The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Part 84

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Ordnance Department--Correspondence, Serie Q, Volume No. 134. General Post-Office Correspondence, 1814, Serie Q, Volume No. 130. Prevost, Sir George, Correspondence with Lord Liverpool, 1811-1812, Serie Q, Volumes No. 114, 115, 117-119. Papers in Antic.i.p.ation of War, Serie Q, Volumes No. 673, 103, 795, Serie Q, Volumes No. 102, 107.


=Baldwin, La Fontaine, Hincks, and their Time.= Minutes of Executive Council, Correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., Serie E, 1837-40.

Correspondence between Colonial Office and Governor-General of Canada, Serie G, 1830-1850. Military Secretary's Correspondence, Serie GS. Civil Secretary's Correspondence, Serie GS. Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Serie S. Original Blue Books, Serie E. Sketch of the Baldwin Family, Serie M, Volumes No. 393-27-28. La Fontaine's certificate of baptism, Oct. 4, 1807. La Fontaine's commission as advocate, 18-8, 829, Serie S. La Fontaine's Correspondence _re_ Rebellion and Grievances, 1838-1839, Serie S. Responsible Government, Serie M, Volume No. 682. Collection of letters presented by Sir Francis Hincks, Serie M, Volumes No. 116-2. Correspondence and papers relating to the Rebellion in Lower Canada, 1837-1840, Serie S.


=Elgin and his Time.= Minutes of Executive Council, Correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., Serie E. Military Correspondence, Serie C, Volume No. 61. Letters of W. Macaulay to Civil Secretary as to seat of Canadian Government, 1847, Serie M, Volume No. 662. Correspondence of Governor-General's Secretary, Serie GS. Military Secretary's Correspondence, Serie GS. Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Serie S. Original Blue Books, Serie E. Correspondence _re_ removal of Niagara Harbour and Dock Co., 1846-1847. Church of England, University of Upper Canada, 1850-1851, Serie G, Volume No. 247. Correspondence _re_ Navigation Laws, 1848-1849, King's College, 1844-1848, Serie G, Volume No. 246. Correspondence _re_ Post Office, 1847-1848, Serie G, Volume No.

245. Diary of Captain Johnston, 1846, Serie M, Volume No. 753 _E_. Old Bytown Periodicals, 1857-1860, Serie M, Volume No. 796. Drafts of letters from Governor-General's Secretary, 1839-1855, Serie G, Volumes No. 240-241. Stipend to Minister at Sorel, 1846-1848, Serie G, Volume No. 243. Correspondence _re_ McGill College, 1840-1850, Serie G, Volume No. 243. War Steamers on the Lakes, 1844-1849, Serie G, Volume No. 244.

Despatches referred to Executive Council, Serie E. Original Blue Books, Serie E. Minutes of Executive Council, correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., Serie E.


=Douglas, Sir James, and his Time.= Colonial Secretary's Despatches to Governors of Vancouver Island, 1846-1867, Serie G, Volumes No. 342-346.

Governor of Vancouver to Colonial Secretary, Letter Book, 1858-1864, Serie G, Volumes No. 360-362. Governor of British Columbia to Colonial Secretary, 1864-1871, Serie G, Volumes No. 363-365. Colonial Secretary to Governor of British Columbia, 1858-1871, Serie G, Volumes No.

347-359. Correspondence of Douglas as Governor of British Columbia.--San Juan question, 1859, Serie G. John McLeod's Journal and Correspondence, 1811-1842. Hudson's Bay Company, Correspondence and resolutions, Serie M, Volume No. 372. Hudson's Bay Territory, Correspondence of J.

Anderson, 1850-1858, Serie M, Volumes No. 719-720. D. Thompson, geographer, papers, Serie M. Captain Vancouver's Despatches, 1791-1793, Serie M, Volume No. 379. Hudson's Bay Company, Papers _re_ British Columbia, Serie M, Volumes No. 731_c_, 731_d_, 731 _E_, 731 _F_. British Columbia and Vancouver. Journals of Jno, Work, 1823-1835, Serie M, Volume No. 731-_A_. Correspondence of Douglas, 1839-1864, Serie M. Copy of Correspondence of Douglas _re_ British Columbia, 1871-1874. Papers _re_ Graving dock at Esquimalt, 1873-1875, Serie G. Imperial Blue Books, 1851-1864. British Columbia and Vancouver. Journals of Ermatinger, 1828; Dean, 1829; Tolmie, 1830-1833; Douglas, 1835; Tod, 1841; Pemberton, 1855, Serie M, Volume No. 731_b_.


Minutes of the Executive Council, Correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., 1842-1867, Serie E. Despatches to and from Colonial Office, Serie G. Correspondence of the Governor-General with Downing Street _re_ Confederation. Confederation debates. Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Serie S. Old Bytown Periodicals, 1857-1860, Serie M, Volume No. 796. Ottawa, Various Pamphlets, 1879-1903, Serie M, Volume No. 801. Original Blue Books, Serie E.


=Cartier and his Time.= Minutes of the Executive Council, correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., Serie E. Despatches to and from Colonial Office, Serie G. Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Serie S. Original Blue Books, Serie E. Correspondence of the Governor-General with Downing Street _re_ Confederation. Confederate debates.


=Papineau and his Time.= Despatches to and from Colonial Office, Serie G. Colonial Office Despatches to Governors of Lower Canada, Serie Q.

Minutes of the Executive Council, Correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., Serie E. Executive Council of Lower Canada, Minutes, 1809-1841, Serie M, Volumes No. 238-253. Civil Secretary's correspondence, Series GS. Military Secretary's correspondence, Series GS. Provincial Secretary's correspondence, Serie S. Correspondence between British Minister at Was.h.i.+ngton and Governor of Lower Canada, Serie G. Collection Bagot, Serie M, Volumes No. 157-167. Collection Durham, Serie D, 20 Volumes. Statement of confiscation, Lower Canada, 1837-1838. List of persons exiled to Van Diemen's Land. Return of Judgment rendered on claims investigated before Sept. 1, 1850. Pay Lists. Rebellion Losses Claims. Memoire de Pothier, Serie M, Volume No. 829. T. F. Elliot, Secretary to Gosford Commission. Letters on the condition of Lower Canada, 1835, Serie M, Volumes 154-1-2. Evenements de 1837.--Memoire par un prisonnier, Montreal, 1838, Serie M, Volume No. 156. Les Griefs du Bas Canada, 1827-1834, Serie M, Volumes 188-1-2. Volunteers killed and wounded in Lower Canada, 1837-1838, Serie M, Volume No. 402. Voters'

Lists, Quebec County, 1804-1834, Serie M, Volume No. 147. Proposed Union of Upper and Lower Canada, 1822, Serie M, Volume No. 811. Papers relating to the Rebellion, in Records of General Post-Office, Serie M, Volumes No. 115-678-C. Miscellaneous Correspondence on Emigration, Serie M, Volume No. 173. Neilson Papers, 1794-1845, Serie M, Volumes 148-1-2.

Bedard Papers, Serie M, Volume No. 679. Papineau, Neilson and other papers, Serie M, Volume No. 684. Correspondence of D. B. Viger, 1821-1834, Serie M, Volume No. 680. Papers on Responsible Government,--Serie M, Volume No. 683. Minutes of Council, State of British North America, 1836, Serie M, Volume No, 154. De Roos's travels in the United States and Canada, 1826, Serie M, Volume No. 169. Notes prises a Terrebonne par le Notaire Seguin, 1831-1833, Serie M, Volume No. 136. Relation officielle de la Batille de St. Charles, 1837, Serie S. Military correspondence relating to the Rebellion of Lower Canada, Serie C, Volume No. 97. Military correspondence relating to the Rebellion of 1837-1838 in Lower Canada, Serie C, Volumes No. 608-615.

Militia Papers, Lower Canada, 1837-1840, Serie MD. Proces D. B. Viger, 1839, Serie S.


Minutes of the Executive Council, correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., Serie E. Despatches to and from Colonial Office, Serie G.

Correspondence with various persons, 1836-1840, Serie Q, Volumes No.

395-2, 402-2, 412-2-3, 430-3-4. Correspondence of Provincial Secretary, 1797-1867. Register of Correspondence _re_ Education in Upper Canada, 1797-1867, Serie S, Volume No. 533. Original Blue Books, Serie E.


Minutes of the Executive Council, correspondence, registers, indexes, Serie E. Despatches to and from Colonial Office, Serie G. Correspondence of the Governor-General with Downing Street _re_ Confederation.

Confederation debates. Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Serie S.

Fenian Raid, 1866-1868, Serie M, Volume No. 777.


Colonial Office despatches to and from Governors of Upper Canada, Series G and Q. Correspondence between Governor's Secretary and Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, Serie G. Correspondence of Civil Secretary, Serie GS. Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Serie S, Correspondence between British Minister at Was.h.i.+ngton and Governor of Upper Canada, Serie G. Land and State Books, Serie E. Responsible Government, Serie M, Volume No. 683. Baldwin's Correspondence, 1836-1852, Serie M, Volume No. 686. Doc.u.ments and letters, Serie M, Volume No. 154-3. Dr. Rolph's papers. Elliot and Rolph letters, Serie M, Volumes No. 154, 154-_A_-_B_. Clergy Reserves, Canada, by W. J.

Strachan, 1827, Serie M, Volume No. 170. Bush life and frontier service, by Lieutenant-Colonel Thos. Wily, Serie M, Volumes No. 168-1-2-3. De Roos's Travels in the United States and Canada, 1826, Serie M, Volume No. 169. Colonel Gilkison, Upper Canada, 1838-1839, Serie M, Volume No.

795. Upper Canada marriage registers, Eastern districts, 1831-1865, Serie M, Volume No. 93-A. Charles Jones, papers, Serie M, Volumes No.

763-A-B. Diary of Captain Johnson, 1832, Serie M, Volume No. 753 _E_.

History of Cornwall, 1839, Serie M, Volume No. 842. Collection Askin papers, 1830-1861, Volumes No. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. Collection Askin papers, 1830-1861, Volumes No. 20-29.

Lieutenant-Colonel Phillpott's report on inland navigation, 1839.

Militia Papers, Upper Canada, 1837-1840, Series MD. Correspondence and papers relating to the Rebellion in Upper Canada, 1837-1840, Serie S.

Report of Captain Briscoe, R. E., on the Rebel position on Navy Island; also Report of Captain Baddeley, R. E., on the defences of the Western frontier of Upper Canada, 1838, Serie C, Volume No. 445. Military correspondence relating to the Rebellion of 1837-1838 in Upper Canada, Serie C, Volumes No. 608-615. Military correspondence relating to the Rebellion in Upper Canada, Serie C, Volume No. 981. Proceedings of Courts of enquiry upon claims arising out of the Rebellion, 1839, Serie C, Volume 96. Correspondence and Papers, 1832-1836, Serie Q, Volumes No.

374, 376, 378, Pts. 3 and 4, 379, 380, 384, 387, 388, 389, 395.

Correspondence of McNab, relating to Rebels, 1836-1838, Serie Q, Volumes No. 397, 402. Correspondence of Marshall Bidwell with Sir Francis Head, 1838, Serie Q, Volume No. 402, Pts. 2-3. Correspondence relating to the destruction of the _Caroline_, 1838-1841, Serie Q, Volumes No. 251, 402, Pt. 2; 403, 408, Pt. 1; 410, 420, 428, 431, Pts. 1, 2. Journal of Lower Canada, Serie M, Volume No. 156. Conduct of the Militia, Serie Q, Volume No. 416. Doc.u.ments and Letters relating to Upper Canada Rebellion, Serie M, Volume No. 154. Instructions to Governors, Serie M, Volume No. 231.

Rebellion, Correspondence and papers relating to, Serie C, Volumes No.

608-615, and Serie Q, Volumes No. 406, 408, 409, 418, 430.


Minutes of the Executive Council, correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., 1855-60, Serie E. Despatches to and from Colonial Office, 1857-60, Serie G. Original Blue Books, Serie E. Correspondence of the Governor-General with Downing Street _re_ Confederation. Confederation debates. Provincial Secretary's correspondence, Serie S. Old Bytown Periodicals, 1857-1860, Serie M, Volume No. 796.


Original Blue Books, 1840-1842, Serie E. Post-Office Commission, 1840.

Correspondence, registers, etc., Serie S, Volumes No. 331-334. Drafts of letters from Emigrant Office to Chief Secretary, 1840-1842, Serie G, Volumes No. 263-264. Miscellaneous Correspondence on Emigration, Serie M, Volume No. 173. Drafts of letters to Emigrant Office, 1841-1843, Serie G, Volume No. 267. Correspondence between Sydenham and Colonial Office, and Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of British North America, Serie G. Instructions from Downing Street, Serie G, Volume No.

183. The Six Nation fund investment and Grand River Navigation Company, Serie M. Addresses received by Sydenham, Serie G, Volume No. 536.

Correspondence _re_ Emigrants, 1840-1843, Serie G, Volume No. 245. Visit to Carillon, 1840, Serie C, Volume No. 60. Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Serie S. Military Secretary's Correspondence, Series GS.

Civil Secretary's Correspondence, Series GS. Minutes, correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., of Executive Council, Serie E.


Minutes of the Executive Council, correspondence, registers, indexes, etc., Serie E. Despatches to and from Colonial Office, Serie G.

Correspondence of the Governor-General with Downing Street _re_ Confederation. Confederation debates. Provincial Secretary's Correspondence, Serie S.


(From the collection of 7000 maps in the Dominion Archives)

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