Better Meals for Less Money Part 27

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Cut leeks in half-inch slices and cook in boiling salted water until tender; drain, chill, and serve on lettuce with French Dressing (see No.

338); sprinkle with chopped parsley and paprika.


1/2 small white cabbage 1 red pepper 1 green pepper Salad dressing

Shred cabbage into fine inch shreds; remove seeds and veins from peppers, and cut into fine shreds. Mix with dressing and arrange on small inner cabbage leaves. Garnish with parsley and strips of red pepper.


6 potatoes 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 onion 1/2 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon celery seed Salad dressing 1/4 teaspoon mustard seed

Pare potatoes, cut in halves, and cook in boiling salted water with the onion until tender; cool, cut in half-inch cubes, add seasonings, and mix with dressing. Cover with dressing, and garnish with parsley, red beets, or cooked carrot. Devilled Ham Dressing (see No. 337) is excellent with potato salad.


3 cups of cooked sweet potato cubes 4 tablespoons oil 1 cup white cabbage or celery 1 tablespoon Worcesters.h.i.+re sauce finely chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons vinegar

Mix and serve on heart cabbage leaves, and garnish with parsley and pickles.


Arrange lettuce in salad bowl, cover with slices of pickled beets, and sprinkle thickly with cottage cheese. Cover with dressing made of three tablespoons each of beet vinegar and oil, one-fourth teaspoon salt, and one-eighth teaspoon pepper.


1 head of lettuce 3 tomatoes quartered 2 cups of half-inch cubes of bread French Dressing (see No. 338) 1 Spanish onion chopped fine 2 sliced pickles 1 cuc.u.mber sliced

Shred the leaves of the lettuce, and arrange in salad bowl on heart leaves; cover with bread cubes, sprinkle with onion, add cuc.u.mber and tomatoes, and pour French dressing over all. Garnish with pickles.


1 head lettuce 1 green pepper 4 mild onions French Dressing (see No. 338) 2 ripe tomatoes

Wash and dry lettuce, and arrange in salad bowl; peel onions, cut in very thin slices, and put on lettuce; peel and slice tomatoes, and place on onions; cut pepper in thin slices, remove seeds and veins, and place on tomatoes; cover with French dressing, and serve very cold with brown bread sandwiches.


1 can tomatoes 1/8 teaspoon soda 1/2 onion Dash of cayenne 4 cloves 1/2 bay leaf 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 box gelatine 1 teaspoon sugar 1/2 cup cold water

Cook tomatoes and seasonings for twenty minutes; soak gelatine in cold water for a few minutes; add to tomato, and stir until dissolved; press through a sieve, and fill individual molds, which have been garnished with a slice of hard-cooked egg. Serve on lettuce with any dressing preferred. A small amount of clear jelly may be made by allowing mixture to drip through a jelly bag. Put into very small molds, and use as a garnish for cold meat or salads. The pulp left in the bag will make excellent soup.

365.--VEGETABLE SALAD (Cooked)

1-1/2 cups potatoes French Dressing (see No. 338) 1 cup beets 1/4 teaspoon onion juice 3/4 cup white turnip 1 bouillon cube 1/2 cup peas

Cut potatoes, beets, and turnips into half-inch cubes, and mix with peas; dissolve bouillon cube in one tablespoon of boiling water, and add with onion juice to dressing. Arrange vegetables on any crisp salad green, and pour dressing over them.


2 cups finely cut apple 4 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons chopped mint Few grains cayenne 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 head lettuce Few gratings lemon rind

Mix the mint, lemon juice, and rind, cover, and let stand for half an hour; add oil and cayenne, and pour over apple. Serve on lettuce and garnish with sprigs of mint.


Peel and slice three bananas; pare, core, and slice four apples; arrange on lettuce, and cover with Currant Jelly Dressing (see No. 336).


Peel and bananas, cut crosswise into three pieces, roll in finely chopped peanuts, and serve on lettuce with French Dressing (see No.



1 cup cottage cheese 1/4 cup French Dressing (see No. 338) 1/2 cup peanut b.u.t.ter 1 large red apple 1/2 teaspoon salt Lettuce leaves

Mix cheese, b.u.t.ter, salt, and dressing until well blended; core apples, cut in one-third-inch slices, and cover each slice with cheese mixture forced through a rose tube; arrange on lettuce, and serve with French dressing.


Force cream cheese through potato ricer, arrange lightly on lettuce leaves, and dress with a French Dressing (see No. 338), to which two tablespoons of chili sauce have been added.


Mash a cream cheese, season with paprika and salt, moisten with cream, and beat until smooth; pack into individual paper cases, put into a tightly covered tin, and pack in equal parts of salt and ice for three hours. Serve on lettuce with French Dressing (see No. 338), and garnish with bits of currant jelly or Mock Bar-le-Duc Currants (see No. 666).


1/2 package gelatine 1 cup celery shredded 1/2 cup cold water 1/2 cup nut meats chopped 1 cup boiling water Lettuce 1/4 cup sugar 6 pimolas sliced 1/4 cup lemon juice Mayonnaise 2 cups apple chopped

Soak gelatine in cold water five minutes, add boiling water, sugar, and lemon juice; chill until it begins to stiffen; add apples, celery, and nuts; turn into individual molds, and chill. Serve on lettuce, and garnish with pimolas and mayonnaise.

Better Meals for Less Money Part 27

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