Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez Volume I Part 20
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"Your _P.S._ of the 11th of June is considerably later than any accounts received in the squadron; indeed, I find very few letters have been received by any of the captains. The Lion, I understand, is on her way to join the squadron; but I have reason to believe she has nothing for me, as she sailed before L'Aigle.
"The accounts from Ireland are truly distressing; but I hope tranquillity has long since been restored in that distracted country.
We have heard of the dreadful business off Cadiz; but as news from the fleet must reach home before we can be acquainted with them, I shall not enlarge on the subject. Captain Grey, I find, is gone to England, which will have been an agreeable surprise to his amiable lady.
"Now for some account of the Orion and her crew:--In the first place, Mr. Barker is on board Le Peuple Souverain, happier than a prince. Mr.
Wells becomes first, in his room; and, as I found it necessary to send away Mr. ---- at Syracuse, I should remain with only three lieutenants, but that, in virtue of my present command, I appointed, the day I left Admiral Nelson, our kinsman Dumaresq to that station, who acquits himself with great zeal and a.s.siduity. He will receive pay for the time; but cannot be confirmed, from not having served the six required years.
"All the officers are in rapture at the share the s.h.i.+p had in the action, except her captain, who is never satisfied. The s.h.i.+p's company all healthy, and the wounded daily recovering. Sheep and poultry in abundance; but the fear of a long pa.s.sage down the Mediterranean obliges us to be frugal, wis.h.i.+ng, if possible, to avoid putting into any place before we reach the fleet off Cadiz,--a thing scarcely possible, and rendered still more improbable from our little progress the last five days: however,--_patience_!
"I have only two French officers on board; one was second captain of the Tonnant; they are both in the ward-room, and I occasionally invite them to my table. Of the six prizes four are fine s.h.i.+ps, particularly the Franklin and Spartiate: the Souverain and Conquerant are both very old s.h.i.+ps; Le Tonnant and L'Aquilon were built within these few years only. Both the former are quite new. But it is not what we have taken, but what we have destroyed. We have left France only two sail of the line in the Mediterranean, except a few bad Venetian s.h.i.+ps and some frigates. A squadron of five sail leaves us masters of these seas, equal to protect our commerce, and with a few frigates destroy that of the enemy: these are the real fruits of our victory; and as to anything personal to ourselves, the approbation of our country, and possibly an additional medal, will be ample recompence to us. At present my chief solicitude is to find things go on well in England; and I think, when the account of our action arrives, it will set the minds of people at ease for some time at least.
"I shall have a great deal to say to you, in which you will acknowledge with me that the Almighty has been kind and bountiful indeed, beyond my merits or pretensions. You will infer from my late journal what I particularly allude to, wherein I mention the Orion having been intended to return to the fleet on the junction of the reinforcement; which was merely to favour Captain Troubridge, with whom I clashed from seniority. Very, very fortunately for me, the enemy's force would not permit Sir H. Nelson to part with me; and the sequel has shown the partiality of the Earl's proceeding: but of this '_ci-apres_;' only, for the present, judge what must have been my feelings had I been thus deprived of my share in this action!
"My situation at this moment is exactly what I could wish,--the command of a respectable squadron escorting the trophies of our victory; and I am induced to hope that I shall proceed with them to England without considerable delay. We have just gained sight of Cyprus, nearly the track we followed six weeks ago; so invariably do the westerly winds prevail at this season; but I hope we shall not be subject to the tedious calms we experienced under Candia. Hitherto we have always had a good breeze, which has prevented any intercourse between the s.h.i.+ps of the squadron, one day only excepted.
"I have not told you that we all voted a sword to the Admiral before we parted from the squadron; the captains having agreed to subscribe fifty pounds each to defray the expense, and to have his picture, which is to be put up in the room intended to hold the _Egyptian Club_, when we all meet in England. The overplus, which will come to about thirty pounds each, is to be applied for the relief of the widows and orphans of those who have n.o.bly fallen in the action. All this shows unanimity at least, and I believe greater never existed in any squadron.
"Wednesday, 22nd.--This morning the wind has set in very favourably for us; but it is to the southward, and produces such a close, sultry, and damp air, that it is scarcely bearable; and, with all this, we have to encounter so strong a western swell, that the prizes and crippled s.h.i.+ps, for want of more sail, can scarcely contend against it. What if we should have the good fortune to fall in with the four French s.h.i.+ps! They are certainly on their way to Toulon; and, from the want of water and provisions, must have put into some of the ports in these seas. I _dreamt_ so much of them last night that I really form great hopes of our falling in with them. This leads me to mention that all the captains agreed to share together in whatever may be captured till the 1st of October.
"It is now exactly three weeks since the Battle of the Nile; it appears almost an age; but when once we get in the fair track down the Mediterranean, every day will, I hope, shorten our distance. We have seen but one strange sail since we left Bequir, and that at too great a distance to speak with. I think it probable Sir Horatio may be on his way to Naples, as he proposed to sail soon to join the Portuguese squadron, taking with him the Culloden, Alexander, and Goliath. The Zealous, with Swiftsure, and the frigates, were to be left to block up Alexandria, and distress the enemy. What barbarous people we must be, after having done them so much mischief, still to add to their disasters!
"August 24th.--I have been right in my conjectures this morning, having fallen in with Sir Horatio, who obligingly sent the Bonne Citoyenne with letters, &c. for the s.h.i.+ps with me, brought by the Seahorse, which joined him at Bequir. He has only the Culloden and Alexander with him, having left the rest of the s.h.i.+ps for the good purposes before mentioned. This meeting has afforded me an opportunity of sending you a few hurried lines, which I have requested the Admiral to forward from Naples. I have no doubt that the letter will reach you some time before any other I can have an opportunity of sending you.
"I think the few last lines will not be the less acceptable for having been antic.i.p.ated. I can a.s.sure you their purport is highly acceptable, as I now have the Earl's own a.s.sertion for the Orion being ordered to England upon his own terms, 'when I join him with the prizes.' Alas!
they get on very slowly; but I am endowed with unparalleled patience, having scarcely uttered a murmur on their tardiness, so perfectly satisfied am I with the prospect before me.
"I understand the Seahorse has taken La Sensible, and the Lion a Spanish frigate: _a propos_, we have received intimation that a Spanish squadron is on its way to Leghorn, to convey his holiness Pope Pius the Sixth to some part of Spain; and, in case of our falling in with them, we are to treat him with all the ceremony and respect due to the sovereign pontiff.
"Sunday, 26th.--I went yesterday on board the Admiral, for half-an-hour; and was happy at finding him in perfect health. He will ever retain the mark on his forehead which he has so honourably acquired; mine is not quite in so _distinguished a place_, but I also expect to have a scar on my left side, or rather on the hip-bone, which was slightly grazed; but it is now perfectly healed, and I reflect with great grat.i.tude on the very narrow escape I had: my only fear is, that it will give you great uneasiness when the account reaches you. I did not intend to have my name inserted in the return of wounded, but the Admiral desired it should; so that he must share the blame if it should have alarmed you.
"I cannot tell you all the fine projects I form for some months at least after my arrival in England. This last business has so shattered the poor Orion, that she will not, without considerable repair, be in a state for more service; and if I can be so fortunate as to obtain Le Franklin with my officers and men, she will be getting forward during the winter months, and I shall have the enjoyment of your society all that time: and I think, if it pleases G.o.d to bless our arms in England with success, the enemy will be brought to sue for a peace before the spring of next year. Their great inducement for carrying on the war was their hopes of success from this expedition, which is considered as entirely frustrated, as their army will be too much reduced to attempt to go to India without being reinforced from France; and they never will be able to prevail on more troops to embark for Egypt, even if they had the means of conveyance for them.
"The winds prove all this time very variable, _et nous avancons fort lentement_.
"The Admiral is still in sight, though we are not in company together.
Had I not been certain of going to England, I should regret losing the opportunity of seeing Naples, particularly on this occasion; but everything is absorbed in that first consideration. The newspapers are at all times acceptable, and I was happy when you found opportunities to send them from Ryde; but as many of the squadron receive them, and they are always circulated to the different s.h.i.+ps, I would not trouble you to send them. _D'ailleurs, pour le present, j'espere que ce serait inutile._
"Monday.--We get on very slowly indeed, not having yet got sight of Candia; we must however have _patience_. Three days' fair wind will bring us the distance of Sicily. I have invited Captains Miller, Louis, and Gould to dine with me to-day. To the former I said that your ladys.h.i.+p had the pleasure of having made acquaintance with Mrs.
Miller. Miller is an excellent man. Another day I shall have the other captains, Derby, Peyton, and Cuthbert, late first lieutenant of the Majestic.
"Whilst I am writing, a fine breeze has sprung up, which will get us as far as Rhodes at least. We have entirely lost sight of the Admiral; and I think, from the wind having favoured us, that we shall have considerably the start of his little squadron.
"Tuesday.--Nothing so uncertain and variable as the winds in this country. We are still off the island of Rhodes, which appears fertile and well cultivated. We have also sight of Candia at the distance of above thirty leagues. Our present route is different from any of the former, as we go to the northward of Candia, amidst the innumerable islands that form the archipelago. It is thought by many a dangerous navigation with our disabled s.h.i.+ps, but I always consider _que le bon Dieu nous guide_.
"The Admiral has again joined us, but too far off for any personal communication. This evening we have effected a great object in doubling Rhodes, and we are now proceeding with a fine breeze. I hope in three days to congratulate you on our being in the fair track down the Mediterranean.
"Friday, 31st.--Events multiply and increase upon us, but not so favourably as they promised when I last took up my pen. After contending for three days against the baffling winds we had so often experienced, and by our perseverance gained a considerable distance, the wind increased so much against us yesterday morning, that I was compelled, from the disabled state of several of the s.h.i.+ps, to abandon my intention of going to the northward of Candia; and, not without great risk, we ran through a pa.s.sage imperfectly explored, and never known to s.h.i.+ps of war till we found it practicable: at the same time, I almost shudder at the danger we escaped; nothing but a case of extreme necessity could have justified the attempt, and Providence was our guide;[17] at the same time warning us of the danger we ran, having actually seen the breakers, and escaped them by a trifling distance; and this was performed late at night, all the s.h.i.+ps following and guided by our lights.
[17] Sir James displayed a remarkable instance of presence of mind and unhesitating decision in this unexpected case of extreme danger. Captain John Tanc.o.c.k, who was then lieutenant of the watch, and who, having served under Sir James during the whole of the war, enjoyed his perfect confidence, antic.i.p.ated the captain's wishes in volunteering on this occasion to go up to the mast-head and look out for rocks, and thus considerably relieved his anxiety. The prizes were quite unable to beat to windward, and, in order to be extricated from the peril which the s.h.i.+ft of wind had occasioned, their signal was made "to keep in the Orion's wake." Sir James having determined to push on, as the most probable means of saving his inefficient squadron, the "helm was put up," and orders given to steer through a pa.s.sage between islands, which was marked "_doubtful_" in the charts, and in which shallow water was soon discovered by Mr. Tanc.o.c.k, who gave timely notice to the helmsman on their approach to each danger. The rest of the s.h.i.+ps kept close in the track of the Orion, and in this manner the whole of the squadron and prizes pa.s.sed between the islands and breakers without accident; and there can be no doubt that their safety was owing to the skilful and decisive conduct of Sir James. It is but justice to add, that, in approving of Mr. Tanc.o.c.k's very meritorious conduct, he emphatically a.s.sured him that "he should never forget that he had so fully antic.i.p.ated his wishes."
"We are at present close to Candia, and the Admiral in sight; rather in advance of us, owing to the circ.u.mstance I have related. I now fear our voyage will prove very tedious, and that the want of provisions and other circ.u.mstances will compel us to put into some port; this may occasion great delay, which the approach of the equinox makes me very desirous to avoid. I really believe no s.h.i.+ps in so bad a condition as those with me ever attempted so intricate a navigation.
"September 1st.--You are certainly unapprised of the Orion being on her way to England. Here have we been occupied for three weeks in effecting what might be accomplished in two days. Your wishes, I think, would prove more availing were you acquainted with the real state of things. This extraordinary delay makes me more fractious than can be imagined, and I begin to lose the character for patience which I had given myself by so tiresome a situation; besides which, I have Le Peuple Souverain to drag after me, that causes me more trouble than even the Spanish _saints_ did after the 14th of February.
"Sunday.--I had almost determined not to resume my pen till we were entirely clear of this same island of Candia; but we have made such great progress since yesterday, and the prospect continues so favourable, that I cannot refuse myself the satisfaction of congratulating you thereon.
"I received last evening a letter from the Admiral, brought me by La Bonne Citoyenne.[18] He is desirous of having the Minotaur and Audacious detached to Naples after accompanying us as far on our way as Minorca. A vessel was yesterday spoken with that saw one of the French line-of-battle s.h.i.+ps, with the loss of her main-mast, and towed by a frigate towards Corfu, only eight days since; so that, had the winds favoured us, we should have been at no great distance from them.
I dined to-day in the ward-room; but I am sorry to say we had no church this morning; this is so very necessary a duty, that I am always grieved when it is omitted."
[18] MY DEAR SIR, Vanguard, September 1st, 1798. From what I have heard, and made up in my own mind, I feel it is absolutely necessary that I should order the Minotaur and Audacious to quit your squadron when you are in the fair way between Sardinia and Minorca, and join me at Naples; and also with as much salt provisions as can be got out of the s.h.i.+ps victualled for _six_ months, reserving only one month's at whole allowance. My squadron are at two-thirds of salt provisions, making the allowance up with flour; therefore you will direct the same in yours. I have put down the number of casks of beef, pork, and pease, which can be easily spared if the commander-in-chief's orders for victualling have been obeyed. Audacious is, I fancy, short of salt provisions, not knowing of coming so long a voyage. If you can manage to let those s.h.i.+ps have any part of their officers and men, it will be very useful for the King's service; but of this you must be the best judge. Retalick will tell you all the news from Rhodes, and I was rejoiced to see you are this side of Candia.
Ever yours most truly, HORATIO NELSON.
To Sir James Saumarez, &c.
Your squadron evidently sails better than Culloden. The Bellerophon sails so well that Darby can take very good care of Conquerant; and Aquilon seems also to sail remarkably well.
Remember me kindly to all my good friends with you.
Orion, at sea, 1st September.
Captain Retalick has just joined me with your order respecting the Minotaur and Audacious, both which s.h.i.+ps are to be detached for Naples so soon as we are in the fair way between Sardinia and Minorca, with as much salt provisions as can be spared from the s.h.i.+ps victualled for six months; which shall be duly complied with. I shall also take from the prizes as many of the officers and men as can be replaced from the s.h.i.+ps left with me, which I shall endeavour to be as near the full number as can be thought prudent. Wis.h.i.+ng to use as little delay as possible, not to detain the Bonne Citoyenne,
I am very truly, &c.
To Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B.
Orion, at sea, 1st September.
After contending for three days against the adverse winds which are almost invariably encountered here, and getting sufficiently to the northward to have weathered the small islands that lie more immediately between the Archipelago and Candia, the wind set in so strong to the westward Thursday morning, that I was compelled to desist from that pa.s.sage, and bear up between Sargeanto and Guxo, a narrow and intricate channel; but which we happily cleared without any accident, the loss of a few spars excepted, which are now replaced; and we are proceeding as fast as the wind will admit to our destination. The s.h.i.+ps are all doing as well as possible; the fever on board the Defence fast abating, and the wounded in Bellerophon, Majestic, and Minotaur daily recovering. Seeing the Citoyenne on her way to us, I seize the opportunity to give you the information.
I am, my dear sir, &c.
To Sir H. Nelson, K.B.
Orion, at sea, 5th Sept. 1798.
Since the receipt of your letter of the 1st instant, containing an order for the Minotaur and Audacious to join you at Naples, I have been employed in making the necessary arrangements for the distribution of prisoners from the s.h.i.+ps that remain with me. I fear the quant.i.ty that can be spared, after reducing ourselves to four weeks at whole allowance, will fall very short of what you mention. The order for the s.h.i.+ps to be put to two-thirds'
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