The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 33
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Geological Survey, the Bureau of Mines, various state surveys, universities, and private organizations (so far as these reports are available), and through the technical journals and the reports of technical societies, for something bearing on the district to be explored. Even if no specific report or map is to be found, it is usually possible to locate general maps or accounts which are likely to be of use.
Compet.i.tion in exploration often develops an atmosphere of suspicion and furtiveness which is highly unfavorable to cooperative efforts.
Individuals and companies may handicap themselves greatly by a desire to play a lone hand, and by failure to take advantage of an exchange of information. This action may be based, particularly on the part of strong mining companies, on the a.s.sumption that they know all that is necessary about the problem, and that an outsider has nothing to contribute. Financial and other conditions may require this att.i.tude; but in large part it is a result of temperament, as clearly indicated by the difference in methods followed by different groups and in different mining districts. From the scientific point of view this att.i.tude can hardly be justified, in view of the extremely narrow limits of human knowledge as compared with the scientific field to be explored. The sum total of knowledge from all sources is only a small fraction of that necessary for the most effective results. The mutual exchange of information and discussion is usually justified on the basis of self-interest alone, to say nothing of the larger interest to the mineral district, to the country, or to science.
National and state survey organizations exercise considerable effort to secure records of drilling. In some cases they have the legal power to command this information, particularly in relation to appraisals for taxation and "blue sky" laws. In a larger number of cases drill records are secured through voluntary cooperation with explorers. A considerable number of records are nevertheless not filed with public agencies and some of these are permanently lost. Even where the records are turned in to a public organization, they are in most cases not directly available to explorers.
Public registration of all drilling records is a highly desirable procedure in the interests of the development of the mineral industry as a whole. A vast amount of unnecessary duplication can thus be avoided.
The record of a drill hole, even though barren, may be of vast significance in the interpretation of future developments and should be recorded as carefully as an abstract of land t.i.tle. The property right of the explorer in such information can be and usually is protected by withholding the record from public inspection until sufficient time has elapsed to give him full opportunity to use the information to his own best advantage.
The opportunities for cooperation with specialists of public organizations are almost unlimited. These organizations are likely to have an acc.u.mulation of data and experience extending through long periods and over large areas, which the private explorer ordinarily cannot hope to duplicate. With proper restrictions this information may be available for public use. A good ill.u.s.tration of current cooperative effort of this kind is in the deep exploration for oil in the Trenton limestone of Illinois. Outcrops and other specific indications are not sufficient to localize this drilling; but the information along broad geologic and structural lines which has been collected previously by the Illinois Survey is sufficient so that, with a comparatively small amount of shallow drilling, the locus of the more favorable structural conditions may be determined. In this case the Survey is directing the initial exploration, which is financed by private capital.
The approach to the problem of exploration is very often determined by local requirements and conditions; but if one were to come at the problem from a distance and to keep matters in broad perspective, the first step would be a consideration of what might be called the _economic factors_. Let us suppose that the geologist is free to choose his field of exploration. An obvious preliminary step is to eliminate from consideration mineral commodities which are not in steady or large demand and are much at the mercy of market conditions, or which are otherwise not well situated commercially. The underlying factors are many and complex. They include the present nature and future possibilities of foreign compet.i.tion, the domestic compet.i.tion, the grades necessary to meet compet.i.tion, the cost of transportation, the cost of mining under local conditions--including considerations of labor and climatic and topographic conditions,--the probability of increase or decrease in demand for the product, the possible changes in metallurgical or concentrating practice (such as those which made possible the mining of low-grade porphyry copper ores), the size of already available reserves, and the mining laws in relation to owners.h.i.+p and regulation. Most of these factors are discussed at some length on other pages. After looking into the economic conditions limiting the chromite, nickel, or tin developments in the United States, the explorer might hesitate to proceed in these directions,--for he would find that past experience shows little promise of quant.i.ties and grades equivalent to those available in other countries, and that there is little likelihood of tariffs or other artificial measures to improve the domestic situation. Before and during the war, commercial conditions might have shown the desirability of hunting for pyrite, but more recent developments in the situation cast some doubt on this procedure. To go ahead blindly in such a case, on the a.s.sumption that the pyrite market would in some fas.h.i.+on readjust itself, would not be reasoned exploration. Again, in considering exploration for copper, account should be taken in this country of the already large reserves developed far in advance of probable demand, which require that any new discoveries be very favorably situated for compet.i.tion. In oil, on the other hand, a very brief survey of the economic factors of the situation indicates the desirability of exploration. The comparative shortage of lead supplies at the present time suggests another favorable field for exploration.
In short, before actual field exploration is begun, intelligent consideration of the economic factors may go far toward narrowing the field and toward converging efforts along profitable lines. Looked at broadly, this result is usually accomplished by the natural working of general laws of supply and demand; but there are many individual cases of misdirected effort, under the spell of provincial conditions, which might easily be avoided by a broader approach to the problem.
Coming to the geological aspects of exploration, the procedure in its early stages is again one of elimination. Oil and coal, for instance, are found in certain sediments of certain ages, and one would not look for them in an area of granite. For every mineral resource there are broad geologic conditions of this sort, particularly the genetic, structural, and metamorphic conditions, which make it possible to eliminate vast areas from consideration and to concentrate on relatively small areas.
After the elimination of unfavorable areas, there comes the hunt for positively favorable geologic conditions--for a definite kind of sediment or igneous rock, for a definite structure, for the right kind of mineralogic and metamorphic conditions, or for the right combination of these and other geologic elements. The geologic considerations used in exploration for the various mineral deposits are so many and so diverse, and they require so much adjustment and interpretation in their local application, that one would be rash indeed to attempt anything in the nature of an exhaustive discussion. It is hardly practicable to do more than to outline, for ill.u.s.trative purposes, a few of the geologic factors most commonly used in exploration.
Mineral deposits may be similar in their mineralogic and geologic characters and relations over a considerable area. They may give evidence of having developed under the same general conditions of origin; perhaps they may even be of the same geologic age. The gold-silver deposits of Goldfield, of Tonopah, the Comstock Lode of Virginia City, and many other deposits through the Great Basin area of the southwestern United States and Mexico have group characteristics which have led geologists to refer to this area as a "metallogenic" or "metallographic" province. The gold-silver ores on the west slope of the Sierra Nevadas, for nearly the entire length of California, likewise const.i.tute a metallogenic province. The Lake Superior copper ores on the south sh.o.r.e of Lake Superior, the silver ores on the north sh.o.r.e, miscellaneous small deposits of copper, silver, and gold ores to the east of Lake Superior, the nickel ores of Sudbury, and the silver-nickel-cobalt ores of the Cobalt district are all characterized by similar groups of minerals (though in highly differing proportions), by similar geologic a.s.sociations, by similar age, and probably by similar conditions of origin. This area is a metallogenic province. The lead and zinc ores of the Mississippi Valley const.i.tute another such province. The oil pools of the fields are characterized by common geologic conditions over great areas (p. 149), which may likewise be considered as forming mineral provinces; for them the term "petroliferous provinces" has been used. The list might be extended indefinitely. Knowledge of such group distributions of minerals is a valuable a.s.set to the explorer, in that it tends to localize and direct search for certain of ores in certain provinces; also, within a province, it tells the explorer what is to be normally expected as regards kinds and occurrences of mineral deposits. In searching for minerals of sedimentary origin, the explorer will use stratigraphic methods in following definite sedimentary horizons. In searching for ores related to igneous intrusions he will naturally hunt for the intrusions, and then follow the periphery of the intrusions for evidences of mineralization, taking into account possible features of zonal arrangement of minerals about the intrusives (see pp. 42-44), and the preference of the ores for certain easily replaced horizons like limestones, or for certain planes or zones of fracturing.
Just as minerals may be grouped by provinces, they may be grouped by geologic ages. Such groupings are especially useful in the case of minerals which are closely related to certain stratigraphic horizons, such as coal, oil, and iron. The greater number of the productive coal deposits of the United States are of Carboniferous age, and the distribution of sediments of this age is pretty well understood from general geologic mapping. The Clinton iron ores all follow one general horizon in the lower-middle Paleozoic. The Lake Superior iron ores are pre-Cambrian, and over three-fourths of them occur at one horizon in the pre-Cambrian. Gold deposits of the United States were formed mainly in the pre-Cambrian, the early Cretaceous, and the Tertiary. Copper deposits of the United States were formed chiefly in pre-Cambrian, Cretaceous, and Tertiary time. While there are many exceptions and modifications to general cla.s.sifications of this sort, they seem to express essential geologic facts which can be made very useful in localizing exploration.
In recent years there has been considerable development of the practice of cla.s.sifying mineral lands in given areas for purposes of exploration and valuation, or for purposes of formulation and administration of government laws. This has been done both by private interests and by the government. These cla.s.sifications take into account all of the geologic and economic factors ascertainable. The of mineral land designated vary with the mineral, the district, and the purpose for which the cla.s.sification is made.
Common procedure for commercial exploration purposes is to divide the lands of a given territory into three groups--(1) lands which are definitely promising for mineral exploration, (2) lands of doubtful possibilities, and (3) lands in which the mineral possibilities are so slight that they may be excluded from practical consideration. Each of these may be subdivided for special purposes. Another commonly used cla.s.sification is, (1) proved mineral lands, (2) probable mineral lands, usually adjacent to producing mines, (3) possible mineral lands, and (4) commercially unpromising mineral lands.
The cla.s.sification of the public mineral lands by government agencies is fully discussed by George Otis Smith and others in a bulletin of the United States Geological Survey.[37] The purposes, methods, and results of this cla.s.sification should be familiar to every explorer. Nowhere else is there available such a vast body of information of practical value. Quoting from this report:
A study of the land laws shows the absolute necessity of some form of segregation of the lands into as a prerequisite to their disposition. Agricultural entry may not be made on lands containing valuable minerals, nor coal entry on lands containing gold, silver, or copper; lands included in desert entries or selected under the Carey Act must be desert lands; enlarged-homestead lands must not be susceptible of successful irrigation; placer claims must not be taken for their timber value or their control of watercourses; and lands included in building-stone, petroleum, or salt placers must be more valuable for those minerals than for any other purpose.
So through the whole scheme of American land laws runs the necessity for determining the use for which each tract is best fitted.
For this purpose the Geological Survey has made extensive cla.s.sification of coal lands, oil and gas lands, phosphate lands, lands bearing potash and related salines, metalliferous mineral lands, miscellaneous non-metalliferous mineral lands, and water resources. The scope of the work may be indicated by the factors considered. For instance coal is investigated in relation to its character and heat-giving qualities (whence comes its value), quant.i.ty, thickness, depth, and other conditions that effect the cost of its extraction. Metalliferous mineral lands are considered in relation to general geology, country rock, intrusions and metamorphism, structure, outcrops and float of lodes, prospects and mines, samples, and history of the region.
Cla.s.sifications of this kind have often proved useful to large holders of land as a basis for intelligent handling of problems of sale, taxation, and the granting of rights to explorers. Because of the lack of this elementary information, there has been in some quarters timidity about dealing with large holdings, for fear of parting with possible future mineral wealth,--with the result that such tracts are carried at large expense and practically removed from the field of exploration. To the same cause may be attributed some of the long delays on the part of the government in opening lands for mineral entry or in issuing patents on land grants.
Many mineral deposits have been found because they outcrop at the surface; the discoveries may have been by accident or they may have been aided by consideration of geologic factors. There are still vast unexplored areas in which mineral deposits are likely to be found standing out at the surface. For much of the world, however, the surface has been so thoroughly examined that the easy surface discoveries have been made, and the future is likely to see a larger application of scientific methods to ground where the outcrops do not tell an obvious story. Mineral deposits may fail to outcrop because of covering by weathered rock or soil, by glacial deposits, or by younger formations (surface igneous flows or sediments), or the outcrop of a deposit may be so altered by weathering as to give little clue to the uninitiated as to what is beneath. Mineral deposits formed in older geologic periods have in most cases been deeply covered by later sediments and igneous rocks.
Such deposits are in reach of exploration from the surface only in places where erosion has partly or wholly removed the later covering. An ill.u.s.tration of this condition is furnished in the Great Basin district of Nevada, where ore bodies have been covered by later lava flows. The ore-bearing districts are merely islands exposed by erosion in a vast sea of lava and surface sediments. Beyond reasonable doubt many more deposits are so covered than are exposed, and it is no exaggeration to say that by far the greater part of the mineral wealth of the earth may never be found. Where a mineral-bearing horizon is exposed by erosion at the surface, underground operations may follow this horizon a long way below the capping rocks; but, after all, such operations are geographically small as compared with the vast areas over which the covering rocks give no clue as to what is beneath. One of the problems of economic geology for the future is to develop means for exploration in territories of this sort. A beginning has been made in various districts by the use of reconnaissance drilling, combined with interpretation of all the geologic and structural features. The discovery of one of the largest nickel deposits in the Sudbury district of Canada was made by reconnaissance drilling to ascertain the general geologic features, in an area so deeply covered as to give little suggestion as to the proper location for attack.
The use of outcrops in oil exploration has been noted on other pages (pp. 146-147).
Outcrops of coal seams may be found in folded or deeply eroded areas.
For the most part, however, and especially in areas of flat-lying rocks, the presence of coal is inferred from stratigraphic evidence and from the general nature of the geologic section--which has been determined by outcrops of a.s.sociated rocks or by information available at some distant point. The structural mapping of coal beds on the basis of outcrops and drill holes has been referred to (pp. 126-127).
Iron ores are very resistant to solution. Where hard and compact they tend to form conspicuous outcrops, and where soft they may be pretty well covered by clay and soil. In glaciated areas, like the Lake Superior region, outcrops of iron ore are much less numerous because of the drift covering. Certain of the harder iron ores of the Marquette, Gogebic and Menominee districts of Michigan and of the Vermilion district of Minnesota project in places through the glacial drift, and these ores were the first and most easily found. Much the greater number of iron ore deposits of Lake Superior, including the great soft deposits of the Mesabi range of Minnesota, fail to outcrop. On the other hand the _iron formation_, or mother rock of the ore, is hard and resistant and outcrops are numerous. The hemat.i.te ores of Brazil have many features in common with the Lake Superior ores in age and occurrence, but they have not been covered with glacial deposits.
Outcrops of the iron ore are large and conspicuous, and the surface in this territory gives one some idea of what the Lake Superior region may have looked like before the glaciers came along. Certain of the soft iron ores of the lateritic type, as in Cuba, outcrop over great areas where their topographic situation is such that erosion has not swept them off. On erosion slopes they are seldom found. The Clinton iron ores of the southeastern United States outcrop freely.
Some of the lead and zinc deposits of the Mississippi Valley outcrop at the gra.s.s roots as varying mixtures of iron oxide, galena, chert, and clay, though they seldom project above the general surface. The old lead ranges of Wisconsin and Illinois, found at the surface a century ago by the early explorers and traders, have served as starting points for deeper exploration which has located the zinc deposits. Erosion channels have freely exposed these ore bodies, and in the Wisconsin-Illinois deposits most of the ores thus far found are confined to the vicinity of these channels. The greater number of the lead and zinc deposits of the Mississippi Valley, however, are covered with weathered material or with outliers of overlying sediments, with the result that underground exploration is necessary to locate them.
Sulphide deposits in general, including those carrying gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, and other metals, have many common features of outcrop. The iron sulphide commonly present in these ore bodies is oxidized to limonite at the surface, with the result that prospectors look for iron-stained rocks. These iron-stained rocks are variously called the "gossan," the "iron capping," the "colorado," or the "eiserner Hut" (iron hat). The gossan is likely to resist erosion and to be conspicuous at the surface,--though this depends largely on the relative resistance of the wall rocks, and on whether the gangue is a hard material like quartz, or some material which weathers more rapidly like limestone or igneous rock. The gossan does not often carry much value, though it may show traces of minerals which suggest what may be found below. Gold, silver, and lead are not easily leached out of the surface outcrops. Copper and zinc are much more readily leached, and in the outcrop may disclose their existence only by traces of staining. It happens not infrequently, therefore, that copper and zinc deposits are found through the downward exploitation of oxidized gold, silver, and lead ores. The veins at b.u.t.te were first worked for silver, and the ore bodies at Bingham, Utah, and Jerome, Arizona, were first mined for gold.
Exceptionally, copper ore in enriched, oxidized form outcrops, as at Bisbee, Arizona.
It is not always true that valuable sulphide deposits have an iron-stained outcrop, for in some of them iron sulphide or pyrite is so scarce that the surface outcrops may be light-colored clayey and siliceous rocks.
Silver is often represented in the outcrop by silver chloride or cerargyrite, which may be easily identified. The prospecting for such surface ores is sometimes called "chloriding."
The presence in the outcrop of dark manganese oxides a.s.sociated with vein quartz sometimes indicates the presence below of copper and zinc and other minerals, as at b.u.t.te.
Extensive alterations of the country rock in the way of silicification and sericitization, and the presence of minerals like garnet, tourmaline, diopside, and others, known to be commonly deposited by the same hot solutions which make many ore deposits, may furnish a clue for exploration below. These characteristics of the country rock, however, are likely to be masked at the outcrop by later weathering, which superposes a kaolinic or clayey alteration.
The topographic expression of a mineral deposit depends upon its hardness and resistance to erosion as compared with the adjacent rocks.
If more resistant it will stand out at the surface; if less resistant, it will form a depression. The conditions determining resistance are exceedingly variable, and no broad generalization can be made; but within a local province a given group of mineral deposits may characteristically form depressions or ridges, and thus topographic criteria may be very useful in exploration. Even with such limitations, the variations of the topographic factor may be so great as to require much care in its use. Sulphide ores in quartzites are likely to develop depressions under erosion. In limestones they are more likely to stand out in relief, because of the softer character of the limestone, though this does not always work out. Crystalline magnet.i.te and hemat.i.te are more resistant to erosion than almost any other type of rock, and stand out at the surface with proportional frequency.
Climatic conditions may determine the locus of search for certain surface minerals. Bauxite and lateritic iron ores, for instance, are known to favor tropical climates. In exploration for these minerals, the climatic factor must be applied in connection with the topographic considerations already mentioned, and both, in turn, in connection with the character of the country rock as determined by general geologic surveys. A combination of climatic, topographic, and other physiographic conditions may be used also in exploration for certain types of residual clays.
Where the ore body is harder than the surrounding rock, it stands out in conspicuous outcrops and is likely to show a narrowing below. Where it is softer than the surrounding rocks, and outcrops in a topographic depression, it is perhaps more likely to show widening below. These features are due to the general facts that, where the ore body is hard and resistant, the downward progress of erosion is likely to be arrested where the adjacent rocks occupy the larger part of the surface, that is, where the ore body is narrower. This principle is often vaguely recognized in the a.s.sumption that an exceptionally large outcrop of an ore vein may be "too good to last." Again, such a generalization must be applied to a specific case with much caution.
Attempts to forecast the depth of veins from their extent at the surface meet with only partial success. In a very general way great persistence horizontally suggests persistence in depth, on the ground that the section exposed on the surface is as likely to be a section of average dimensions as one along vertical lines.
Faith is the first article of the prospector's creed, and it is hard to shake his conviction that every ore outcrop must widen and improve below. As expressed by the French-Canadian prospector in the Cobalt district, the "vein calcite can't go up, she must go down." While the scientist may have grounds to doubt this reasoning, he is not often in a position to offer definite negative evidence.
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