Modern Machine-Shop Practice Part 249

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The height of the line of back pressure above the atmospheric line shows the amount of back pressure.

At the point _m_, where the back pressure line rises into a curve, the valve had closed, shutting in the cylinder a portion of the exhaust steam, which is afterwards compressed by the piston.

This curve is therefore called the _compression line_ or _compression curve_. The point at which it begins cannot be clearly seen when the exhaust port is closed slowly.

The compression curve ends at _p_, where it merges into the admission line, but the exact point where the compression ends and the admission begins cannot always be located, this being the case when the port is opened slowly or the compression extends through a large portion of the stroke.

The admission line is, however, in most cases nearly vertical when the valve has lead, because the valve opens the port quickly while the engine piston is moving at its slowest.

A diagram as drawn by the indicator does not account for all the steam that is used in the cylinder, however, as will be seen from Fig. 3363, because, as the paper drum of the indicator receives its motion from the engine cross head, its length represents the length of the piston stroke, whereas, there is a part of the cylinder bore between the piston (when it is at the end of the stroke) and the cylinder cover that is filled with steam as is also the steam pa.s.sage.

This steam performs no useful work during the live steam period, but obviously expands during the expansion period, and therefore affects the expansion curve, and must be taken account of in calculating the consumption of steam, of water, or of coal from the diagram, or in marking in the true expansion curve.

In calculating the horse power, however, it may be neglected, as it does not enter into that subject.

But in any calculation involving the amount of steam used, the clearance must be marked in by a line at a right angle to the admission line and distant from the nearest point of the admission line to an amount that bears the same proportion to the whole length of the diagram as the clearance does to the whole contents of the cylinder.

The clearance line is shown at L, L', in Fig. 3363, its distance from the admission line representing the amount of clearance which includes the contents of the steam port and pa.s.sage, as well as that of the cylinder bore that is between the cylinder cover and the piston, when the latter is at the end of the stroke.

A method of measuring the amount of clearance has already been given with reference to stationary steam engines.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Fig. 3364.]

A diagram for a condensing engine is shown in Fig. 3364, which corresponds to Fig. 3363, except that the line of perfect vacuum or no pressure is marked in.

It represents a perfect vacuum, and must be marked on all diagrams from which the consumption of steam is to be calculated, because the quant.i.ty of steam used obviously includes that which is used in counter balancing the pressure of the atmosphere.

Learners often get confused on this point, hence it may be more fully explained as follows:

Suppose the engine piston to be blocked, in the middle of the cylinder, and has on one side of it a pressure of 20 lbs. of steam by steam gauge, and on the other the pressure of the atmosphere, and we might pump out the steam, thus leaving the cylinder empty on that side of the piston.

The atmosphere would then exert a pressure of about 14-1/2 lbs. per square inch on one side of the piston, and if we slowly admitted steam again, it would have to get up a pressure of 14-1/2 lbs. per square inch before the atmospheric pressure would be counterbalanced and the piston be in equilibrium.

But the steam gauge would at this time stand at zero, and not show that there was any steam in the cylinder, because the zero of the steam gauge is atmospheric pressure.

When, therefore, the steam gauge showed a pressure of 20 lbs. of steam in the cylinder, there would actually be a pressure of 34-1/2 lbs. of steam per square inch.

The clearance line and the vacuum line must both, therefore, be marked on the diagram when the quant.i.ty of steam used is to be computed from the diagram, and also when the proper or theoretical expansion curve is to be marked on the diagram.

This is clear, because in finding the expansion curve for a given volume of steam the whole of its volume must be taken into account, and this whole volume is represented by the area inclosed within the clearance line, the steam line, the expansion curve, the exhaust line, and the line of perfect vacuum, or line of no pressure.

The atmospheric line should be drawn after the diagram has been taken, and while the indicator is hot, as the expansion of the indicator affects the position of this line. It is drawn with the steam shut entirely off from the indicator, whose piston therefore has atmospheric pressure on both sides of it.

Whether the engine is condensing or non-condensing, the same amount of steam (all other things being equal) is used, the only difference being that in a condensing engine a greater portion of the steam is available for driving the piston.

If the condenser produced a perfect vacuum, the whole of the steam would be utilized in propelling the piston.

The "line of no pressure," or of perfect vacuum, is marked as far below the atmospheric line as will represent the pressure of the atmosphere, which is, at the sea level, about 14.7 lbs. per square inch when the barometer stands at 29.99 inches.


A barometer is an instrument for denoting the pressure or weight of the atmosphere, which it does by means of a column of mercury inclosed in a tube, in which there is a vacuum, which may be produced as follows:

A tube having a parallel bore and closed at one end is filled with mercury and while the finger is placed over the open end of the tube, it is turned upside down and inverted in a cup of mercury that is open to receive the pressure of the atmosphere.

The finger is then removed from the end of the tube and the mercury will fall, leaving a vacuum at its upper end.

The pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the mercury in the cup forces the mercury up the tube, because the surface of the mercury in the tube has no atmospheric pressure on it, the action being the same as that already described with reference to the principles of action of a pump.

The weight of the atmosphere is equal to the weight of that part of the column of mercury that is above the surface of the mercury in the cup, hence lines may be drawn at different heights representing the weight of the atmosphere, or of any other gas, when the column of mercury stands at the heights denoted by the respective lines.

But as mercury expands by heat, a definite degree of temperature must be taken in marking a column, to represent the weight, this temperature being 32 Fahrenheit.

Similarly, as the weight of the atmosphere varies, according to the height at which it is taken from the surface of the earth, a definite height must be taken.

The sea level is that usually taken, the mean or average atmosphere (at that level) being 14.7 lbs. per square inch.

For higher alt.i.tudes, the mean atmospheric pressure in lbs. per square inch may be found by multiplying the alt.i.tude or height above sea level by .00053, and subtracting the product from 14.7.

Each pound on the square inch is represented by a height of 2.036 inches of mercury, hence the height of a column of mercury at a temperature of 32 that will balance the mean weight of the atmosphere is 29.92 inches, and to avoid fractions, it is usual (for purposes not requiring to be very exact) to say that the atmospheric pressure at sea level is represented by 30 inches of mercury.

The atmospheric pressure is also, to avoid using fractions, taken roughly at 15 lbs. per square inch at sea level.

Each 2 inches of mercury will, under these conditions, represent 1 lb.

of pressure.

Vacuum gauges are based upon the same principles and subject to the same variations as to alt.i.tude as mercury gauges or the barometer.

To find the absolute pressure, or pressure above zero, or a perfect vacuum, we may add the pressure of the boiler steam gauge to that shown by the mercury gauge or barometer.

In Fig. 3364 the line of no pressure is marked at 15 lbs. per square inch below the atmospheric line of the diagram, the atmospheric pressure being for convenience taken as 15 lbs. above a perfect vacuum.

The line of no pressure serves as a guide in showing the effectiveness of the condenser, as well as for computing the volume of steam used, but is not necessary in computing the horse power of a non-condensing engine, because the gauge pressure has its zero marked to correspond with the atmospheric pressure.

In computing the consumption of steam or water from the diagram, therefore, both the clearance line and the line of no pressure must be marked on the diagram, and lines of the diagram extended so as to include them, thus accounting for all the steam that leaves the steam chest from the piston stroke.

Indicator springs are varied in strength to suit the pressure of steam they are to be used for.

The scale of the spring is the number of lbs. pressure per square inch represented by a vertical motion of the pencil; thus, a 40 lb. spring is one in which a pressure of steam of 40 lbs. per square inch would cause the piston to rise an inch above the atmospheric line of the diagram.

The strength or tension of the spring is so adjusted as to cause the diagram to be about 2-1/2 inches high, let the steam pressure be what it may. The following are the scales of springs of the Thompson and Tabor indicator.


Scale of Used for pressure above atmosphere spring. if not more than

15 lbs. 21 lbs. per square inch.

20 " 38 " " " "

Modern Machine-Shop Practice Part 249

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Modern Machine-Shop Practice Part 249 summary

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