-81; challenged by Colonel Rankin, 81-82; his views on the separate school system, 82; on the resignation of Tache, forms an administration with Cartier, 83; becomes premier of the province of Canada on Nov. 26, 1857, 83; dissolves House and appeals to people on questions of separate schools and representation by population, 84; makes proposition to Sandfield Macdonald, which is rejected, 84, 85; forms administration with Cartier as premier, 86; the "Double Shuffle," 86, 87; becomes less opposed to representation by population, 89; forms administration with Sir E. P.
Tache, which lasts only a few weeks, 90; buries the hatchet and forms coalition with Brown to work for Confederation, 93, 100-102; antic.i.p.ates results of Confederation, 103; attends Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences, 104-114; though strongly in favour of legislative union, modifies his views after discussion at Quebec Conference, and accepts scheme of a federal union, 107-108, 245; introduces in Parliament the resolutions adopted at Quebec Conference, 118, 119; one of commissioners to British government in regard to Confederation, 120; upon death of Tache, is called upon to form a ministry, but Brown refusing to act with him, or with Cartier, they sit together under the nominal presidency of Sir Narcisse Belleau, 122, 123; his answer to Lord Monck on delay in Confederation, 124; his wariness and skill in presenting Confederation resolutions, 126, 127; made a K. C. B. in recognition of his services in Confederation negotiations, 128, 267, 344; first prime minister of Dominion of Canada, 131; his second marriage, 131; granted a special audience by the queen, 132; returns to Canada, 132; difficulties in formation of first Dominion Cabinet, 133; list of members, 134-135; his party adopts name of Liberal-Conservative, 138; seeks able colleagues, 139, 140; results of first Dominion election, 141; sends Tupper to oppose Howe and his movement for repeal, 143; visits Halifax for purpose of winning Howe over to Confederation, 144; Howe persuaded to enter Dominion Cabinet, 145; acts pa.s.sed by first Dominion Parliament, 151; on verge of ministerial crisis over Intercolonial Railway, 153, 154; his desire to annex North-West Territories, 156; difficulties in accomplis.h.i.+ng it, 157-163; introduces bill for establishment and government of province of Manitoba, 161; taken seriously ill, 161; returns to Ottawa, 163; goes to Was.h.i.+ngton as member of commission, 163, 165, 169; his reluctance to become a member of the commission, 171-173; objects to any permanent sale of the fisheries, 174-175; his connection with, and reasons for withdrawal of Fenian Raid claims, 175-178; on decision in San Juan boundary dispute, 179-181; on the fisheries question, 182-184; signs Was.h.i.+ngton Treaty, 185; moves ratification of certain clauses of Was.h.i.+ngton Treaty, 186-190; general election of 1872, 193 _et seq._; the "Pacific Scandal," 200 _et seq._; his defence, 208, 209; sends in his resignation, 210; leads opposition, 211; his resolution in favour of a national policy, 217, 225; puts the new policy before the country, 220-223; urges preferential trade with mother country, 227; again in power, 1878, 228; inaugurates the national policy and reverts to transcontinental railway scheme, 234; crosses continent on Canadian Pacific Railway, 238; firm in his conviction that Riel should be hanged, 243, 244, 280; brings Letellier difficulty before Parliament, 248-250; Ontario boundary dispute, 254-258; introduces Franchise Act of 1885, 258-260; country's devotion to, 262, 263; qualities which maintained loyalty and devotion of his followers, 263-265; Confederation honours cause a break in his friends.h.i.+p with Cartier, 267, 268; introduces bill to adjust representation in House of Commons, 273; election of 1882, 273-276; resolutions on home rule in Ireland, 277; contrasted with Blake, 277-279; election of 1887, 279-283; adoption of jubilee address to queen, 283; compromises with Canadian Pacific Railway over their monopoly of transportation, 285; takes a const.i.tutional stand on Jesuits' Estates Act, 289; commercial union policy, 291 _et seq._; contemplates a general election, 300-302; takes steps to renew commercial intercourse with United States, 303; his last appeal to electors of Dominion, 304-311; makes the most of contents of Farrer pamphlet, 313-314; throws himself with energy into election campaign of 1891, 314; for fourth time his government is sustained, 315; receives a chill while attending demonstration at Napanee, 319; attends opening of the session, 320; suffers a slight stroke of paralysis, 320; his last appearance in the House, 320; suffers a final stroke on May 29, 1891, 321; and dies on June 6, 1891, 321; funeral, 321, 322; tribute from Queen Victoria, 322; memorial service in Westminster Abbey, and tablet to his memory in St. Paul's Cathedral, 322-323; a summing up of his work and influence, 333-353; a practical politician, 333-336; his political methods, 335-338; his personal magnetism, 339; anecdotes of, 340-341; not an orator, but an effective debater, 341-342; proposed preferential trade in 1879, 342; in favour of Imperial federation, 343; letter to, from Cecil Rhodes, 349; kept in touch with Imperial affairs, 344; Imperial honours bestowed on, 344-345; a self-made man, 345; tributes to his statesmans.h.i.+p, 346; his sympathy with French-Canadians, 347-348; a peacemaker, 348; Lord Dufferin on, 348-349; a poor man, 349-350; sum raised for, in 1870, 351; statues to, in many Canadian cities, 351; his greatness and shortcomings, 351-353. =T= At Charlottetown Conference, 74, 75; at Quebec Conference, 76, 78; at Westminster Conference, 121; presented to the Queen, 124; forms first Dominion ministry, 127-128, 129; forms second ministry, 136; his national policy, 137. =Bib.=: Pope, _Memoirs of Sir John Alexander Macdonald_; Macpherson, _Life of Macdonald_; Collins, _Life and Times of Macdonald_; Adam, _Life and Career of Macdonald_; Hopkins, _Life of Macdonald_; Biggar, _Anecdotal Life of Macdonald_; Dent, _Can. Por._ and _Last Forty Years_; Taylor, _Brit. Am._; _Cyc. Am. Biog._
=Macdonald, John Sandfield= (1812-1872). Born in St. Raphaels, Glengarry. In 1840 called to the bar, and practised in Cornwall. In 1841 elected to the Parliament of the recently united provinces of Upper and Lower Canada; and in 1849 solicitor-general in the La Fontaine-Baldwin government. In 1852-1854 Speaker; and attorney-general in the brief Brown-Dorion ministry; premier in 1862, and resigned, 1864. Formed the first government of the Province of Ontario, 1867; defeated in the House and resigned, 1871. =Index=: =E= Returned in elections of 1848, 50; his discourtesy to Lord Elgin, 127-131; Hincks succeeds in humiliating him, 135-136. =B= Offered seat in Cabinet by John A. Macdonald, 100; enters George Brown's ministry, 102; called on to form government, 1861, 142; an enthusiastic advocate of the "double majority," 142; in Confederation debate, 182-183; asks Brown to go on mission to Was.h.i.+ngton to discuss reciprocity, 192, 196. =Md= Upholds principle of "double majority," but later throws it overboard, 79; separate schools established by his administration, 1862-1863, 82; refuses John A. Macdonald's offer of a seat in the Cabinet, 1858, 84, 85; leads the moderate "Reformers,"
84-89; forms ministry with Sicotte, 1862, 88-89; government defeated same year on vote of want of confidence, 89; refuses to resign, and reconstructs government by joining forces with Brown, Dorion, and the Rouges, 89; resigns, March, 1864, 90; objects to pa.s.sing of resolutions adopted at Quebec Conference without submitting them to the people, 119; becomes leader of provincial government in Ontario at Confederation, 141; his character, 141-142. =T= Resigns in 1864, 68. =Bib.=: Dent, _Can. Por._ and _Last Forty Years_; Taylor, _Brit. Am._
=Macdonell, Alexander.= Represented Lord Selkirk's interests as governor of the Red River Settlement. Had been for some years in the employment of the Hudson's Bay Company. Left the Red River Settlement, 1821, when it was discovered that he had been lining his own pockets at the expense of Selkirk and the settlers. Popularly known as _Gouverneur Sauterelle_, or the Gra.s.shopper Governor. =Bib.=: Bryce, _Manitoba_ and _The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists_; Ross, _Red River Settlement_.
=Macdonell, Alexander.= =MS= Sheriff of the home district, Upper Canada, 133; Selkirk puts him in charge of the Baldoon Settlement, near Lake St.
Clair, Upper Canada, 133.
=Macdonell, Alexander.= =MS= Sent by North West Company, with Duncan Cameron, to Red River, to break up the Red River Settlement, 172-173; leads attack on the colonists, 175. =Bib.=: Bryce, _The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists_.
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