Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez Volume I Part 21
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allowance was given the day after I received your letter. With regard to the men belonging to the Minotaur and Audacious on board the prizes, I hope to have it in my power to meet more fully your expectations, as I see no reason why these men should not be almost entirely replaced from the s.h.i.+ps with me, the Bellerophon and Majestic having only fifty men each on board; the Spartiate certainly can spare the same number for Le Conquerant; and I hope to man the Aquilon from the other three s.h.i.+ps, except the party of marines, which I shall direct to be left on board of them. We have had favourable winds the last three days, and I hope to-morrow to get sight of Mount aetna. The enclosed report of a vessel boarded by the Theseus makes me regret the wind did not prove favourable a few days sooner, to have come up with the strayed sheep.
10 o'clock P.M.
Captain Renhouse, in the Thalia, has this instant joined me on his return from Bequir. I have taken his letters for the fleet, &c.: and as the Flora cutter is in sight, closing with the squadron, I have detained him till the morning, that he may take from her any despatches she may have for you. I am happy to learn from him that the Lion had joined the squadron off Alexandria. He also informs me that the Marquis de Niza was on his return from Aboukir, highly mortified at having lost the opportunity of distinguis.h.i.+ng himself in the action. I am truly, my dear Admiral,
Your faithful and most obedient servant, JAMES SAUMAREZ.
To Rear-admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B.
Orion, 6th September 1798.
A.M. 7 o'clock.
The Flora did not join me till this instant, owing to the commander's timidity. I was waiting for him the whole night. I thought it my duty to open one of Earl St. Vincent's public despatches, in case they might contain anything that might render necessary any alteration in my present proceedings. I find from them that Colossus is to the southward of Sardinia, with the Alliance and four victuallers: we shall of course keep a look-out for them. This information will enable me to keep rather a greater supply of provisions than I had made arrangements for, having scarcely reserved four weeks to each s.h.i.+p of the squadron. I have charged Captain Newhouse with the Flora's despatches, with orders to proceed in search of you immediately, and also indicated to him the track I mean to pursue, in case you should have occasion to send me further orders, in consequence of your letters from Earl St. Vincent.
I hope you will do me the favour to believe that I have acted to the best of my judgment for the good of his Majesty's service, and that you will approve my having opened one of Lord St.
Vincent's public despatches; which it will be satisfactory to me to know from you.
With sincere and best wishes for your health and every happiness, &c.
To Sir H. Nelson, K.B. &c.
"Thursday, 6th September.--The last four days we have got on remarkably well; and, what is still better, the wind seems now set in very favourably. Late last night the Thalia joined me, after cruising in all directions to fall in with Sir Horatio. I was not disappointed at receiving no letters by her: but this morning, having been joined by the Flora cutter, that left England the 26th July, and the fleet off Cadiz so late as the 12th August, I own it gave me concern to receive no tidings from you; but, on recollection that all the letters for this s.h.i.+p have been kept back, from our being expected down the Mediterranean, my disappointment ceases.
"I have seen nothing of Admiral Nelson since I last wrote; and, as our route now lies in a different direction, I do not expect to meet with him again. The information obtained by the above vessels is of a very satisfactory nature; and I trust things will soon, very soon, draw to a favourable crisis.
"The Thalia brought me from Bequir several intercepted letters from France, taken in a corvette going to Alexandria. I have read several of them, and find that their chief reliance was placed in the expedition to Egypt; which having failed so completely, must disconcert all their future projects. One bad piece of news I have learnt,--'that a Spanish vessel we took off St. Pierre, laden with wheat, has been recaptured by a French privateer.'
"I have been occupied for some days past in putting my cabin in good repair, which I hope to have fit for your ladys.h.i.+p's reception, so that, on my arrival in the Channel, I may have only to despatch the first vessel I fall in with to Lyme, with an invitation for you to partake of it, accompanied by one or more of the children, and any servants you may please to require to attend upon you. This has for some time past engaged my attention, and I trust nothing will intervene to thwart my expectations. Alas! they have been but too much disappointed already by the adverse winds, which still continue to weary our patience.
"I dined to-day on board the Minotaur, the weather having proved nearly calm; it is the first time since we left Bequir that I have consented to leave the s.h.i.+p. I hope to fall in with the Colossus and some victuallers, which I find, by the Flora, were on their way to our squadron, supposing us to have been off Malta, blockading the French fleet. Strange that at so late a period Earl St. Vincent had not obtained information of their having sailed from that island!
"Sunday.--The wind always continues contrary; but we get on, notwithstanding, by slow degrees. I made up for last Sunday, and had Divine service performed, and dined in the ward-room. We obtained a small supply of stock from the Thalia when she joined us; I should have told you that I despatched her and the cutter towards Naples, to meet Sir Horatio.
"Tuesday evening.--The wind has at last favoured us for a few hours, and to-morrow I hope to be in sight of Syracuse. A vessel was yesterday spoken with, that had an amba.s.sador on board from Constantinople, going to the different states in Barbary, to direct them to arm against the French. An English frigate had arrived at the Sublime Porte with the news of the defeat of their fleet at Alexandria; but I am at a loss to conjecture what the frigate was. The French officers "_sont indignes de cette insulte offerte a la grande nation_."
"Thursday.--We at last gained sight of Mount aetna yesterday evening; but the winds still prove very contrary, and I fear we shall be obliged, much against my inclination, to put into either Syracuse or Messina: we are at present off the former place. By a boat that has joined one of the s.h.i.+ps, I find they only heard of the battle four days ago. They are disposed to give us a hearty welcome, but I hope we shall have no occasion for their well-meant intentions.
"Friday.--We last night fell in with the Marquis de Niza's squadron, on their return from the mouth of the Nile. The Marquis hailed me that he was _very sorry_ he had not arrived a few days sooner. We were much better without him."
Sir James sent, by the Thalia, the following letters to Sir Horatio:
Orion, Port of Augusta, 16th September 1798.
I fear you will be disappointed at finding that we are no further on our voyage than this place. We were three days in sight of Sicily, endeavouring to beat round Cape Pesaro; and, Friday afternoon, the wind set in so strong to the westward, that I was obliged to endeavour to get into Syracuse, but I found the wind directly out of the harbour, and stood again to the southward. It blew a gale all night; and in the morning, seeing no possibility of getting into Syracuse, I bore up for this place, where the squadron anch.o.r.ed yesterday afternoon. We are completing the water with all expedition, but I am disappointed that there is no wine to be had but at a very high price. We are supplied with bullocks and other articles the same as at Syracuse; and, as at that place, the people are exorbitant in their demands. Every possible attention has been shown by the governor. I paid him a visit of ceremony this morning with the other captains of the squadron. He appears a man of the first respectability.
I thought it proper to mention to him that I had seen Mr.
Acton's letter, which stated that his Majesty's s.h.i.+ps were to be received in the ports of this island; and I should do him great injustice, did I not observe to you, sir, his earnest endeavours that we should be supplied with everything we require on the most reasonable terms.
A vessel, which left Malta six days ago, reports that the inhabitants have revolted against the French, who are driven to the greatest stress by the want of provisions. They seem very anxious for the appearance of an English squadron off that island.
I hope to have the squadron completed in water by Wednesday next, and to put to sea the same evening. The Spartiate has caused us considerable uneasiness, having unfortunately got aground by bordering too near the light-house. She was however got off without sustaining any damage. All your friends, with me, desire their best compliments.
I am, my dear Admiral, Your ever faithful and obedient servant, JAMES SAUMAREZ.
To Sir Horatio Nelson.
Orion, Augusta, 20th September 1798.
I feel great satisfaction in acquainting you that the squadron and all the prizes are completed with water, and will be ready to proceed to sea at daylight to-morrow morning. The westerly winds have prevailed ever since our arrival, and I fear still continue in the channel of Malta; but it is of such importance to get from this place before easterly winds set in, that not a moment has been lost in getting the s.h.i.+ps forward, which must be evident to you when you consider our great demands for water, and that we have only four boats in the squadron to supply the s.h.i.+ps. We have been abundantly supplied with fresh provisions, and each s.h.i.+p takes twelve or fourteen bullocks to sea; but wine was not to be had at any reasonable rate. We have found difficulty in obtaining cash for the articles purchased on account of Government in a place where there scarcely exists any trade, and where the inhabitants are extremely poor. The governor has offered us every possible a.s.sistance; and I must entreat you will represent to Mr. Acton the zeal and earnest endeavours he has shown to forward the King's service. I have the honour to be, &c.
To Sir Horatio Nelson.
", 22nd September.--A whole week has elapsed since I closed the account of our voyage; having the following day been under the necessity, from the state of the weather, to put into Augusta, a port a few leagues from Syracuse. We sailed thence yesterday, after completing the squadron with water. We found abundance of provisions, and each s.h.i.+p has sailed with a dozen or fourteen oxen, besides sheep, fowls, &c. Augusta is a more modern town than Syracuse, having been rebuilt after an earthquake thirty years ago. It has no trade, and the inhabitants are extremely poor; the s.h.i.+ps were visited by them daily, but we went to very few parties on sh.o.r.e. A few leagues from Augusta there is a considerable town called Catania. I regretted much it was not in my power to visit it, as there we might have had many things that would have been very acceptable in England.
"In pa.s.sing Syracuse yesterday, several of the inhabitants came on board; and I was happy in sending a letter to you, enclosed to Admiral Nelson at Naples. I hope to be with you as soon as it arrives, having still every expectation of being in England in the month of October. My mind is much more at ease since we have obtained the last supplies, as a small quant.i.ty of salt provisions, which we can have from the fleet, will enable the s.h.i.+ps to proceed for England without stopping at Gibraltar, or any other place; and if the Orion is not of the number, great will be my disappointment.
"Thursday, 27th of September.--I have been very much engaged on public business of great importance the last three days, which, I am sorry to say, has not turned out quite equal to my wishes. On Monday I fell in with the Marquis de Niza's squadron, which had been ordered off Malta by Admiral Nelson. On Tuesday a deputation of the inhabitants came on board the Orion, to solicit a supply of arms and ammunition; at the same time informing me that the French garrison were in the greatest distress, and that, if the town was summoned, they had good grounds to believe they would be induced to surrender. I waited on the Marquis de Niza, who readily concurred in sending a flag of truce with proposals to the French garrison. After three hours'
deliberation they returned a very concise answer,[19] which although not satisfactory at this time, leaves little doubt that they will be compelled to surrender very shortly. Before I came away, I supplied the inhabitants, from the prizes, with twelve hundred muskets, and a great quant.i.ty of ammunition, of which they were in great want. I only regretted it was not in my power to stay a few days off the island.
The Guillaume Tell and two frigates are in the harbour, and must fall with the garrison. A report prevailed that Le Genereux was lost; these s.h.i.+ps form the remaining force that escaped us from the mouth of the Nile.
[19] See Appendix.
"We are now pursuing our voyage with slow steps; but, as the light winds lead us in the fair track, we must not complain. I was glad to learn from the Marquis de Niza that the Colossus was seen going to Naples, with four victuallers and a store-s.h.i.+p. A frigate is now in sight, joining me, by which I hope to receive good accounts.
"Friday morning.--The frigate proved to be the Terpsich.o.r.e, from the Admiral, whom she left ten days ago going to Naples. The Terpsich.o.r.e was going off Malta for intelligence, and to look out for the Colossus, with the victuallers. As I could satisfy the Admiral on both those points, I despatched her immediately for Naples. We have now a fine Siroc wind, attended with all its usual close dampness; but, as it wafts us down the Mediterranean, we readily put up with its disagreeable attendants, without the risk of hanging ourselves. I intend to part with the Minotaur and Audacious to-day, agreeably to my orders. Fortunately, I exchanged their men from the prizes two days ago, as it would have been attended with danger to do it in the present weather. We have taken our final leave of Sicily this morning.
"Sunday, 30th Sept. The weather has proved very unfavourable the last three days. Le Souverain has sustained some disasters, and causes me great uneasiness. I hope, in another week, to get the distance of Gibraltar, where we may all be better refitted. I cannot be too thankful for the supplies we obtained at Augusta; the squadron would otherwise have been much distressed for want of water and provisions.
We are in sight of Sardinia, with every appearance of a favourable breeze. To-morrow we enter the ever propitious month. I still hope my expectations will be fulfilled; although I own that probability is against their accomplishment.
"Thursday, 4th October.--This month began most auspiciously with a fine breeze of wind, which continued all the following day; but yesterday morning we experienced a tremendous gale to the northward, with a very heavy sea, which still continues: the wind has again s.h.i.+fted favourably, and I hope this time will carry us through the Straits; but we have had so many disappointments that we must not trust to appearances.
", 6th.--The winds prove again contrary for us. We have the Souverain in tow, and in so bad a condition that I almost fear it will not be possible to get her as far as Gibraltar. There has been a great deal of blowing weather, with heavy seas, since we left Malta, and the prizes have suffered considerably from it. I have had an addition to my stock since I left Augusta, having three fine little lambs; and I understand more are expected: it is fortunate I was well provided, as this increase would have proved ruinous to my table.
"Monday, 8th October.--We have had variable winds these last two days, which have brought the squadron a considerable distance. We are at present off Algiers, a very unfriendly coast, which I hope soon to lose sight of with our present breeze. The anchorage off Cadiz having broken up about this time last year, I depend on finding Lord St.
Vincent at anchor at Gibraltar, or there to find orders to join him at Lisbon, and from thence to proceed to England.
"Tuesday, 9th.--I congratulate you on our darling's birth-day; and join my prayers to yours that Heaven may bestow on him its choicest blessings.
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