The Economic Aspect of Geology Part 4

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(5) The a.s.sociation of the ores with minerals carrying fluorine and boron, with many silicate minerals, such as garnet, amphiboles, pyroxenes, mica (sericite) and others, and with other minerals which are known to be characteristic developments within or near igneous and which are not known to form under weathering agencies at the surface. Various characteristic groupings of these a.s.sociated minerals are noted. In limestone much of the ma.s.s may be replaced by garnet and other silicates in a matrix of quartz. In igneous rock the ore-bearing solutions may have altered the wall rock to a dense mixture of quartz, sericite, and chlorite. Where sericite is dominant, the alteration is called sericitic alteration. Where chlorite is important, it is sometimes called chloritic or "propylitic" alteration. The chloritic phases are usually farther from the ore deposit than the sericitic phases, indicating less intense and probably cooler conditions of deposition. Locally other minerals are a.s.sociated with the ores, as, for instance, in the Goldfield district of Nevada (p. 230), where alunite replaces the igneous rock. Alunite is a pota.s.sium-aluminum sulphate, which differs from sericite in that sulphur takes the place of silicon.

In the quartzites of the lead-silver mines of the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho (p. 212), siderite or iron carbonate is a characteristic gangue material replacing the wall rock.

Quartz in some cases, as noted above, gives evidence of high temperature origin and therefore of igneous a.s.sociation. Jasperoid quartz, as well ill.u.s.trated in the Tintic district of Utah (p. 235), may show texture and crystallization suggestive of deposition from colloidal solution,--a process which can occur under both cold and hot conditions, but which is believed to be accelerated by heat.

Certain minerals, such as magnet.i.te, ilmenite, spinel, corundum, etc., are often found as primary segregations within the ma.s.s of igneous rock.

These and other minerals, including minerals of tin and tungsten, mon.a.z.ite, tourmaline, rutile, and various precious stones, are characteristically developed in pegmat.i.tes, which are known to be igneous rocks, crystallized in the later stages of igneous intrusion.

When, therefore, such minerals are found in other ore deposits an igneous source is a plausible inference. For instance, in the copper veins of b.u.t.te, Montana (p. 201), are found ca.s.siterite (tin oxide) and tungsten minerals. Their presence, therefore, adds another item to the evidence of a hot-water source from below.

(6) The occasional existence of hot springs in the vicinity of these ore deposits. Where hot springs are of recent age they may suggest by their heat, steady flow, and mineral content, that they are originating from emanations from the still cooling magmas. In the Tonopah camp (p. 236), cold and hot springs exist side by side, exhibiting such contrasts as to suggest that some are due to ordinary circulation from the surface and that others may have a deep source below in the cooling igneous rocks.

This evidence is not conclusive. Hot springs in general fail to show evidence of ore deposition on any scale approximating that which must have been involved in the formation of this cla.s.s of ore bodies. Much has been made of the slight amounts of metallic minerals found in a few hot springs, but the mineral content is small and the conclusion by no means certain that the waters are primary waters from the cooling of igneous rocks below.

In this connection the mercury deposits of California (p. 259), contribute a unique line of evidence. In areas of recent lavas, mercuric sulphide (cinnabar) is actually being deposited from hot springs of supposed magmatic origin, the waters of which carry sodium carbonate, sodium sulphide, and hydrogen sulphide,--a chemical combination known experimentally to dissolve mercury sulphide. The oxidation and neutralization of these hot-spring solutions near the surface throws out the mercury sulphide. At the same time the sulphuric acid thus formed extensively leaches and bleaches the surrounding rocks. Such bleaching is common about mercury deposits. When it is remembered that the mercury deposits contain minor amounts of gold and silver and sulphides of other metals; that they are closely a.s.sociated with gold and silver deposits; and further that such gold, silver, and other sulphide deposits often contain minor amounts of mercury,--it is easy to a.s.sume the possibility that these minerals may likewise have had their origin in hot solutions from below. The presence of mercury in a deposit then becomes suggestive of hot-water conditions.

(7) Ores sometimes occur in inverted troughs indicating lodgment by solutions from below, as, for instance, in the saddle-reef gold ores of Nova Scotia and Australia, and in certain copper ores of the Jerome camp of Arizona (p. 204.) This occurrence does not indicate whether the solutions were hot or cold, magmatic or meteoric, but in connection with other evidences has sometimes been regarded as significant of a magmatic source beneath.

Perhaps no one of these lines of evidence is conclusive; but together they make a strong case for the conclusion that the solutions which deposited the ores of this cla.s.s were hot, came from deep sources, and were probably primary solutions given off by cooling magmas.

The conclusion that some ores are derived from igneous sources, based on evidence of the kind above outlined, does not mean necessarily that the ore is derived from the immediately adjacent part of the cooling magma.

In fact the evidence is decisive, in perhaps the majority of cases, that the source of the mineral solutions was somewhat below; that these solutions may have originated in the same melting-pot with the magma, but that they came up independently and a little later,--perhaps along the same channels, perhaps along others.


It is hardly safe, with existing knowledge, to apply the above conclusion to all ore deposits with igneous a.s.sociations, or in any case to eliminate entirely another agency,--namely, ground-waters of surface or meteoric origin, which are now present and may be presumed often to have been present in the rocks into which the ores were introduced. Such waters may have been heated and started in vigorous circulation by the introduction of igneous, and thereby may have been enabled to effectively search out and segregate minutely disseminated ore particles from wide areas. This has been suggested as a probability for the Kennecott copper ores of Alaska (p. 200) and for the copper ores of Ely, Nevada. In the Goldfield camp (p. 230) the ores are closely a.s.sociated with alunite in such a manner as to suggest a common origin. It has been found difficult to explain the presence of the alunite except through the agency of surface oxidizing waters acting on hydrogen sulphide coming from below.

In the early days of economic geology there was relatively more emphasis on the possible effectiveness of ground-waters in concentrating ores of this type. With the recognition of evidence of a deeper source related to magmas, the emphasis has swung rapidly to the other extreme. While the evidence is sound that the magmatic process has been an important one, it is difficult to see how and to just what extent this process may have been related to the action of ground-waters,--which were probably present in a heated condition near the contact. It may never be possible to discriminate closely between these two agencies. It seems likely that at some stages the two were so intimately a.s.sociated that the net result of deposition cannot be specifically a.s.signed either to one or to the other.


Evidence is acc.u.mulating in many mining districts that ore deposits of these igneous a.s.sociations were deposited with a rough zonal arrangement about the igneous rock. At Bingham, Tintic, and b.u.t.te (pp. 204, 208, 235), copper ores are on the whole closest to the igneous rock, and the lead, zinc, and silver ores are farther away. Furthermore, the quartz gangue near the igneous rock is likely to contain minerals characteristic of hot solutions, while farther away such minerals as dolomite and calcite appear in the gangue, suggestive of cooler conditions. In Cornwall (p. 262), tin ores occur close to the intrusives, and lead-silver ores farther away. The gradations are by no means uniform; shoots of one cla.s.s of ore may locally cut abruptly across or through those of another cla.s.s.

The existence of zones horizontally or areally arranged about intrusives suggests also the possibility of a vertical zonal arrangement with reference to the deep sources of the solutions. Of course when secondary concentration from the surface, described later, is taken into account, there may be a marked zonal distribution in a vertical direction, but this is not primary zoning. A few veins and districts show evidence of vertical zoning apparently related to primary deposition; for the most part, however, in any one mine or camp there is yet little evidence of primary vertical zoning. On the other hand, certain groups of minerals are characteristic of intense conditions of heat and pressure, as indicated by the coa.r.s.e recrystallization and high degree of metamorphism of the rocks with which they are a.s.sociated; and other groups have such a.s.sociations as to indicate much less intense conditions of temperature and pressure. Depth is only one factor determining intensity of conditions, but it affords a convenient way to indicate them; so mineral deposits a.s.sociated with igneous rocks are sometimes cla.s.sified by economic geologists on the basis of deep, intermediate, and shallow depths of formation.

There are a considerable number of minerals which are formed in all three of these zones, although in differing proportions. There are comparatively few which are uniformly characteristic of a single zone.

On the whole, it is possible to contrast satisfactorily mineral deposits representing very intense metamorphic conditions, usually a.s.sociated with formation at great depth, with those formed at or near the surface; but there are many deposits with intermediate characteristics which it is difficult to place satisfactorily.

The accessible deposits of the deep zone are a.s.sociated with plutonic igneous rocks which have been deeply eroded, and not with surface lavas.

They are characterized by minerals of gold, tin, iron, t.i.tanium, zinc, and copper, and sometimes of tungsten and molybdenum, in a gangue of quartz, which contains also minerals such as garnet, corundum, amphibole, pyroxene, tourmaline, spinel, and mica. The deep-zone minerals are not unlike the pegmat.i.te minerals in their grouping and a.s.sociations.

Deposits formed at shallow depths are related to extrusive rocks and to intrusives near the surface. Erosion has not been deep. Mercury, silver and gold (tellurides, native metals, and silver sulphides), antimony, lead, and zinc minerals are characteristic, together with alunite, adularia, and barite. Metallic copper also is not infrequent. Very often the gangue material is more largely calcite than quartz, whereas calcite is not present in the deep zone.[5]

The trend of evidence in recent years has favored the conclusion that the ores a.s.sociated with igneous rocks have not developed at very great depths. Even within our narrow range of observation there is a difference in favor of the shallower depths, and the greatest depths we can observe are after all but trivial on the scale of the earth.

A survey of the ore deposits of Utah has suggested the generalization that ores are more commonly related to intrusive stocks than to the forms known as laccoliths, and that within and about intrusive stocks the ores are much more abundant near the top or apex of a stock than lower down.[6] In parts of the region where erosion has removed all but the deeper portions of the stocks, ore bodies are less abundant. It will be of interest to follow the testing of this generalization in other parts of the world.

The scientist is constantly groping for underlying simple truth. Such glimpses of order and symmetry in the distribution of ore around igneous rocks as are afforded by the facts above stated, tempt the imagination to a conception of a simple type or pattern of ore distribution around intrusions. For this reason we should not lose sight of the fact that, in the present state of knowledge, the common and obvious case is one of irregular and heterogeneous distribution, and that there are many variations and contradictions even to the simplest generalization that can be made. The observer is repeatedly struck by the freakish distribution of ores about igneous, as compared with their regularity of arrangement under sedimentary processes to be discussed later. It is yet unexplained how an intrusive like the b.u.t.te granite can produce so many different types of ores at different places along its periphery or within its ma.s.s, and yet all apparently under much the same general conditions and range of time. It is difficult also to discern the laws under which successive migrations of magma, from what seems to be a single deep-seated source or melting-pot, may carry widely contrasting mineral solutions. Far below the surface, beyond our range of observation, it is clear that there is a wonderful laboratory for the compounding and refinement of ores, but as to its precise location and the nature of its processes we can only guess.

Other features of distribution of minerals a.s.sociated with igneous rocks are indicated by their grouping in metallogenic provinces and epochs (see pp. 308-309).


The deposition of ores of igneous source in the country rock into which the igneous rocks are intruded is a phase of contact metamorphism.

Ordinarily where this deposition occurs there are further extensive replacements and alterations of the country rock, resulting in the development of great of quartz, garnet, pyroxene, amphibole, and other silicates, and in some cases of calcite, dolomite, siderite, barite, alunite, and other minerals. Looked at broadly, the deposition of ores at igneous contacts under contact metamorphism is a mere incident in the much more widespread and extensive alterations of this kind. Hence it is that the subject of contact metamorphism is of interest to economic geologists. The minerals here formed which do not const.i.tute ores throw much light on the nature of the ore-bearing solutions, the conditions of temperature and pressure, and the processes which locally and incidentally develop the ore bodies. The subject, however, is a complex one, the full discussion of which belongs in treatises on metamorphism.[7] We may note only a few salient features.

For many hundreds of yards the rocks adjacent to the intrusions may be metamorphosed almost beyond recognition. This is especially true of the limestone, which may be changed completely to solid of quartz and silicates. The shales and sandstones are ordinarily less vitally affected. The shales become dense, highly crystalline rocks of a "hornstone" type, with porphyritic developments of silicate minerals.

The sands and sandstones become highly crystalline quartzites, spotted with porphyritic developments of silicates. Occasionally even these rocks may be extensively replaced by other minerals, as in the Coeur d'Alene district, where quartzites adjacent to the ore veins may be completely replaced by iron carbonate.

A question of special interest to economic geologists is the source of the materials for the new minerals in these extensively altered zones.

In some cases the minerals are known to be the result of recrystallization of materials already in the rock, after the elimination of certain substances such as carbon dioxide and lime, under the pressures and temperatures of the contact conditions. In such cases there has obviously been large reduction in volume to close the voids created by the elimination of substances. In the majority of cases, the new substances or minerals are clearly introduced from the igneous source, replacing the wall rock volume for volume so precisely that such original textures and structures as bedding are not destroyed. In many cases the result is clearly due to a combination of recrystallization of materials already present and introduction of minerals by magmatic solutions from without. So obvious is the evidence of the introduction of materials from without, that there has been a tendency in some quarters to overlook the extensive recrystallization of substances already present; and the varying emphasis placed on these two processes by different observers has led to some controversy.


Mineral deposits of direct magmatic segregation are seldom much affected by surficial alteration, perhaps because of their coa.r.s.e crystallization and their intermingling with resistant crystalline rocks. Mineral deposits of the "igneous after-effect" type may be profoundly altered through surficial agencies. The more soluble const.i.tuents are taken away, leaving the less soluble. The parts that remain are likely to be converted into oxides, carbonates, and hydrates, through reaction with oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water, which are always present at the surface and at shallow depths. These processes are most effective at the surface and down to the level of permanent ground-water, though locally they may extend deeper. This altered upper part of the ore bodies is usually called the _oxide zone_. It may represent either an enrichment or a depletion of ore values, depending on whether the ore minerals are taken into solution less rapidly or more rapidly than the a.s.sociated minerals and rocks; all are removed to some extent. In certain deposits, there is evidence that both zinc and copper have been taken out of the upper zone in great quant.i.ty; but they happen to be a.s.sociated with limestone, which has dissolved still more rapidly, with the result that there is a residual acc.u.mulation of copper and zinc values. Manganese, iron, and quartz are usually more resistant than the other minerals and tend to remain concentrated above. The same is true to some extent of gold and silver. The abundance of iron oxide thus left explains the name "iron cap" or "gossan" so often applied to the upper part of the oxide zone. Not infrequently, and especially in copper ores, the upper part of the oxide zone is nearly or entirely barren of values and is called the _capping_.

The depth or thickness of the oxide zone depends on topography, depth of water table, climatic conditions, and speed of erosion. A fortunate combination of conditions may result in a deep oxide zone with important acc.u.mulations of values. In other cases erosion may follow oxidation so rapidly as to prevent the growth of a thick oxide zone.

It is clear from the study of many ore deposits that the process of oxidation has not proceeded uniformly to the present, but has depended upon a fortunate combination of factors which has not been often repeated during geologic time. As ill.u.s.trative of this, the oxidation of the Bisbee copper ores of Arizona (p. 204) occurred before Tertiary time, with reference to a place that has since been covered by later sediments. The conditions in the Ray, Miami, and Jerome copper camps of Arizona (pp. 203-205) likewise indicate maximum oxidation at an early period. The Lake Superior iron ore deposits (pp. 167-170) were mainly concentrated before Cambrian time, during the base-leveling of a mountainous country in an arid or semi-arid climate. The oxide zone of these deposits has no close relation to the present topography or to the present ground-water level. In the Kennecott (Alaska) copper deposits all oxidation has been stopped since glacial time by the freezing of the aqueous solutions. At b.u.t.te and at Bingham the main concentration of the ores is believed to have occurred in an earlier physiographic cycle than the present one. The _cyclic_ nature of the formation of oxide zones is of comparatively recent recognition, and much more will doubtless be found out about it in the comparatively near future. Its practical bearing on exploration is obvious (see p. 325).

It should be clearly recognized that oxidizing processes are not limited to the zone above the ground-water level. Locally oxidizing solutions may penetrate and do effective work to much greater depths, especially where the rocks traversed at higher elevations are of such composition or in such a stage of alteration as not to extract most of the oxygen.

Consequently the presence of oxide ores below the water table is not necessarily proof that the water table has risen since their formation.

On the other hand, the facts of observation do indicate generally a marked difference, in circulation and chemical effect, between waters above and below this horizon, and show that oxidation is dominantly accomplished above rather than below this datum surface.

During the formation of the oxide zone, erosion removes some of the ore materials entirely from the area, both mechanically and in solution.

Part of the material in solution, however, is known to penetrate downward and to be redeposited in parts of the ore body below the oxide zone,--that is, usually below the water table. Evidence of this process is decisive in regard to several minerals. Copper is known to be taken into solution as copper sulphate at the surface, and to be redeposited as chalcocite where these sulphate solutions come in contact with chalcopyrite or pyrite below. Not only has the process been duplicated in the laboratory, but the common coating of chalcocite around grains of pyrite and chalcopyrite below the water level indicates that this process has been really effective. Sulphides of zinc, lead, silver, and other metals are similarly concentrated, in varying degrees. The zone of deposition of secondary sulphides thus formed is called the zone of _secondary sulphide enrichment_. Ores consisting mainly of secondary sulphides are also called _supergene_ ores (p. 33). In some deposits, as in the copper deposits of Ray and Miami, there is found, below the secondary sulphide zone, a lean sulphide zone which is evidently of primary nature. The mineralized material of this zone, where too lean to mine, has been called a _protore_.

With the discovery of undoubted evidence of secondary sulphide enrichment, there was a natural tendency to magnify its importance as a cause of values. Continued study of sulphide deposits, while not disproving its existence and local importance, has in some districts shown clearly that the process has its limitations as a factor in ore concentration, and that it is not safe to a.s.sume its effectiveness in all camps or under all conditions. At b.u.t.te for instance, secondary chalcocite is clearly to be recognized. The natural inference was that as the veins were followed deeper the proportion of chalcocite would rapidly diminish, and that a leaner primary zone of chalcopyrite, enargite and other primary minerals would be met. However, the great abundance of chalcocite in solid which have now been proved to a depth of 3500 feet, far below the probable range of waters from the surface in any geologic period, seems to indicate that much of the chalcocite is primary. The present tendency at b.u.t.te is to consider as secondary chalcocite only certain sooty phases to be found in upper levels. The solid of chalcocite in the Kennecott copper mines seem hardly explainable as the result of secondary sulphide enrichment.

No traces of other primary minerals are present and the chalcocite here is regarded as probably primary.

The possible magnification of the process of secondary enrichment above referred to has had for its logical consequence a tendency to over-emphasize the persistence of primary ores in depth. The very use of the terms "secondary" and "primary" has suggested ant.i.thesis between surficial and deep ores. Progress in investigation, as indicated on previous pages, seems to indicate that the primary ores are not uniformly deep and that in many cases they are distinctly limited to a given set of formations or conditions comparatively near the surface.

In general the processes of oxidation and secondary sulphide enrichment have been studied mainly by qualitative methods with the aid of the microscope and by considerations of possible chemical processes. These methods have disclosed the nature but not the quant.i.tative range and relations of the different processes. Much remains to be done in the way of large scale quant.i.tative a.n.a.lysis of ores at different depths, as a check to inferences drawn by other methods. One may know, for instance, that a mineral is soluble and is actually removed from the oxide zone and redeposited below. The natural inference, therefore, is that the mineral will be found to be depleted above and enriched below. In many cases its actual distribution is the reverse,--indicating that this process has been only one of the factors in the net result, the more rapid solution and deposition of other materials being another factor.

If one were to approach the study of the concentration of iron ores with the fixed idea of insolubility of quartz from a chemical standpoint, and were to draw conclusions accordingly, he would fail to present a true picture of the situation. While quartz is insoluble as compared with most minerals, it is nevertheless more soluble than iron oxide, and therefore the net result of concentration at the surface is to acc.u.mulate the iron rather than the silica. Descriptions of enrichment processes as published in many reports are often misleading in this regard. They may be correct in indicating the actual existence of a process, but may lead the reader to a.s.sumptions as to net results which are incorrect.


Igneous rocks not containing mineral deposits may on weathering change to mineral deposits. The lateritic iron ores such as those of Cuba (p.

172), many bauxite deposits, many residual clays, and certain chromite and nickel deposits are conspicuous representatives of this cla.s.s. The chemical and mineralogical changes involved in the formation of these deposits are pretty well understood. Certain const.i.tuents of the original rock are leached out and carried away, leaving other const.i.tuents, as oxides and hydrates, in sufficiently large percentage in the ma.s.s to be commercially available. The acc.u.mulation of large deposits depends on the existence of climatic and erosional conditions which determine that the residual deposit shall remain in place rather than be carried off by erosion as fast as made. In the glaciated parts of the world, deposits of this nature have usually been removed and dispersed in the glacial drift.

When the minerals of these deposits are eroded, transported, and redeposited in concentrated form, they come under the cla.s.s of placer or sedimentary deposits described under the following heading. There are of course many intermediate stages, where the residual deposit is only locally moved and where the distinction between this cla.s.s of deposits and that next described is an arbitrary one.


Mineral deposits of this cla.s.s are of large value, including as they do salt, gypsum, potash, sulphur, phosphates, nitrates, and important fractions of the ores of iron, manganese, gold, tin, tungsten, platinum, and precious stones; also many common rocks of commercial importance.

The minerals of these deposits are derived from the weathering and erosion of land surfaces, either igneous or sedimentary. They are deposited both under air and under water, both mechanically and chemically (in part by the aid of organisms). These deposits form the type of _syngenetic_ deposits (p. 32); the term _sedigenetic_ deposits has also been applied to them.

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