The Makers of Canada: Index and Dictionary of Canadian History Part 86
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Carte du Lac Champlain avec les Rivieres, depuis le Fort de Champlain dans la Nouvelle France, jusques a Orange Ville de la Nouvelle Angleterre. Dressee sur divers memoires. Coloured MS. Plan du Fort de Carillon et du Camp tranche qui fut fait pour s'opposer a l'attaque des Anglais avec l'ordre des Colonnes a action du 8 Juillet 1758. Coloured MS. Army of Lake George. Order of March, Major-General Amherst, Commander-in-Chief, Brigadier-General Gage. M. Amherst's letter, June 19, 1759. Coloured MS. A plan of Lake Champlain, 1770. MS. No. 12. Plan of the River La Colle. Copies by George Williams, R. M. S. D., July 19, 1814. Accompanying Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes's letter to Lieutenant-General Mann, dated Aug. 16, 1814. Original MS. Champlain River. No 13. Accompanying Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes's letter to Lieutenant-General Mann, dated Aug. 16, 1814. Original MS.
=Lake Ontario=. A Survey of Lake Ontario, done by N. Laforce of the Naval Department and Lewis Kotte, a.s.sistant Engineer, the North Sh.o.r.e in 1783 and the east and south in 1789. MS.
=Miscellaneous=. Plan d'un Fort scitue au dedans d'une enceinte pour etre construit au bord du Lac des Deux Montagnes, a la cote du Nord, au Detroit, environs a deux lieue au desous de l'Ile de Montreal a la vue du Fort de Senneville scitue a la dite Ile. Fait a Quebec ce 26 Octobre 1719. Chaussegros de Lery. MS. A map of the Country of the Five Nations belonging to the Province of New York and of the Lakes near which the nations of Five Indians live, with part of Canada. Cadwallader Coldere, 1747. MS. No. 1, a sketch of the Field of Battle of the 9th of July, upon the Monongahela, seven miles from Fort Du Quesne, between the British Troops commanded by General Braddock, and the French and French Indians commanded by Marq. de St. Pierre. Showing the dispositions of the troops when the action began. Pat. Mackellar, Engineer, November, 1755. MS. No. 2 (Monongahela), a sketch of the field of battle and showing the disposition of the troops about 2 o'clock, when the whole of the main body had joined the advanced and working parties, then beat back from the ground they occupied as in Plan No. 1. Pat. Mackellar, Engineer, 1755. MS. A Map of that Part of America which was the Seat of War in 1786. MS. A Sketch of the Provinces of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, showing the line of Forts lately built on the Frontiers of those Colonies, and their situation with respect to the French Forts on the Ohio and Lake Erie.
Also the Route from Albany to Oswego, with the Forts built and to be built for its security. Drawn by order of His Excellency General William s.h.i.+rley by William Alexander. Surveyed and copied by Mr. Bartmann, 1756.
MS. Plan of Fort Levy upon one of the Islands Gallops in the River St.
Lawrence since named Island Royale from its being fortified. Besieged from August 22 till the 25th, when it surrendered towards evening.
Surveyed by B. Ratzee. Endorsed in M. G. Amherst of Oct. 4, 1760. MS. A Plan of the Division Line between the Provinces of Quebec and New York.
Surveyed, October 1, 1772, by John Collins, D.S. General. MS.
=Map of Turkey Point= and Environs, 1795. Done in the Surveyor-General's Office, Upper Canada, Oct. 12, 1795. D.W. Smith, Acting S. General.
Coloured ma.n.u.script, showing the site of the town and barracks the Brock House Wharf, etc. A Map of Sandwich with the position and situation of the Lands of William Park and Meldrum and Park, together with notes and references. Inscribed for William Park, Dec. 30, 1800, with copious references and notes on the owners.h.i.+p of Lots and t.i.tles to Church Lands, and extracts from French deeds. Thomas Smith. Original MS. Sketch of the entrance to the River Kamanistiqua. Sketch of Thunder Bay and the adjacent coasts of Lake Superior, 1802. R. H. Bruyeres, Captain Royal Engineers. Original coloured MS. A Map exhibiting the Frontiers of Canada and the United States intended to ill.u.s.trate the operations of the British and American Armies. London. Printed for C. Smith, Map seller and Publisher, 172 Strand, Oct. 1, 1813. Print from Plate.
=Montreal=. Plan de la Ville de Montreal, dans la Nouvelle France, fait a Montreal ce 21 Aoust 1729. Chaussegros de Lery. MS. Plan showing the Magistrates of Montreal's proposals for improving the ground, April 15, 1799. Original plan. Plan of the Town and Fortifications of Montreal, showing the Reserves now proposed to be made for Military purposes.
Gother Mann, Colonel Corry, Royal Engineers, Nov. 11, 1802. MS. Plan of the Citadel Hill, Montreal, and the King's Reserve Contiguous, showing the Buildings belonging to the Ordnance and Engineers' Department. R. N.
Bruyere, Captain Royal Engineers, June 2, 1804. MS. Plan of the Ground between Montreal and Lachine, showing the line of the proposed Ca.n.a.l.
Samuel Romilly, Captain Royal Engineers, Montreal, 1817. MS.
=Niagara=. Entree de la Riviere Niagara, dans le fond du Lac Ontario ou est marque la maison a Machicoulis et le fort proposee, 21 Juin 1726; fait a Niagara le Juin 21, 1726. Chaussegros de Lery. Coloured MS.
Original in the Depot des Fortifications a Paris. Plans Elevations de la Nouvelle Maison a Machicoulis, scituee a la cote de l'ouest du Lac Ontario, a l'entree de la Riviere de Niagara. Fait a Quebec, ce 19 Janvier 1727. Chaussegros de Lery. MS. plan. Original in the Depot des Fortifications des Colonies a Paris. Plan et Elevations de la Maison a Machicoulis scituee a la cote de l'ouest du lac Ontario a l'entree de la riviere de Niagara, fait a Quebec le 9 Decembre 1738. Chaussegros de Lery, fils. MS. Original in the Depot des Fortifications des Colonies a Paris. Entree de la Riviere de Niagara situee a l'Ouest du lac Ontario.
Fait a Quebec le 20 Septembre 1740. Chaussegros de Lery. MS. Copy of a plan in the Depot des Fortifications a Paris. Niagara, taken from the Old Quebec plan, and used in the Strubel Weldon trial, 1784. Original MS. Plans (2). Plan of the River from Niagara to Fort Schlosser. Quebec, Dec. 6, 1788. Gother Mann, Captain and Commanding Royal Engineer. MS.
Sketch of the Lower Part of Niagara River, 1790. MS.
=Plan of Fort George=. Upper Canada, showing the Works of Defence ordered to be constructed in 1799. Scale, 200 feet to an inch.
Dimensions, 35-37 inches. Original coloured ma.n.u.script plan, bears the Inspector-General of Fortifications and Board of Ordnance stamps, formerly in the Ordnance office, transferred to the Dominion Government in July, 1891, and to the Archives in February, 1907. Sketch of an Action fought on the night of July 25, 1814 near the Falls of Niagara between a British Force under L. G. Drummond and an American Force under Major-General Brown, Aug. 5, 1814. Coloured MS. Plan of Niagara Frontier. Lieutenant-General, Sir. G. Prevost, Oct. 4, 1814. MS. Plan of Forts George, Mississippi, and Niagara, the Military Reserves and the town of Newark. Henry Willsons, Lieutenant Royal Engineers, May 2, 1817.
=Nouvelle France=. Description de la Nouvelle France, ou sont remarquees les diverses habitations des Francois, depuis la premiere decouverte jusques a present, recueille et dressee sur diverses relations modernes, 1643. A Paris, chez Jean Boisseau, Enlumineur du Roy pour les cartes geographiques, en l'ile, du Palais a la Royalle Fontaine de Jouvence.
Print from Plate.
=Le Canada= faict par le Sr. de Champlain, ou sont La Nouvelle France, La Nouvelle Angleterre, La Nouvelle Hollande, La Nouvelle Suede, La Virginie, etc., avec les nations voisines et autres terres nouvellement decouvertes, Suivant les memoires de F. Du Val, Geographe du Roy. A Paris, en l'Isle du Palais sur le grand cours de l'eau a Paris. Avec Privilege, 1653. Print from Plate. Carte de la partie de l'Amerique, pour la Baye de Hudson communement appellee le Pa.s.sage du Nord Quest, par J. Thornton, J. Seller, Guil. Fisher, Jacques Atkinson, J. Colvon, a Londres, 1681. A Chart of the North Part of America, the Hudson Bay commonly called the North-West Pa.s.sage, by John Thornton, John Seller, William Fisher, James Atkinson, John Colvon. Print from Plate. Partie de la Nouvelle France, dediee a Monseigneur le Marquis de Seigneley et Baron de Sceaux, Conseiller du Roy en tous ses Conseils, Commandeur et Grand Tresorier de ses Ordres, Ministre, Secretaire d'Estat et des Commandements de Sa Majeste. Par son tres aimable et tres obeisant serviteur Hubert Iaillot. Les Grande Augustins, aux 2 Globes, avec privilege de Sa Majeste, 1685. Print from Plate. Le Canada ou Nouvelle France, la Floride, la Virginie, Pensilvanie, Caroline, Nouvelle Angleterre et Nouvelle York, l'Isle de Terre Neuve, la Louisiane et le Cours de la Riviere Misisipi. Par N. de Fer, Geographe de Monseigneur le Dauphin. A Paris, chez l'auteur dans l'ile du Palais sur le Quay de l'Orloge, a la sphere Royale. Avec privilege du Roy, 1705. Print from Plate.
=Quebec City=. Plan de la Ville de Quebec, capitale de la Nouvelle France. Photo of Plan in British Museum. Plan of part of the de Quebek. MS Coppie du plan de la censive de l'Eglise paroissialle de notre dame de Quebeck. MS. Vray Plan du haut & bas de Quebec comme le Sr. de Lery, 1660. MS. Le veritable plan de Quebec fait en 1669. MS. The Port and environs of Quebec, as it was when attacked by the English.
With inset showing the attack of 1670. Thos. Hardup. MS. Hospice de Quebec en 1692. Original conserve aux Archives departementales de Seine et Oise France. MS.
=Quebec=. Ville d'Amerique Septentrionale dans la Nouvelle France avec t.i.tre d'Eveche, situee sur le Fleuve St. Laurent a 310 degres, 17 Minutes de Longitude et 46 degres 55 Minutes de Lat.i.tude; elle fut a.s.siegee par les Anglois sur les Francois par qui elle est encore possedee l'an 1670 depuis le 16 Octobre jusqu'au 22 du meme mois. M. de Frontenac estoit pour lors Gouverneur du Pays, qui leur fit honteus.e.m.e.nt leve le Siege, 1693. MS. Plan du Seminaire de Kebec en Canada, 1714. MS.
Plan de la Ville de Quebec. Designe d'apres le plan en relief que Monsieur de Chaussegros de Lery, Ingenieur en Chef envoya en France en l'annee 1720, pour etre mis au Louvre avec les autres. MS. Plan of St.
Roch's, showing the Intendant's Palace and surroundings. Fait a Quebec le 4 8bre 1739. Chaussegros de Lery. MS. Plan of the town of Quebec in Canada, enlarged from Bellin's plan with additions. Pat. Mackellar, Major, 1757, with Report 522 on the Defences of Quebec. MS. Plan of Quebec showing the position of the English and French Armies at the Battle of the Plains, 1759. Print from Plate. Plan of the Town of Quebec, the Capital of Canada in North America, with the Basin and a part of the adjacent county. Showing the encampments and works of the British Army, commanded by Lieutenant-General Wolfe, and those of the French Army commanded by Lieutenant-General the Marquis de Montcalm, during the siege of that place in 1759. Pat. Mackellar, Major and Chief Engineer. MS. An Authentic Plan of the River St. Lawrence, from Sillery to the Falls of Montmorenci with the operations of the Siege of Quebec, under the command of Vice-Admiral Saunders and Major-General Wolfe down to the Sept. 5 1759. Drawn by a Captain in His Majesty's Army. Thomas Jefferys, 1759. Print from Plate. Plan de la Ville de Quebec, 1759.
Coloured MS.
=Quebek De=. Hoofstad van Kanada; an de Rivier van St. Laurens; das de Engelschen belegend en by Verdrag bemagtigd, mit jaar 1759. Coloured Print from Plate. Plan of the Battle fought the 28th of April, 1760, upon the Heights of Abraham, near Quebec between the British Troops garrisoned in that place and the French Army that came to besiege it.
With copious notes. Pat. MacKellar, Major Chief Engineer, 1760. Coloured original ma.n.u.script plan of the Battle of St. Foie. Plan of Quebec, showing the houses burned by us in 1759 and those burned during the Siege, 1760. Original coloured MS. Plan of Captain Gordon's Project of a Citadel at Quebec, 1768. Also Plans of the Barracks projected for Captain Gordon's proposed citadel. Coloured MS. Plan of a citadel on Cap Diamond for improving the fortifications of Quebec, being Captain Henry Gordon's engineer. His Project with some insignificant alterations, Quebec, April 12, 1769. John Marr, Esq. MS. Plan of the city and environs of Quebec with its siege and Blockade by the Americans from the 8th of December, 1775, to the 13th of May, 1776. Engraved by Faden.
Print from Plate. Plan of the City and Environs of Quebec with the siege and Blockade by the Americans from the 8th of December, 1775, to the 13th of May, 1776. Engraved by Wm. Faden, London. Published, Sept. 12, 1776, by Wm. Faden, successor to the late Mr. Thos. Jefferys, corner of St. Martin's Lane. Print from Plate. Plan of Cape Diamond and the Heights of Abraham, as far as they rise before the City of Quebec, and some distance beyond their summit with part of the ramparts of Quebec.
Taken partly in 1769 and completed in 1778 by John Marr, Commanding Engineer in Canada and Captain. MS. Plan of the City of Quebec and its Fortifications and of the Ground withoutside, beyond the Heights of Abraham, from an actual Survey, taken thereof by Captain Marr, Commanding Engineer in Canada. Not dated. His plan shows the bush where the rebels worked their batteries in 1775. Captain Marr was Chief Engineer in 1769 and 1778. MS. Plan of the New Works. Erecting on Cape Diamond and which form the Citadel of Quebec, showing their state in October, 1783. These plans show the mines under the glacis. MS. Plan of the Town and suburbs of Quebec, showing the State of the Fortifications as they were nearly completed in 1783. A note states that the Fortifications were in no wise completed by the French and that the English never touched them until 1779, when General Haldimand gave orders to Captain Twiss, C.R.E. in Canada, for the erection of a temporary Citadel on Cape Diamond. MS. Plan of a Survey of the City and Fortifications of Quebec with part of its environs. Done in the Engineers' Drawing-Room, by Wm. Hall, Lieut. Royal Artillery, 1799. MS.
Plan of the Fortifications of Quebec, with the new works proposed. G.
Mann, M. Genl. Commanding Royal Engineer. MS. Citadel of Quebec, showing proposed works, by M. Genl. Mann, Aug. 1, 1804. MS. Projected works at Quebec (Major-General Mann's Project) as mentioned in the Report of the Committee of Engineers, March 14, 1805. Original coloured ma.n.u.script plan. Plans of Government House at Quebeck, Jeffry Wyatt, 1812, MS.
Quebec in 1815, by J. B. Duberger, C.E. MS. Plan of Quebec, showing the present state of the Works of Defence distinguis.h.i.+ng what are completed and what are in progress, with the Military works and Buildings that have been ordered, March 18, 1816. G. Nicolls, Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding Royal Engineer in Canada. MS. Plan du Palais Episcopal et du Terrein en dependant leve en vertu d'un acte de la Legislature Provinciale du Bas Canada. Int.i.tule Acte pour mettre Sa Majeste en etat d'acquerir la Propriete, Palais Episcopal de Quebec et du terrein en dependant pour les usages publics de la Province. Par ordre de Commissaires appointes a cet effet. Quebec ce 9 Juillet 1851. MS.
=Quebec Province=, Lower Canada. Cartes du Gouvernement de Quebec leuee en l'annee 1709 par les ordres de Monseigneur le Comre de Pontchartrain, Commandeur des Ordres du Roy, Ministre et Secretaire d'Estat par le Sr.
Catalogne, Lieutenant des Troupes et dressee par Jean Bte. Decouagne. 3 Plans avec vue de Quebec. MS. Carte du Gouvernement des Trois Rivieres qui comprend en descendant le Fleuve St. Laurent depuis la sortie du Lac St. Pierre jusqu'a Ste. Anne. Leuee en 1709 par les ordres de Monseigneur le Comte de Pontchartrain, Commandeur des Ordres du Roy, Ministre et Secretaire d'estat par le Sieur Catalogne, Lieutenant des Troupes et dressee par Jean Baptiste Decouagne. Avec Vue de Trois Rivieres. MS. Plan of Part of His Majesty's Province of Quebec from Montreal Westward; part of the Ottawa River; the river Iroquois as far as Kingston, the South Sh.o.r.e and part of the North Sh.o.r.e of Lake Erie, Detroit River and part of the Lake St. Clair delineated from my own surveys made in the years 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789. The remainder from the surveys and sketches of different persons finished, March 16, 1790. MS. Map of part of the Province of Quebec, comprehending also Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, the Island of Cape Breton and New England and extending westward to the river Mississippi, compiled in the Drawing-Room of the Engineers' Department at Quebec, under the direction of Captain G. Mann, Commanding Royal Engineer, by Wm. Hall, Draftsman, 1791, in five sections. MS. A new and correct Map of the Province of Quebec with the Adjacent States and Provinces from the French Surveys.
Connected with those made by Captain Curver and other officers in His Majesty's Service, London. Printed by Laurie and Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, May 12, 1794. Print from Plate. North American Atlas. Plan of part of the Province of Lower Canada, containing the country from the River Montmagny near Quebec upwards as far as any surveys have been hitherto made, that is, to St. Regis on the St. Lawrence, and the Towns.h.i.+p of Buckingham on the River Ottawa. Compiled in the Surveyor-General's office in the latter part of the year 1794 and early part of the year 1795, by Messrs. Samuel Gale and John B. Duberger. With a list of previous surveys. Marked original by the War Office. By order of His Excellency Guy, Lord Dorchester, Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Coloured original MS. A new topographical Map of Lower Canada. William Vondervelden and Louis Charland, 1805. Print from Plate.
=River St. Lawrence=. Plan of part of the River St. Lawrence, from Montreal to the Parish of Berthier on the North and to Sorel on the South Side of the River. By John Montresor, Sub-Engineer, and Lieutenant Samuel Holland, Captain and a.s.sistant Engineer. Scale, 2000 feet an inch. Dimensions, 126-26 inches. Original coloured ma.n.u.script map bears the Board of Ordnance stamp, formerly in the Ordnance Office, transferred to the Dominion Government in July, 1891, and to the Archives in March, 1909. This map covers the portion of the St. Lawrence surveyed by John Montresor for the Murray Survey (viz. from Montreal to Repentigny in one section and from Repentigny to Berthier in another).
It is, however, of an earlier date than the Murray Survey, as is shown by an indors.e.m.e.nt: North America, British America, Part of the St.
Lawrence from Montreal to Berthier and Sorel. J. Montresor, March 25, 1761. Another indors.e.m.e.nt reads,--"Received 30th Sept. 1761 with Mr.
John Montresor's letter, Quebec 26 March." This map shows the arable and pasture land, the houses, churches, calvaries and Mills along the river.
MS. Carte du Cour du Fleuve de Saint Laurent en Canada, Yorck! Carte do Lanouvelle Yorck, de la mer des Iroquois ou est Montreal. Sorel, Orange, le cour du Fleuve St. Laurent, celuis d'Orange. Original MS. Carte du Fleuve St. Laurent. A MS. plan of the river from Anticosti to Quebec. La Grande Baye de St. Laurens en la nouvelle france mise dans un jour ou elle n'avoit jusqu'ici parue, l'exact.i.tude, la curiosite et la justesse y aient ete observees autant qu'il a ete possible et que les memoires des habitans du mesme lieu on put fournir, jointe a cela la propre connaissance de Geographic qu'il a de plusieurs endroits notamment de la Riviere Ste. Croix ou faisant la mission il a eu l'honneur d'adorer plusieurs fois de grandes croix arborees au milieu des deserts et des bois par les sauvages nationaux, nommees ports Croix. Aient recu les croix direstement du ciel longtemps avant l'arrivee des francois en ce pays, faite par le pere Emmanuel Jumeau, recollet missionnaire en Canada, 4 Octobre 1685. Two copies, one of the original in the Seminary at Quebec, the other of the plan in Paris. MS. La Grande Riviere de Canada, appellee par les Europeens de St. Laurens. Variation corrected to 1686. Leve et dressee par Deshayes. Publiee vers 1695. Print from Plate. Partie Haute et Occidentale du Fleuve de Canada ou de St. Laurent depuis le lac Ontario jusqu'a la ville de Quebec. Eveche et capitale du Canada, avec les noms des Particuliers a qui il a ete fait des Concessions de Terre, sur l'un et l'autre Rive de ce Fleuve. Dressee sur les Nemoires de M. de Catalogne. Ingenieur du Roy tres Chrestien a Paris. Chez le Sr. Moullard. Mouillard-Samson, G. V. de Sa Majeste, Rue Froimanteau vis a vis le vieux Louvre avec privilege, 1723. Coloured print. partie et Orientale du Fleuve de St. Laurent, depuis l'Isle aux Licores jusqu'a un embouchure. Dressee sur les memoires de M. de Catalonbe, Ingenieur du Roy tres chrestien a Paris. Chez le Sr.
Moullart-Samson, H.O.D.R. Rue Froimanteau vis le Vieux Louvre avec Privilege du Roi, 1723. Print from Plate. Plan of the River St. Lawrence from the Island of Anticosti to Quebec. With notes. This map is founded on a ma.n.u.script found on Board s.h.i.+p _Alcide_, taken June, 1755, by Admiral Boscawen. MS. A Sketch of the River St. Lawrence from La Gallette to the Island of Perrot with the Encampments of the Army, 1760.
Taken from a French draught and corrected. MS. Plan of that Part of Canada and the River St. Lawrence which lies between Coteau des Cedres to the Uppermost settlement of Canada, and Island of Ste. Therese, containing the Island of Montreal, Isle Jesus, Ile Bizard, Isle Perrot and the lakes of St. Louis, les Deux Montagnes, as formed by the River St. Lawrence; the City of Montreal with all the villages, fortified posts, and cultivated country throughout the whole district; by order of Brigadier-General Murray, Governor of Quebec. The Murray Survey, 1765.
MS. Plan of that Part of Canada and the River St. Lawrence which lies between Pointe du Lac and Repentigny on the North Sh.o.r.e and Nicollette and Varennes on the South Sh.o.r.e, etc. By order of Brigadier-General Murray, Governor of Quebec, 1765. MS. Plan of that Part of Canada and the River St. Lawrence, which lies between Cape Tourmente and Deschambeaux on the North Sh.o.r.e, Pointe La Caille and Lotbiniere on the South Sh.o.r.e, in which is contained the City of Quebec and all the villages, fortified posts, Habitations and cultivated Country throughout the whole district.... The whole from a survey carried on under the direction of the Hon. Brigadier-General Murray, Governor of Quebec, by Captain Holland, Lieutenant Peach, Lieutenant Fusev, and Lieutenant Mathews, 1763. Those MS. maps form a complete geography and census of the Canada of the time. Carte d'une partie des Cotes du St. Laurent, ou est situe la Seigneurie de Mingan et celle des Isles et Islets de Mingan. Le tout compile et dresse sur les Cartes de la Marine faites sous la direction de M. M. James Cook, celebre navigateur, Michel Lane et de Grandin, etc. Au depot general des Cartes, Plans et Journeaux de la Marine, Paris, 1784. MS. St. Lawrence, Kingston to Brockville, 1815.
=St. John=. Plan of Fort St. John on the river Chambly, Quebec, May 7, 1791, G. Mann, Captain Commanding Royal Engineer. Coloured MS.
=Sorel=. Plan of the Seigneurie House at William Henry. Original MS. A plan of the Seigniory of Sorel in the Province of Quebec, the property of MM. Greenwood & Higginson, Merchants in London, Aug. 15, 1770, John Collins, D. S. General. MS. Isle aux Noix, River Sorel, Lower Canada.
Proposed New Works, 1787. G. Mann. MS. Plan of Sorel, showing the proposed new Town lots and Defences. Sorel, July 19, 1797, G. Mann, Captain and Commanding Engineer. MS.
=Toronto=. York. Plan of Toronto Harbour and the proposed town and part of the Settlement. Quebec, Dec. 6, 1788. G. Mann, Captain and Commanding Royal Engineer. Original coloured MS. Plan of Toronto Harbour with the Rocks, Shoals, and Soundings, etc., Surveyed and drawn by J. Bouchette, 1793. Original coloured MS. Sketch of a route from York Town on Lake Ontario to Penetanguishene on Lake Huron, Upper Canada, by Lieutenant Pilkington, in the year 1793. Plan of the Dock up at York, 1797.
Original MS. Plan of Humber Mills, S.G.O., Jan. 31, 1798. D. W.
Smith, A. S. G. Original coloured MS. Plan and Elevation of the Lieutenant-Governor's House at York, Upper Canada, erected by Captain Pilkington in 1800. Indorsed Plan and Elevation of the Governor's House, York, Upper Canada, destroyed in the late war. Colonel Pilkington, R. E.
Original coloured MS. Plan of the Don Bridge and the agreement of William Smith, Carpenter for erecting it on or before March 1, 1803. Two original MS. Plan for a house of a.s.sembly at York, which can be built of wood and brick for less than 1000 Sterling. Dr. Wells, May 15, 1804. Two original MS. No. 1. Garrison at York, accompanying Lieutenant-Colonel Hughes's letter to Lieutenant-General Mann dated Aug.
16, 1814. Original MS.
=York Harbour=, 1815. Plan by actual survey of the Street of Communication between Kempenfeldt Bay on Lake Simcoe and Penetanguishene Harbour on Lake Huron, and one concession on each side, made at the particular request of Angus Shaw, agent to the North-West Company. Yonge Street, Aug. 15, 1822. Samuel J. Wilmot, Surveyor. MS.
=Upper Canada=. Ontario. Plan of the new settlement from Point a Bodet to Niagara, comprehending the carrying places, the rivers, and lakes to Lake Huron. W. Chewett, D. P. S., 1789. MS. Plans accompanying Lieutenant-Governor Simcoe's report of his tour, 1793. MS. Plan of the Province of Upper Canada, divided into Counties; by order of His Excellency John Graves Simcoe, Lieutenant-Governor and Commander-in-Chief. By Wm. Chewett, P. Surveyor, 1795. MS. Plan of the organized part of the Province of Upper Canada, according to a Bill which has pa.s.sed the two Houses, and is reserved for the signification of the Royal Pleasure, 1798. D. Smith, Chief Surveyor of Lands, Acting as Surveyor-General, Upper Canada. Coloured MS. A Map of the Province of Upper Canada describing all the new Settlements, Towns.h.i.+ps, etc., with the Countries adjacent from Quebec to Lake Huron. Compiled at the Request of His Excellency Major-General John G. Simcoe, first Lieutenant-Governor, by David William Smyth, Surveyor-General. London.
Published by W. Faden, geographer to His Majesty and to H.R.H., the Prince of Wales. Charing Cross, April 13, 1800, accompanied with a topographical description. Coloured print. A Map of the located Districts in the Province of Canada, describing all the new Settlements, Towns.h.i.+ps, etc., with the adjacent frontiers. By William Chewett. Wm. Faden, Charing Cross, Jan. 1, 1813. Print from Plate. Map of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada. Joseph Bouchette, 1815.
Print from Plate. A Map of the Eastern Part of the Province of Upper Canada. Indorsed, Canada, Upper, 1793. Left by Colonel Phillpotts on his going to Gibraltar, 1818. MS. Plan of the Central part of the Province of Upper Canada, showing the seat of war in the years 1812, 1813, and 1814. J. G. Chewett, P.S. York, May 1, 1819. Print from Plate.
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