The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Part 85
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=Nicolas Deny's Map=, with designs attached of--"Charnier en forme depressoir"; "Charnier en barrique"; "Les Brouettes"; "Timbre a laver la Morue"; edifice de l'eschaffaut, complet hormis la couvertur d'un voile; Plan de l'eschaffaut, planchaye" et "Plan de l'eschaffaut portant la Terre"; MS. copy of map in the Louvre, also photo copy of map only in the Lennox Library.
=Plan du Cap Breton= dit Louisbourg, avec ses environs, Pries, par L'Amiralle Bockoune, le 26 Jullet, 1758. Dimensions, 72 x 19-1/2 inches.
A rare old map copied from one in the Library of Congress, a coloured ma.n.u.script showing the positions of the English and French Fleets, the landing of the troops, the nature of the ground, the skirmishes in the environs of the City, and burning of houses, surrounding the defences; the city and defences. The French s.h.i.+ps in the Harbour afterwards burnt, as well as the intrenchments and movements of the besieged.
=Amerique Septentrionale=. North America, etc.
=A Map of the Sea Coast of New England=, according to the actual survey made thereof by Captain Cyprian Southack. As also the outlines of several of the Provinces and Colonies lying therein, according to the respective grants and charters.
=Tierra Noeva=. Tierra Noeva, de los Bocalaos, Tavola Prima, Del Mundo Nuova. Print from Plate.
=Amerique Septentrionale=, Par N. Sanson d'Abbeville, Geog. du Roy a Paris, chez l'auteur et chez Pierre Mariette, rue S. Jacques a l'Esperance 1650. Avec privilege du Roy pour vingt ans. Print from Plate.
=L'Amerique Septentrionale= divisee en ses princ.i.p.ales parties scauoir: Les Terres Arctiques, Le Canada ou Nouvelle France, Le Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne; Le Nouveau Mexique; Les iles de Terre Neuve; de Californie et Antilles, ou sont distingues les uns des autres les estats comme ils sont possedes presentement par les Francois, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois et par les estats Generaux des Provinces Vrais ou Hollandais. Tiree des Relations de toutes ces nations, par le Sr.
Sanson, Geographe ordinaire du Roy 1674, presentee a Monseigneur Le Dauphin par son tres humble, tres obeissant, et tres fidele Serviteur, Hubert Iaillot. Print from Plate.
=An Accurate Map of North America=. Describing and distinguis.h.i.+ng the British, Spanish, and French Dominions, according to the Definitive Treaty concluded in Paris, Feb. 10, 1763. Eman Bowen, Geog. His Majesty, and John Gibson, Engraver. Print from Plate.
=North America= from the French of M. d'Anville, improved with the English Surveys made since the Peace. London. Printed for Robt. Sayer and J. Bennett, Map and Print Sellers, No. 53, Fleet Street, June 10, 1775. Print from Plate. North American Atlas.
=A Map of the British Empire= in North America, by Samuel Dunn, Mathematician, improved from the Surveys of Captain Carver. London.
Printed for R. Sayer and J. Bennett, Map and Sea Charts Sellers, No. 53 Fleet Street, Aug. 17, 1776. Print from Plate. North American Atlas.
=A New and Correct Map of North America=, with the West India Isles.
Divided according to the last Treaty of Peace. Concluded at Paris, Feb.
10, 1763. Gov. Pownall, M.P., 1777. Print from Plate.
=A Map of the Inhabited Part of Canada= from the French Surveys, with the Frontiers of New York and New England from the large Survey by Claude Joseph Gauthier, engraved by Faden, 1777. Print from Plate.
=The British Colonies in North America=. Engraved by William Faden, 1777. Print from Plate. North American Atlas.
=A New Map of North America= with the West India Islands. Divided according to the Preliminary Articles of Peace. Signed at Versailles, Jan. 20, 1783. Governor Pownall, M.P., 1794. Print from Plate.
=Map of Part of Canada= from Bay de la Val and Island of Barnaby in the River St. Lawrence to the Lakes Huron and Erie. For the use of H. M.
Secretary of State, Quebec, Oct. I, 1790. Samuel Holland, Surveyor-General, John Collins, D.S.G.
=Carte d'Amerique=, divisee en ses Princ.i.p.aux Pays. Par M. l'Abbe Clouet, de l'Academie Royal de Rouen. Ill.u.s.trated, 1782. Print from Plate.
=Amherstburg=, 1799. Showing the Main Street, and lots with owners'
names. Captain H. M. Lewis, June 26, 1799. Original MS.
=Amherstburg=, with the names of occupants, 1800. Original MS.
=A Plan of Bonaventur= in the Baie of Chaleurs. In the Province of Quebec as surveyed agreeable to order and instructions of the Honourable James Murray, Esq., Governor of the said Province, by John Collins, Dept. Sur. Genl., 1765. MS.
=Chambly=. Sketch of the Public Buildings at Chambly, 1815. Coloured MS.
=Chateauguay=. Sketch of part of the River Chateauguay, George Williams, R.M.S.D., Aug. 9, 1814. Accompanying Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes's letter to Lt.-General Mann, Aug. 16, 1814. Shows the position of the troops in the affair of Oct. 26, 1813. MS.
=Detroit and Erie=. Fort de Detroit et ses Environs, 1768. MS. Plan of a sketch of the Grand River and the Soundings. Plan of a sketch from Fort Erie along the North Sh.o.r.e of Lake Erie round Long Point to where it joins the main Land with the Soundings, W. Chewett, Niagara, Aug. 28, 1793. MS. Plan of Fort Erie and surroundings showing the sites of the old and proposed forts, surveyed lots, 1794. Original coloured MS. Plan of ground at mouth of Detroit River, Captain W. Mayne, Sept. 8, 1796.
Original MS. 1796, Sketch of the Communication between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. MS. Plan of the Situation of Fort Erie, with the new Works and buildings proposed. Submitted by Gother Mann, Colonel Commanding Royal Engineer, Quebec, Aug. 1, 1803. MS. At Detroit, Plan of Fort L'Arnaud, as it is repaired at this present date, 1812. Fort l'Arnaud at Detroit, surrendered to Major-General Isaac Brock, Aug. 16, 1812. J. B.
Duberger, Jr. Coloured MS. Plan of the Country round Fort Erie, showing the retrenchments thrown up by the Enemy in August, 1814. Position, Aug. 8, 1814, P. A. Hughes, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Royal Engineers. With a letter to Lieutenant-General Mann, dated Montreal, Oct. 7, 1814. Original MS. Survey of Lake Erie, in the years 1817 and 1818, by Lieutenant Henry W. Bayfield, R.N. Insets "Entrance to the River Niagara" and "Survey of the Mouth of the River Detroit." MS.
=Fort Erie=. Plan of British Attack, 1818, Royal Engineers'
Drawing-Room, Quebec, Jan. 31, 1818. A. Walpole, D.R., Eng. E. W.
Durnford, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Royal Engineer. Original coloured MS.
=Hudson's Bay and North=. Carte montrant le chemin que Louis Jolliet a fait depuis Tadousac, jusqu'a la mer du Nord dans la Baye d'Hudson, et la vraye situation de la baye et du d'estroit. Fait a Quebec, le 8me Novembre, 1679, L. Jolliet. MS.
=Golfe du Nort=. Ci-devant Baye de Hudson, indorsed, British America.
Chart of Hudson's Bay, abt. 1790. MS. Carte d'une Exploration faite en 1732 par I. L. Normandin, arpenteur du Roy. Comprenant les Rivieres Chemerichane Lac K...., MS. A Particular Map of Baffin's and Hudson's Bay, 1775. Thomas Jefferys. London, Sayer and Bennett. Print from Plate.
=Illinois and West=. Carte des decouvertes de la Verenderye. Carte d'une partie du Lac Superieur avec la decouverte de la Riviere depuis le grand portage, jusqu'a la Barriere. With explanations. MS. Map of the Illinois Country from the Gulf of Mexico, Lake Superior, and from Lake Ontario to the River de Norte. 1720. MS. Blocus du Fort des Sauuages Renards, par les Francois et Sauuages. Situe entre les Rivieres des Islinois et celle d'Ouabache, a 50 lieues a l'Est-sud-est du Rocher dans la Nouuelle France fait a Quebec ce, 15 9bre, 1730. Chaussegors de Lery. MS. Carte du pays des Sauuages Renards. Depuis la Baye du Lac Michigan, jusques a leur dernier village, fait a Quebec, ce 10 nouembre, 1730 Chaussegros de Lery. MS. Plan du Fort des Sauuages Renards, scitue entre les Rivieres des Islinois et celle d'ouabreche, a 50 lieue a l'Est-sud-Est du Rocher, dans la nouuelle France. Avec Explications, fait a Quebec, ce 15 9bre, 1730. Chaussegros de Lery. MS. Carte d'une Partie des Islinois pour idee seullement a la Nouvelle Orleans le premier Aout 1734. Broutin. MS.
Carte contenant les Nouvelles Decouvertes de l'Ouest en Canada, mers, rivieres, laes et nations y habittant en l'annee 1757. Decouverte de la mer de l'ouest. Jointe a la lettre de M. de Beauharnois du 14 8bre, 1737. MS. Plan of part of Canada, showing the districts of Michilimakinac as possessed by the French, and the district of Detroit.
Indorsed, Rj., Nov. 11, 1676 with Major Rogers, MS.
=A Sketch= of the several Routes of the French from Quebec to the Mississippi with the Rivers and Lakes through which they pa.s.s, also of the Route from New York to Oswego, and from Albany to Montreal, and also of the Route from Kennebec River to Quebec, and from New Hamps.h.i.+re to Lake St. Peter in Canada. Done by order of His Excellency Major-General s.h.i.+rley, from the most authentic Maps and best intelligence by Wm. Alexander, Secretary to His Excellency. Braddock, July 9, 1755. Coloured MS.
=Map= of the country between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi, April 11, 1777. MS.
=Map= of Major Pond's discoveries, 1785. MS.
=Travels= of Captain Peter Pond of Milford, from April, 1773, to March, 1790. Extracted from his own Map by Ezra Stiles, March 25, 1690. Copy of plan in Yale University Library. MS. Forts abandoned in the peace (Wabash district), 7-6-1794. MS.
=Ile aux Noix=. Plan of Ile aux Noix, showing the present and proposed works. Gother Mann, Captain Commanding Royal Engineer, Quebec, May 12, 1790. MS. No. 4, Plan of the works at Isle aux Noix. Accompanying Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes's letter to Lieutenant-General Mann, dated Aug. 16, 1814. MS. Plan of Isle aux Noix, showing a part of the adjacent country on the banks of the River Sorel. Quebec, April 27, 1816. G.
Nicolls, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Royal Engineer in Canada. MS.
Plan of Isle aux Noix, Colonel Nicolls, 1816. MS. Plan of the Port at Isle aux Noix, showing the present state of the works and those proposed for connecting them together. Gother Mann, Captain Commanding Royal Engineer. MS.
=Kingston=. Fort de Frontenac ou Katarakouy, 13 Novembre 1685. Photo copy of plan in the Depot des Cartes et Journaux de la Marine, Paris.
MS. Plan du Fort Frontenac. fait a quebec ce 11 Octobre 1726.
Chaussegros de Lery. Coloured MS. Plan de l'Emplacement de Frontigny.
Chaussegros de Lery, Oct. 16, 1729. Uncoloured MS. Plan du Fort Frontenac citue a l'Est du Lac Ontario a la Coste du Nord. Developement du Fort. Fait a quebec le 11 Decembre 1738. Chaussegros de Lery. fils MS.
=Plan= du Fort de Lapresentation, 1752. Sur la Riviere de Katarakoui.
Photo copy. Original in the Depot de Fortifications des Colonies a Paris. Surveyed by Order of His Excellency General Haldimand, Governor Commander-in-Chief of the Province of Quebec, etc., etc. A Towns.h.i.+p or tract of Land of six Miles square lying and being in the Province aforesaid situated on the North side of Lake Ontario near the ancient Fort Frontenac. This Towns.h.i.+p hath great advantages on account of its situation, having Lake Ontario on its front, all the small bays afford good harbours for Boats, and the lake abounds with variety of excellent fish and wild fowl. The little River Cataraqui is navigable for Batteaux from its entrance into the Lake to its Upper Boundary of the Towns.h.i.+p, in which s.p.a.ce are many proper situations for erecting mills. Surveyed Oct. 27, 1785. John Collins, D. S. Gen. Coloured MS.
=Sketch= of Kingston Harbour, showing the grounds reserved for the purposes of Government for Public Works. Buildings, Naval Yard, etc.
Quebec, Dec. 6, 1788. Gother Mann, Captain Commanding Royal Engineer.
Coloured MS.
=Sketch= of Kingston Harbour with the neck reserved for a Town lot with its Common, Quebec, Dec. 6, 1788. Gother Mann, Captain Commanding Royal Engineer. Original MS. Plan showing the ground opposite the Town of Kingston to be reserved for the Crown, on which no settlement is to be made. No buildings erected or Timber cut but by the authority and for the purposes of Government, 1790. Coloured MS.
=Kingston=, 1790. Coloured MS. Plan of Kingston and its vicinity.
Accompanying Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes's letter to Lieutenant-General Mann, dated Aug. 16, 1814. J. B. Duberger, Jr., January, 1814. No. 9, plan of the fort at Point Henry. Accompanying Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes's letter to Lieutenant-General Mann, dated Aug. 16, 1814.
Original MS. Plan of the City of Kingston, showing its environs three miles on the East and West sides thereof and six miles to the Northward of said town. Surveyor-General's Office, York, Upper Canada, Oct. 21, 1815. Thomas Ridout, Surveyor-General. MS.
=Lake Champlain=. Plan des Terres des Environs du Fort St. Frederic.
Marquiere par le Sr. Boisclerc, a mil sept cent trente neuf. Sur laquelle Carte sont aussy raporties les sondes qu'il a observe. MS.
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