Better Meals for Less Money Part 26

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3 tablespoons b.u.t.ter 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons oil 1/2 teaspoon mustard 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/4 teaspoon paprika 1 egg

Cream b.u.t.ter, add seasonings, and when well mixed add oil all at once; mix well, add vinegar; mix well, add the well-beaten egg yolk, and fold in the stiffly beaten white of egg. Do not chill.

344.--UNCOOKED SALAD DRESSING (Condensed Milk)

2 eggs beaten 1-1/2 teaspoons salt 1 can condensed milk 1-1/2 teaspoons mustard 1/4 cup melted b.u.t.ter Dash of cayenne 1 cup vinegar

Mix, and beat with egg beater until thickened.


2 cups cold cooked chicken Lettuce 2 cups celery cut fine 1 hard-cooked egg Salad dressing

Cut remnants of chicken in small pieces and mix with celery and salad dressing; arrange on lettuce leaves and garnish with dressing and egg thinly sliced. Cabbage and a little celery salt may be used in place of celery.


1 can tuna fish Cooked Dressing (see No. 334) 2 cups shredded cabbage 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup 1 green pepper cooked and shredded

Flake fish; shred cabbage very fine; cut pepper in halves, remove seeds, cook in boiling water ten minutes, and shred in inch lengths; mix, arrange on lettuce, and dress with boiled dressing, to which the ketchup has been added. Garnish with parsley or pimiento.


1-1/2 cups cooked meat cut fine 1/2 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 cups cooked potato cut fine 2 tablespoons finely chopped pickle 1/2 cup celery cut fine Salad dressing

Mix in order given, cover with dressing, and garnish with sliced pickles and celery tops. White cabbage may be used in place of celery.


1 can salmon 2 finely chopped pickles 1 cup cooked potato cubes Cooked Dressing (see No. 334) 1 cup shredded lettuce Lettuce

Rinse salmon with boiling water, and separate into flakes; mix with potato, lettuce, and pickles, arrange on lettuce, and cover with dressing. Garnish with sliced hard-cooked egg and parsley.


1 pint cooked shrimps 3/4 cup salad dressing 1 cup chopped white cabbage 1 head lettuce 2 tablespoons capers

Clean shrimps and break in pieces, reserving a few of the largest; mix with cabbage, capers, and dressing, and serve in lettuce nests. Garnish with whole shrimps. Canned shrimps may be used.


1 can tuna fish Salad dressing 2 cups cooked potato cubes Lettuce 1/2 cup cooked beet

Flake tuna fish, mix with potatoes cut into fine cubes, and the beet cut into inch shreds; arrange on lettuce or any crisp salad green; and dress with Cooked Dressing (see No. 334) or Mayonnaise (see No. 339).


2 cups cold baked beans 1 cup Cooked Dressing (see No. 334) 1 cup cooked potato cubes 2 tablespoons tomato ketchup 1/2 cup chopped cooked beet 2 tablespoons chopped pickle

Mix beans, potato, and beets; add ketchup and pickle to dressing, mix with vegetables, and serve on lettuce or any crisp salad green. Garnish with radishes.


6 Bermuda onions 1/2 bay leaf 2 quarts boiling water Small piece lemon peel 1 dozen pepper corns Lettuce 4 cloves French Dressing (see No. 338) 1/2 teaspoon salt

Peel and quarter onions, and cook in boiling water with seasonings until tender; drain, cool, arrange on lettuce, and cover with dressing.

Garnish with red radishes.


3 cups shredded cabbage 2 tablespoons vinegar 3 beets finely chopped 1/4 teaspoon white mustard seed 1/4 teaspoon salt Cooked Dressing (see No. 334)

Mix cabbage, beets, salt, vinegar, and mustard seed; arrange on small white cabbage leaves, and dress with cooked dressing. Garnish with parsley.


3 cups finely shredded white cabbage 1/2 cup chopped cranberries 1/2 cup finely shredded celery

Mix with Cooked Dressing (see No. 334), and garnish with celery tops and whole cranberries.


2 cups Creamed Celery Root (see No. 253) 1 cup shredded white cabbage 1 cup chopped apple

Mix, and serve on lettuce with Cooked Dressing (see No. 334) or Mayonnaise Dressing (see No. 339).


6 boiled potatoes 1/4 teaspoon celery seed 1/2 onion finely chopped 1/4 teaspoon white mustard seed 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup bacon fat 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup hot vinegar

Cut potatoes into half-inch cubes; add onion, salt, pepper, celery, and mustard seed; heat bacon fat, add vinegar, and pour over potatoes; let stand until cold, and serve on any crisp salad green. Garnish with pickled beet.


Better Meals for Less Money Part 26

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